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Cross-Platform React Native UI Toolkit

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 0.62% CSS 0.91% TypeScript 23.44% HTML 0.06% Shell 0.01% Handlebars 0.06% MDX 74.90%
ui-components react-native ios android react ui mobile-app hacktoberfest cross-platform hacktoberfest2023

react-native-elements's Introduction


Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit


npm install @rneui/themed @rneui/base

Follow these instructions to install React Native Elements!


Package Version Downloads
@rneui/base badge npm
@rneui/themed badge npm

Quick Start

Start using the components or try it on Snack.

import { Button } from '@rneui/base';

const App = () => <Button title="Hello World!" />;

React Native Web support

As a cross platform UI Toolkit, you can now use RNE on the web & share your codebase between your React Native + React web apps. RNE components are rendered perfectly on browser. You can achieve this to target iOS, Android and Web by collaborating RNE and React Native for Web.

Click here for a full walkthrough using React Native Elements + React Native Web.

Expo demo app

Checkout the official React Native Elements App on Expo which uses all of the React Native Elements components.

If you are looking to contribute to the React Native Elements App, here to view the implementation & Use this command to start example app locally

yarn example:start

VS Code Extension

Install the React Native Elements VS Code Extension to speed up development.


View the full docs here


Interested in contributing to this repo? Check out our Contributing Guide, Setup Guide and submit a PR for a new feature/bug fix.

A big shoutout to all our contributors! You could be here too!

First Contributors

We encourage everyone to contribute & submit PR's especially first-time contributors. Look for the label Good First Issue on the issues. Click here to see them.

If there is something you's like to see or request a new feature, please submit an issue or a pull request.


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react-native-elements's People


iroachie avatar monte9 avatar arpitbhalla avatar dabit3 avatar flyingcircle avatar binoy14 avatar xavier-villelegier avatar martinezguillaume avatar khushal87 avatar cpenarrieta avatar pranshuchittora avatar brentvatne avatar haruelrovix avatar piu130 avatar tarang9211 avatar jenessawhite avatar jb1905 avatar hetanthakkar avatar kedar09 avatar joshuabaker2 avatar gregjarvez avatar janhesters avatar swkane avatar alphasp avatar jeanmsilva89 avatar a avatar simonasdev avatar max2three avatar xdamman avatar tolu360 avatar


 avatar Bayram Arslan avatar Carson avatar Dotchamou Omer avatar Noble Osinachi avatar Mark_chang avatar ツッナ avatar Arvid Uebelacker avatar Bartłomiej Piekarz avatar Théo &quot;Bob&quot; Massard avatar Bruno avatar Alexandr Chibilyaev avatar  avatar Larissa avatar  avatar  avatar Bianca Hila avatar 小新 avatar Sania Ahmed avatar (ง •_•)ง avatar jaydon walsh avatar Simon He avatar Yassine Lafryhi avatar  avatar haolin avatar ngk avatar 程骞 avatar 小驴拉磨 avatar Cherlan-Miche PHILIPPE avatar Dan McGrath avatar Arafat Zaman Anik avatar Thaddeus Jiang avatar libinzhi avatar linuxul avatar  avatar Ali avatar Kamal Kr avatar Eddie avatar 孙达明 avatar Kuwon Sebastian Na avatar GeonHyeok Lee avatar J!nl!n avatar  avatar Saurav Byadwal avatar  avatar Lyndi Castrejon avatar duynguyenJRGVN avatar Joseluis González avatar Muhammad Hadi avatar Tangtang avatar Christopher Jr. Vivieca Ramos avatar Serif COLAKEL avatar Ikhlash Mulyanurahman avatar  avatar Adel avatar Amr Elsayed avatar Zihao avatar Luis Filipe dos S Nunes avatar fiture avatar 侠客老王 avatar  avatar Parth Dholakiya avatar baggervance9 avatar Minyeong Jeong avatar fhawk12 avatar 郭宣 avatar oussama berhili avatar Berz avatar Ashfiquzzaman Sajal avatar Jordan Mitchell avatar JaneGwaww avatar LvChengbin avatar Matty777 avatar Ahmed Ali Ansari avatar Oleg avatar react native avatar  avatar Jordan Vera avatar Nikita avatar Peter Larson avatar Brian avatar PhuongDoan avatar Mohammad Hasan Ameri avatar  avatar Jhoan Borges avatar Erickson Alves avatar Gabriel Nobrega avatar Alireza Yoonesi avatar Juan Calderon-Perez avatar mingqibee avatar Akash Chandra Gupta avatar siYuan avatar 高超 avatar xiaosa avatar Bragin Stepan avatar  avatar Norma avatar Yuri Kravcenko avatar  avatar Web Developer avatar


Chris Richards avatar Charleno Pires avatar Dario Alves Junior avatar Tamsir SENE avatar ippa avatar Khang Pham avatar Alexander Danmayer avatar Mário Chaves avatar Roland Shield avatar Noam  V avatar Miguel avatar Steven Black avatar Alexandre Magno avatar Cyril Ponce avatar Li YuBei avatar Long Dao avatar  avatar Ruslan Verbelchuk avatar yury avatar Bater.Makhabel avatar send2vinnie avatar Antouan Anguelov avatar Charles Dowd avatar Andrew Morton avatar Richard Hess avatar Simon X. L. avatar  avatar Yang Leijun avatar Rahul Singh avatar Fred avatar Javier Argote avatar Tihnov avatar rough avatar Diogo Carleto avatar Deepak Dargade avatar Fernando Vega avatar Robert Skwiat avatar Juan Viola avatar Lam Nguyen avatar Jones Agyemang avatar Michael Marriott avatar Ryan Bishop avatar Can Acar avatar HoNooD avatar  avatar  avatar Lucho Zeraus avatar Johan Prevot avatar  avatar donaldcao avatar Liem Vo avatar Mohanasundaram avatar Sreenivas Vemulapalli avatar Alex Terente avatar Luis Rosales avatar Simon Tran avatar James Cloos avatar Matt Elhotiby avatar Tekin Kaya avatar Alex Gitonga avatar Rocky Tsui avatar JeongHun Kang avatar Greg P avatar Arkadiusz Szaleniec avatar Thanh, Nguyen Duy avatar Daniel avatar Antonio Duran avatar Manish Jain avatar Hakan Kösekadam avatar VansonLeung avatar Hoang Pham avatar avatar Patrick Luzolo avatar home3k avatar ShFu avatar xiangyutian avatar Wagner Borba avatar acassio avatar Carlos Carvalho avatar Phil Keys avatar Yuri Kachanyuk avatar  avatar Justin Hachemeister avatar Albert Pak avatar 7aym0n avatar @brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody avatar Eduardo Telaya avatar Janick Ross avatar Kraiba Semakula avatar Noname avatar Qiu GuoQian avatar Paul Fedotov avatar  avatar Guns avatar  avatar 大漠穷秋 avatar Jiang Yitao  avatar  avatar Igor Ribeiro Lima avatar  avatar

react-native-elements's Issues

Font size normalization across pixel ratios

Font sizes on iphone6 and iphone4 are particularly small. It would be good to use a "resizing" function to help with this across pixel ratios.

If you would like me to submit a PR please let me know.

const React = require('react-native')
const {
} = React;
const pixelRatio = PixelRatio.get();

const normalize = (size) => {
if (pixelRatio == 2) {
return size * 1.15;
if (pixelRatio == 3) {
return size * 1.35;
return size * pixelRatio;

export default normalize;

import normalize from '../helpers/normalizeText';

fontSize: normalize(14)

Code example from: and

I am getting error PricingCard when I put color={colors.primary}

Please suggest me I am new to React as well React native still I manage to develop and run simple android application using React Native. The original react-native themes are very odd looking so I install this React-native-elements, for all it is working fine including PricingCard but when I put color={colors.primary} as attribute in the pricing Card the run time failure occurs. This gives the same error when I try creating styles for primary. Any help will be appreciated.

example code missing

Looks like for each example code bit there is only first part visible. Is rest somehow gone missing, or it is not created yet?

Can't use icons

Hi i have used several elements but when i try to use Icons like this

import {  Icon } from 'react-native-elements'

  name='rowing' />

i am met by this screen

Invalid prop 'component' on Icon

when I specify a component on an Icon like so:

  onPress={() => console.log('hello')}

it gives this warning Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'component' of type 'function' supplied to 'Icon', expected a single ReactElement

FormInput with alignItems: 'center'

When using a FormInput and flexbox with alignItems: 'center', the input does not render at all, even with width/height set. How would you go to about centering inputs?

ListView Component large dataset with external images bug

Hey there,

I noticed while implementing a list view with your library that you statically render the entire list inside of a view, instead of the React Native ListView component?

Is there a reason for this? You could just as easily wrap around the ListView component, which has multiple performance improvements, including initial list size. This would help when loading large lists with external image resources.

If you'd like I'd be more than willing to open a PR.


errors when using size property in icon

when i use the property of size in icon,the react-native will have a mistake.
i have tried two ways to solve this problem,but there still exists.
onPress={() => alert('hello')}
onPress={() => alert('hello')}
Error while updating property 'borderRadius' of a view managed by:RCTView

FormInput ref attribute


i saw that FormInput is a stateless function and does not support the TextInput ref attribute.

if i am on a login screen and want to type in my username and then password i am not able to jump between text inputs since the ref attribute doesnt work.

is there a workaround for this?


Create Activity Indicator for elements

I was wondering if other people would be interested in Loading Indicator prop for elements such as a Button and FormInput. I'm thinking of just adding a prop called "loading" and it would wrap the ActivityIndicator in the button container for example.

Before creating a PR, I wanted to know if there would be interest from the community on such feature.


Scrolling in list view


I'm unsure whether or not I misread the documentation or otherwise, but I am unable to scroll the list view once the list of data surpasses the size defined by the maxHeight style.

Is there anyway for me to implement scrolling functionality?


Better defaults


Looks like a great idea, but the defaults aren't great at the moment. Just adding two simple buttons to my app I get:

screen shot 2016-09-12 at 12 21 53 pm

The font should be SF (as has already been mentioned in another issue). If the button was styled in the same way as the screenshots in the README that would also be great.

I think this package will turn into something great and thanks for all the work you've put in so far!

Header element

I'm trying to make a view that has a header at the top, similar to what react-native-navbar is doing, I understand that it may not be great to copy what they are doing, but it would be great to have a unified style out of the box.

ListItem rightIcon failed prop type - Warning

propTypes for rightIcon in ListItem.js defaults to type string whereas it requires an object.

TestCase: provide an object with name and type to rightIcon
Observed behavior: An yellow warning for invalid prop type and a "?" displayed in UI
Required Behavior: UI shows the icon from icon type

Problem with Icons

Im trying to use the icons. I think i'm doing everything right, but it just won't work. All i get is a little crossed out box. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Sorry if this isn't the right place to put this btw. I'm new here.

Lato on iOS

Why default to Lato on iOS? People who install this library will have to then install that font and increase the size of their app :( San Francisco is a pretty good default font.

In particular this is problematic with Exponent where we don't ship with that font and have a separate way of loading fonts into the app that would be incompatible with this.

Expose fontWeight on buttons

It looks like fontFamily is exposed but fontWeight is not. Ideally all of the font styles would be assign-able.

How is it different from

I am the core developer & the founder of, I have been following React-Native-Elements for a while now.

I would like to discuss the possibility of merging with this one. If we are solving the same problem then it doesn't make sense putting the same effort at different places.

Also, are we following any design guidelines (like Google / Apple design principles)?

Question about NavigationBar (HSNavBar)

Newbie question. I'd like to add a back button to the Navigation Bar. Was assuming I could make use of the LeftButton constant in NavBar.js as follows:

  render () {
    return (
        renderScene={this.renderScene.bind(this)} />

But, to no avail. A little help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. Hoping this is the right spot to post questions...

Access Denied Error

When using I get an access denied error:

Error: C:\2016\react\react-native-audio\AudioExample\android\app\build\intermediates\assets\debug\fonts\MaterialIcons.ttf (Access is denied)

Image Prop on Card Component

Hey there,

Having a bit of trouble passing images to the image props on the card component.

Has this been implemented yet or am I passing the image props incorrectly?:


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Search bar no longer working

This code:

        placeholder="Search Players..."

Is causing this crash:
screen shot 2016-10-02 at 3 41 11 am

Tab 'selected=true' causes React.Children.only error

The simplest scenario for tabs:

const TabPanel = () => (
    <Tab title="a" selected={true}/>
    <Tab title="b"/>

Causes an error

“React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child”

If one removes the selected={true} or changes to selected={false} it works.

Need a ref to textInput component in FormInput


I have requirement where I need to access the refs (references) of textInput component in react-native-elements FormInput component for some requirement for handling keyboard slide

Does the FormInput supports it, can we have this feature if its not at present?

Changes needed in file FormInput.js

//line number 7
const FormInput = ({

//linenumber 51
      ref = {textInputRef}

Thanks for sharing awesome components

Side menu not working

The side menu is not working, I am using the code below and its coming up like the attached screen-shot. I have also attached the code ( BTW whats the element you have mentioned in the example code? )

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { SideMenu, List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements';

export default class Element extends Component {
  constructor () {
  this.state = { toggled: false }
toggleSideMenu () {
    toggled: !this.state.toggled
  render() {
    // SideMenu takes a React Native element as a prop for the actual Side Menu
    const list = [
    name: 'Amy Farha',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice President'
    name: 'Chris Jackson',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice Chairman'
  const MenuComponent = (
    <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#ededed', paddingTop: 50}}>
      <List containerStyle={{marginBottom: 20}}>
      {, i) => (
            onPress={() => console.log('something')}
            subtitle={item.subtitle} />
    return (
     <Text style={styles.welcome}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
  welcome: {
    fontSize: 20,
    textAlign: 'center',
    margin: 10,
  instructions: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    color: '#333333',
    marginBottom: 5,

AppRegistry.registerComponent('Element', () => Element);

More Elements?

Hey @dabit3, I was looking through the list of Components that RN Elements has and I was wondering if there were any other ones that you'd think are worth building (or some that might be worth expanding on)? I'm taking a look at RN Swipable ListItem and am planning on doing an implementation for RN Elements, but maybe there are more pressing needs/issues that need to be attended to. Also saw the chat about RN Elements Website on #43, which I'm sure I can help with too.

Typeahead element

First of all, congratulations for all developers involved in this project, very good job.

My suggestion is to create a component to search data like bootstrap's typeahead (

In my personal project in react native, I have created one to fulfill my needs

When searching

When selected

Mark Roadmap in progress

It would be nice to mark a feature from the Roadmap in progress when someone is working on it so anybody who would like to contribute can grab another feature which is still in queue.

side menu suggestion

i've been trying to create a side menu that contains other menus
for example:
the side menu will contain these:
submenu #1
submenu #2
menuitem 1
menuitem 2

clicking on submenu #1 will bring me to:
submenu#1 item #1
submenu#1 item #2

clicking on submenu #2 will bring me to:
submenu#2item #1

clicking on menuitem # or submenu##item## will navigate to the object selected

perhaps with some small animation choice will be good as well

Can I change the search bar icon position?

I have a requirement, I want to change the search bar icon position, because the icon is absolute and no via to change it.

The existing includes:

  • containerStyle
  • inputStyle
  • icon
  • noIcon
  • lightTheme
  • round
  • containerRef
  • textInput

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