Name: Dario Alves Junior
Type: User
Company: B3 (BRQ)
Bio: Do not worry about what everyone else is going to do, the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Twitter: darioajr
Location: Brasil, Santa Catariana, Itapema
Dario Alves Junior's Projects
Actor Messaging platform
Script to send email to users about password expiration
Amazon Move Robot Question
Amazon IAM S3 Active Directory Users Sync
Docker Android Build
👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro!
Articles for
A package that helps to build self-updating web applications using NuGet.
Official repository of the AWS SDK for PHP (@awsforphp)
C# Windows Service with Serial Scale Read Api
Block Website Scanners by .htaccess
Brotli compression format
Check Imported Records
Chrome and Firefox extension for signing with your eID on the web - READ WIKI!
Java implementation of ChromeCast V2 protocol client
:computer: Desktop Syncing Client for ownCloud
Cockpit, a user interface for Linux servers
PMD Java Tool for Codacy
Interfaces and providers for accessing simple config files.
The ownCloud core
Um webcrawler dos resultados da trimania
Exemplos do Curso de Flutter
Dachs - Data Change Snitch - Unified persistence events