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Microsoft's Projects

charts icon charts

A Helm Chart Repository for Microsoft Projects

check-groupmembership icon check-groupmembership

This script checks if there are groups that have mismatching members in between Azure Active Directory and Exchange Online.

checkedc icon checkedc

Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code with bounds checking and improved type-safety. The goal is to let people easily make their existing C code type-safe and eliminate entire classes of errors.

checkedc-clang icon checkedc-clang

This repo contains a version of clang that is being modified to support Checked C. Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code that is guaranteed by the compiler to be type-safe.

checkedc-libc-test icon checkedc-libc-test

This repo contains a version of libc-test that is modified to test a Checked C version of the musl C library. Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as out-of-bounds memory accesses.

checkedc-llvm icon checkedc-llvm

Thiis is a *deprecated* repo that contains a version of LLVM that was being modified to support Checked C. We have moved to a single (mono) repo setup, following the lead of the LLVM community. See instead.

checkedc-llvm-test-suite icon checkedc-llvm-test-suite

This repo contains a version of the LLVM test suite that is being modified to use Checked C. The modified programs will be used to benchmark the implementation of Checked C in clang/LLVM. Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as out-of-bounds memory accesses.

checkedc-musl icon checkedc-musl

This repo contains a version of musl that is being modified to Checked C. Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as out-of-bounds memory accesses.

checkedc-parson icon checkedc-parson

This is modified version of parson that uses the Checked C extension to C. Parson is a lightweight json parsing library.

chestist icon chestist

Integrate FHIR with ML to identify areas of interest on patient thoracic X-rays.

chokidar icon chokidar

A neat wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / fsevents.

chroma-key-demo icon chroma-key-demo

Chroma Key Demo is an example demonstrating chroma key filter in Imaging SDK.

cilogprocessor icon cilogprocessor

Dynamics 365 Customer Insight helper Azure Function that takes diagnostic settings events from Azure Event Hubs and post them into Log Analytics workspace

clang-1 icon clang-1

Mirror of official clang git repository located at Updated every five minutes.

clarity icon clarity

A behavioral analytics library that uses dom mutations and user interactions to generate aggregated insights.

clarity-tools icon clarity-tools

Sample tools and libraries to demonstrate clarity functionality

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