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halo2curves's Issues

Unimplemented hash to curve

Currently the halo2 CurveExt trait is not fully implemented except for the pasta curves. The missing function hash_to_curve is unimplemented (see here). The implementation for pasta curves (here) makes use of an algorithm valid only for curves with a*b = 0 (see here). This implementation should therefore work for bn256 and secp256k1, which both have a = 0.

My first attempt to copy-paste the pasta implementation over gets stuck on the alloc dependency. Once that's figured out I'd be happy to open a PR

Implement Grumpkin

New avenues for cycling recursion like goblin and a nova like folding scheme are introduced lately. So in short term we will probably be exprerimenting with bn grumpkin cycle

serdes failed for secp256k1 curve

I wrote a unit test since grcov says this part of the code isn't covered by unit tests...

fn serdes<G: CurveExt>() {
    for _ in 0..100 {
        let projective_point = G::random(OsRng);
        let affine_point: G::AffineExt = projective_point.into();
        let projective_repr = projective_point.to_bytes();
        let affine_repr = affine_point.to_bytes();

        println!("{:?} \n{:?}", projective_repr.as_ref(), affine_repr.as_ref());

        // let projective_point_rec = G::from_bytes(&projective_repr).unwrap();
        // let projective_point_rec_unchecked = G::from_bytes(&projective_repr).unwrap();
        let affine_point_rec = G::AffineExt::from_bytes(&affine_repr).unwrap();
        // let affine_point_rec_unchecked = G::AffineExt::from_bytes(&affine_repr).unwrap();

        // assert_eq!(projective_point, projective_point_rec);
        // assert_eq!(projective_point, projective_point_rec_unchecked);
        assert_eq!(affine_point, affine_point_rec);
        // assert_eq!(affine_point, affine_point_rec_unchecked);

it looks like all other curves pass this test except for scep curve, and the failure looks probabilistic


---- secp256k1::curve::test_curve stdout ----
[75, 102, 146, 216, 157, 139, 235, 249, 33, 4, 229, 181, 130, 54, 246, 104, 112, 38, 114, 128, 247, 203, 212, 155, 135, 16, 79, 169, 89, 142, 96, 31] 
[75, 102, 146, 216, 157, 139, 235, 249, 33, 4, 229, 181, 130, 54, 246, 104, 112, 38, 114, 128, 247, 203, 212, 155, 135, 16, 79, 169, 89, 142, 96, 31]
[59, 37, 55, 74, 178, 53, 60, 76, 177, 231, 181, 66, 97, 223, 249, 152, 176, 150, 173, 214, 89, 244, 220, 182, 10, 195, 32, 72, 53, 29, 102, 205] 
[59, 37, 55, 74, 178, 53, 60, 76, 177, 231, 181, 66, 97, 223, 249, 152, 176, 150, 173, 214, 89, 244, 220, 182, 10, 195, 32, 72, 53, 29, 102, 205]
[85, 83, 100, 141, 31, 95, 208, 91, 98, 1, 64, 15, 102, 7, 95, 50, 214, 134, 99, 36, 3, 115, 249, 39, 178, 40, 69, 25, 113, 91, 66, 179] 
[85, 83, 100, 141, 31, 95, 208, 91, 98, 1, 64, 15, 102, 7, 95, 50, 214, 134, 99, 36, 3, 115, 249, 39, 178, 40, 69, 25, 113, 91, 66, 179]
thread 'secp256k1::curve::test_curve' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `(0xb3425b71194528b227f97303246386d6325f07660f4001625bd05f1f8d645355, 0x1c9297eeb9587df7bde2784cb11b13101818fb91503c217f75a29d437e14dedd)`,
 right: `(0x33425b71194528b227f97303246386d6325f07660f4001625bd05f1f8d645355, 0xd71b826f4c8aaf3dcae44293010e340981a379fa6b4bcc881a6ce0025eb2396d)`', src/tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Code is here FYI:

subtle v2.4 causes compilation errors

My project uses the halo2 lib from as a dependency. That halo2 lib has a dependency on
halo2curves = { version = "0.6.0", default-features = false }

I got a compilation error for my project:

error[E0599]: no method named ct_ne found for type i64 in the current scope
--> /home/default2/.cargo/registry/src/
18 | self.legendre().ct_ne(&-1)
| ^^^^^ help: there is a method with a similar name: count_ones

ct_ne was introduced in subtle 2.5, whereas halo2curves depends on 2.4
I think you need to bump the version.

Towards state-of-the-art multi-scalar-muls

This is a mirror to the plan I laid out in the Discord #collaborate channel.


  • Be within 15% of the fastest CPU MSMs.


  • Rayon performance/multithreading performance, I have yet to look at rayon multithreading implementation. For efficient reduction, we would in particular need futures support in Rayon to enable latency-hiding techniques. The final solution will expose parallelism at 3 levels to benefit from CPUs with very high core count.
  • verification, it's not the main bottleneck, with very involved steps reworking the towering, frobenius for final exponentiation, Miller loop, you can get a 12x perf improvement on verification between the old zcash/bn implementation and an optimized one (see metacraft-labs/DendrETH#115 (comment), nim-bncurve is a 1-1 port of zcash/bn). I can detail those if wanted.
  • solve some inherent low-level inefficiencies (account for those potential 15% missed perf):
    • field operations return a field element instead of in-place modification.
      This might be very efficient if the compiler can do RVO (return value optimization) and copy elision, or can be problematic (unsure the compiler can do this with assembly)
    • There is significant efficiency gains if we can avoid heap allocation, in particular in batch affine inversion, to avoid stressing the allocator.
      unsure if alloca(+noinline) is possible in Rust

Reference PRs and benchmark of the changes:

The steps

  1. (mandatory +35% perf) Accelerate field multiplication.

  2. (optional +10% perf) implement extended Jacobian coordinates. Their mixed-addition formula is 10 field mul instead of 11 field mul (see also this march paper from Gnark, Table 3, and BLST codebase). used as a fallback:

    • When the MSM is too small for affine addition
    • When too many points need to be accumulated in the same bucket and our temp buffer overflows.
  3. (recommended) implement fast inversion. Note that the algorithms initially recommended in #28 are asymptotically 4x slower than state-of-the-art (Bernstein-Yang and Pornin's bingcd) and in practice 5x slower. This allows aggregating just ~32 points instead of ~160 points minimum to amortize the cost of inversions when doing batch affine.

  4. (mandatory, 1/2 buckets memory requirement) implement signed digit-recoding. wNAF that everyone uses is problematic, it requires precomputation and allocation of all the recoded scalar ahead of times. This is extra memory usage, extra latency, hard to port to GPU. wNAF has 2 draws: being signed recoding so using 2x less space than unsigned, and optimally maximizing the chance of adding zero, i.e. "no cost". But in MSM that second part basically never happens because the number of bits we look at at once grows up to c=16 (or k=16 in Halo2 usual denomiation). Instead Booth encoding can be used for to provide 1, with no precomputation, drastically reducing memory usage.

  5. (optional, up to 40% speedup below 1024 points, 0% above) Endomorphism acceleration. In my benchmarks, the overhead of endomorphism recoding is not worth it after 2^10 = 1024 points, compared to directly processing those. see my MSMs strategies:

  6. (mandatory, 70% speedup) Architecture MSM to use affine coordinate (6M asymptotic cost with Montgomery's inversion trick).
    I saw that @Brechtpd in privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2#40 and @kilic in #29
    are using Barretenberg approach with a radix sort.
    I think the better high-level approach is:

    • the scheduler approach from
      FPGA Acceleration of Multi-Scalar Multiplication: CycloneMSM
      Kaveh Aasaraai, Don Beaver, Emanuele Cesena, Rahul Maganti, Nicolas Stalder and Javier Varela, 2022
      Takeaways: Scheduler idea + collision probability analysis
    • combined with parallelism over buckets from Barretenberg's TurboPlonk (without radix sort) or
      cuZK: Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proof with A Faster Parallel Multi-Scalar Multiplication Algorithm on GPUs
      Tao Lu, Chengkun Wei, Ruijing Yu, Chaochao Chen, Wenjing Fang, Lei Wang, Zeke Wang and Wenzhi Chen, 2022
      Takeaway: Parallelism over buckets by considering MSM as a sparse Matrix-Vector operation.
    • and Constantine specific memory and memory-bandwidth optimizations:
      • on-the-fly signed digit recoding with zero allocation
      • no allocation/sorting and very limited temp memory to map points to buckets: 8 bytes per point, max ~600-700 points, per thread.

    The main issues of Barrentenberg approach is lots of precomputation, memory usage scales linearly (2x or 3x) with input size, a complex program flow, hard to port to GPU, a lot of cache misses which will necessarily cause bandwidth problems. See detailed analysis at

    see writeup on an alternative:
    Main takeaway is memory usage scales with the number of threads, like 4kB per extra thread, instead of number of input points.

Migrate pairing code to use pairing-0.23 instead of duplicating the code

In order to support curves like in #38 we need to be able to implement traits for them ONLY due to traits in halo2curves.

This, makes merging PRs like #38 really complex as we're forced to duplicate code. Otherwise we have a foreign structure implementing a foreign trait.

But, we can actually require the pairing::Engine-related deps from and implement them inside of our crate for the curves defined on it (and it is already implemented for foreign curves which is fine).

@han0110 @kilic is there any issue that I'm missing that doing this implies?

RFC: Move MSM and FFT in this repo and offer a standard interface


This RFC goal is facilitating contribution to Halo2 backend.

While trying to implement #163, in particular the "extended jacobian coordinates" steps, our team is significantly slowed down by having to deal with 2 different repos.

In particular, to accelerate MSM we need to improve the backend in halo2curves repo, but the benefit can only be benchmarked in halo2 which is a very clunky workflow.

Given that MSM is a significant bottleneck and focus point, there are likely ongoing changes that will be done by backend teams. In particular there are GPU provers running on Taiko testnet that uses a modified Halo2/Halo2curves and would be delighted to have a standard MSM/NTT API for acceleration.


  1. The Halo2-KZG proof system is split into:

    • an "engine" repo that implements proof systems
    • and a "backend" repo that exposes the primitives to implement the engine.
  2. The backend repo should allow easy integration and benchmark of backends and accelerators
    for example I have identified the following accelerators focused backend that mirror halo2curves on GPU:

    And a "frontend" like zkevm-circuit can be build on top.

  3. Stretch goal:
    We use additive notation for elliptic curves not multiplicative notation, multi_exp should be multi_scalar_mul

Changes required

There are actually very few changes needed to implement the first part

Note: this will have the library depart from upstream Zcash, but this seems to have been an intent from the start as #29 by @kilic actually moves the MSM into halo2curves.

Furthermore, porting any MSM or FFT enhancement from Zcash Halo2-IPA should be easy as those are very self-contained functions.

API for accelerator extension

To be discussed, the idea is that by just exposing the right traits in a GPU repo like icicle or sppark (or even a CPU repo like blstrs or constantine)


  • Easier to extend
  • Easier to produce benchmarks and comparison between implementation
  • Easier to do differential fuzzing of implementations
  • Marketing:
    • the standard would make it easier to be used in papers for improvement comparisons.
    • this is a way for the library to gain traction and critical mass among GPU/FPGA accelerator solutions, and then as a backend for zkVMs and zkEVMs, which ultimately lead to more devs improving the library.

Remove CurveAffineExt trait

This trait is not used for anything and @kilic mentioned that in the past it was not clear if there was a bug on some implementation of it.

Fix error in WithSmallOrderMulGroup impl for Bn254::Fr

The current definition of this trait is:

This is not correct.

N is meant to be the order of a small multiplicative sub-group. Not it's generator.
The error can be seen if we execute:

modulus = 0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001
sage: factor(modulus-1)
2^28 * 3^2 * 13 * 29 * 983 * 11003 * 237073 * 405928799 * 1670836401704629 * 13818364434197438864469338081
 GF(modulus).primitive_element() ^ ((modulus - 1) // 2)
sage: print(21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495616.hex())

According to the formula in the ff crate:

pub trait WithSmallOrderMulGroup<const N: u8>: PrimeField {
    /// A field element of small multiplicative order $N$.
    /// The presense of this element allows you to perform (certain types of)
    /// endomorphisms on some elliptic curves.
    /// It can be calculated using [SageMath] as
    /// `GF(modulus).primitive_element() ^ ((modulus - 1) // N)`.
    /// Choosing the element of order $N$ that is smallest, when considered
    /// as an integer, may help to ensure consistency.
    /// [SageMath]:
    const ZETA: Self;

We can see that N should be the order of the multiplicative sub-group which has 3 as a generator and order 2.
Luckily, the generic doesn't affect the implementation. And indeed, if you compute ZETA you will get the correct result (that matches the one used in the repo.

So the only wrong thing is the generic which should be N=2.

I'm definitely missing something as the pasta_curves forces the multiplicative subgroup order to be 3 always..
What is true, is that with N =3 we don't get the ZETA used actually.

Implement `PrimeFieldBits`

When using the PSE fork of halo2 together with halo2_gadgets, it turns out that many gadgets require F: PrimeFieldBits (e.g. struct LookupRangeCheckConfig<F: PrimeFieldBits, const K: usize>), which is not implemented for any curves except the pasta curves.

Is there a good reason for that? Am I overlooking something?

Thanks :)

Add function in new_curve_impl has a wrong result

The following code snippet which does G + G + G + G = 4G and (G + G) + (G + G) = 4G gives different results for the Add function for the projective representation in here:

fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name) -> $name {

let generator: G1 = G1::generator();
let generator_two = generator.add(generator);
let generator_three = generator_two.add(generator);
let generator_four = generator_three.add(generator);

println!("G1 generator is -> {:?}", generator);
println!("G1_two is -> {:?}", generator_two);
println!("G1_three is -> {:?}", generator_three);
println!("G1_four is -> {:?}", generator_four);

let res = generator_two.add(generator_two);
println!("G1_four double is -> {:?}", res);

Add missing constants

Some of the field constants (such as DELTA, ZETA... )are not necessary for the functionality we are using right now. However it would be good to add them to have a complete implementation of the fields and curves.

Add Clippy check in CI

Currently the CI is missing a clippy check.

  • Add clippy check in CI
  • Fix any clippy bug

Makefile rule for publishing doesn't work

The Makefile fails to publish with:

Enter passphrase for key '......': 
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * [new tag]         v0.1.0 -> v0.1.0
cargo release publish --execute  --verbose
error: no such subcommand: `release`
make: *** [Makefile:16: release] Error 101

Idk why we have the release there. But is definitely wrong.
Will do a PR ASAP. In any case, the thing is already in

Originally posted by @CPerezz in #60 (comment)

Upgrade testing across the lib

Would be nice to create macros that generate big testing suites for all the different field and curve implementations we have in the lib.

Bad subgroup check or cofactor clearing in G2 pluto

Random point generation also clears cofactor just after finding a valid point on curve. In g2 of pluto it seems either cofactor clearing or subgroup check is not good. Reproduce with:

let point = G2::random(OsRng);
use group::cofactor::CofactorGroup;

Enabling serialization feature in `pasta_curves`

If the derive_serde feature is enabled - turn on the feature "serde" in the pasta_curves crate.

derive_serde = ["serde/derive", "serde_arrays", "hex", "pasta_curves/serde"]

Since many people (including our project ๐Ÿ˜„) use pasta curves re-export via halo2curves I think it could be useful to have all base types serialisable

New crate release

The repo has recently landed awesome PRs such as #83, as well as PRs such as #85 and #88 that change core data formats. Once #95 lands, it would be great to have a new release of the halo2curves crate, for consumption in projects such as Nova.

Hitting import issues on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu from maybe_rayon crate

Error log.

error[E0432]: unresolved imports `maybe_rayon::current_num_threads`, `maybe_rayon::iter::IndexedParallelIterator`, `maybe_rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefIterator`, `maybe_rayon::slice::ParallelSliceMut`
Error:   --> packages/halo2curves/src/
8  |     current_num_threads,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `current_num_threads` in the root
9  |     iter::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator},
   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `IntoParallelRefIterator` in `iter`
   |            |
   |            no `IndexedParallelIterator` in `iter`
10 |     slice::ParallelSliceMut,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `ParallelSliceMut` in `slice`
help: a similar name exists in the module
9  |     iter::{IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator},
   |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
help: a similar name exists in the module
9  |     iter::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator},
   |                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
help: a similar name exists in the module
10 |     slice::ParallelSlice,
   |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.
error: could not compile `halo2curves` (lib) due to previous error
Error: warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
Error: Compiling your crate to WebAssembly failed
Caused by: Compiling your crate to WebAssembly failed
Caused by: failed to execute `cargo build`: exited with exit status: 101
  full command: cd "/home/runner/work/spartan-ecdsa-experiment/packages/spartan_wasm" && "cargo" "build" "--lib" "--release" "--target" "wasm32-unknown-unknown"

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

about serialization of bn254 curve point

Recently I'm working on a project which involved both halo2curves and
I found that the serialization of bn254 curve point like G1 are different in these two projects.
when serializing, halo2curves add the negative sign as the 6th bit of last bytes, and point of infinity as the 7th bit. see

fn to_bytes(&self) -> Self::Repr {

while does the opposite(6th for point of infinity, 7th for negative sign). see

I had dealt the subtle difference in my project.
However, I wonder if there exists a common standard for (de)serialization Field and Curve Point?
If there isn't, I wonder how could we change the situation, and unify the serialization in many other zk projects and make proof parsing more portable?

How are you doing cargo fmt?

The formatting in this repo is a little strange. I run cargo fmt and it replaces 100% of the files. I'm curious how you're configuring the formatting for this, and whether you have a specific rustfmt file somewhere?

Implement SerdeObject for pasta curves

Hey all !

Recent changes in privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2#111 have greatly improved serialization performance, which is great ! However as halo2curves::pasta::Fp etc... do not currently implement SerdeObject it can make serializing VerifyingKey when using pasta curves kind of difficult.

Are there any plans in motion to implement SerdeObject on said curve structs ? If not happy to give it a go.

Simplify `frobenius_map` in `bn256`

The Frobenius map function is implemented in a rather confusing way:

pub fn frobenius_map(&mut self, power: usize) {
self.c1 *= &FROBENIUS_COEFF_FQ2_C1[power % 2];

where the precomputed values are:

pub const FROBENIUS_COEFF_FQ2_C1: [Fq; 2] = [
// Fq(-1)**(((q^0) - 1) / 2)
// it's 1 in Montgommery form
// Fq(-1)**(((q^1) - 1) / 2)

The first value is Fq(-1)^0 = 1. The second value is just the Legendre symbol of -1. -1 is by definition (in this field) a quadratic non-residue, so the second value is -1. As a consequence the Frobenius map of an even power maps each element to itself, and odd powers are mapped into the conjugation. (For an in depth explanation check out this blog post:
This is the way it is implemented in zkcrypto/bls12_381 :

Refactor `BN` curves.

The BN curves Pluto and bn256 can a good amount of code that is currently duplicated (once #98 is merged). In order to fix this we should introduce macros for:

  • Field extensions.
  • BN pairing.

This will be a good opportunity to refactor some of bn256 code which is in many parts undocumente and at times quite unclear.

Tags all gone

Tags all disappeared? This means older tags of halo2_proofs don't work anymore

feature request: Release halo2curves as a crate

This page is empty, which is sad:
Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 10 56 28 AM
Please note the following piece in the Rust documentation (emphasis mine):

Before you reach 1.0.0, anything goes, but if you make breaking changes, increment the minor version. In Rust, breaking changes include adding fields to structs or variants to enums.

Current rust versions of popular crates:

  • nova is at 0.21.0,
  • ff, group are at 0.13,
  • bellperson is at 0.25,

From which I take that releasing a crate, especially if it is suitably marked as experimental in its Readme, is not a big commitment that has to impact the roadmap, or constrain the project. However, it is a huge boon in coordinating dependencies and synchronizing efforts in using the crate. It's also a way to get feedback through that actual usage of the project.

IOW, I hope halo2curves being released can actually make halo2curves better.

/cc @CPerezz @han0110 @davidnevadoc @kilic

The recent removal of pairings lib will make it difficult to update `halo2_proofs` and other libraries

The recent merge of #69 may make it very difficult to update halo2_proofs and other associated libraries, which are currently architected to depend on halo2_curve trait implementations (not zkcrypto/pairing).

Recently gave a go at updating halo2curves in those repos and the number of cascading changes across repos is very large -- and the trait mismatches between halo2_curves and zkcrypto/pairing will make updating things a bit of a challenge.

Just wanted to flag this as a potential maintainability challenge.

ecPairing example fails


Thanks for developing this library and making it open-source! I was checking if this library is compatible with EVM precompiles, so ported an existing example here under ecPairing as a Rust test in src/bn256/ All the points in the example, both on G1 and G2, unwrap without a panic (so the specified points are on their curves), but the check on the last line fails: assert_eq!(engine::pairing(&p1, &p2), engine::pairing(&p3, &p4));.

Any idea what's happening? Thanks so much in advance for your help with this!

    fn test_evm_precompile() {
        // test ecPairing
        let p1_x = Fq::from_raw([0x86b21fb1b76e18da, 0x5bc9eeb6a3d147c1, 0x86308b7af7af02ac, 0x2cf44499d5d27bb1]);
        let p1_y = Fq::from_raw([0xfe16d3242dc715f6, 0x0b0c868df0e7bde1, 0xe69108924926e45f, 0x2c0f001f52110ccf]);
        let p2_x1 = Fq::from_raw([0xaef31e3cfaff3ebc, 0x61cd63919354bc06, 0x4e2a32234da8212f, 0x1fb19bb476f6b9e4]);
        let p2_x0 = Fq::from_raw([0x79d9159eca2d98d9, 0x4ffe2f2f3504de8a, 0x914e03e21df544c3, 0x22606845ff186793]);
        let p2_y1 = Fq::from_raw([0xd3ab3698d63e4f90, 0x48eea9abfdd85d7e, 0xcb5fa81fc26cf3f0, 0x2bd368e28381e8ec]);
        let p2_y0 = Fq::from_raw([0x950bb16041a0a85e, 0x91e66f59be6bd763, 0xf0ff1743cbac6ba2, 0x2fe02e47887507ad]);
        let p3_x = Fq::from_raw([0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]);
        let p3_y = Fq::from_raw([0x3c208c16d87cfd45, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029]);
        let p4_x1 = Fq::from_raw([0xaad45f40ec133eb4, 0xede09cc4328f5a62, 0x3caaf13cbf443c1a, 0x1971ff0471b09fa9]);
        let p4_x0 = Fq::from_raw([0xf5abfef9ab163bc7, 0xd6c104e9e9eff40b, 0x5733cbdddfed0fd8, 0x091058a314182298]);
        let p4_y1 = Fq::from_raw([0x8fc02c2e907baea2, 0x0af8c212d9dc9acd, 0x96c1f4e453a370eb, 0x2a23af9a5ce2ba27]);
        let p4_y0 = Fq::from_raw([0x54de6c7e0afdc1fc, 0x422ebc0e834613f9, 0xb548a4487da97b02, 0x23a8eb0b0996252c]);
        let p1 = G1Affine::from_xy(p1_x, p1_y).unwrap();
        let p2 = G2Affine::from_xy(
            Fq2 { c0: p2_x0, c1: p2_x1 },
            Fq2 { c0: p2_y0, c1: p2_y1 },
        let p3 = G1Affine::from_xy(p3_x, p3_y).unwrap();
        let p4 = G2Affine::from_xy(
            Fq2 { c0: p4_x0, c1: p4_x1 },
            Fq2 { c0: p4_y0, c1: p4_y1 },
        assert_eq!(engine::pairing(&p1, &p2), engine::pairing(&p3, &p4));

Floating point values truncated when exporting with serde_json

Floating point values are truncated when exporting with serde, there may be other issues with parsing long floating point values. There should be an option for users to enable for accurate floats if needed.

Here was one fix that we used within ezkl

There was a need to explicitly map floating point values to f64 otherwise values gets truncated

Without custom Serialization, example

{"input_data": [[0.053262424, ... ]]}

With custom Serialization

data["input_data"] == [[0.05326242372393608, ...]]|
impl Serialize for GraphInput {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("GraphInput", 4)?;
        let input_data_f64: Vec<Vec<f64>> = self
            .map(|v| v.iter().map(|&f| f as f64).collect())
        let output_data_f64: Vec<Vec<f64>> = self
            .map(|v| v.iter().map(|&f| f as f64).collect())
        state.serialize_field("input_data", &input_data_f64)?;
        state.serialize_field("output_data", &output_data_f64)?;

        if let Some(processed_inputs) = &self.processed_inputs {
            state.serialize_field("processed_inputs", &processed_inputs)?;

        if let Some(processed_params) = &self.processed_params {
            state.serialize_field("processed_params", &processed_params)?;

        if let Some(processed_outputs) = &self.processed_outputs {
            state.serialize_field("processed_outputs", &processed_outputs)?;

Some other issues regarding large floats which is documented in this issue. There may be a need to enable to float_roundtrip flag to enable more accurate float parsing but this comes at an added processing time cost.


Optimization: implement RCB15 group addition for BN curves

The current group law uses 16 field multiplications.

We may use the method from which requires only 12 field multiplications.

I have a demo implementation of this algorithm here:

This should improve the proving speed by 25% or so.
(I noticed that both Halo2 and Arkworks didn't use this 8 years old method. Did I missed anything here?)

Different output of bn256::G1::hash_to_curve between vanilla & asm branches

The following branch:

Implements a test which draws byte strings using a deterministically-seeded RNG, passes them to hash_to_curve, and looks at the representation of the obtained point:

  • It passes when running on the vanilla branch (no features) - without surprise because that's where the expected outputs are drawn from,
    • the command is cargo nextest run --no-capture -E 'test(test_hash_to_curve_print)'
  • it fails on the 10th and last vector when running with --features "asm".
    • the command is cargo nextest run --no-capture -E 'test(test_hash_to_curve_print)' --features "asm"

Tested on but microsoft/Nova#261 shows this applied to v0.4.0 at least and probably since.

I would suspect a possible missing modular reduction in the field arithmetic somewhere between vanilla / asm, but haven't looked into the cause any deeper.

h/t @srinathsetty @adr1anh

Duplicated `mul_by_nonresidue` function in `Bn256` field extensions

The extensions of Bn256 base field Fq2 and Fq6 are constructed choosing a quadratic/cubic non-residue in their respective base field. Each of these extensions implement the function multiply_by_nonresidue, which multiplies an element by a non-residue element of the extension field.

However, these extensions each have another function that is identical:

The remaining extension, Fq12, does not seem to have such duplicated function.
These functions are not used anywhere, I think they are just duplicates and should be removed for clarity.

Moreover, the following comments should be corrected:

/// Multiply by cubic nonresidue v.

This v is the non-residue used for the quadratic extension [Fq12 : Fq6]. It is a quadritic, not cubic, non-residue.
The same applies for:
/// Multiply this element by quadratic nonresidue 9 + u.

This should be cubic, not quadriatic.

Avoid computing square roots where possible in hash_to_curve

The (S)SWU hash_to_curve methods (RFC), introduced in #47 for grumpkin (see also #70 for secp256k1), simply require finding if an element is a quadratic residue in several places in the computation.

This is currently implemented as foo.sqrt().is_some(), which resolves to a square root computation.

I suspect it may be faster to implement a real Legendre symbol there, see e.g. Arkworks:

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