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beepr's Introduction

beepr: Easily Play Notification Sounds on any Platform

beepr is an R package that contains one main function, beep(), with one purpose: To make it easy to play notification sounds on whatever platform you are on. It is intended to be useful, for example, if you are running a long analysis in the background and want to know when it is ready.

A derivative function, beep_on_error(), wraps an expression and will only beep if an error occurs when that expression is evaluated.


beepr is available on CRAN and can be installed from within R by running:


You can also grab the development version of beepr directly from github:



If you are using Windows or OS X beepr relies on the audio package for sound playback and no external program is needed.

If you're on Linux beepr relies on you having either the paplay utility from the Pulse Audio system, the aplay utility from the ALSA system or VLC media player installed and on the PATH. Chances are that you already have one of these. If you are on Debian/Ubuntu you can otherwise get VLC by running the following in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install vlc


beep() plays a short sound which is useful if you want to get notified, for example, when a script has finished. As an added bonus there are a number of different sounds to choose from.


beep(sound = 1, expr = NULL)


sound character string or number specifying what sound to be played by either specifying one of the built in sounds or specifying the path to a wav file. The default is 1. Possible sounds are:

  1. "ping"
  2. "coin"
  3. "fanfare"
  4. "complete"
  5. "treasure"
  6. "ready"
  7. "shotgun"
  8. "mario"
  9. "wilhelm"
  10. "facebook"
  11. "sword"

If sound does not match any of the sounds above, or is a valid path, a random sound will be played.

expr An optional expression to be executed before the sound.


# Update all packages and "ping" when it's ready
update.packages(ask=FALSE); beep()

#Play a fanfare instead of a "ping".

# Play a random sound

# Play a sound if an error occurs
beep_on_error(1 + "a", sound = "wilhelm")

beepr's People


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beepr's Issues

quiet hours

I love your package and use it all the time. I'd love it if you could add "quiet hours" logic as to whether to actually beep or not. For long runs I kickoff before bed I sometimes forget to mute my machine and have woken up to the beep!

The first pass implementation of this would be to just pass a character vector to beep like c("22:00", "07:00") (defaults to NULL, i.e., doesn't respect quiet time so as not to break current usage) and then compare against "now" (chron::times might be a good approach internally to convert the input and compare it to the Sys.time). This is pretty straight forward and I could submit a PR if this is something you'd be willing to add.

A next step off of this would be to build an options argument that can be set globally for the package so you don't have to pass it in with each beep call. I've seen this in other packages, but haven't done it myself, so I'd have to research a bit more how it is done.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Can't play beepR in Arch Linux

Hi. Im using Arch Linux with Rstudio.

Unfortunately, beepr is not working.

I run beep() function and nothing happens. My audio cards are ok.

Any idea of whats happening?

Soundbites echo at the end

4,6,7,11 echos a duplicate portion of the soundbite after its finished playing

called from console in RStudio:

echos function calls
4 beepr::beep(4)
6 beepr::beep(6)
7 beepr::beep(7)
11 beepr::beep(11)

paplay not working with Ubuntu 20.04

Perhaps it's specific to my system, but no sound comes from paplay when playing wav files (no error also). play_aplay() and play_vlc() both work.

Maybe aplay could be first in the if/else hierarchy of play_file(). Or add an option to choose which program to use with beep().

Library doesn't fully load from command line (Linux Mint)

The ping command does not work for me when running R at the Linux command line. It does work in RStudio.

After exploring a bit, I found that, while the function 'ping' loads after I call 'library(pingr)', none of the other functions are loaded into the session. So 'ping()' fails to make any sounds.

This is in R v3.1.0 beta (2014-03-28 r65330) -- "Spring Dance"
in Linux Mint 14.

Beep on error

Hello! This is a great package.

What do you think about an extension to only beep on error? Something along the lines of:


beep_on_error <- function(inp, error_beep = 9) {
  q_inp <- substitute(inp)
  msg <- paste0("An error occurred in ", deparse(q_inp))
  e <- simpleError(msg)
  tryCatch(inp, error = function(e) {
    message(paste0(msg, ": ", e$message))

#> An error occurred in log("foo"): non-numeric argument to mathematical function

#> [1] 1.098612

This doesn't work with the forwards pipe but maybe it's worth looking into. If you like, I'm happy to submit a PR.

BUG: MS Windows requires download.file(..., mode = "wb")

beep(url) uses:

if(download.file(sound, destfile = temp_file, quiet = TRUE) == 0) { # The file was successfully downloaded

to download the file. However, download.file() defaults to mode = "w" (text mode), which works fine on Linux and macOS, but on MS Windows, it'll automagically turn \n (LF) into \r\n (CRLF) and vice versa, also in binary files. To avoid this, explicitly specify mode = "wb", i.e.

        if(download.file(sound, destfile = temp_file, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE) == 0) { # The file was successfully downloaded

WISH: Make package lightweight by dropping dependency on 'stringr'

The 'stringr' package depends on 'stringi', which is quite heavy and takes a long time to install from source. Looking at the source code, 'beepr' uses:

  • stringr::str_detect()
  • stringr::str_replace_all()
  • stringr::str_trim()

These can easily be replaced by base::grepl() and base::gsub(), e.g.

str_detect <- function(string, pattern, ignore_case = TRUE) {
  grepl(pattern, string, = ignore_case)

str_replace_all <- function (string, pattern, replacement) {
  gsub(pattern, replacement, string)

str_trim <- function(string) {
  gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", string)

Doing so would make 'beepr' depend on only 'audio'.

Rstudio Jobs and beepR


Since Rstudio 1.2, we can run different jobs in background. (See this article)
I tried to run a small script with a beep() call but I don't hear anything.

Example script

cat("Done \n")

Do you think it's possible to tweak Rstudio or the package in a way this can work ?

PS : Awesome package, thanks a lot !

Can you tag current release as v0.1

Hi Rasmus

Nice package.

Can you tag the current release as v0.1 so I can ensure I always explicitly pull this version using install_github(rasmusab/[email protected]) as opposed to a development version.

Also any plans to get it on CRAN?



Could this work in a Shiny app?

I love this package and use it a lot! I recently tried it in a Shiny app and could not get the sound to go in a deployed app. It works perfectly when I use shiny::runApp() from Rstudio. My deployed Shiny app's log shows the package loading fine and no errors related to the Beepr package. Is there something fundamental to a Shiny app that would prevent it from working?

suggestion - add path

Cool package !!!
I have a suggestion. I'd like to ping local wave file.
So, could you add "path" parameter to "ping" function?
Like this
ping <- function (sound = 1, path = NULL, expr = NULL) {
if (!is.null(path)) {
sound_path <- path
else {
sound_path <- system.file(paste("sounds/", sound_fname,
sep = ""), package = "pingr")

Suggestion aplay

Hi, it would be great if you can include aplay instead or apart from vlc, cause it is almost ever installed and it is a very little program, anyways I tried to and it seems no hard, I could fork it if you want:
alsaplay <- function(fname) {
system(paste("aplay -q", fname),
ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE,wait = FALSE)

Project says GPL-3.0 license, but includes sounds from video games

Since sounds used within beepr are from Final Fantasy, Warcraft 2, Facebook, DOOM, etc., I think it may clash with the validity of the package license when the files are included in the distribution of the package itself.

I think removing them would help the distribute-ability of the package and help keep compliance with the license. Instead, they can just be made links to resource files to other places, since the package supports playing sounds from a url.
instead of

RStudio Server Support?

I've just installed beepr on RStudio Server, i read somewhere i would work, but it isn't working.
Is there a special config or RS Server isn't supported?



The package is awesome! I just have a suggestion. I think that an incredible sound missing is the chorus of Take on Me (A-Ha). Due to fact that Take on Me is an anthem of a generation and specially important for ecologists in Brazil that use R in their daily routine and are very moved with the potential use of ping().

Recent beep() problem with Linux... and fix proposal


Thank you for this useful small package.

The beep function doesn't work anymore on my computer, returning that "no audio drivers are available"

I've recently upgraded my Linux Fedora box from release 21 to 22, and also upgraded all my R packages. So, I don't know if the problem is related to some R packages or the Linux distribution.

It comes out that the problem is not related to the audio driver, but that it finds its origin in the "is_wav_fname" function, which returns FALSE even if fname is a valid wav file.

"is_wav_fname" uses "".wav$"), which is deprecated.

So, I replaced
"str_detect(fname, fixed(".wav", ignore_case=TRUE))

and this solves the problem.


beepr with RStudio server?

It looks like it is possible to use beepr with RStudio server but i could not find a tutorial. This is what I get when I try to run it:

> beepr::beep(4)
Warning message:
In value[[3L]](cond) :
  beep() could not play the sound due to the following error:
Error in play.default(x, rate, ...): no audio drivers are available

Could you point me in the right direction?

Add URL and BugReports to DESCRIPTION

To make it easier to find this GitHub repos from CRAN package pages and elsewhere, please consider adding URL and BugReports fields to the DESCRIPTION file.

beep() cannot play sounds from paths beginning with most punctuation marks

beep() contains a test to see if sound is less than 0. If so, it plays no sound. However, it doesn't first check if sound is a number. This can lead to unintended behavior if sound is a path to a file beginning with a character that is alphabetized before 0. This is particularly a problem on Mac and Linux, where file paths generally start with either / or ~. In most locales, both are sorted before 0, meaning sounds from paths beginning with / or ~ will never play.

beep(0) on RStudio Server

This works on local desktop version of R. I am not able to hear anything when I run this function on the R Studio Server. Any suggestions what I need to do get it work on the Server ?

Cannot play some files on OSX

> beepr::beep( "" )
Message d'avis :
In value[[3L]](cond) :
  beep() could not play the sound due to the following error:
Error in load.wave(fname): incomplete file

Seems to be related to the audio package which does not think the file is fine.

I can get this to work

download.file( "", 
  "/tmp/ocean.wav" )
system( "open /tmp/ocean.wav" )

This uses iTunes which you can definitely assume is available. Otherwise we could use vlc, but it might not be on the PATH which is what nchar(Sys.which("vlc")) >= 1 cares about. Could do e.g. :

system( "open -a vlc /tmp/ocean.wav" )

beepr crashes R on Windows 10 & 11 machines

Hi, I'd like to mention an issue I encountered when using beepr on a Windows 10 and 11 machines. I should mention that the Windows 11 machine is equipped with 16gb RAM, i7 12th Gen Intel and an RTX 3070. Also, I am using R 4.1.1 on both machines. When performing some analysis (e.g., GWR) and I am using the beepr package after some code chunk, in order to notify me that the chunk completed the analysis, R crashes right after the notification sound of beepr. If I don't use the notifications from beepr ``R continues without any problem. The same happened with other Windows machines (I tried it with my friends laptop). Any ideas of why might that happens? Thanks

ping is looping!

I'm running Linux (Ubuntu 13.10), and I installed and tried out ping. I ran the
ping( ) function a few times from the Rstudio command tab, and now I have several 'ping!' noises on an infinite loop.

I think my VLC is set up to repeat a file by default; It's probably possible to use the command line flag --no-loop to fix this.

Cool idea for a package by the way :)

Some of the sounds have a stutter

On Windows 10 x64, R 4.0.2, Rstudio 1.3.1056, some of the sounds seem to have a stutter, repeating the last millisecond of the sound.

By ear, I can hear it on "complete", "ready", "shotgun", and "sword".

It's trivial and in no way harms the functional purpose of the (very useful!) package, but just thought it best to report this.

Multiple calls crash R/Rstudio

Hi Rasmus, thanks for the function, I use it in almost everything. However I've just realised it may have been the cause of all my crashed R sessions - please see this bug which RStudio team just closed cos it's probably not specific to them i.e. is an R core issue:

rstudio/rstudio#3549 (comment)


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