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Find developer resources for Oriented Imagery, including a Web AppBuilder widget and oriented imagery catalog (OIC) schema.

License: Apache License 2.0

CSS 55.27% JavaScript 21.10% HTML 0.90% Python 8.88% TypeScript 13.86%
web-development javascript imagery web-appbuilder web-appbuilder-widgets image raster

oriented-imagery's Issues

[v2.4] [3D app only] Frustum of 'Current coverage' shakes

I am using the 3D app. When moving the Bubble Panorama view, the red frustum of 'current coverage' often moves in an opposite direction for half a second before moving to the right position. It does not seem to happen in v2.3.

[JS API 4.16 Support]

In JavaScript API 4.16, the constructor of FeatureForm becomes asynchronous.
As FeatureForm has to load data from ArcGIS Online, its creation is slower than the creation of Update & Delete buttons.

I changed

                var featureForm = new FeatureForm({
                    container: editingNode,
                    layer: layer,
                    feature: graphic,
                    fieldConfig: fieldInfos
                //editable field change
      "<button class='btn btn-clear'>" + this.nls.update + "</button><button class='btn btn-clear' style='margin-left:10px;'>" + this.nls.delete + "</button>", featureForm.container);
                featureForm.container.childNodes[1].addEventListener("click", lang.hitch(this, function () {
                    if (featureForm)
                featureForm.container.childNodes[2].addEventListener("click", lang.hitch(this, function () {
                    layer.applyEdits({ deleteFeatures: [{ objectId: objectId }] }).then(lang.hitch(this, function (result) {
                        if (result.deleteFeatureResults.length) {



                var featureForm = new FeatureForm({
                    container: editingNode,
                    layer: layer,
                    feature: graphic,
                    fieldConfig: fieldInfos
                featureForm._resourcesFetch.then(() => {
          "<button class='btn btn-clear'>" + this.nls.update + "</button><button class='btn btn-clear' style='margin-left:10px;'>" + this.nls.delete + "</button>", featureForm.container, "last");
                    featureForm.container.childNodes[1].addEventListener("click", lang.hitch(this, function () {
                        if (featureForm)
                    featureForm.container.childNodes[2].addEventListener("click", lang.hitch(this, function () {
                        layer.applyEdits({ deleteFeatures: [{ objectId: objectId }] }).then(lang.hitch(this, function (result) {
                            if (result.deleteFeatureResults.length) {


Geospatial Video OIC


I am having trouble when trying to add geospatial video to my OIC. I copied the GeospatialVideo.oictype and files to C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\OrientedImagery\Types and I am able to see GeospatialVideo as an available Input Type in the Add Images to Oriented Imagery Catalog tool. I have a .mp4 video file that I captured with a drone and was able to successfully combine with the corresponding geospatial video log using the Video Multiplexer tool. I am able to view the video in the FMV Player and the geospatial components are displayed on my map so my video seems to have been properly multiplexed. I have also uploaded the multiplexed video to my agency's public site so the video is web-accessible.

When I run the Add Images to Oriented Imagery Catalog tool:
-Input OIC is set to an empty OIC created by the Create Oriented Imagery Catalog tool
-Input Type is set to GeospatialVideo
-Metadata File is set to the path of the geospatial video log csv file (the same one I used for multiplexing) on my local drive
-Video File is set to the url for my multiplexed .mp4 video file on my agency's site
-Imagery Type is set to GeospatialVideo_Defaults
and the rest of the parameters are kept at their default values

This is where I'm stuck. When running the tool, I receive the following message and I don't know how to proceed

The tool completes but it seems to have not done anything. Any help is greatly appreciated!

On another note, I was wondering if there were plans to release any support documentation for Geospatial Video similar to the available user docs for Drone2Map, Pictometry, and Sanborn.


[OIC Toolbox] OIC forced to be 2D / GPSAltitude EXIF field not read

When one create a catalogue using the ArcGIS Pro OIC Toolbox, even if the active map is a 3D scene, the points are hard-coded to be 2D. Even if the photo has a GPSAltitude EXIF field, the plugin does not read the value.

One has to drag the exposure points from 2D to 3D, manually enables their z-values, and change the path to the new exposure points.
Indeed, the viewer is able to read the z-values of these photos after the onerous procedure, but they are currently useless.

Viewer does not resize in accordance with the outer floating window

In Widget.js, there is this code snippet:

domStyle.set("oiviewer", "width", "100%");
domStyle.set("oiviewer", "height", "100%");

which supposedly refers to the this DOM node in Widget.html:

<div data-dojo-attach-point="oiviewer" style="width: 500px;height: 400px;"></div>

However, we use dom.byId() in the inner function, so this is giving an exception. If we add the id to the tag, then the problem will be resolved.

<div id="oiviewer" data-dojo-attach-point="oiviewer" style="width: 500px;height: 400px;"></div>

Blue and Alpha are not used but the depth map has to be RGBA(?) Makes everything slower

May I ask why the depth maps are required to be RGBA?

This is from loadDepthImage from viewer.js :

for (var l = 0; l < Object.keys(this.depthInfo.pixels).length; l++)
for (var c = n.getImageData(a * l, 0, a, h.height), m = 0; m <; m += 4) e =[m] >> 6 << 1, s = ((63 &[m]) << 8 |[m + 1]) << e, this.depthInfo.pixels[l].push(s / 1e3);
this.depthImage = !0, this.depthInfo.isLoading = !1, I.set(this.depthBtn, "display", "inline"), this.domNode.getElementsByClassName("oi-imageViewer")[0].removeChild(h)

If I am not mistaken,[m] is the red channel and[m + 1] is the green channel. That means the blue and alpha channel are unused. It doubles the data and slows down the load process of the image (and the generation of depth images). And how should one express decimal places of lengths? Thanks.

Create Coverage Features reports missing properties one at a time

When using the Create Coverage Features tool on an OIC that does not have all properties set (such as AvgHtAG or NearDist/FarDist), it completes with a warning that 1 property was missing. This requires repeated runs to understand what properties are missing.

Enhancement request: report all missing properties and/or allow setting missing properties in this tool.

Equirectangular panorama never have z-values in imageToGroundPanorama

Despite "exposure points" are given in 3D (i.e. possessing z-values), the function imageToGroundPanorama in viewer.js do not calculate them.
Even given the z-axis of the exposure point, HFOV, heading, pitch, roll, depth from the depth map, the distance above ground is always NaN, because the resultant point is hard-wired into 2D.
You can definitely calculate the z if you have the values above. First you find the tilt of the current heading using the original tilt and heading, then you add the angle between the origin and the point. Since you have the new angle and the depth, you now have depth*Math.atan2(newAngle). More on this later.

Geospatial Video Fixes

Bug fixes and Enhancements

  1. Default max distance to 1000.
  2. The formula to calculate near and far distance has changed. (using cos instead of tan function)
  3. The index out of range error has been fixed.
  4. The program will now first look for sensor altitude (assuming it to be orthometric heights) first and if that is not found will look for SensorEllipsoidHeight.
  5. Will refresh token when requesting for elevation data if too many calls are made and token expires.
  6. These fields are made as optional : SensorRelativeAzimuth, SensorRelativeElevation, SensorRelativeRoll.

Camera location overlays cannot be shown in 'T'-type

I am testing a set of 'T' (terrestrial frame camera) images with depth maps on v2.4. The depth maps are in MRF format with LERC compression. The camera location overlays cannot be shown.

I can give you the data set in private messages.

Pannellum used failed to load any depth map

From the Chrome console, I can see that the depth map is loaded as an 1D array: [118 118 118 255 112 112 112 255 etc...]
However, when you turn on the "Depth Map" tool, Pannellum becomes all black:

Viewer version: 2.3

error when re-publishing catalog

I was following the ESRI tutorial found in "Tutorial - Create an Oriented Imagery Catalog .txt". At the time I did not have privileges to upload vector tiles to our AGOL organizations account and it failed to upload the vector tiles. Now that I do have those privileges, Ive tried to re-upload using "Publish All - overwrite". But am getting an error.

Publish Oriented Imagery Catalog

Oriented Imagery Catalog     esriredlands_test
Tags     OrientedImagery
Description     test oriented imagery
Portal folder name:     
Publish options :     Publish all - overwrite
Add images as attachments     false

Start Time: Monday, August 16, 2021 7:20:59 PM
Update Available. Please read C:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\OrientedImagery\Scripts\CheckForUpdate.json
Publishing Exposure Points.
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'
Failed to execute (PublishOrientedImageCatalog).
Failed at Monday, August 16, 2021 7:21:13 PM (Elapsed Time: 13.80 seconds)

Arcpro version: 2.8
Python version: 3.7.10

QuickCapture OIC


I am struggling to view images which have been taken through the QuickCapture app which uses data with the oriented imagery capabilities enabled. This is what I have attempted:

I have installed the oriented imagery catalogue plugin and tools into ArcGIS Pro. After adding in the OIC generated from the QuickCapture App and selecting the OI point the imagery viewer just perpetually loads.
Using the ESRI Oriented Imagery Viewer (, after adding the data in and selecting the OI point the coverage areas are loaded, however the imagery viewer has the message 'failed to load image'.
I have added the custom widget into WebApp for developers and added the OIC to the app and map. When selecting the OI point none of the coverage areas are shown and the imagery viewer just says '[object Event]'. However it does seem to select the points which should be within the current coverage, and does change the selected of points.

Whilst they all have differences, the main issue is not being able to view the images. As the data is being generated through QuickCapture (OIC was enabled at the start before any images were taken) the images are stored in the data as attachments, as much of the guidance around using oriented imagery doesn't mention attachments could this be the issue? However reading the help and guidance pertaining to the QuickCapture app and oriented imagery, it seems it should work fine.

I am using version 2.6.0 (ArcGIS Pro) and version 10.8.1 (Enterprise).

Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!


I am testing a set of 'B'('bubble')-type panoramic photos. When any of the panorama is first loaded, the photo is already slightly zoomed in. Then when you click the Zoom In button (or upward mouse scroll), it actually zooms out. After that, you won't be able to zoom in and out again.

The bug might be caused by fov from, but only you know the logic behind. To me, zooming in is simply enlargement of the image, not modifying pannellum's fov.

Credentials not used

When credentials are presented in the OIC data structure they do not seem to be used. Username and password prompts are still appearing.

error in

I registered the Web AppBuilder widget with my ArcGIS Portal 10.7.1 (customer-driven). Published an OIC successfully and can configure it for use in the widget. However, when identifying a location, the widget fails to return an image. Some digging shows what appears to be an error in 'createThumbnailUrl' in (line 1243 in browser formatted version).

else if ("A|" === t.Image.substr(0, 2)) {
                var r = t.Image.split("|")

t at this point does not have an attribute Image. It does however have an attribute image that has a valid URL to the returned image.

after setting:

t.Image = t.image

in the browser console for the images returned from the search, the app does display the images properly.

Zooming issues

There are two zooming issues.
The first one is a serious one. Zooming in your libpannellum.js is directly tied to the maximum FOV, which is in turn tied to FarDistance. In Pannellum (v2.5), zooming is simply magnification, it neither depends on or modifies the FOV. Indeed, the buttons do nothing (except the behaviour in #18) when the OIC window is large enough, say above 600x600.
The screenshot sums the first issue up :

Magnification is essential since without it measuring will not be accurate. At the end of the road, the depth values are packed together. Deviation by a single pixel may change a lot. Also, zooming is among the most common features.

The second one is #18. When the OIC window is large enough, say above 600x600, pressing "Zoom In" actually zooms out once. Then the buttons simply do nothing.

Thanks for all the hard work.

Green diamond indicator becomes invisible underneath 3D objects

Well this issue is not directly a bug on Oriented Imagery, but it will make the feature unusable. I know it is related to the JavaScript API.

If you have some 3D models on the scene - whether it is of type 3DObject I3S, Mesh I3S or BIM - and you Alt-Click on the map, the green diamond indicator is completely invisible. This is not related to opacity. You can reproduce this having a 3D model of opacity 0.1.

The same happens if you turn on the Current coverage and Additional coverage frustums. The green diamond is masked.

z-value information only available when accuracy is Undef?

I don't understand the rationale behind this code snippet:

if ("UnDef" === e && (e = ["UnDef", "UnDef"]), t[0].z) var i = "<br>Z: " + t[0].z.toFixed(2);
else i = "";

Why is z-value information only available when accuracy is Undef?
(viewer.js, function measurementClient, under case "Point":)

OI gptool call from python script

Issues while calling gptool from python script

GDAL path issue on 2.8.1 pro
-works on pro 2.8.0 but has the issue of GDAL in pro 2.8.1
- Repo install pro 2.8.1 and try the running script

Local Image path (name getting Null)
-on Imagelist image type, while passing the local path name field in the exposure point FC gets null
- Repo run tool with local image path having (c:\imagepath.jpg)

Multithread check with a number of images
- remove multithread subprocess for images lesser than 10 or 20

Regression for the all OI Types

z-value information is only available when accuracy is Undef?

I don't understand the rationale behind this code snippet:

if ("UnDef" === e && (e = ["UnDef", "UnDef"]), t[0].z) var i = "<br>Z: " + t[0].z.toFixed(2);
else i = "";

Why is z-value information only available when accuracy is Undef?
(viewer.js, function measurementClient, under case "Point":)

Widgets : Restructure Widgets Folder.

Restructure the widgets folder.
Create folders and files for each.

Create Folders

  1. Depreciated\WAB2D.
  2. WAB3D.
  3. ExperienceBuilder

Delete Folders
OrientedImagery 3D

Update files for each.

z-value information only available when accuracy is Undef(?)

I don't understand the rationale behind this code snippet:

if ("UnDef" === e && (e = ["UnDef", "UnDef"]), t[0].z) var i = "<br>Z: " + t[0].z.toFixed(2);
else i = "";

Why is z-value information only available when accuracy is Undef?
(viewer.js, function measurementClient, under case "Point":)

Distance measurement tool always shows `NaNm ± NaN`

I am testing a set of 'T' (terrestrial frame camera) images with depth maps on v2.4. The depth maps are in MRF format with LERC compression. The distance measurement tool always shows
NaNm ± NaN.

Plus, Alt+Click does not seem to work. Red frustum disappears after zooming in by one level.

I can give you the data set in private messages.

Include support for ArcGIS Pro 2.8.2

while released only yesterday, it appears the OIC addin does not work properly with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.2. Please include support for this latest release.

NaN in MRF not handled in 'B' type

Please don't set NaN values to FarDist. This just doesn't make any sense.
Original imageToGroundPanorama:

} r || 0 === r || (r = t[0] < 0 ? this.selectedFeatureAttributes.avghtag / Math.tan(-t[0] * Math.PI / 180) : this.selectedFeatureAttributes.fardist) > this.selectedFeatureAttributes.fardist && (r = this.selectedFeatureAttributes.fardist);

Distance above ground

I don't think this feature is fixed yet.
Could you double check, please? Thanks.
You can use my 'T' dataset.

JavaScript error related to MRF reader

I am testing a set of 'T' (terrestrial frame camera) images with depth maps on v2.4. The depth maps are in MRF format with LERC compression.

How to reproduce:
(Chrome v83)

  1. Make sure the OIC window is small enough (e.g. 300x300)
  2. Click to open an image (no need to click the 'Depth map' button)
  3. Resize the browser window (e.g. 600x600)
  4. Maximize the browser window

Upon maximizing the browser, the height of the OIC floating window becomes this:

Here is the browser log:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
    at Object.httpRangeRequest (mrfDataset.js:1)
    at Object.readEntireImage (mrfDataset.js:1)
    at Object.readEntireImage (dojo.js:42)
    at Object.getNewDepthMRF (viewer.js:1)
    at Object.getNewDepthImage (viewer.js:1)
    at Object.resize (viewer.js:1)
    at main.js:1

Then the app freezes, we are not able to interact with the map again.


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