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Microsoft's Projects

ml-server icon ml-server

GitHub repositories for Machine Learning Server

ml-wrappers icon ml-wrappers

A unified wrapper for various ML frameworks - to have one uniform scikit-learn format for predict and predict_proba functions.

ml4f icon ml4f

ML model compiler for Cortex-M4F

mlads2018-quantumml icon mlads2018-quantumml

Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning tutorial: Building a quantum perceptron using Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

mlc icon mlc

Meta Label Correction for Noisy Label Learning icon

MLFlow.NET is a .NET Standard 2.0 based wrapper for the REST based MLFlow server API ( The SDK package allows you to call the MLFlow server API from .NET apps. A sample use case is writing a .NET Core app that validates a machine learning model or API and stores the result in MLFlow

mlnetexcel icon mlnetexcel

Excel Add-In to make predictions using ML.NET Models - Built on Blazor WASM

mlontheedgecodeproject icon mlontheedgecodeproject

The overall purpose of this document is to showcase an example of Azure Machine Learning on IoT Edge Devices using Microsoft Embedded Learning Library (ELL)

mlopstemplate icon mlopstemplate

Providing tools and templates to facilitate modern MLOps practices

mlos icon mlos

MLOS is a project to enable autotuning for systems.

mmdnn icon mmdnn

MMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, PyTorch Onnx and CoreML.

moab icon moab

Project Moab, a new open-source balancing robot to help engineers and developers learn how to build real-world autonomous control systems with Project Bonsai.

moaw icon moaw

Grab-and-go resources to help you learn new skills, with all the tools you need to create, host and share your own workshop

mobile-chest-x-ray-analysis icon mobile-chest-x-ray-analysis

This open source project contains source code to build a Xamarin iOS and Android mobile app. Once compiled the app can be used to analyze and interpret chest x-ray images. This experimental research project is used to supplement the release of the machine learning model (

mobiletrendvis icon mobiletrendvis

Source code for an experiment about bubble charts on mobile phones

mobius icon mobius

C# and F# language binding and extensions to Apache Spark

moc icon moc

Microsoft On-Premise Cloud

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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  • Machine learning

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