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Microsoft's Projects

elk-acs-kubernetes icon elk-acs-kubernetes

This repo contains tools that enable user to deploy ELK stack in Kubernetes cluster hosted in Azure Container Service.

ell icon ell

Embedded Learning Library

ell-piclusterservice icon ell-piclusterservice

A simple node.js applicaton you can host in Azure that provides a way to centrally manage a cluster of Raspberry Pi machines (or any type of machine really). It is very light weight and designed for small number of machines.

ell-pidatacenter icon ell-pidatacenter

Minimal code needed on each RaspberryPi to talk to PiDataCenter manager.

ell-test-models icon ell-test-models

This is a subset of the ell-models repo containing ELL trained models used only by our testing process.

elt icon elt

Embedded Learning Toolkit

emapi icon emapi

Electron app which hosts electron-gqlmapi with GraphiQL

emat icon emat

Exchange Migration Assessment Tool

energy-data-services-experience-lab icon energy-data-services-experience-lab

Experience Lab is a set of utilities that assist in creating instances of Microsoft Azure Data Manager for Energy, performing data loads, and performing basic management operations.

enforce-do-not-forward icon enforce-do-not-forward

Sample Exchange Transport Agent which enforces the DoNotForward option for meeting requests flowing through the transport pipeline.

engagementinsights-sdk-ios icon engagementinsights-sdk-ios

Understand customer behavior using digital analytics in engagement insights, a capability of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

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