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hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone

Shell 0.49% CMake 6.70% C++ 79.84% Dockerfile 0.04% Makefile 4.02% C 1.57% Python 5.06% EmberScript 0.54% Cuda 1.26% CSS 0.40% HTML 0.02% Fortran 0.04%

fast-drone-250's People


panneng-zju avatar


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fast-drone-250's Issues


1 视频中飞控和相机有一个90度的差值,但是在我的飞机上二者都朝前,请问这种情况下旋转矩阵应该怎么写?
2 我有学习到旋转矩阵计算方法,但是我不清楚imu和相机的坐标系朝向(网上也众说纷纭),请问可以告知一下吗
3 我想确认一下 齐次变换矩阵的最后一列的xyz是以imu为原点前x左y右z来计算相机的位置吗
这真的很困扰我 期待您的解答

Using ZED camera instead of D435

Hi @ZhepeiWang Hope you are doing well I want to use ZED camera instead of d435, As i am able to run it with D435 i want know what parameters i need to change apart from depth topic and intrinsic values.
Do i need to change something over here

<!-- depth filter -->
<param name="grid_map/use_depth_filter" value="true"/>
<param name="grid_map/depth_filter_tolerance" value="0.15"/>
<param name="grid_map/depth_filter_maxdist" value="5.0"/>
<param name="grid_map/depth_filter_mindist" value="0.2"/>
<param name="grid_map/depth_filter_margin" value="2"/>
<param name="grid_map/k_depth_scaling_factor" value="1000.0"/>
<param name="grid_map/skip_pixel" value="2"/>


VScode:sudo dpkg --i ***.deb -> VScode:sudo dpkg -i ***.deb
rosrun plotjuggler plotjugller -> rosrun plotjuggler plotjuggler


Use your own map

How do I build and use my own grid map for simulation in this code?

CUAV X7+飞控

您好,买了purchase_list里边链接的x7飞控,买到才发现其实是x7+。烧不进去给的固件,请问用px4 v1.12.3以后的固件可以吗?有哪里要修改的吗?

跑 sh shfiles/rspx4.sh时候,请问这个opencv的问题怎么解决

erminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.2.0) /home/wya/opencv4/opencv/modules/video/src/lkpyramid.cpp:1257: error: (-215:Assertion failed) maxLevel >= 0 && winSize.width > 2 && winSize.height > 2 in function 'calc'

[vins_fusion-1] process has died [pid 24975, exit code -6, cmd /home/wya/fastdrone/ego-planner-pure/devel/lib/vins/vins_node /home/wya/fastdrone/ego-planner-pure/src/realflight_modules/VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/../config/fast_drone_250.yaml __name:=vins_fusion __log:=/home/wya/.ros/log/8a6bf5de-c968-11ed-b007-eb26846a03d9/vins_fusion-1.log].
log file: /home/wya/.ros/log/8a6bf5de-c968-11ed-b007-eb26846a03d9/vins_fusion-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

Few Questions regarding the setup

First thank you very much for providing all these information! It is very helpful for students and researchers.
I have few question

  1. Can you tell us please what are the characteristics of the tri-blades you are using? I cannot find it in the shopping list - or I missed it ...
  2. From what I can see the total weight of the drone fully assembled should be around 1.7/1.8 kg probably. I am wondering what is the thrust delivered by the T-motor KV 2550 at 50%/ 60% throttle ? I tried to find out on Internet but cannot... and the related question is about the autonomy - is it around 5 mn or more?
  3. You are not mentioning what kind of geometric controller are you using? Can you tell us more about it?
  4. As you are using PX4 and dynamic trajectories, it is pretty important to have the "PX4 rate controller" pretty well tuned. is it possible for you to share your params file ?

Thanks again for all the fantastic open you are sharing with the community


第十章 - VINS外参精确自标定
rostopic echo /vins_estimator/imu_propagate -> rostopic echo /vins_fusion/imu_propagate
(还有一处在 第十一章 - 自动起飞)

第十一章 - Ego-Planner实验
roslaunch ego-planner single_run_in_exp.launch -> roslaunch ego_planner single_run_in_exp.launch





大佬您好,想请教一下关于机载处理器功率的问题 Some questions about onboard processer power

您好,想请教一下,平台使用Manifold 2C运行vins Fusion和ego planner或ego swarm时,有几个问题

  1. 平台供电问题,我看manifold是15.2-27v宽压输入的,但是平台使用的是4s电池,处理器是怎么供电的呢,是通过电池直接供电还是通过稳压器,如果功率太大导致电压降到15.2v以下会不会导致处理器断电,问这个问题主要是想知道大佬你们是怎么平衡性能、功率和供电的。
  2. 功率问题,处理器电源管理是否需要开到performance状态呢,我看高飞老师在ego planner里建议采用performance状态去保证系统不降频,但这样运行会导致处理器功率很高,如果电池容量只有2300mah,运行demo时,大佬你们一般能飞多久啊。
  3. 现在manifold 2c停产了,nx的性能也不是那么理想,大佬你们有意向替换处理器么?


另一个问题是关于Xavier NX,官方套件就是核心板+底板,那么还需要再购买表中的NX载板吗?是否有什么不同?

Drone detect id=1 instead =0

In this drone detect launch make reference to ID=1 but every other launch refer ID as 0, is that right?

<!-- <remap from="~drone0" to="/drone_0_$(arg odom_topic)"/>
<remap from="~drone1" to="/drone_1_$(arg odom_topic)"/>
<remap from="~drone2" to="/drone_2_$(arg odom_topic)"/> -->

<!-- <remap from="~drone1" to="/test/dynamic0_odom"/> -->
<!-- <remap from="~drone2" to="/test/dynamic1_odom"/> -->


您好!我一直都在关注你们组。首先非常感谢您能够开源自主无人机,可以预见到一定能够带动国内专业领域的发展。我在NUC上配置ego-planner这一步时,按照你们给的命令,编译完成,并且执行了source devel/setup.bash
在执行roslaunch ego_planner sing_run_in_sim.launch时报错:

RLException: [sing_run_in_sim.launch] is neither a launch file in package [ego_planner] nor is [ego_planner] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file.


PX4 Cntrl

@bigsuperZZZX @ZhepeiWang As you can see over here #33 (comment)
I want to know if we are using VIO then why we need mavros/imu/data as far i know that mavros/imu/data gives us acc,gyro and orientation and where as /mavros/imu/data_raw we only get acc and gyro.
If you are flying over VIO, why do you need the magnetometer?



CMake Error at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/realsense2/realsense2Config.cmake:11 (message): File or directory //include referenced by variable realsense2_INCLUDE_DIR does not exist !


-- +++ processing catkin package: 'odom_visualization'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(uav_simulator/odom_visualization)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'local_sensing_node'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(uav_simulator/local_sensing)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:166 (message):
  catkin_package() DEPENDS on 'Eigen' but neither 'Eigen_INCLUDE_DIRS' nor
  'Eigen_LIBRARIES' is defined.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:102 (_catkin_package)
  uav_simulator/local_sensing/CMakeLists.txt:72 (catkin_package)

-- +++ processing catkin package: 'mockamap'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(uav_simulator/mockamap)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'realsense2_camera'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(realflight_modules/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
CMake Error at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/realsense2/realsense2Config.cmake:11 (message):
  File or directory //include referenced by variable realsense2_INCLUDE_DIR
  does not exist !
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/realsense2/realsense2Config.cmake:33 (set_and_check)
  realflight_modules/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera/CMakeLists.txt:44 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/tan/文档/Fast-Drone-250-master/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/tan/文档/Fast-Drone-250-master/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

English Version

Hi , is there any possibility of publishing an English version as well ?


pixhawk4 no longer available

thank you very much for sharing this amazing project (and years of research) with the community
I see that pixhawk4 is sold out almost everywhere so I am wondering if there is any issue with the latest version of pixhawk 6C or CUAV? Indeed in this case, one have to use a difference release of PX4 such px4 fmu v6 for instance

PX4 Cntrl changes

Hi, I hope you are doing well as i can see here @

nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Imu>("/mavros/imu/data", // Note: do NOT change it to /mavros/imu/data_raw !!!
why we cant use /mavros/imu/data_raw. As what i know difference between these two is one gives you orientation and one doesn't as we have already switched off the magnetometer why we are using it.
Thank you

Few questions about the firmware release and Pixhawk orientation

Dear All,

As mentioned in a previous message, instead of a pixhawk 4 mini (no more available), I had to purchase a Pixhawk 6x mini.
In your READ.ME you mentioned that we have to use the v1.11.0 but this version does not support the Pixhawk 6x (starting with v1.12.0). So the question is can you tell us why the v1.13 is not suitable, and is it still not suitable with the new hardware?

Regarding the assembling, we have to set up the pixhawk "perpendicular" to the front face of the drone. Why do we have to do this? Because of VINS? Because when we are testing the drone with the pixhawk only and the AT9S PRO, if the pilot wants to go forward, the drone will move sideway
fast drone

Thank you very much for answering the question and helping us to reproduce what you do in your lab!




  1. gyroscope bias initial calibration -0.00056661 0.00100545 -0.000996476

About installing libcxsparse3.1.2

I try to follow the instructions to prepare for the environment. However, I found that libcxsparse3.1.2 doesn't exist (or cann't locate). So I changed to run sudo apt install libcxsparse3 and it works. Maybe this can help someone.


src/realflight_modules/px4ctrl/src/input.cpp 113 行
bool RC_Data_t::check_centered()
bool centered = abs(ch[0]) < 1e-5 && abs(ch[0]) < 1e-5 && abs(ch[0]) < 1e-5 && abs(ch[0]) < 1e-5;
return centered;






sh 一段时间后出现wait for imu


.用rostopic hz /mavros/imu/data_raw 检查频率为190hz(刚刚开始时会从150hz逐渐上升)。拿起飞机来回走的过程中会出现wait for imu



自动起飞报错:[px4ctrl] Reject AUTO_TAKEOFF. If you have your RC connected, keep its switches at "auto hover" and "command control" states, and all sticks at the center, then takeoff again.



Cube Orange

As your uploaded firmware i am unable to flash because its not for cube..Do you guys made some changes in the firmware parameters or i can just flash 1.11 default ones.

If you guys have changed some parameter please do mention.



关于hover percentage的print value的问题

视频中提到可以通过修改ctrl_param_fpv.yaml文件中的thrust_model:print value设置为true来打印hover percentage,但是在实际使用中开启了以后,并没有在实际的终端界面中看见这个参数的打印,只能在开始时看见一个ROS_WARN("You should disable "print_value" if you are in regular usage.");

运行roslaunch vins fast_drone_250.launch时报错

运行roslaunch vins fast_drone_250.launch时报错
环境:JetsonXavierNX Ubuntu18
步骤:VINS外参精确自标定:sh shfiles/

ego planner die when launched

roslaunch ego_planner single_run_in_exp.launch
... logging to /home/oem/.ros/log/9f347834-aeb9-11ed-927f-9304ded37c71/roslaunch-ihexa-53043.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ihexa:42275/



  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/bspline/limit_acc: 2.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/bspline/limit_ratio: 1.1
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/bspline/limit_vel: 0.25
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/emergency_time: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/fail_safe: True
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/flight_type: 1
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/planning_horizon: 6.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/planning_horizon_time: 3.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/realworld_experiment: True
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/thresh_no_replan_meter: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/thresh_replan_time: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint0_x: 15.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint0_y: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint0_z: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint1_x: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint1_y: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint1_z: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint2_x: 15.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint2_y: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint2_z: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint3_x: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint3_y: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint3_z: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint4_x: 15.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint4_y: 0.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint4_z: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/fsm/waypoint_num: 1
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/cx: 162.2635345458984
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/cy: 117.3401031494141
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/depth_filter_margin: 2
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/depth_filter_maxdist: 5.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/depth_filter_mindist: 0.2
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/depth_filter_tolerance: 0.15
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/frame_id: world
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/fx: 307.8522033691406
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/fy: 310.60693359375
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/ground_height: -0.01
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/k_depth_scaling_factor: 1000.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/local_map_margin: 10
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/local_update_range_x: 5.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/local_update_range_y: 5.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/local_update_range_z: 4.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/map_size_x: 50
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/map_size_y: 50
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/map_size_z: 5.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/max_ray_length: 5.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/min_ray_length: 0.3
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/obstacles_inflation: 0.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/p_hit: 0.65
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/p_max: 0.9
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/p_min: 0.12
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/p_miss: 0.35
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/p_occ: 0.8
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/pose_type: 2
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/resolution: 0.2
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/show_occ_time: False
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/skip_pixel: 2
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/use_depth_filter: True
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/grid_map/visualization_truncate_height: 1.8
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/control_points_distance: 0.4
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/drone_id: 0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/feasibility_tolerance: 0.05
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/max_acc: 2.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/max_jerk: 4.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/max_vel: 0.25
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/planning_horizon: 6.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/manager/use_distinctive_trajs: False
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/dist0: 0.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/lambda_collision: 0.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/lambda_feasibility: 0.1
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/lambda_fitness: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/lambda_smooth: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/max_acc: 2.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/max_vel: 0.25
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/optimization/swarm_clearance: 0.5
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/prediction/lambda: 1.0
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/prediction/obj_num: 10
  • /drone_0_ego_planner_node/prediction/predict_rate: 1.0
  • /drone_0_traj_server/traj_server/time_forward: 1.0
  • /rosdistro: noetic
  • /rosversion: 1.15.15

drone_0_ego_planner_node (ego_planner/ego_planner_node)
drone_0_traj_server (ego_planner/traj_server)


process[drone_0_ego_planner_node-1]: started with pid [53178]
process[drone_0_traj_server-2]: started with pid [53179]
hit: 0.619039
miss: -0.619039
min log: -1.99243
max: 2.19722
thresh log: 1.38629
[ WARN] [1676641698.037088225]: [Traj server]: ready.
[drone_0_ego_planner_node-1] process has died [pid 53178, exit code -11, cmd /home/oem/ihexa_ws/devel/lib/ego_planner/ego_planner_node ~odom_world:=/vins_fusion/imu_propagate ~planning/bspline:=/drone_0_planning/bspline ~planning/data_display:=/drone_0_planning/data_display ~planning/broadcast_bspline_from_planner:=/broadcast_bspline ~planning/broadcast_bspline_to_planner:=/broadcast_bspline ~grid_map/odom:=/vins_fusion/imu_propagate ~grid_map/cloud:=nouse2 ~grid_map/pose:=nouse1 ~grid_map/depth:=/camera/depth/image_rect_raw __name:=drone_0_ego_planner_node __log:=/home/oem/.ros/log/9f347834-aeb9-11ed-927f-9304ded37c71/drone_0_ego_planner_node-1.log].
log file: /home/oem/.ros/log/9f347834-aeb9-11ed-927f-9304ded37c71/drone_0_ego_planner_node-1*.log
^C[drone_0_traj_server-2] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

agx xavier运行ego_planner出现问题

很感激fastlab团队做出的贡献,最近也在结合你们的视频教程弄自己的东西,我用的是jetson AGX Xavier,CUAV V5+固件版本1.11,vins-fusion替换成了vins-fusion-gpu版本,运行时GPU有20%多的使用率。问题出现在运行vins之后再运行ego_planner,终端会出现报错
[drone_0_ego_planner_node-2] process has died [pid 935, exit code -11, cmd /home/hyy/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ego_planner/ego_planner_node ~odom_world:=/vins_fusion/imu_propagate ~planning/bspline:=/drone_0_planning/bspline ~planning/data_display:=/drone_0_planning/data_display ~planning/broadcast_bspline_from_planner:=/broadcast_bspline ~planning/broadcast_bspline_to_planner:=/broadcast_bspline ~grid_map/odom:=/vins_fusion/imu_propagate ~grid_map/cloud:=nouse2 ~grid_map/pose:=nouse1 ~grid_map/depth:=/camera/depth/image_rect_raw __name:=drone_0_ego_planner_node __log:=/home/hyy/.ros/log/aacab844-ce0c-11ed-89c8-3413e862af5c/drone_0_ego_planner_node-2.log].
log file: /home/hyy/.ros/log/aacab844-ce0c-11ed-89c8-3413e862af5c/drone_0_ego_planner_node-2*.log

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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