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eldenringfpsunlockandmore's Introduction

Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more

A small utility to remove frame rate limit, change FOV (Field of View), add widescreen supprt, alter Game Speed and various game modifications for Elden Ring written in C#. More features soon! Patches games memory while running, does not modify any game files. Works with every game version (legit steam & oh-not-so-legit), should work with all future updates.


Get the latest release here


  • does not modify any game files, RAM patches only
  • works with legit, unmodified steam version as well as with unpacked, not-so-legit versions
  • unlock frame rate (remove FPS limit)
  • remove forced 60 Hertz (Hz) limit in fullscreen
  • increase or decrease field of view (FOV)
  • disable camera auto rotate adjustment on movement (intended for mouse users)
  • disable centering of camera (cam reset) on lock-on if there is no target
  • add support for widescreen monitors
  • game modifications
    • global game speed modifier (increase or decrease)
    • disable losing Runes on death


Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more


Make sure the game is running in offline mode and the AntiCheat (EAC) isn't running..

The graphic setup has to be done only once but as the patcher hot-patches the memory you have to start the patcher every time you want to use any of its features. The game enforces VSYNC and forces 60 Hz in fullscreen even on 144 Hz monitors so we have to override these.

Nvidia: Use Nvidia Control Panel to set 'Preferred Refreshrate' to 'Highest available' on a Elden Ring Profile, if you aren't using GSYNC/FreeSYNC then set 'Vsync' to 'Off'.

AMD: Use Radeon Settings to set 'Wait for Vertical Refresh' to 'Enhanced Sync', 'Fast Sync' or 'Always Off' on a Elden Ring profile.

Follow these steps on Nvidia (see below for GSYNC):

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  2. Navigate to Display -> Change resolution
  3. Make sure your monitor is set to the highest Refresh rate possible:
  4. Make sure your monitor is set to the highest Refresh rate possible
  5. Navigate to 3D Settings -> Manage 3D settings -> Program Settings -> Elden Ring
  6. Set Preferred refresh rate to Highest available
  7. Set Vertical sync to Off
  8. Preferred refresh rate to Highest available, VSYNC to Off
  9. Hit apply and close Nvidia Control Panel
  10. Start Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more and start the game through the first button
  11. Set your new refresh rate limit, tick the checkbox and click Patch game

Follow these steps on AMD:

  1. Right click on Desktop -> Display settings
  2. Scroll down and click Advanced Display Settings -> Display Adapter Properties
  3. Switch to Monitor tab and make sure your monitor is set to the highest Refresh rate possible:
  4. Make sure your monitor is set to the highest Refresh rate possible
  5. Open Radeon Settings
  6. Navigate to Gaming -> Elden Ring or add it manually if it's missing: Add -> Browse -> Elden Ring
  7. Set Wait for Vertical Refresh to Enhanced Sync, Fast Sync or Always Off:
  8. Wait for Vertical Refresh Enhanced Sync
  9. Apply and close Radeon Settings
  10. Start Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more and start the game through the first button
  11. Set your new refresh rate limit, tick the checkbox and click Patch game

To play the game with GSYNC do these additional steps (Nvidia):

  1. Under Nvidia Control Panel navigate to 3D Settings -> Manage 3D settings -> Program Settings -> Elden Ring
  2. Set Monitor Technology to G-SYNC
  3. You can keep Vertical sync on Use the 3D application setting now to help remove frame time stutters (see here)
  4. Make sure that Preferred refresh rate is still set to Highest available
  5. GSYNC Settings
  6. Don't forget to Apply and close Nvidia Control Panel
  7. Use a 3rd party frame rate limiter like RTSS and set a frame rate limit just a few fps below your monitor refresh rate, on a 144Hz Monitor use 138
  8. Start Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more and start the game through the first button
  9. Set your new refresh rate limit, tick the checkbox and click Patch game

On 'Change FOV by (%)'

Increase or decrease the games Field Of Fiew (FOV) between -95% and +95%.

On 'Widescreen support'

Adds your monitors native resolution to the games video options overwriting the default 1920x1080 resolution. This will allow widescreen monitors to use their full resolution and aspect ratio.

On 'Disable Steam check'

Normally you don't have to tick this checkbox (except when you are drinking rum while sailing the sea). Ticking this will tell the utility to not start Steam when it tries to launch the game. If your game isn't starting then untick this.

On 'Disable camera auto rotate on movement':

Will disable the automatic camera rotation adjustments when you are moving. This is mostly intended for mouse users, enabling it on non-native windows controllers might not work correctly.

On 'Disable camera reset on lock-on':

If you press your target lock-on key and no target is in sight the game will reset the camera position and disable your input while it's doing so. Ticking this checkbox will remove this behaviour of the game.

On 'Disable Runes loss on death':

Like 'Unseen Aid' in Sekiro you will not lose any Runes upon death with this option enabled.

On 'Game speed':

Slow down the game to beat a boss like a game journalist or speed it up and become gud. Game speed acts as a global time scale and is used by the game itself to create a dramatic effect in a few cutscenes. All game physics (even opening the menu) will be affected equally: all time-critical windows like dodge and deflect will be proportionally prolonged or shortened while the amount of damage given and taken as well as all other damage physics will be unaltered. A hit from an enemy on 150% game speed will do the exact same damage as on 80%, the deflect window on 50% is exactly twice as long as on 100% and so on. Of course, your character will be affected by the speed too so even though a time window might be different now, the speed which you can react on it is different too. Be aware that the speed modifier can potentially crash the game in certain cutscenes and NPC interactions so use it with caution.


  • Make sure you followed the appropriate steps and didn't skip any
  • Try disabling Fullscreen optimization for Elden Ring: right mouse click on eldenring.exe -> Compatibility-> tick 'Disable fullscreen optimizations'
  • If you are using ReShade make sure your preset doesn't enforce 60 Hz, try removing ReShade and see if it solves the problem
  • Game isn't starting when you click "Start game"? Untick 'Disable Steam check'
  • Try adding the whole game folder and Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more to your antivirus's exclusion list
  • Try disabling Steam Broadcast (streaming via overlay)
  • Try to force disable VSYNC even when you are using GSYNC/FreeSync/FastSync
  • Close and disable all screen recording and streaming applications
  • Close and disable all overlays
  • Close and disable all performance "booster" programs and alike
  • Do a clean reinstall of your graphic driver:
    1. Download latest graphics driver for your GPU
    2. Download DDU
    3. Disconnect internet so windows update won't auto-install minimal driver as soon as you uninstall them
    4. Boot into safe mode
    5. Completely uninstall graphics driver and all of their utilities using DDU
    6. Reboot
    7. Install the latest driver you previously downloaded
    8. Reconnect internet


  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • administrative privileges (for patching)
  • 64 bit OS


Use Visual Studio 2022 to build and remove the missing icon.ico from build process.


Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request at any time


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • huovnn for their contribution to disable the automatic camera adjustments on movement
  • Darius Dan for the icon


  • the game has forced VSYNC so unlocking the frame rate when your monitor has 60Hz will do nothing. You'll have to disable VSYNC in Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings first, see Usage
  • in fullscreen the game forces the monitor to 60 Hz so you'll have to handle this with driver override too, see Usage
  • your monitor has to natively support the widescreen resolution otherwise it won't show up correctly
  • game speed modification can potentially crash the game in certain cutscenes and NPC interactions, use with caution

Version History

  • v1.1.0.0 (2022-03-22)
    • added option to disable camera auto-rotate
    • added option to disable camera reset on lock-on if no target is in range
    • added option to disable Steam-check
  • v1.0.0.1 (2022-02-28)
    • fixed an issue with pattern on 'disabling runes loss'
  • v1.0.0.0 (2022-02-28)
    • fixed issue with widescreen support not setting correct aspect ratio
    • made game start-up and checks more robust
    • fixed an issue with game start-up on certain systems
    • disabling runes loss upon death will now no longer drop the runes you didn't loose onto the ground
    • better cleanup on exit
  • v0.0.0.5-beta (2022-02-27)
    • frame rate unlock now removes 60 Hz lock in fullscreen too (screw you FromSoft!)
    • added widescreen support patch
    • fixed a bug that would prevent re-starting the game correctly after exiting through main menu
    • minor fixes
  • v0.0.0.4-beta (2022-02-26)
    • fixed issues with FOV changer
    • added game speed modifier
    • added option to disable Runes penalty upon death
    • fixed game exe selection if exe isn't called 'eldenring.exe'
    • improved stability
  • v0.0.0.3-beta (2022-02-25)
    • added FOV changer
    • added handling of alternative version of EAC service (thanks to DubbleClick)
    • added handling of non-english characters in installation paths (thanks to mrdellis)
  • v0.0.0.2-beta (2022-02-25)
    • added game checks
    • fixed broken game start
    • added prompt to select game installation path
    • removed reference to external MS DLL
    • multiple fixes
    • added icon
  • v0.0.0.1-beta (2022-02-25)
    • Initial release

eldenringfpsunlockandmore's People


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eldenringfpsunlockandmore's Issues

[Enhancement] Allow us to move the camera while talking to an NPC with Mouse/Keyboard \o

Hello! Thank you so much for this mod!

It really helped me get the game more stable and I even got a few extra frames now.

Would it be possible to add an option so we could move the camera when talking to NPCs/sitting at the "bonfire" as well, please?

It is such a minor thing when playing with Mouse and Keyboard but it would be amazing.

Thanks once again!

Linux version

Is it possible to compile as a linux binary, or a how-to on running under proton?

GSYNC doesn't work in Fullscreen

As per title, GSYNC works correctly in Borderless Windowed, but with Fullscreen it does not work

BTW thanks so much for your hard work!

Mode quits shortly after starting the game.

I have disabled online in the game settings
renamed the start_protected_game.exe to start_protected_gameOG.exe
Copied the eldenring.exe and renamed it start_protected_game.exe
Start the game from steam.


Found a way to run the game in full screen with HDR and uncapped frames

This is not an issue but a comment that might help fellow gamers.

As you have noticed when you play the game under borderless full screen, the HDR get disabled and the game looks as ugly as shit.

So playing around, I was able to have 90fps full screen with HDR enabled 2k screen resolution with G-sync enabled.
What I have done:
1- Go to Nvidia Control panel and change the following for Eldin ring in the 3D settings section:

  • Set Preferred refresh rate to Highest available
  • Set Vertical sync to Off
  • Set Power Management to Max performance
  • Set Monitor Technology to G-sync
    And make sure to apply
    2- Start the game from the patcher and make sure to select the refresh rate. In my case it was 120.
    3- Make sure to select borderless full screen to test if the patcher is working fine.
    4- Now change the settings to full screen 2k and enable HDR and you will notice its going back to very stable 60 (not like the unpatched game).
    5- Quit the game from the menu.
    6- Now run the game from steam and dont change anything.
    7- Quit the game from the menu.
    8- Start the patcher now and you will get a message "Game is already running! Do you want to close and restart in offline mode..."
    9- Hit "yes"
    10- Patcher will close
    11- Open the patcher again and run the game
    12- Boom! its full screen with HDR and FPS are not capped!
    The down side of my method is that you have to do this every-time from point 6.

I have no idea why this is happening but its working! I told a friend about it and its working fine with him.
Patcher version is

Please give it a try

Remove mouse cursor?


i love your work bro!
Im playing this game with my controller and I still see mouse cursor shows up. Is it possible to completely hide or disable it?

Many thanks!

Cant even start the game

Followed all the directions for NVidia, opened the unlocker, pressed "Start the game without EAC", screen blinks and app doesnt launch. Tried copying the .exe to the game folder...still nothing. What am I missing here?
(my game is installed in Steam)

Application shutted down after launching game

LG G SYNC 144 hz + 1080ti + windows 11
Read all your code in main class.
All stages passed, running not licensed steam version with/without steam logging.
I edited registry for true path, game launching but when I switched to your app's window - it just closed after running game, so I even couldn't to patch it (it seems its kind of trick or hack with window activity in PatchGame function that not able for me because main unlock app window closes after running game)

Video is attached!

not working (solved)

i have rebuilded app for my own gamepath and didn't change anything else. also have followed all the instruction, except setting "Preferred refresh rate" cause there isn't such setting (my monitor is 75hz, maybe that's why). afterall, it doesn't work, and i don't know why.
UPD! working xD. I must use checkbox for applying framerate patch.

[Question] Fps uncapped, but still around 60?

So, this is a weird issue that I wouldn't attribute to the launcher but to the game - while unlocking fps does unlock fps and it reaches 120-144 in the main menu and sometimes 80-90 in game, it seems that everywhere in the open the game still orients itself around the 60 fps mark? My gpu usage is at around 50% (1440p) instead of being fully utilized. If I play on 4k, gpu usage is around 80-85%, with no decrease in fps.

I assumed the cpu (r9 5950x) to be the bottleneck, but locking cpu speed to 3800mhz or unlocking it to 4900mhz seems to make no difference either. It's as if the game simply waits to stay around 60 fps. Anyone else with the same issue, or a potential fix?

BUG - Couldn't find game installation path

Possibly in the case of other languages, cannot be found 'ELDEN RING' in the registry.

In chinese, it is '艾尔登法环'.


// get game path
string gamePath = GetApplicationPath("ELDEN RING");
if (gamePath == null || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(gamePath, "GAME", "eldenring.exe")))
MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find game installation path!", "Elden Ring FPS Unlocker and more", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

How to actually install?

I downloaded and unpacked the file from the green "Code" button, but there is no executable. There is a file called EldenRingFpsUnlockAndMore, but that only opens with Microsoft Visual Studio Solution. How do I do the thing?

When i enter the Prison of Bloodhound Knight Darriwil i get Random Runes

Its like 1090 runes just on entering the prison. May or may not happen in other places.

I dont have "Disable Runes loss on death" activated and i tested it with and without the tool. Would kill this otherwise great tool for me as i just want the FPS while not influencing the true experience of the game.


Error when building latest script in Visual Studio

Error CS7064 Error opening icon file C:\Users\phili\OneDrive\Desktop\EldenRingFpsUnlockAndMore-main\EldenRingFPSUnlockAndMore\icon.ico -- Could not find file 'C:\Users\phili\OneDrive\Desktop\EldenRingFpsUnlockAndMore-main\EldenRingFPSUnlockAndMore\icon.ico'.

Online Mode

Is there a way in the, hopefully near future, to use this on the online version of the game?
Or it is just impossible with the current anticheat?

Method not working

Hello there,

I've did everything step by step, multiple times and I cant get more than 60 fps :(

Im using GeForce RTX 1660 Ti.

All the settings on the Nvidia has been done, both globally and manually to Elden Ring. Game is running without EAC, offline mode, borderless.

Clip mouse cursor to window

Would it be possible to confine the cursor to the game window? This would be a nice QoL feature for multi-monitor setups.
Usually I just use the ClipCursor function, which has worked for all games so far, but Elden Ring seems to override it.

Suggestion for camera and mouse behavior

It's really annoying that the camera keeps auto-correcting to a relatively shallow horizon view when moving around. Even after disabling all camera automation in the menu, this behavior persists and it feels like I'm constantly fighting the mouse to maintain the camera angle I want. Maybe there is an easy way to fix this.
The mouse control overall is really laggy as well and it would be awesome if it was possible to have hardware acceleration for it, which would also improve camera control further.

Setting FOV breaks character stance

looks like the value you are changing is impacting the players stance. Setting it to 95 will result in stubs for legs.

Try to find the function that is reading the original value then adding a multiplier, instead?

Camera fix planning?

First of all, thank you for your great job! I've used your mod for Sekiro and it was perfect, I am always recommending it.

Are you planning to add a camera fix as you made it for Sekiro?

  • disable camera auto rotate adjustment on movement (intended for mouse users)
  • disable centering of camera (cam reset) on lock-on if there is no target


Mod quits shortly after starting the game


I just run the mod, it starts the game normally, then quits before the title screen.

This is with all the default Steam files, no modifications whatsoever.

Please let me know if I can provide you with a crash log.

Steam version of the game
nVidia GPU

No audio

hello, I installed the mod, followed all instructions and when i launch the game, patch seems to work, i have 144hz in menu but i then have no audio in game at all. Checked my windows 11 audio settings and updated all my audio drivers but still nothing. In fairness i suspect it could be some issue on my end as ive been have some weird audio issues on my razer headset here and there sometimes. I suspect it could just be that have some razer audio driver issues. But wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing same no audio issue and if there is a fix.

Ultra Wide Screen mode possible?

Hey there!

Very good work! I tried to get the framerate unlocking to work for an hour now without success, however I was looking for a FoV Mod and that works perfectly! Thanks for that!

Is there a chance that Ultra-Wide-Screen can be supported by your mod? E.g. 3840x2160

That would be great! Shame on Fromsoftware that you modder-guys have to fix there software with features which are state of the art in 2022...


[suggestion] Keybinds settings


Seeing the wonderful job you're doing for all of us, is it possible to let us change every single keybinds in the game?
Here is some suggestion,

  1. The map + move around with the mouse (and being able to hit the same bind to close it)
  2. UI navigation
  3. Individual binds for mounts, summon, 2handed weapon, ... (not having to use the fucking d-pad mechanic)

Thank you very much for your time.

Disable Camera follow

I notice the camera follows when moving to the right or left and sometimes up or down too!

is it possible to disable this?


Above 60 fps bugs Stormhawk barrel throw

There are a few Stormhawks in Stormveil Castle that throw explosive barrels at you; The enemies outside the door at "Rampart Tower" site of grace. When playing at above 60fps (I had the game capped at 120fps when testing this) the barrels crumble the exact frame they leave the Stormhawks claws when throwing at you. They're supposed to throw the barrel at you and explode on impact, but instead they break instantly mid-air (with no explosion).

Crash Report - Tool closes right after launch

I know the beta just came out an hour ago, but I wanted to document the behavior I'm seeing just in case it might be helpful. The tool launches the game without EAC successfully, but just a moment before the Bandai Namco logo appears the tool crashes. The game continues run, but with the tool crashed there's no way to patch the game. Attempting to run the tool again brings up a prompt saying "Game is already running! Do you want to close and restart it in offline mode without EAC?"


  • Windows 11
  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
  • GeForce RTX 3080
  • 32.0 GB RAM

Notes about installation

  • I followed the steps for Nvidia to the letter.
  • I also followed the GSYNC additional steps, once again to the letter.
  • I'm not using ReShade.

Troubleshooting Attempted:

  • Disabled fullscreen optimization
  • Added the game exe and the tool to windows defender exclusions
  • Undid the GSYNC additional steps by setting Vertical Sync to Off
  • Ran the tool as Administrator

Thank you for your efforts on this project!

"Couldn't gain access to game process!"


I followed the steps to disable EAC and Nvidia steps. No matter whether I launch the game through the FPS unlocker or through steam, "Patch Game" remains grayed out and if I launch the game through the Unlocker tool, I get the warning "Couldn't gain access to game process!"


GPU is RTX 2070 super

Lack of acknowledgment

Did you at least want to acknowledge the significant work of others for the FOV / aspect / 60hz fullscreen related patches you ripped from Flawless Widescreen? :D

Proton compatibility

Is it possible to get this mod working when the game is running through proton?

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