jumping-xwz Goto Github PK
Type: User
Company: @Naver China
Bio: 喝一杯凉白开
Location: chengdu, china
Blog: https://jumping.wang
Type: User
Company: @Naver China
Bio: 喝一杯凉白开
Location: chengdu, china
Blog: https://jumping.wang
One-stop Proxies Crawling and Aggregation Platform
🎉 The best resources related to Vuetify
不定期收集,整理和编写常用优秀软件和服务的 Dockerfile 文件.
The tool can install v2ray on the Doprax, including VMess and VLess protocols, it will automatically switch IP, you need to fork this projects, read readme.md and run it. Create By ifeng.
Minimal web UI for GeminiPro.
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
my first writerside project
Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android)
mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
Alibaba Open Source for everyone
Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.