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postcss's Issues

The codestyle of the added rules

While postcss maintains the codestyle of existent rules, it have some codestyle for the rules it adds.

For example, when you insert prop-value pairs, postcss inserts a space between them.

I guess, there should be at least one of the following:

  1. Postcss could have a list of options to define the codestyle of the inserted rules.
  2. Postcss shouldn't have any defined codestyle for the inserted rules, so the inserted code wouldn't have any unnecessary whitespaces.
  3. Postcss could have an option to either insert the styles as-is, or to insert them minified.

I think the second option is the best there, as postcss shouldn't know anything about the codestyle and shouldn't insert anything the user didn't tell it to insert. If the users would want a space between the prop and the value, they would tell Postcss about it.

If you'd tell that minifying css is not Postcss' task, I'll agree, but it also is not it's task to beautify it :) And there can be cases when you'll need to call Postcss after the minifier and in that case you couldn't remove those extra whitespaces without writing some extra code.

Предложение: использовать нативные методы

Приветствую! Я очень заинтересовался проектом, и решил изучить его "внутренности". В ридми есть пример кода

var postcss = require('postcss');

var postprocessor = postcss(function (css) {
    css.eachRule(function (rule) {
        if ( rule.selector.match(/::(before|after)/) ) {

            var good = rule.some(function (i) {
                return i.prop == 'content';
            if ( !good ) {
                rule.prepend({ prop: 'content', value: '""' });


Позже я нашел, что eachRule — такой же метод как и обычный Array.forEach. Почему бы не использовать нативный метод forEach, вместо самописного?

Обычная работа с массивами позволяет делать много разных вещей, и код может получится "относительно" проще. Например, код из ридми можно написать так:

var postcss = require('postcss');

var postprocessor = postcss(function (css) {
        return rule.selector.match(/::(before|after)/) && rule.every(function(i){
            return i.prop !== 'content';
    }).forEach(function (rule) {
        rule.prepend({ prop: 'content', value: '""' });

Кроме того, список свойств для правила можно описать в виде примитивного объекта:

var postcss = require('postcss');

var postprocessor = postcss(function (css) {
        return rule.selector.match(/::(before|after)/) && !rule.props.hasOwnProperty('content');
    }).forEach(function (rule) {
        rule.props.content = '';

Improve source maps API

I have some ideas for the source maps API that will:

  • Clean the options up a bit.
  • Nicely add requested features.
  • Allow better source path handling.
  • Still not make too much difference for the user.
  • Preserve all current default behavior.

I propose:

  • Enhance
    • If omitted, default to false. (Like now.)
    • false → don’t generate source map. (Like now.)
    • true → equivalent to {}.
    • Deprecate passing previous map, such as map: sassMap. But allow it until it is removed.
    • If an object: Generate source map. Options:
      • map.annotation:
        • If omitted, default to 'preserve'.
        • 'preserve' → Use same annotation type as input. (Like mapAnnotation: true now.)
        • 'none' → No annotation. (Like mapAnnotation: false now.)
        • 'inline' → Inline the source map into the annotation. (Like inlineMap: true now.)
        • 'path' → Use map.path as annotation. (New feature, though kind of possible now, too, at least partly…)
      • map.path:
        • If omitted, default to + '.map'. (This is actually the current behavior, more or less: We always assume that the source map will either be saved next to the CSS, or inlined into the CSS.)
        • It is the path to the intended location where the source map will be written to disk. This allows to store the source map somewhere else than only next to the CSS or inlined into the CSS, and still have correct source paths. (New feature, inspired by
        • Relative to
        • Ignored and set to if map.annotation is 'inline', or if map.annotation is 'preserve' and the previous annotation had the previous source map inlined.
      • map.setSourceContents:
        • If omitted, default to false.
        • false → Don’ set the sourceContents property of the source map. (Like now.)
        • true → Set the sourceContents property to the input CSS. (New feature, as requested by #31.)
      • Perhaps: map.sourceRoot:
        • If omitted, don’t set the sourceRoot property of the source map. (Like now.)
        • Otherwise, set the sourceRoot property of the source map to map.sourceRoot. (New feature. It is very easy to add (new mozilla.SourceMapGenerator({sourceRoot:})), but YAGNI?)
      • Perhaps map.previous:
        • Intended as a replacement for map: sassMap, for example. However, does anyone use this? YAGNI?
        • If omitted, default to null (or possibly true).
        • null → Simply no previous source map.
        • Perhaps: false → Disable previous source map detection, but still generate a source map. If so: true → Autodetect previous source map (Like now.) YAGNI?
        • If an object:
            • If omitted, set options.previous to its default value (null or possibly true; see above).
            • It is a previous map, like map: sassMap now.
          • previous.path:
            • If omitted, default to '.'.
            • It is the path to the previous map. It is needed to correctly rewrite the source paths of the previous map to be relative to
          • Otherwise: = {map:}. (Like map: sassMap now.)
          • Or perhaps we should simply let map.previous be a previous source map (nothing more) and don’t care if it is not perfect.
  • Deprecate options.mapAnnotation. Until it is removed:
    • = 'none' (unless was already set).
    • = 'preserve' (unless was already set).
  • Deprecate options.inlineMap. Until it is removed:
    • false → Nothing to do.
    • = 'inline' (unless was already set).
  • Deprecate trying to autodetect previous map by looking for options.from + '.map'. I don’t think that case exists in reality. The user could possibly pass from: from, map: {previous: {map: fs.readFileSync(from + '.map'), path: from + '.map'}} instead.

What do you think? I could make a PR.

Inline source text along with map?

Poked around and didn't see anything for this, so pardon if I missed it.

Any thought to inlining the source data as well? You've inlined the map, but it still requires a separate source file.

I do something similar for Iced/CoffeeScript files in a project of mine.

var sourceMap = JSON.parse(sourceMap);
sourceMap.sources[0] = inputFileName;
sourceMap.sourcesContent = [inputFileText];
sourceMap.file = outputFileName;
var base64SourceMap = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)).toString('base64');
var datauri = 'data:application/json;base64,' + base64SourceMap;

Not looked at the spec to see if there's anything different with CSS vs JS, but I assume there is not.

root is not defined

I have this strange error with many module. See stacktrace:

"ReferenceError: root is not defined
    at (:21023:12)
    at Declaration.stringify (:20632:22)
    at Rule.stringifyContent (:20342:23)
    at Rule.stringifyBlock (:20363:10)
    at Rule.stringify (:21833:10)
    at Root.stringifyContent (:20338:23)
    at Root.stringify (:21788:10)
    at Root.toString (:20976:10)
    at MapGenerator.generate (:20916:25)
    at Result.stringify (:21756:46)"

Lines no matter here, it's in node.js line 136 root = this;. If I write if (!root) {var root = this;}, it's OK. Very weird.
It's OK (no error) with AutoPrefixer, postcss-vars, but NOK (error) with pixrem, pleeease-filters.

If you have an idea, it'll be good. Try to find where the problem is btw.

Rule#between and AtRule#between

We need storage spaces between selector or params and { in separated variable.

Because Raw property:

rule.params = 'new params'

will destroy this space.

PostCSS doesn't update SourceMaps properly when an input file is in a subdirectory

├── b.css
├── in
│   ├── a.css
│   ├──
│   └── a.sass
└── out
    ├── b.css
$ cat in/
"version": 3,
"mappings": "...",
"sources": ["a.sass"],
"file": "a.css"

$ autoprefixer -m in/a.css -o b.css    

$ cat

$ autoprefixer -m in/a.css -o out/b.css

$ cat out/                    

Expected output:

$ cat

$ cat out/                    

Parse important keyword

Now !important is part of value. We need to set special important node property and clean value from it.

Why there is no comment.after?

I had to use pretty fancy way to prepend to file comment and newline:

css.prepend(postcss.comment({ text: text }));

// New line after banner
if (css.rules[1]) {
  css.rules[1].before = '\n';

Question: what is the expected result for the functions append() and prepend()?

Hi Andrey,
I have a weird output behavior with the function append(). Maybe you can help me to resolve it.

I have this following sources:

h1 { color: blue; }


body { background-color: green; }

and this following code:

var cssA = fs.readFileSync("a.css", "utf-8");
var cssB = fs.readFileSync("b.css", "utf-8");

var fileA = postcss.parse(cssA);
var fileB = postcss.parse(cssB);


var result = fileA.toResult();

fs.writeFileSync('append.out.css', result.css);

with this result in append.out.css:

h1 { color: blue; }body { background-color: green; }

Should the two rules not be separated by a line-break ? If your answer is not, can you explain me why the function prepend() does ;)

body { background-color: green; }
h1 { color: blue; }

I took time to do more tests and the code below outputs one more different result:

var fileA = postcss.parse("h1 { color: blue; }");
var fileB = postcss.parse("body { background-color: green; }");


var result = fileA.toResult();

result.css //=> 'h1 { color: blue; }body { background-color: green; }'

I appreciate your time and attention.

Should not add empty files to sources[] array.

Example can be checked in mincer demo for bootstrap.less

  1. bootstrap.less has only constants, and less generates map without it (that's right).
  2. I pass it's name to autoprefixer/csswring .
  3. Map is right BUT postcss adds bootstrap.less entry to sources array.

I think, from/to file with zero mapping rules should not be added to source map.

Correct me, if i do something wrong again :) . Looks like PostCSS not critical bug, really.

Comment node

Parse comments between declarations to Comment node.

Computed values through cascading

Would be great if PostCSS could calculate inheritance and provided computed values.

For instance:

div {
  color: lavender;
  background: linen;

div.shy {
  color: lavenderblush;

Could look like:

  selector: "div.shy",
  decls: [{
    prop: "color",
    value: "lavenderblush"
  computed: [
    <reference to own "color" decl>,
    <reference to "div { background }" decl>
  inherits: [
    <reference to "div" rule>

And yes, I understand the complexity of this. You would need to account for selector specificity, provide alternate computed decl sets based on media queries, come up with a good infrastructure for traversing the selector tree in general, etc, etc...

Character indexes as well as line/column numbers?

Currently each decl has a source property which contains start and end properties, each with line and column numbers...

I would really like this to also have character indexes, to tell me where the declaration appears within the whole CSS string. Currently I am calculating this manually by adding up all the preceding line lengths and then adding the column number. It would be nice if this was available in the parsed object.

Also I would really like to have indexes that tell me where the value starts and ends, because I need to be able to store these indexes and then possibly perform replacements later in another module where postcss will not be available. This is currently a bit tricky to work out manually, because there are edge cases (eg, declarations with star-hack prefixed property names have column indexes that don't include the * character, so to work out where the value starts, you have to do more than just add up the prop.length and between.length... you also have to strip newlines from the before string and then count how many characters are left... and I'm not sure if I have covered all the edge cases).

I know this is very picky and I hope it's not too annoying a request :)

Can't figure out how to work with multiple inputs and source maps

I need to do some complex stuff with multiple inputs and can't figure out how to do it.

  • I need to take two 3rd party css files, normalize and font-awesome
    • send them through a processor to modify url() entries and then concat them
  • Take the css generated by running less.js on my .less files along with the source map it generates
    • send it through autoprefixer and in the future some other custom postcss based processors
  • concat them all together and get the css and new map

I'll also want to send the result to a CSS minifier in the future, but for now I'm just going to solve the one problem.

The documentation has information on processing multiple files and using source maps, but not in a way that shows how to combine the two together. And looking through the code isn't helping much.

Cannot depend on postcss' git repo

I need some v1 features so I tried switching my dependency from the npm package to the git repo's v1.0 branch. It downloads fine however I cannot use it. Because the raw code is written in CoffeeScript and there is no handling for that in the git repo node can't find anything it can execute and fails to ind postcss.

The problem is the way postcss handles CoffeeScript, which is to have a Cakefile that compiles things into the build/ directory. This doesn't work as a dependency since even if I install coffee-script globally and run the cakefile the resulting js is in the wrong directory.

There are two ways you could make it possible for the raw git repo to be used as a npm dependency.

A) Move coffee-script to the non-dev dependencies and have an index.js as your main that runs require('coffee-script').register(); to make node handle CoffeeScript dynamically then require your real main file from here.

B) Instead of building the compiled .js to the build/ directory have a script (that doesn't depend on a global coffee-script install) that will compile .coffee to .js in the same folder, and set that as the prepublish script. I can manually npm prepublish until node solves this bug.

Support URI encoded inline source maps

Houston, we have a problem. Unpack this archive and run:

$ node test.js

            throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')
Error: Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4
    at Object.b64ToByteArray [as toByteArray] (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/node_modules/base64-js/lib/b64.js:37:10)
    at MapGenerator.last (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/map-generator.js:58:24)
    at MapGenerator.klass.(anonymous function) [as prevMap] (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/lazy.js:11:39)
    at MapGenerator.isMap (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/map-generator.js:30:46)
    at MapGenerator.getResult (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/map-generator.js:228:16)
    at Root.toResult (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/root.js:48:18)
    at PostCSS.process (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.js:39:21)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/weiss/Documents/Projects/testing/test.js:8:24)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)

LESS CLI option --source-map-map-inline produces inline maps that aren't base64 encoded.

Incorrect (?) behavior when input starts with AtRule

I have following css:

@import url(;

html, body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

When PostCSS parses css, it suggests that all following nodes are AtRule children:

{ type: 'atrule',
   { type: 'root',
      [ [Circular],

Is this correct behavior? I think this is a bug, PostCSS should not do this when we using @import rule.

pretty print errors

any way to print the context of an error with a ^ pointing to where the error occured?

{ [Error: Can't parse CSS: Missing property value at line 3:1]
  source: ':root {\n  --\n}\n',
  file: undefined,
  line: 3,
  column: 1,
  message: 'Can\'t parse CSS: Missing property value at line 3:1' }

Shorthand value expansion

It would be great if shorthand values were expanded on parsing.

For example:

* {
  background: crimson url(omgkittens.jpg);

...could be expanded to:

  prop: "background",
  value: "crimson url(omgkittens.jpg)",
  expanded: {
    color: "crimson",
    image: "url(omgkittens.jpg)"

Empty "before" value when input file is UTF-8 encoded.

  Sample Content

/*comment before first rule*/
.sample {
{ type: 'rule',
   [ { type: 'decl',
       parent: [Circular],
       source: [Object],
       before: '\r\n  ',
       prop: 'margin',
       between: '',
       _value: [Object] } ],
   { type: 'root',
     rules: [ [Circular] ],
     after: '',
     lastEach: 1,
     indexes: { '1': 0 } },
  source: { start: { line: 1, column: 1 }, end: { line: 8, column: 1 } },
  before: '',
   { raw: '?/*******************************\r\n  Sample Content\r\n************
*******************/\r\n\r\n/*comment before first rule*/\r\n.sample ',
     trimmed: '.sample' },
  semicolon: true,
  after: '\r\n' }

Incorrect (?) behavior of sourcemap through .toResult()

I have this following code:

var postcss = require('postcss');

var css = 'a { color: red }';
var opts = {
  from: 'style.css',
  to: 'style.min.css',
  map: true
var result = null;

result = postcss.
         toResult(opts); //=> '{"version":3,"sources":["from.css"], … }'

result = postcss(function(css){}).
         process(css, opts); //=> '{"version":3,"sources":["style.css"], … }'

Should we not have the same output of sourcemap (with the same options) through both method?
I don't know where the from.css comes from in my first test. Should it not be style.css instead?
Maybe I forgot something when I read the documentation. But I think this is not normal.

Autodetect at-rule content type

Not exactly CSS parsing error, but fixing it will greatly help postprocessing prince.xml themes.

Case: prince.xml have a number of non-standard css selectors to work with pages, footnotes and page numbers. ( Full list can be found here: in Paged Media section).

Some of this selector breaking PostCSS parsing. Example css:

In this example: @footnote and all constructions with @page will break parsing.

Problem parsing minified css file

when parsing a minified css file I get error:

      throw new SyntaxError(message, this.source, position, this.opts.from);
Error: Can't parse CSS: Unexpected { in decls at line 1:14340
sh: 1: executed:: not found

area for the css in question


Running the non minified version of the same file works fine.

I've used another validation css checker and it did not find the unexpected { at the mentioned line.

Uglify PostCSS ES6

It seems that uglifiers can't parse ES6 yet, but using es6ify doesn't work either with browserify. Do you have a solution? Do you already us this module?

Maybe you're using some ES6 not yet supported by es6ify?

$traceurRuntime is not defined

It seems that build:package should write json.main = './'; and index.js should be copied in build/ too?
Or am I missing something?


Is there documentation for the API, or just read the code?

A little documentation on the methods provided and how to perform simple tasks like replacing values in props would be very helpful. For instance I'm not sure how a user should get and set CSS values — the rule object has a _value property but the underscore makes me think it's intended to be private.

Object.defineProperty called on non-object

When using browserify to create standalone version of Pleeease, this error ocurrs with PostCSS 2.0. This works well with PostCSS 1.x.

Seems to be related to traceur, here is stacktrace:

     TypeError: Object.defineProperty called on non-object
    at defineProperty (native)
    at defineProperty (pleeease\node_modules\postcss\node_modules\traceur\bin\traceur-runti
    at polyfillObject (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:22360:5)
    at setupGlobals (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:22405:5)
    at rv (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:22407:3)
    at Object.<anonymous> (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:22427:3)
    at Object.Zbi7gb (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:24405:4)
    at s (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:1:608)
    at pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:1:659
    at Object../lib/postcss (pleeease\standalone\pleeease-0.4.4.min.js:20212:1)

Any idea?

Allow to pass AST to process() and parse()

The process() or parse() methods only accept CSS as String (or convert to String). I think it will be cool if we could pass an AST too. Here is my problem:

I want to concatenate multiple files to one, then apply multiple processors on this file, and get the result, with the source-maps support. Now I have to parse CSS twice, and source-maps are lost...

Or I didn't find a clean way to do this ;)

Nested styles? SASS and LESS?

I'm really liking postcss and I was wondering if you had any plans to include support for SASS and LESS? It'd be incredibly useful to be able to get structured data not just from CSS, but from CSS extension languages as well...

Better representation of multiple selectors in AST

At the moment, this:

span {
  color: red;

Is represented like this:

  _selector: { raw: 'div,\nspan ', trimmed: 'div,\nspan' }

Better would be to do what rework does, and provide an array of selectors.

preserve whitespace between selectors

If I do something like this:

postcss(function (css) {
    css.eachRule(function (rule) {
        rule.selectors = (selector) {
            // In reality, I would modify the selector, but for simplicity, I won't in this example.
            return selector;

And run it on a CSS file like:

.baz {
    float: left;

Then the output will end up changing the whitespace between selectors to spaces:

.foo, .bar, .baz {
    float: left;

Is (or will) there be a way to preserve the original whitespace-between-selectors code style convention, or to at least set what convention postcss imposes here? Or am I doomed to splitting/parsing the selectors string myself if I want to control this?

Wrong formatting

There's a difference between 0.3.4 and 1.0.0 with formatting:

For example, this code:

:root {
    --width    :50px;

body {
    display: flex;
    order: 2;


:root {
    --width    :50px;

body {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 3;
    -webkit-order: 2;
        -ms-flex-order: 2;
            order: 2;


:root {
    --width    :50px;

body {
    display    :-webkit-box;
    display    :-webkit-flex;
    display    :-ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-ordinal-group    :3;
    -webkit-order    :2;
        -ms-flex-order    :2;
            order: 2;

The first "pattern" found is kept all the time.

I've create an postcss org

Following this segmentio/myth#100
I've created this
Note: if myth team is not interested, I'll create a fork :/

If you want to move postcss over there that can be great, but to be honest, it's not an issue if you want to keep it here, I will understand :)

Have a nice day & thanks for your work.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.