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pixloc's Introduction

Camera Localization from Pixels to Pose

We introduce PixLoc, a neural network that localizes a given image via direct feature alignment with a 3D model of the environment. PixLoc is trained end-to-end and is interpretable, accurate, and generalizes to new scenes and across domains, e.g. from outdoors to indoors. It is described in our paper:


PixLoc is built with Python >=3.6 and PyTorch. The package pixloc includes code for both training and evaluation. Installing the package locally also installs the minimal dependencies listed in requirements.txt:

git clone
cd pixloc/
pip install -e .

Generating visualizations and animations requires extra dependencies that can be installed with:

pip install -e .[extra]

Paths to the datasets and to training and evaluation outputs are defined in pixloc/ The default structure is as follows:

├── datasets     # public datasets
└── outputs
    ├── training # checkpoints and training logs
    ├── hloc     # 3D models and retrieval for localization
    └── results  # outputs of the evaluation



Have a look at the Jupyter notebook demo.ipynb to localize an image and animate the predictions in 2D and 3D. This requires downloading the pre-trained weights and the data for either the Aachen Day-Night or Extended CMU Seasons datasets using:

python -m --select checkpoints Aachen CMU --CMU_slices 2

3D viewer in the demo notebook.

3D animations

You can also check out our cool 3D viewer by launching the webserver with python3 viewer/ and visiting http://localhost:8000/viewer/viewer.html

Prediction confidences

The notebook visualize_confidences.ipynb shows how to visualize the confidences of the predictions over image sequences and turn them into videos.


The codebase can evaluate PixLoc on the following datasets: 7Scenes, Cambridge Landmarks, Aachen Day-Night, Extended CMU Seasons, and RobotCar Seasons. Running the evaluation requires to download the following assets:

  • The given dataset;
  • Sparse 3D Structure-from-Motion point clouds and results of the image retrieval, both generated with our toolbox hloc and hosted here;
  • Weights of the model trained on CMU or MegaDepth, hosted here.

We provide a convenient script to download all assets for one or multiple datasets using:

python -m --select [7Scenes|Cambridge|Aachen|CMU|RobotCar|checkpoints]

(see --help for additional arguments like --CMU_slices)


To perform the localization on all queries of one of the supported datasets, simply launch the corresponding run script:

python -m pixloc.run_[7Scenes|Cambridge|Aachen|CMU|RobotCar]  # choose one

Optional flags:

  • --results path_to_output_poses defaults to outputs/results/pixloc_[dataset_name].txt
  • --from_poses to refine the poses estimated by hloc rather than starting from reference poses
  • --inlier_ranking to run the oracle baseline using inliers counts of hloc
  • --scenes to select a subset of the scenes of the 7Scenes and Cambridge Landmarks datasets
  • any configuration entry can be overwritten from the command line thanks to OmegaConf. For example, to increase the number of reference images, add refinement.num_dbs=5.

This displays the evaluation metrics for 7Scenes and Cambridge, while the other datasets require uploading the poses to the evaluation server hosted at


Data preparation

[Click to expand]

The 3D point clouds, camera poses, and intrinsic parameters are preprocessed together to allow for fast data loading during training. These files are generated using the scripts pixloc/pixlib/preprocess_[cmu|megadepth].py. Such data is also hosted here and can be download via:

python -m --select CMU MegaDepth --training

This also downloads the training split of the CMU dataset. The undistorted MegaDepth data (images) can be downloaded from the D2-Net repository.

Training experiment

[Click to expand]

The training framework and detailed usage instructions are described at pixloc/pixlib/. The training experiments are defined by configuration files for which examples are given at pixloc/pixlib/configs/. For example, the following command trains PixLoc on the CMU dataset:

python -m pixloc.pixlib.train pixloc_cmu_reproduce \
		--conf pixloc/pixlib/configs/train_pixloc_cmu.yaml
  • To track the loss and evaluation metrics throughout training, we use Tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir outputs/training/

Once the validation loss has saturated (around 20k-40k iterations), the training can be interrupted with Ctrl+C. All training experiments were conducted with a single RTX 2080 Ti NVIDIA GPU, but the code supports multi-GPU training for faster convergence.

  • To investigate the two-view predictions on the validation splits, check out the notebooks training_CMU.ipynb and training_MegaDepth.ipynb.

  • To evaluate the localization using a newly trained model, simply add the name of your training experiment to the evaluation command, such as:

python -m experiment=experiment_name

Running PixLoc on your own data

[Click to expand]
  1. Localizing requires calibrated and posed reference images as well as calibrated query images.
  2. We also need a sparse SfM point clouds and a list of image pairs obtained with image retrieval. You can easily generate them using our toolbox hloc.
  3. Taking the pixloc/ as a template, we can copy the file structure of the Aachen dataset and/or adjust the variable default_paths, which stores local subpaths from DATA_PATH and LOC_PATH (defined in pixloc/

Extending PixLoc

[Click to expand]



[Click to expand]

We provide in viewer/ a simple web-based visualizer built with three.js. Quantities of interest (3D points, 2D projections, camera trajectories) are first written to a JSON file and then loaded in the front-end. The trajectory can be animated and individual frames captured to generate a video.

Geometry objects

[Click to expand]

We provide in pixloc/pixlib/geometry/ PyTorch objects for representing SE(3) Poses and Camera models with lens distortion. With a torch.Tensor-like interface, these objects support batching, GPU computation, backpropagation, and operations over 3D and 2D points:

from pixloc.pixlib.geometry import Pose, Camera
R    # rotation matrix with shape (B,3,3)
t    # translation vector with shape (B,3)
p3D  # 3D points with shape (B,N,3)

T_w2c = Pose.from_Rt(R, t)
T_w2c = T_w2c.cuda()   # behaves like a torch.Tensor
p3D_c = T_w2c * p3D    # transform points
T_A2C = T_B2C @ T_A2B  # chain Pose objects

cam1 = Camera.from_colmap(dict)     # from a COLMAP dict
cam = torch.stack([cam1, cam2])     # batch Camera objects
p2D, mask = cam.world2image(p3D_c)  # project and undistort
J, mask = cam.J_world2image(p3D_c)  # Jacobian of the projection

Implementation of GN-Net

[Click to expand]

We provide in pixloc/pixlib/models/ a clean implementation of the Gauss-Newton Network introduced by Von Stumberg et al., along with a configuration file to train it on CMU. At inference time, we can run pose estimation with our classical LM optimizer.


Since the publication of the paper, we have substantially refactored the codebase, with many usability improvements and updated dependencies. As a consequence, the results of the evaluation and training might slightly deviate from (and often improve over) the original numbers found in our CVPR 2021 paper. If you are writing a paper, for consistency with the literature, please report the original numbers. If you are building on top of this codebase, consider reporting the latest numbers for fairness.

BibTex Citation

Please consider citing our work if you use any of the ideas presented the paper or code from this repo:

  author    = {Paul-Edouard Sarlin and
               Ajaykumar Unagar and
               Måns Larsson and
               Hugo Germain and
               Carl Toft and
               Victor Larsson and
               Marc Pollefeys and
               Vincent Lepetit and
               Lars Hammarstrand and
               Fredrik Kahl and
               Torsten Sattler},
  title     = {{Back to the Feature: Learning Robust Camera Localization from Pixels to Pose}},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year      = {2021},

Logo font by Cyril Bourreau.

pixloc's People


fulkast avatar jmorlana avatar melhashash avatar sarlinpe avatar skydes avatar


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pixloc's Issues

NAN appear during training

After 21850 training iterates, I got NAN in UNet extracted features.
Could you give any advice that where of the source code should I look into?

Can the feature points in pixloc be used in mapping?

Hello, I am a graduate student in the field of slam, and I am working on my graduation project. First of all, thank you for making such a great work open source. Pixloc is designed for relocation. Can the feature points be used in mapping? Have you evaluated it on Hpatches?Compared with deep learning feature points such as SuperPoint, R2D2, Disk, etc., what is the mapping error?
Another question is that in your paper, the sfm model of superpoint+superGlue is used to generate the point cloud. If use the feature points in pixloc or take a step back, the sparse point cloud generated by the orb feature points in orbslam is completely infeasible, or will it only reduce the limited accuracy?

Some questions about trainning

Hello, first of all about your work I think very excellent. I was recently reproducing your work when I was training the dataset megadepth on the server. I found that I always failed to achieve the results of your training logs. I just changed the batch_size=6,num_workers=8 to batch_size=12,num_workers=12. This makes me very confused and I hope I can get your answer. With best regards.

Using sfm model on 7scenes without depth

Hi, Thanks for your sharing work. I noticed that the demo on 7scenes need the reference_sfm model "sfm_superpoint+superglue+depth". But I cannot download the rendered 7scenes depth images and only have the sfm model builded from RGB images. Can I use such reference sfm model directly on the pre-trained model?

Missing Documentation

Repository is missing documentation. When is the documentation planned to be available on git?

Different results on Evaluation with the same pretrained model

Dear Author,

Sorry to bother you.

I have download the dataset and checkpoints with command python -m --select [dataset name] checkpoints . Then, I try to evaluate the datasets with python -m pixloc.run_[7Scenes|Cambridge|Aachen|CMU|RobotCar] (without --from pose) and got the results. However, it shows different results from the paper. The results are as followed:


Chess Fire Heads Office Pumpkin Kitchen Stairs
Pixloc_author 2.8/0.95 2.4/0.95 1.1/0.83 3.5/1.04 5.2/1.46 4.5/1.48 6.9/1.71
Pixloc_reproduce 2.7/0.95 2.3/0.95 1.1/0.82 3.6/1.04 5.1/1.43 4.5/1.48 7.0/1.61
Paper 2/0.8 2/0.73 1/0.82 3/0.82 4/1.21 3/1.2 5/1.3

Pixloc_author means use the original checkpoint_best.tar, and Pixloc_reproduce uses the reproduced model (running for 18 epoch by myself).

It is interesting to note, for Pixloc_author and Pixloc_reproduce, the results are different from the paper, but similar to each others.


Court King’s Hospital Shop St. Mary’s
Pixloc_author 41.2/0.17 16.7/0.26 50.8/0.83 5.5/0.21 14.3/0.35
Pixloc_reproduce 37.7/0.15 16.3/0.25 45.9/0.66 5.5/0.21 14.0/0.37
Paper 30/0.12 14/0.24 16/0.32 5/0.23 10.0/0.34

Also different from the original results.



Note that, the results are similar to the issue #24




See, the results also are similar to issue #20 .

My Torch version == 1.7.1 and Numpy == 1.21.2. It's worth to note that when using the model trained by myself or author's model , it will got similar results (see 7Scenes) but different from the paper listed results. I'm also eager to know what went wrong, and if you could help me, I'd appreciate it.

By the way, I will use reproduced model to test Cambridge, Aachen and CMU. To find if it's still the same as the best model that you provide, but different from the paper's results.

can not change the encoder of UNet

Hi, Thanks for your amazing work.
When retraining the model,I changed the encoder of UNet from vgg to resnet,the following error occurred.What is the reason?How to solve it?

Error in the demo notebook: add_prefixes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'eval_dir'

When trying to run the demo notebook, the following error appears:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_37/ in <module>
      9 print(f'default paths:\n{pformat(default_paths.asdict())}')
---> 10 paths = default_paths.add_prefixes(DATA_PATH/dataset, LOC_PATH/dataset)
     12 conf = default_confs['from_retrieval']

TypeError: add_prefixes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'eval_dir'

Indeed, the call to add_prefixes seems to be missing a parameter:

paths = default_paths.add_prefixes(DATA_PATH/dataset, LOC_PATH/dataset)

Got NAN value in training process by the same command in this code

Sorry to bother. I download Undistorted_megadepth datasets, and used this command "python -m pixloc.pixlib.train pixloc_megadepth_reproduce --conf pixloc/pixlib/configs/train_pixloc_megadepth.yaml". When in process, I got NAN as follows:

Evaluation: 97%|#########7| 99/102 [00:21<00:00, 5.18it/s]

Evaluation: 98%|#########8| 100/102 [00:21<00:00, 5.18it/s]

Evaluation: 99%|#########9| 101/102 [00:22<00:00, 4.92it/s]

Evaluation: 100%|##########| 102/102 [00:22<00:00, 4.60it/s]

[11/26/2021 01:22:48 pixloc INFO] [Validation] {R_error/0 3.900E+00, t_error/0 1.549E-01, R_error/1 4.264E+00, t_error/1 1.560E-01, R_error/2 3.748E+00, t_error/2 1.468E-01, R_error 3.748E+00, R_error_median 4.480E+00, t_error 1.468E-01, t_error_median 1.756E-01, R_error/init 1.718E+00, t_error/init 1.331E-01, loss/total 1.939E+01, loss/reprojection_error/0 3.426E+01, loss/reprojection_error/1 3.524E+01, loss/reprojection_error/2 2.786E+01, loss/reprojection_error 2.786E+01, loss/reprojection_error_median 3.192E+01, loss/reprojection_error/init 1.634E+01, loss/reprojection_error/init_median 1.069E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:23:24 pixloc.pixlib.models.two_view_refiner WARNING] Few points in batch [('0035', 472, 741)]

[11/26/2021 01:23:31 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 550] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 1.343E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:24:15 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 600] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 1.996E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:24:28 pixloc.pixlib.models.two_view_refiner WARNING] Few points in batch [('1017', 962, 1173)]

[11/26/2021 01:24:58 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 650] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 2.845E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:25:41 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 700] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 1.092E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:26:13 pixloc.pixlib.models.two_view_refiner WARNING] Few points in batch [('0348', 167, 168)]

[11/26/2021 01:26:24 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 750] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 8.301E+00}

[11/26/2021 01:27:08 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 800] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 2.569E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:27:19 pixloc.pixlib.models.two_view_refiner WARNING] Few points in batch [('5009', 168, 165)]

[11/26/2021 01:27:51 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 850] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 2.809E+01}

[11/26/2021 01:28:23 pixloc.pixlib.models.two_view_refiner WARNING] Few points in batch [('5005', 140, 136)]

[11/26/2021 01:28:34 pixloc INFO] [E 3 | it 900] loss {total NAN, reprojection_error/0 NAN, reprojection_error/1 NAN, reprojection_error/2 NAN, reprojection_error NAN, reprojection_error/init 8.891E+00}

It occurred in epoch 3, but when I try another the same command, it occurred in epoch 1 iteration 1180.

I just want to reproduce your results and haven't change any parameters, just the same as you post. I wondered is there something I ignored or something going wrong? My pytorch version is 1.7.1, Numpy 1.21.2.

Thank you so much.

Reproducing Results on the Benchmark

Hi @skydes

Thank you for sharing your implementation and the tools surrounding this localization framework!

I have been trying to reproduce the results of hloc + pixloc on the visual localization benchmark for the Extended CMU dataset. However, I haven't been able to get results close to the values seen on the linked benchmark. The values I'm currently getting are:
Untitled presentation (2)

Locally, I've downloaded the pixloc_cmu pre-trained weights hosted here, and I'm running the following command:
python -m pixloc.run_CMU --from_poses
Which after hours of running terminates with the message (truncated):
[11/25/2021 00:32:21 pixloc INFO] Finished evaluating all slices, you can now submit the file /home/frank/github/pixloc/outputs/results/pixloc_CMU_slice2-3-4-5-6-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21.txt to
I'm assuming that --from_poses runs the evaluation using hloc poses as a start, is this correct? Also, do you have any pointers on what I must be doing wrong?

About colmap's scale proplem

Hi, thanks for you amazing work!!
I saw that when using the Cambridge dataset, the camera pose and point cloud are obtained from colmap, while the cambridge dataset was originally obtained from visualSFM. I compared the two files and found that the camera pose is not consistent.
Whether there will be a scale that will lead to inaccurate evaluation results?

when run "python3 -m pixloc.run_Aachen --from_poses" meet an error!!!

hello,@skydes ,When I run Aachen according to the steps you mentioned, I encountered an error as shown below. Can you help me solve it? thank you!!!

caochengyang@caochengyang-Lenovo-Legion-R9000P2021H:~/pixloc$ python3 -m pixloc.run_Aachen --from_poses
[12/02/2021 10:54:15 pixloc INFO] Parsed configuration:
experiment: pixloc_megadepth
resize: 1600
num_iters: 50
pad: 1
num_dbs: 5
min_points_opt: 100
point_selection: inliers
normalize_descriptors: true
average_observations: true

  • 0
  • 1

[12/02/2021 10:54:15 pixloc.localization.model3d INFO] Reading COLMAP model /home/caochengyang/pixloc/outputs/hloc/Aachen/sfm_superpoint+superglue.
[12/02/2021 10:54:27 INFO] Imported 824 images from day_time_queries_with_intrinsics.txt
[12/02/2021 10:54:27 INFO] Imported 98 images from night_time_queries_with_intrinsics.txt
[12/02/2021 10:54:27 pixloc.pixlib.utils.experiments INFO] Loading checkpoint checkpoint_best.tar
[12/02/2021 10:54:32 pixloc.localization.localizer INFO] Reading hloc logs...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 87, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/home/caochengyang/pixloc/pixloc/", line 77, in
File "/home/caochengyang/pixloc/pixloc/", line 66, in main
localizer = PoseLocalizer(paths, conf)
File "/home/caochengyang/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 145, in init
with open(paths.log_path, 'rb') as f:
AttributeError: 'Paths' object has no attribute 'log_path'

What does "an oracle which returns the reference image...... inlier matches found by hloc" mean?

There is a sentence in your paper, "an oracle which returns the reference image containing the largest number of inlier matches found by hloc."
This sentence is from Section 5.1,I don't understand its specific steps. Could you teach me its implementation?
"This oracle shows the benefits of better image retrieval using a more complex pipeline without ground truth information."
However, hloc use NetVLAD top 50 for image retrieval?

Example of Training data

Hi Thanks a lot for releasing your project. This is a very intriguing work. I am wondering if you could provide a small-size example training dataset, just for understanding the code? The CMU dataset is too large, and very slow to be downloaded. Thanks a lot.

AssertionError: distributed_lock_0 not exists,

zhoulw@zhoulw-Super-Server:~/pixloc$ python3 pixloc/pixlib/ pixloc_cmu_reproduce --conf pixloc/pixlib/configs/train_pixloc_cmu.yaml --restore true --distributed true
[11/17/2021 14:27:40 pixloc INFO] Starting experiment pixloc_cmu_reproduce
[11/17/2021 14:27:41 pixloc INFO] Restoring from previous training of pixloc_cmu_reproduce
[11/17/2021 14:27:41 pixloc INFO] Restoring from checkpoint checkpoint_64.tar
[11/17/2021 14:27:41 pixloc INFO] Restoring from previous training of pixloc_cmu_reproduce
[11/17/2021 14:27:41 pixloc INFO] Restoring from checkpoint checkpoint_64.tar
[11/17/2021 14:27:41 pixloc INFO] Training in distributed mode with 2 GPUs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pixloc/pixlib/", line 384, in
File "/home/zhoulw/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 230, in spawn
return start_processes(fn, args, nprocs, join, daemon, start_method='spawn')
File "/home/zhoulw/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 188, in start_processes
while not context.join():
File "/home/zhoulw/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 150, in join
raise ProcessRaisedException(msg, error_index,

-- Process 1 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zhoulw/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 59, in _wrap
fn(i, *args)
File "/home/zhoulw/pixloc/pixloc/pixlib/", line 357, in main_worker
training(rank, conf, output_dir, args)
File "/home/zhoulw/pixloc/pixloc/pixlib/", line 152, in training
assert not Path(lock).exists(), lock
AssertionError: /home/zhoulw/pixloc/distributed_lock_0

when retrain the model by two GPUs , get the error like above , would you give some advice ?thank you

Dead lock after torch.distributed.all_reduce

HI Skydes,

I got dead lock in 'loss.backward' after 'torch.distributed.all_reduce' after 3 steps training.
I do not understand these source code, could you help me to understand this part?
I think the 'loss.requires_grad' is always 'True', will it turn to 0 after all_reduce?
Thanks in advance.

do_backward = loss.requires_grad
if args.distributed:
do_backward = torch.tensor(do_backward).float().to(device)
do_backward, torch.distributed.ReduceOp.PRODUCT)
do_backward = do_backward > 0
if do_backward:

Here is the NCCL INFO log in case you want to know.

[01/18/2022 14:14:57 pixloc INFO] [E 15 | it 0] loss {total 2.150E+01, reprojection_error/0 3.094E+01, reprojection_error/1 3.357E+01, reprojection_error/2 3.350E+01, reprojection_error 3.350E+01, reprojection_error/init 3.094E+01}
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ff000 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ff000 count 3584 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851f14400
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ffe00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ffe00 count 64 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851fdc000
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 count 3584 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x5619dddaba90
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32379fe200 recvbuff 0x7f32379fe200 count 64 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a3f3ce0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9adbffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f856413860
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dffa00 recvbuff 0x7f331be63000 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194ddec910
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ff000 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f8566aee90
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f331be63600 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194ec0abe0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ffa00 recvbuff 0x7febdbdfde00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f8565f0d90
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfe400 recvbuff 0x7f34475fb400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a3e2520
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdfe400 recvbuff 0x7febdbdfe600 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851dd5710
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5ee400 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfe800 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e3e1c60
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ff000 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f856413860
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f331be63200 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194ddebcd0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9adbffc00 recvbuff 0x7febdbdfde00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851b283a0
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfe400 recvbuff 0x7f34475fb400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x5619ddaf0f90
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdfe600 recvbuff 0x7fe9a1ffe200 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f855a2b2a0
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfe800 recvbuff 0x7f34475fba00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194ed2aa70
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdfec00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a1ffe800 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851df4e80
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f34475fc200 recvbuff 0x7f34475fc400 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a5fc430
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a9dff000 recvbuff 0x7fe9a9dff000 count 1 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f855e46980
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f327b9fee00 recvbuff 0x7f327b9fee00 count 1 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a8a2f20
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a1bffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a21fdc00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0e2e530
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32317ffc00 recvbuff 0x7f32399fde00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34615040e0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32399fe000 recvbuff 0x7f32399fe000 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460c10240
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a1bffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a1bffa00 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0481840
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32395ffc00 recvbuff 0x7f32395ff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34612dade0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a3ffec00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a1bff800 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd047feb0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a3ffec00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a3ffec00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd04aba40
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f323b3ff600 recvbuff 0x7f323b3ff600 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f346152e760
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9adbffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a3ffec00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0e2dfe0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f327b9ff000 recvbuff 0x7f322dffee00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460c014c0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9abfffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9abfffc00 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd1054aa0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5ed000 recvbuff 0x7f347d5ed000 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34613b65e0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9abfffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a4b5de00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd02e3f00
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3237ffe400 recvbuff 0x7f32807ffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34601d0e80
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5ed000 recvbuff 0x7f347d5ed000 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34612dadc0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdfe400 recvbuff 0x7febdbdfe400 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd12004c0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3237ffe400 recvbuff 0x7f32807ffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34614e3310
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a39fde00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a39fec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd1128e50
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5dc600 recvbuff 0x7f347d5dc600 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fea8fe5dc00 recvbuff 0x7fea8fe5dc00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd05b7b60
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34613b1c90
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a39fde00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a39fec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd05e4770
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32309fe000 recvbuff 0x7f32807ffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f346060d110
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f327ebfea00 recvbuff 0x7f327ebfea00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34612f51c0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a39fde00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a39fde00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd05b7a60
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a4bffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9adbfec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd06a8820
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfe200 recvbuff 0x7f32807ffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34614e3d50
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d502800 recvbuff 0x7f347d502800 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a4bffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a4bffc00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd04aba40
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34613b1c70
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fea8fe22a00 recvbuff 0x7fe9adbfec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd042c4c0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322cdfcc00 recvbuff 0x7f32807ffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460675680
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d502800 recvbuff 0x7f347d502800 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3461505340
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febf15ed000 recvbuff 0x7febf15ed000 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0617930
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3474d80000 recvbuff 0x7f3474d80000 count 998229 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3461505650
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3466000000 recvbuff 0x7f3466000000 count 7079424 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460710430
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febe8d80000 recvbuff 0x7febe8d80000 count 998229 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd1129e00
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febda000000 recvbuff 0x7febda000000 count 7079424 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd02e3d60
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3452000000 recvbuff 0x7f3452000000 count 8632352 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460468ac0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3454200000 recvbuff 0x7f3454200000 count 7079424 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34601d0ea0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3450000000 recvbuff 0x7f3450000000 count 7079680 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3461560000
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347514ee00 recvbuff 0x7f347514ee00 count 555072 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460468ac0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febc6000000 recvbuff 0x7febc6000000 count 8632352 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd00e1130
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febc8200000 recvbuff 0x7febc8200000 count 7079424 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd04abab0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febc4000000 recvbuff 0x7febc4000000 count 7079680 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd120bfc0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febe914ee00 recvbuff 0x7febe914ee00 count 555072 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd00e1130
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5dc600 recvbuff 0x7f347d5dc600 count 392 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e3ca620
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5ec600 recvbuff 0x7f347d5ec600 count 24 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e3fa1b0
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 count 3584 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a6aef20
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322cbffe00 recvbuff 0x7f322cbffe00 count 64 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e621160
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322f7ffc00 recvbuff 0x7f32379fde00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a3a9b70
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dffa00 recvbuff 0x7f3231bff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x5619dda9cd50
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32311ff400 recvbuff 0x7f32311ff800 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e59ff20
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f347d5eda00 recvbuff 0x7f331be63000 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e3f37f0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febf15b7c00 recvbuff 0x7febf15b7c00 count 392 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f852247ac0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febf15dc600 recvbuff 0x7febf15dc600 count 24 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f85666f230
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a11ff200 recvbuff 0x7fe9a11ff200 count 3584 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f85559cd30
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Broadcast: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a0dffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a0dffc00 count 64 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851db9f00
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9ab9fe000 recvbuff 0x7fe9adbfec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851d538a0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9adbffc00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a11ff200 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851f7f9b0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a11ff800 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f855f419e0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ff000 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ff200 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851db5960
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7febdbdffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9adbfec00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f8557a3610
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f3467dffa00 recvbuff 0x7f3231bff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e648e00
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a11ff400 recvbuff 0x7fe9a11ff800 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f855cc0650
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32379fe000 recvbuff 0x7f32311ff400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a3a9b70
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a31ff200 recvbuff 0x7fe9a31ff600 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f855b28480
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f331be63000 recvbuff 0x7f331be63400 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a5e05e0
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9adbffe00 recvbuff 0x7febdbdfde00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f851eadca0
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32311ffc00 recvbuff 0x7f3467dfde00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194e0bc460
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9acbff600 recvbuff 0x7fe9acbff600 count 1 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30429 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x55f85617bc60
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322cf75a00 recvbuff 0x7f322cf75a00 count 1 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30428 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x56194a848100
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a6dffa00 recvbuff 0x7fea8fffa000 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0592b70
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322e5ff800 recvbuff 0x7f32303ffc00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460112b80
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32303ffc00 recvbuff 0x7f32303ffc00 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3461315800
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a6dffa00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a6dffa00 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd0b29dd0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322cf75c00 recvbuff 0x7f32309ff000 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460617ba0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a59ff200 recvbuff 0x7fe9a1904c00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd00e1130
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a5ffee00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a5ffee00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd120bfa0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f32309fea00 recvbuff 0x7f32309fea00 count 128 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f34601d0ea0
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a45fde00 recvbuff 0x7fe9a53fda00 count 260 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd12000c0
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO AllGather: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7f322cbfe400 recvbuff 0x7f3230fffa00 count 516 datatype 0 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7f3460001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x56194a313850
mlcv3:30428:30504 [0] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7f3460675280
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO AllReduce: opCount 0 sendbuff 0x7fe9a57fe800 recvbuff 0x7fe9a57fe800 count 64 datatype 7 op 0 root 0 comm 0x7febdc001200 [nranks=2] stream 0x55f851b1a060
mlcv3:30429:30503 [1] NCCL INFO Mem Alloc Size 8 pointer 0x7febd1318b80

Using COLMAPS estimated and refined camera intrinsics as input for localization?

As the documentation states, Pixloc requires a text file with cameras and their intrinsics. I am working in a project which has one camera with unknown intrinsics among others which have intrinsics. Is it possible to use COLMAP's estimated camera intrinsics in that camera file? The focal length in particular is what I worry about because it is not up to scale...

paths = paths.add_prefixes(DATA_PATH , LOC_PATH)
paths.query_list = DATA_PATH / dataset / "queries_with_intrinsics.txt" #<----

localizer = PoseLocalizer(paths, conf)

ImportError: cannot import name 'set_logging_debug'

Hi, Thanks a lot for releasing your project. This is very amazing work. I meet a problem when I try to run code with it shows that ImportError: cannot import name 'set_logging_debug'. and also I didn't find logger in the directory where include could you help me with how to fix this? Thanks a lot.

untimeError: torch.linalg.cholesky: The factorization could not be completed because the input is not positive-definite (the leading minor of order 1 is not positive-definite)

Command Run - $ python -m pixloc.run_Aachen
Python Version - 3.8
Torch version - 1.10.0

[11/08/2021 20:32:50 pixloc.localization.model3d INFO] Reading COLMAP model /home/ajay/pixloc/outputs/hloc/Aachen/sfm_superpoint+superglue.
[11/08/2021 20:33:03 INFO] Imported 824 images from day_time_queries_with_intrinsics.txt
[11/08/2021 20:33:03 INFO] Imported 98 images from night_time_queries_with_intrinsics.txt
[11/08/2021 20:33:03 pixloc.pixlib.utils.experiments INFO] Loading checkpoint checkpoint_best.tar
[11/08/2021 20:33:07 pixloc.localization.localizer INFO] Starting the localization process...
4%|███▉ | 40/922 [01:30<33:06, 2.25s/it]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 86, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/", line 76, in
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/", line 68, in main
poses, logs = localizer.run_batched(skip=args.skip)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 82, in run_batched
ret = self.run_query(name, camera)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 131, in run_query
ret = self.refiner.refine(name, camera, dbs, loc=loc)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 109, in refine
ret = self.refine_query_pose(qname, qcamera, T_init, p3did_to_dbids,
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 179, in refine_query_pose
ret = self.refine_pose_using_features(features_query, scales_query,
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/localization/", line 117, in refine_pose_using_features
T_opt, fail =, F_ref, F_q,,
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/utils/", line 48, in wrapped
rets = func(*args_converted, **kwargs)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/pixlib/models/", line 101, in run
return*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/pixlib/models/", line 78, in run
delta = optimizer_step(g, H, lambda
, mask=~failed)
File "/home/ajay/pixloc/pixloc/pixlib/geometry/", line 29, in optimizer_step
U = torch.linalg.cholesky(H
, upper=True)
RuntimeError: torch.linalg.cholesky: The factorization could not be completed because the input is not positive-definite (the leading minor of order 1 is not positive-definite).

About the inconsistency between 7scenes dataset pose and 7scenes gt sfm pose

Thank you for such a great work and code.
However, I found that the pose given by the 7scenes dataset is somewhat different from the pose in 7scenes_sfm_triangulated. For example, for seq5/frame-000000.png, the rotation in the 7scenes dataset is (I use transpose to convert the rotation of c2w to w2c):
and in 7scenes_sfm_triangulated is:
Are the gt poses of 7scenes_sfm_triangulated more accurate?

[Announcements] Code release

Add subscribe to this issue if you wish to be notified of the code release. Please do not contact us to ask for early-access to the code.

How to correctly pick 3d points

Hello guys, and code authors:

Recently, I am doing related project, and using our datasets. Based on my experiments, when p3ds have high weight corresponding to its confidence map, the estimated pose will become more accurate, so I want to ask how to you choose p3ds?

Thanks and cheers

some questions about your code in

Hi, Thanks for your amazing work.
I have some questions about the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. In your code, grad after adding weight is added belong the 3dpoint number axis, I do not understand why and I could not find the corresponding expression in your paper. So can you explain it in detail? Thanks!

def build_system(self, J: Tensor, res: Tensor, weights: Tensor):
    grad = torch.einsum('...ndi,...nd->', J, res)   # ... x N x 6
    grad = weights[..., None] * grad
    grad = grad.sum(-2)  # ... x 6

    Hess = torch.einsum('...ijk,...ijl->...ikl', J, J)  # ... x N x 6 x 6
    Hess = weights[..., None, None] * Hess
    Hess = Hess.sum(-3)  # ... x 6 x6

    return grad, Hess


[Question] Working with black and white images

Good day! Great job!
A simple basic question :
I have a colored pointcloud (RGB) and I have a set of back and white images, corresponding to other wavelengths and temperature.
Can the actual neural network work with B&W images triplicated to cover the RGB channels (input : 3) or would I need to modify the neural network and re-train it? For what I understood in your paper, colors do not play an important role in your NN . Please correct me if I'm wrong.


about the Graphics memory

Hello, what is the maximum graphics memory usage during training? Which graphic card did you use in your experiment?

Question: Using pixloc with OpenSfM


Let me thank you first for the great tool you've developed and the clean code-base. I am currently trying to use pixloc with my own data in combination with OpenSfM. Do you know of any difficulties or problems in this setup or should I be fine just converting the OpenSfM output to a Model3D? Thank you very much in advance.

Sharing Models through Hugging Face

Hey there!

Would you be interested in sharing your models in the Hugging Face Hub? The Hub offers free hosting of over 25K models, and it would make your work more accessible and visible to the rest of the ML community. We can help you set up a ETH CV and Geometry Lab organization so you have a unified place to share your models.

Some of the benefits of sharing your models through the Hub would be:

  • repos provide useful metadata about their tasks, languages, metrics, etc that make them discoverable
  • wider reach of your work to the ecosystem
  • we have Spaces which is an incoming feature that allows to host web apps and share with the ecosystem. We could explore this for the 3D viewer.
  • versioning, commit history and diffs
  • multiple features from TensorBoard visualizations, PapersWithCode integration, and more

Creating the repos and adding new models should be a relatively straightforward process if you've used Git before. This is a step-by-step guide explaining the process in case you're interested. Please let us know if you would be interested and if you have any questions.

Happy to hear your thoughts,
Omar and the Hugging Face team

Can't download

Thank you for such a great work and code.
I download using and find that the downloaded zip was a bad file. Can you provide a download address?

Question: TypeError

Hi, Thanks for your amazing work. I encountered the following error when I tried to run code with a weak textured indoor scene dataset.

In the following case, is the value of this weight related to the quality of the dataset, such as the texture of the scene?


got an ffmpeg error

I got an error when run the demo.ipynb:

Error: ffmpeg error (see stderr output for detail)

I don't know if I use the wrong version of ffmpeg because there is no detailed version information about it. So, can you share with me the version? or do you have any advice about this error?

Time profiling for ground truth pose data of Cambridge ad 7cenes?

#19 (comment)
I'm running SFM reconstruction of Cambridge KingsCollege scene using command-
colmap mapper --database_path /data/hloc/outputs_KingsCollege/sfm_superpoint+superglue/database.db --image_path /data/datasets/Cambridge/KingsCollege/images_all --output_path /data/hloc/outputs_KingsCollege/sfm_superpoint+superglue/models --Mapper.num_threads 16


There are total 1565 images. Its already 8hr and its still running. Is this usual? Also process is not using GPU. Does mapper function in COLMAP not support GPU?

I'm wondering how much time did it take to create above shared ground truths? Is it possible to share time profile of each scene?

What is Oracle referred in Pixloc paper?

PixLoc, trained on MegaDepth, is initialized with image retrieval obtained with either DenseVLAD [88] or an oracle, which returns the reference image containing the largest number of inlier matches found by hloc. This oracle shows the benefits of better image retrieval using a more complex pipeline without ground truth information.

how to get the extrinsics between the cameras

thanks for your great work.
i have download the robotcar from the url, and run the code "" and get the result like this,

left/1418235223450115.jpg 0.11704475375741745 0.03295656318232015 -0.6387011805495836 -0.759786280822208 -125.37236785888672 -23.192873001098633 -7.491024494171143
rear/1418235392061935.jpg 0.7276782815863018 -0.5911740329291926 -0.23252374914543117 -0.2587088853928167 -100.58859252929688 -41.86554718017578 207.1205291748047
right/1418236138953803.jpg 0.6205097424969388 -0.6552427198975653 -0.20077227393455488 -0.3812022186540521 24.56517219543457 7.398570537567139 -221.69622802734375

i would like to know how to get the extrinsics between the cameras?

Using COLMAP to generate Cambridge landmark scene's poses from scratch

I'm trying to do SFM reconstruction of Cambridge landmarks scenes using Superpoint features and Superglue matches based database (created using HLoc tool) in COLMAP.
I'm wondering, will this be correct way? I will be using colmap mapper for creating 3D model from reference images only and then will use colmap image_registrator with fix_existing_images=True to register query images to get poses information. Reference images only model will be input to PixLoc while model output after registering query images will be used as ground truth for evaluating PixLoc algorithm.

If this this not correct, then what should be ideal method to generate poses for images without using nvm file provided with dataset?

Checkpoint and dataset issue

Hi, thanks for the awesome work!
When trying to run as described in the readme, I get teh following error:
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'wget -r -np -nH -q --show-progress -R "index.html*" --cut-dirs 2 -P C:{user}\pixloc\outputs\training -nc' returned non-zero exit status 1.

I seem to be able to access the files in a browser.
Thanks in advance for any insights

Support for Colmap camera model FULL_OPENCV

Dear pixloc authors and developers,

Many thanks for providing such a high-quality package! Well done.

For our application, we are using a FULL_OPENCV camera model, which isn't supported by pixloc at the moment.

The FULL_OPENCV model is registered in utils/, but it's missing from pixlib/geometry/, as well as from the actual undistortion in pixlib/geometry/ and its jacobian. The FULL_OPENCV calibration model is an extension to the OPENCV model, with an higher-order polynomial: k3, k4, k5 and k6 follow p1 and p2.

It seems that adding support for higher degree polynomials in the undistortion code would be simple, but I'm not sure about the boundary condition - what would this become?

With custom data

Hi, thanks for your great work! I want to use pixloc to implement a localiazation task.

I followed these steps:

  1. I create my own datasets that I capture by my own camera.
  2. I use netvlad to create global descriptors.
  3. I use superpoint to create local descriptors.
  4. I use retrieval to create pairs.
  5. Match the pairs use superglue.
  6. Follow the reconstruction to create a model--sfm_superpoint+superglue
  7. Finally, I use the model to localize query image.

Unfortunately, I can't achieve a precise result with pixloc. The SfM model looks well when I visualized in the COLMAP GUI and the estimated camera poses roughly correct.
What should I do to improve it?

How to add new query image without reconstruct hloc db?

Thanks for great work and it's really useful to remapping scene.

Please allow me simplify the own data process first:

  1. Prepare images of scene
  2. Run hloc to get A. db of sfm, B. matches keras model, C.pairs_info.txt(e.q. pairs-exhaustive.txt, pairs-query-netvlad50.txt)
  3. Run pixloc to localize query image

I check the code in, it need get the id from pairs_info.txt and sfm db
self.model3d = Model3D(paths.reference_sfm)
dbs = [self.model3d.name2id[r] for r in self.retrieval[name]]

Is that mean I have to do step 2 every time once new query image added?

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