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Build fast web applications with Rust.

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License: MIT License

Rust 98.84% HTML 0.04% JavaScript 0.60% Nix 0.11% SCSS 0.08% Shell 0.03% Gherkin 0.20% TypeScript 0.10% CSS 0.01% RenderScript 0.01%
dom fine-grained isomorphic reactive rust ssr web webassembly

leptos's Introduction

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You can find a list of useful libraries and example projects at awesome-leptos.


use leptos::*;

pub fn SimpleCounter(initial_value: i32) -> impl IntoView {
    // create a reactive signal with the initial value
    let (value, set_value) = create_signal(initial_value);

    // create event handlers for our buttons
    // note that `value` and `set_value` are `Copy`, so it's super easy to move them into closures
    let clear = move |_| set_value(0);
    let decrement = move |_| set_value.update(|value| *value -= 1);
    let increment = move |_| set_value.update(|value| *value += 1);

    // create user interfaces with the declarative `view!` macro
    view! {
            <button on:click=clear>Clear</button>
            <button on:click=decrement>-1</button>
            // text nodes can be quoted or unquoted
            <span>"Value: " {value} "!"</span>
            <button on:click=increment>+1</button>

// we also support a builder syntax rather than the JSX-like `view` macro
pub fn SimpleCounterWithBuilder(initial_value: i32) -> impl IntoView {
    use leptos::html::*;

    let (value, set_value) = create_signal(initial_value);
    let clear = move |_| set_value(0);
    let decrement = move |_| set_value.update(|value| *value -= 1);
    let increment = move |_| set_value.update(|value| *value += 1);

    // the `view` macro above expands to this builder syntax
        button().on(ev::click, clear).child("Clear"),
        button().on(ev::click, decrement).child("-1"),
        span().child(("Value: ", value, "!")),
        button().on(ev::click, increment).child("+1")

// Easy to use with Trunk ( or with a simple wasm-bindgen setup
pub fn main() {
    mount_to_body(|| view! {
        <SimpleCounter initial_value=3 />

About the Framework

Leptos is a full-stack, isomorphic Rust web framework leveraging fine-grained reactivity to build declarative user interfaces.

What does that mean?

  • Full-stack: Leptos can be used to build apps that run in the browser (client-side rendering), on the server (server-side rendering), or by rendering HTML on the server and then adding interactivity in the browser (server-side rendering with hydration). This includes support for HTTP streaming of both data (Resources) and HTML (out-of-order or in-order streaming of <Suspense/> components.)
  • Isomorphic: Leptos provides primitives to write isomorphic server functions, i.e., functions that can be called with the “same shape” on the client or server, but only run on the server. This means you can write your server-only logic (database requests, authentication etc.) alongside the client-side components that will consume it, and call server functions as if they were running in the browser, without needing to create and maintain a separate REST or other API.
  • Web: Leptos is built on the Web platform and Web standards. The router is designed to use Web fundamentals (like links and forms) and build on top of them rather than trying to replace them.
  • Framework: Leptos provides most of what you need to build a modern web app: a reactive system, templating library, and a router that works on both the server and client side.
  • Fine-grained reactivity: The entire framework is built from reactive primitives. This allows for extremely performant code with minimal overhead: when a reactive signal’s value changes, it can update a single text node, toggle a single class, or remove an element from the DOM without any other code running. (So, no virtual DOM overhead!)
  • Declarative: Tell Leptos how you want the page to look, and let the framework tell the browser how to do it.

Learn more

Here are some resources for learning more about Leptos:

nightly Note

Most of the examples assume you’re using nightly version of Rust and the nightly feature of Leptos. To use nightly Rust, you can either set your toolchain globally or on per-project basis.

To set nightly as a default toolchain for all projects (and add the ability to compile Rust to WebAssembly, if you haven’t already):

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

If you'd like to use nightly only in your Leptos project however, add rust-toolchain.toml file with the following content:

channel = "nightly"
targets = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"]

The nightly feature enables the function call syntax for accessing and setting signals, as opposed to .get() and .set(). This leads to a consistent mental model in which accessing a reactive value of any kind (a signal, memo, or derived signal) is always represented as a function call. This is only possible with nightly Rust and the nightly feature.


cargo-leptos is a build tool that's designed to make it easy to build apps that run on both the client and the server, with seamless integration. The best way to get started with a real Leptos project right now is to use cargo-leptos and our starter templates for Actix or Axum.

cargo install cargo-leptos
cargo leptos new --git
cd [your project name]
cargo leptos watch

Open browser to http://localhost:3000/.


What’s up with the name?

Leptos (λεπτός) is an ancient Greek word meaning “thin, light, refined, fine-grained.” To me, a classicist and not a dog owner, it evokes the lightweight reactive system that powers the framework. I've since learned the same word is at the root of the medical term “leptospirosis,” a blood infection that affects humans and animals... My bad. No dogs were harmed in the creation of this framework.

Is it production ready?

People usually mean one of three things by this question.

  1. Are the APIs stable? i.e., will I have to rewrite my whole app from Leptos 0.1 to 0.2 to 0.3 to 0.4, or can I write it now and benefit from new features and updates as new versions come?

The APIs are basically settled. We’re adding new features, but we’re very happy with where the type system and patterns have landed. I would not expect major breaking changes to your code to adapt to future releases, in terms of architecture.

  1. Are there bugs?

Yes, I’m sure there are. You can see from the state of our issue tracker over time that there aren’t that many bugs and they’re usually resolved pretty quickly. But for sure, there may be moments where you encounter something that requires a fix at the framework level, which may not be immediately resolved.

  1. Am I a consumer or a contributor?

This may be the big one: “production ready” implies a certain orientation to a library: that you can basically use it, without any special knowledge of its internals or ability to contribute. Everyone has this at some level in their stack: for example I (@gbj) don’t have the capacity or knowledge to contribute to something like wasm-bindgen at this point: I simply rely on it to work.

There are several people in the community using Leptos right now for internal apps at work, who have also become significant contributors. I think this is the right level of production use for now. There may be missing features that you need, and you may end up building them! But for internal apps, if you’re willing to build and contribute missing pieces along the way, the framework is definitely usable right now.

Can I use this for native GUI?

Sure! Obviously the view macro is for generating DOM nodes but you can use the reactive system to drive any native GUI toolkit that uses the same kind of object-oriented, event-callback-based framework as the DOM pretty easily. The principles are the same:

  • Use signals, derived signals, and memos to create your reactive system
  • Create GUI widgets
  • Use event listeners to update signals
  • Create effects to update the UI

The 0.7 update originally set out to create a "generic rendering" approach that would allow us to reuse most of the same view logic to do all of the above. Unfortunately, this has had to be shelved for now due to difficulties encountered by the Rust compiler when building larger-scale applications with the number of generics spread throughout the codebase that this required. It's an approach I'm looking forward to exploring again in the future; feel free to reach out if you're interested in this kind of work.

How is this different from Yew?

Yew is the most-used library for Rust web UI development, but there are several differences between Yew and Leptos, in philosophy, approach, and performance.

  • VDOM vs. fine-grained: Yew is built on the virtual DOM (VDOM) model: state changes cause components to re-render, generating a new virtual DOM tree. Yew diffs this against the previous VDOM, and applies those patches to the actual DOM. Component functions rerun whenever state changes. Leptos takes an entirely different approach. Components run once, creating (and returning) actual DOM nodes and setting up a reactive system to update those DOM nodes.

  • Performance: This has huge performance implications: Leptos is simply much faster at both creating and updating the UI than Yew is.

  • Server integration: Yew was created in an era in which browser-rendered single-page apps (SPAs) were the dominant paradigm. While Leptos supports client-side rendering, it also focuses on integrating with the server side of your application via server functions and multiple modes of serving HTML, including out-of-order streaming.

  • How is this different from Dioxus?

Like Leptos, Dioxus is a framework for building UIs using web technologies. However, there are significant differences in approach and features.

  • VDOM vs. fine-grained: While Dioxus has a performant virtual DOM (VDOM), it still uses coarse-grained/component-scoped reactivity: changing a stateful value reruns the component function and diffs the old UI against the new one. Leptos components use a different mental model, creating (and returning) actual DOM nodes and setting up a reactive system to update those DOM nodes.

  • Web vs. desktop priorities: Dioxus uses Leptos server functions in its fullstack mode, but does not have the same <Suspense>-based support for things like streaming HTML rendering, or share the same focus on holistic web performance. Leptos tends to prioritize holistic web performance (streaming HTML rendering, smaller WASM binary sizes, etc.), whereas Dioxus has an unparalleled experience when building desktop apps, because your application logic runs as a native Rust binary.

  • How is this different from Sycamore?

Sycamore and Leptos are both heavily influenced by SolidJS. At this point, Leptos has a larger community and ecosystem and is more actively developed. Other differences:

  • Templating DSLs: Sycamore uses a custom templating language for its views, while Leptos uses a JSX-like template format.
  • 'static signals: One of Leptos’s main innovations was the creation of Copy + 'static signals, which have excellent ergonomics. Sycamore is in the process of adopting the same pattern, but this is not yet released.
  • Perseus vs. server functions: The Perseus metaframework provides an opinionated way to build Sycamore apps that include server functionality. Leptos instead provides primitives like server functions in the core of the framework.

leptos's People


gbj avatar jquesada2016 avatar agilarity avatar martinfrances107 avatar benwis avatar novacrazy avatar akesson avatar dependabot[bot] avatar chrisp60 avatar sabify avatar sjud avatar zakstucke avatar maccesch avatar gentle avatar mondeja avatar luoxiaozero avatar modprog avatar tqwewe avatar g-re-g avatar blorbb avatar danheuck avatar giovanni-tably avatar markcatley avatar paul-hansen avatar sleeplessone1917 avatar mrvillage avatar indrazar avatar fundon avatar ilmmatias avatar baptistemontan avatar


enu λ avatar Tsutsui Shota avatar  avatar Soichiro Yamane avatar Himanshu Jain avatar shunpei.nakayama avatar Alexander Salas Bastidas avatar Mayo Takanashi avatar Kyle Reagle avatar Joel Van Eenwyk avatar Dustin Knopoff avatar 吴立伟 avatar  avatar  avatar Clinton Selke avatar KITAGAWA Yasutaka avatar  avatar Parham Moradi avatar Šimon Hyksa avatar Josiah Campbell avatar Allwell avatar Julien Colot avatar Michael Krisher avatar Rakesh Gangwar avatar LinkWanna avatar Trevin avatar Shishtpal Singh avatar Matthew Salzman avatar mizuki avatar Cutty Robot avatar  avatar khira9504 avatar  avatar Mitul Patel avatar Tim Irmler avatar Reza KarimiPoor avatar  avatar Josip V. avatar Agatem avatar non_hana avatar plaurin avatar  avatar Luke Weiler avatar Akhil avatar Zack Kuptsow avatar JuSuperSonic avatar Doraneko avatar Dustin Z avatar Antoine Prouvost avatar  avatar Ondrej Zeman avatar Alexey Gerasev avatar Elvis Yu-Jing Lin avatar  avatar  avatar Zafar Ansari avatar Ardeshir avatar BlacAmDK avatar  avatar  avatar Vitalii Bogdanov avatar  avatar Sherman Rofeman avatar D.Baris Acar avatar Pakorn Vongseela avatar sojoner avatar  avatar Paul avatar Luca Auer avatar  avatar Martin avatar Amir Khan avatar Ben Mitchell avatar RAJKUMAR avatar msaid.eth avatar kjk avatar Placeless avatar Toby Lai avatar Alexander Mattoni avatar Osvaldo Garcia avatar Soheil Alizadeh avatar Alessandro Sieni avatar  avatar  avatar Kai Cataldo avatar Abraham Bah avatar Joaquin Bravo Contreras avatar Kenneth Smith avatar Rephael Berkooz avatar Fábio Mendes avatar Romel avatar  avatar Paco Dupont avatar Fraser Savage avatar Jakkapong Lasawang avatar rohit sohlot avatar Shin, SJ avatar noah avatar Arie M. Prasetyo avatar Junfeng Li avatar


 avatar Stig Kleppe-Jørgensen avatar heru avatar Daniel Reverri avatar Noam  V avatar Tumas avatar Zoo Sky avatar Vasily Zorin avatar Rakhmad Azhari avatar koti avatar  avatar  avatar Vicente Bosch avatar Richard Hess avatar Adelar da Silva Queiróz avatar Enrico Reimer avatar Stefan Hagen avatar 丑牛 avatar HoNooD avatar timelyportfolio avatar Max Orelus avatar  avatar Douglas Kuhn avatar Amin avatar Michele Venturi avatar Vinicius Ianni avatar tempbottle avatar Damir Vandic avatar GuruPoo avatar  avatar Rafał Krzyważnia avatar Sebastien Soudan avatar Murtaza Alexandru avatar  avatar  avatar Jammer avatar Eliott Appleford avatar Fabian Keller avatar Yared Getachew avatar tongyongan avatar Alexi Chepura avatar  avatar Dusty Pomerleau avatar Rodrigo Torres avatar  avatar Abraham ghaemi avatar Anton avatar BeastNeedsMoreTorque avatar Maurice Wagura avatar  avatar Tristan Schrader avatar 김회준 avatar  avatar dispatcher avatar Petar Petrov avatar Istamar Rozid Nugraha avatar Neil avatar shyan avatar Aurthur Musendame avatar hbinr avatar King Zero avatar  avatar  avatar FMH (@gema_naranyala) avatar  avatar Juno Burger avatar phial3 avatar  avatar  avatar Dara Kong avatar Sebastian Uetz avatar Harry Zhang avatar Poom Yimyuean avatar Yanis Ferrat avatar  avatar nskhei avatar Mohammed avatar Kareem Hassanein avatar DeeJS avatar Connor avatar  avatar James Warner avatar  avatar  avatar Cameron Raw avatar Felix F Xu avatar Vidhyasagar avatar Alexandra avatar  avatar Frederik Zimmer avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar RunicDev avatar  avatar

leptos's Issues

Clone bounds for signals/resources/memos are mostly not necessary

Discussed briefly in #34, but I'm opening a new issue since it's mostly unrelated.

I took a look at the usage of Clone in the signals API and found it could be removed fairly easily. Resources and Memos were slightly less simple:

  • Resource sources still need to be Clone, though the Future's output does not need to be
  • A Resource::with() was added, with similar behavior to Signal::with() to allow access without cloning
  • Memo outputs do not need to be Clone, but it now takes impl FnMut(Option<&T>) -> T instead of impl FnMut(Option<T>) -> T

I have a branch for these changes, but it's built on top of my branch for #35, so I'll open a PR for it once that gets merged.

Reactive system panicking at `already borrowed: BorrowMutError`

I am working on a repro, but just wanted to raise the issue.

Here is a backtrace:

panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError', C:\Users\jose2\.cargo\git\checkouts\leptos-852582868f14a87e\21d7346\leptos_reactive\src\


    at http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm.js:428:21
    at logError (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm.js:237:18)
    at imports.wbg.__wbg_new_abda76e883ba8a5f (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm.js:427:66)
    at console_error_panic_hook::Error::new::hca9359d70b7a65b0 (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[7886]:0x2525df)
    at console_error_panic_hook::hook_impl::hd6342f4a1d3ee1fa (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[1491]:0x151490)
    at console_error_panic_hook::hook::h5583c33e69aaa70c (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[8484]:0x25aaca)
    at core::ops::function::Fn::call::h4709acb035a3f1ae (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[7565]:0x24d60d)
    at std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h3534cfedda92faa6 (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[3320]:0x1d0181)
    at std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h0b26f08fa80310e7 (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[4244]:0x1fa6ba)
    at std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::hbf7b83761deb4f3e (http://localhost:5173/src/wasm/wasm_bg.wasm:wasm-function[9085]:0x2624d1)

Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: unreachable
    at __rust_start_panic (wasm_bg.wasm:0x26966c)
    at rust_panic (wasm_bg.wasm:0x264e18)
    at std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h3534cfedda92faa6 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x1d01ac)
    at std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h0b26f08fa80310e7 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x1fa6ba)
    at std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::hbf7b83761deb4f3e (wasm_bg.wasm:0x2624d1)
    at rust_begin_unwind (wasm_bg.wasm:0x23a916)
    at core::panicking::panic_fmt::h855c11889f2fb721 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x25989d)
    at core::result::unwrap_failed::ha83ac9268ec678d9 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x212ae5)
    at core::cell::RefCell<T>::borrow_mut::h38eb0755cd71904b (wasm_bg.wasm:0x198361)
    at leptos_reactive::signal::SignalId::update::h68bb1fd62dd948e3 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x3a8e7)

Server functions create possible naming conflicts

At the moment these are all defined by urls on the pattern /function_name

This works but is obviously dumb.

  1. You should be able to prefix them with whatever you want, so for example, you as a developer should be able to specify "all my server functions should start with /api" while registering them
  2. There are obvious conflicts here. It wouldn't be a great idea but I could easily create two different functions called my_server_fn in two different modules and they'd both try to be served at /my_server_fn, with stupid consequences.

The macro should prepend the current module path to the URL, and the registration function should take an optional prefix, which should feed back into the server fn itself so it updates its URL to include that prefix.

Migrate server functions back to `serde_urlencoded`

JSON-encoding each field separately using your chosen library (serde, serde-lite, or miniserde) sounds like a great idea, but actually works terrible for form inputs: the strings they send, because they're not wrapped in quotes, don't parse as a JSON string. Oops.

Set up some kind of CI pipeline

I'm really ignorant about CI setups so I'd love some help with this.

Various parts of the repo use ordinary cargo test. I also have wasm-bindgen tests set up for some of the examples.

Consider consolidating the `class:` notation

Through experimentation, I've noticed that using CSS minification tooling that analyzes the source code for classes, such as TailwindCSS, purge CSS, and Atomic fail to recognize classes which start with class-, but do work with classes that start with class: due to notations from JS frameworks, such as Svelte. It might be a good idea to consolidate class names to always use class:, instead of having two seperate notations. Ideally, this should also be extended to on:, but is outside the scope of this issue.

These tools can be made to recognize classes prefixed by class-, but it might not be obvious to users.


Would it be possible to create a Discord for an informal way of communicating?

I'm possibly going to use Leptos for a project that needs to launch in some months and I'd like to know my degree of insanity for even considering it ;)

Bug: append_nodes Failed

Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 3 49 03 PM


  1. run examples/todomvc-ssr/todomvc-ssr-server
  2. build examples/todomvc-ssr/todomvc-ssr-client
  3. open demo site
  4. click Completed
  5. then click Active

Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 3 54 35 PM

Forcing all resources to be serializable seems overly restrictive

It seems like resources are currently forced to be serializable to support server side rendering (and potentially resumability in the future). This makes sense, but it excludes some use cases that would otherwise make sense as resources. For example, I was experimenting with accessing a webcam in leptos (using nokhwa). This is an async operation and, reading the docs, it seemed like a resource was a perfect fit. However, a webcam handle isn't serializable so I ended up with this slightly more awkward implementation:

use leptos::*;
use nokhwa::{js_camera::JSCameraConstraintsBuilder, JSCamera};
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};

async fn get_camera(set_camera: WriteSignal<Option<Rc<RefCell<JSCamera>>>>) {
    let constraints = JSCameraConstraintsBuilder::new().build();
    let camera = JSCamera::new(constraints).await;

    match camera {
        Ok(camera) => {
            log::info!("Got camera");
        Err(e) => {
            log::error!("Failed to get camera: {}", e);

pub fn UserWebcam(cx: scope) -> Element {
    let (camera, set_camera) = create_signal::<Option<Rc<RefCell<JSCamera>>>>(cx, None);

    create_effect(cx, move |_| {
        if let Some(camera) = camera.get() {
            if let Err(e) = (*camera).borrow_mut().attach("camera_out", false) {
                log::error!("Failed to attach camera: {}", e);
            } else {
                log::info!("Attached camera");

    view! {cx,
        <video id="camera_out" class="user_webcam"/>

It works, but it's not ideal and it can't integrate with functionality like suspense contexts (unless I'm missing something).

It feels like the most natural solution would be to split resources into serializable and non-serializable types. Serializable resources would keep the current behavior but non-serializable ones would be handled fully on the client side regardless of rendering configuration. Happy to take a stab at implementing this if you're open to a PR, but figured I'd open an issue first to at least make sure this functionality doesn't already exist somewhere.

Create contributors' guide

Per @jquesada2016 in #53 (comment) it would be a great idea to put together a short guide to make it easier for people to contribute.

I'm curious to hear from others what sort of stuff would be useful in there.

Outline of the various packages and what goes where? General approach of each? Normal flow of execution in the program?

What would be useful?

Cannot return `<template />` from a component

The following example results in a panic:

use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn start() {


fn view_fn(cx: Scope) -> impl Mountable {
  view! { cx,

fn TemplateComponent(cx: Scope) -> Element {
  view! { cx,
      <div>"Just doing the Lord's work."</div>

This only seems to happen if directly returning a <template /> from the top level of a component.

The full stack trace is:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: `unwrap_throw` failed
    at imports.wbg.__wbindgen_throw (wasm.js?t=1667929395579:292:15)
    at wasm_bindgen::throw_str::hafba1a1a4c068143 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x4508d)
    at <core::option::Option<T> as wasm_bindgen::UnwrapThrowExt<T>>::expect_throw::h01d589852a07341a (wasm_bg.wasm:0x3ac67)
    at wasm_bindgen::UnwrapThrowExt::unwrap_throw::h568eba629f01842e (wasm_bg.wasm:0x42212)
    at wasm::TemplateComponent::hb3dcae73f423c169 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x3149c)
    at wasm::view_fn::{{closure}}::h573caef1eccbc7ff (wasm_bg.wasm:0x3f78f)
    at leptos_reactive::scope::Scope::untrack::hf1b86e9da7ad8dd0 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x320d5)
    at leptos_dom::create_component::ha566be4d30a0487a (wasm_bg.wasm:0x3fae6)
    at wasm::view_fn::he21f89cb96e65078 (wasm_bg.wasm:0x392b3)
    at core::ops::function::Fn::call::ha4ca8e44e588d793

Also, reading the stack trace, just a heads up, using unwrap_throw is unsound as it leads the stack in a potentially non-reentrant state, so if a user catches the JS exception, they will most likely experience UB.

Some events not firing

Given the following code:

use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn start() {

fn view_fn(cx: Scope) -> impl Mountable {
  let (focus, set_focus) = create_signal(cx, false);

  let focused = move || {
    if focus() {
      view! { cx, <p></p> }
    } else {
      view! { cx, <span /> }

  view! { cx,
      <input on:focus=move |_| set_focus(true) on:blur=move |_| set_focus(false) />

on:focus and on:blur never fire. on:click does, however.

`view!` supporting `Option` on attributes, props, and event listeners

Often when receiving optional props, it would be really convenient to allow the macro to accept option types for event handlers and such. This would also allow conditionally attaching event listeners which can become performance hits on components which are heavily reused.

Add more helpful error messages in `leptos_reactive`

Much of the reactive system is built on RefCell, which for some reason gives really unhelpful error messages in the browser, even in debug mode, because it doesn't give line numbers as it does in the console. (At least for me. Chrome tends to be better than Firefox with Wasm errors, but still not great.)

I usually don't see panic messages in Wasm error output either, so I have a debug_warn! macro in leptos_reactive that uses println! syntax to log a warning to the console but is stripped out in release builds for bundle size.

It would be good to replace all the borrow_mut()a in leptos_reactive with try_borrow_mut()s that catch and log an appropriate error with debug_warn!

Some of these don't even need to panic: for example if you're trying to run an effect or update a signal they can log the warning and then do nothing. Reading a signal that has been disposed does need to panic (unless someone has a better solution), because otherwise there's no value to return.

This helps with debugging issues like #25

Components are rendering out of order when mixed with HTML elements

Using version 0.0.15, the following results in out of order rending:

use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn start() {

fn view_fn(cx: Scope) -> impl Mountable {
  view! { cx,
      <TextInput />
      <button>"Clcik me?"</button>

fn TextInput(cx: Scope) -> Element {
  view! {cx,
    <input />

If I inline the component, i.e, <form><input /> ..., then it works, if I remove the surrounding <form> then it also renders correctly.

Examples are excluded from workspace

Examples are excluded from the workspace and this makes rust-analyzer skip them on my machine. Do you use a special setup to circumvent that, or is this an oversight? While I don't have much experience with setting up rust projects, I feel like examples should simply be members of the workspace.

Add `Resource::cancel` so we can abort running futures if we want

There's an on_cleanup function that can be used to run arbitrary code before a scope is disposed, e.g., before a row is dropped in a <For/> component or before a nested route is disposed in the router (because you're navigating away from it).

It would be awesome to have a Resource::cancel() available so you can do things like abort in-flight fetch requests, etc.

I've seen plenty of Futures that have some kind of cancel/abort feature. For example, the oneshot channel in the futures crate returns Result<Option<T>, Canceled>.

Does anyone know there's a common way to indicate a cancellable future? I'm imagining, for example, a Cancellable trait so that we have something like

pub fn create_cancellable_resource<S, T, Fu>(
    cx: Scope,
    source: impl Fn() -> S + 'static,
    fetcher: impl Fn(S) -> Fu + 'static,
) -> Resource<S, T>
    S: PartialEq + Debug + Clone + 'static,
    T: Debug + Clone + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    Fu: ***Cancellable*** + Future<Output = T> + 'static,

I'm realizing as I write this that, because the Resource struct isn't generic over the type of its Future at the moment (only create_resource is, then it stores it as a Pin<Box<dyn Future ...>> or somesuch) this is a little cumbersome.

I guess I could just define my own Cancellable trait for people to implement, but I'd love to have something from the wider Rust ecosystem if it exists.

`Element` mixed with `Vec<Element>` causes nothing to render

The following example renders nothing, I assume this is related to #53.

use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn start() {

fn view_fn(cx: Scope) -> impl Mountable {
  let (sig, _) = create_signal(cx, view! { cx, <span /> });

  let data = || {
    view! { cx,

  view! { cx,
      {data}    // <-- wrapping this in a <span /> fixes rendering

lazy loading and resumability ala qwik

consider adopting ideas from qwik framework.

leverage seralization on the client to enable:

  • lazy loading components - makes the app a lot faster to start
  • resumability between sessions - better user experience

i believe qwik is bringing some inovative ideas into the web app world and since this project is still in early development you can still possibly incorporate them.

Loader API

Loaders should probably be something more like the following. This allows them to do fine-grained reactive reloads only in response to particular params or queries on which they actually depend. Currently, they do a Remix-style “reload whenever query or params change,” which is not great. The main issue here is establishing a stable URL for the create_server_resource (or whatever) so that the loader runs on either client or server, but the server resource runs only on server and can be accessed using a JSON endpoint.

fn contact_data(cx: Scope) -> Resource<String, Contact>{
  let params = use_params_map(cx);
  let id = create_memo(cx, |_| params.get("id"));
  create_server_resource(cx, move || id(), |id: String| fetch_contact_data_for_user(&id))

Only elements are allowed at the top level of `view! {}` macro

The following code is allowed:

use leptos::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn start() {

fn view_fn(cx: Scope) -> impl Mountable {
  let (focus, set_focus) = create_signal(cx, false);

  let focused = move || {
    if focus() {
      view! { cx, <p></p> }
    } else {
      view! { cx, <span /> }

  view! { cx,
      <input on:focus=move |_| set_focus(true) on:blur=move |_| set_focus(false) />

but the following is not:

  view! { cx,
    <input on:focus=move |_| set_focus(true) on:blur=move |_| set_focus(false) />


I do understand why, because the macro expects these items to be Element rather than impl IntoElement, but thought it was worth mentioning in case this was not intentional.

Update to `syn-rsx` 0.9 to allow things like `on:my-event`

Currently the syn-rsx crate doesn't allow mixing colons and dashes in attribute names, which breaks the on: syntax in custom event names, which are encouraged to have a dash like my-event.

I had a PR merged to syn-rsx that would allow this, but there are also some other breaking changes in their 0.9 release, so I'll need to make sure we're up to date.

Use `rustversion` crate instead of `stable` flag

We can enable use on either stable or nightly Rust by detecting version with the rustversion crate instead of using the stable flag. This should be fairly simple... only leptos_reactive and leptos_dom need to change at all, and then have the feature removed in the main leptos package.

"Action" on a Form component should be dynamic

Just like the href property on an A component, Form action should take an IntoHref type, so it can update dynamically. This is important for making sure relative routes work if params change, because the form is not rerendered.

Migrate examples to single-folder structure

Some of the examples (that use SSR + hydration) are divided into three directories: one for the server, one for the client, and one for the app. This used to be necessary to allow you to compile the hydration code to Wasm and the SSR code for the server without causing feature conflicts.

This problem no longer exists because the feature flags are no longer contradictory. So the hackernews and counter_isomorphic examples can be rewritten to use a single-create/single-directory structure instead.

See the model here.

Bug: Leptos_DOM IntoChild Trait Build Error

Tried to simply build everything with cargo build from root directory:
Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 11 59 03 AM

It builds by itself:

cd leptos_dom
cargo build

Seems to be the hackernews and todomvc-ssr examples.
Edit: ^ nvm, i just wasn't building hackernews and todomvc-ssr subdirectories individually


Implement a helper method on the <Form/> component to derive it automatically from an action, using its (server function) URL as the form's action, updating the action's version when the form submits, and sending errors to the action's error field.

SSR benchmarks

I'd love to see some simple benchmarks of server-side rendering performance across different Rust frameworks (Leptos, Sycamore, Yew, Dioxus?) using cargo bench This could be something fairly simple: as long as it involves two or three components, maybe a <For/> component or other relevant keyed list. If it's too simple (like just rendering a simple large static template) it will be very unfair, since Leptos would probably compile it to a single string already.

Is it possible to condense the three-directory server/client/app model into one?

We've been talking on Discord a little about this.

I think it should be possible, now that the csr/ssr/hydrate features aren't mutually exclusive, to write a complete server-rendered-and-browser-hydrated app in a single directory.

Browser/specific code can compile on the server, but not run. Server code usually can't compile for Wasm.

You'd need to use #[wasm_bindgen] to annotate the function you are using to hydrate the app (i.e., basically the few lines of code that are in hackernews-client), and call that function from the HTML you're generating on the server.

Then put the actual server code behind a #[cfg(feature = "ssr")] flag so that it doesn't try to compile actix-web or whatever to Wasm.

Bonus points if it's also Trunk-compatible for an easy dev-mode client-side-rendered version.

If someone wants to try it out in the hackernews directory and submit a PR I'd give them major kudos. @akesson it seems like this may be up your alley as you're working on cargo-leptos too... Let me know if you're interested in giving it a try.

Route actions (i.e., POST)

Currently these are just a stub... I'd like to figure them out so the router is usable for both circumstances, but I want to take some time to make sure the API is right.

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