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isomer's Introduction


An isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas.

View the official project page or try it out.


Isomer is an easy-to-use graphics library for drawing isometric scenes.

var Shape = Isomer.Shape;
var Point = Isomer.Point;
var Color = Isomer.Color;
var red = new Color(160, 60, 50);
var blue = new Color(50, 60, 160);

iso.add(Shape.Prism(Point.ORIGIN, 3, 3, 1));
iso.add(Shape.Pyramid(Point(0, 2, 1)), red);
iso.add(Shape.Prism(Point(2, 0, 1)), blue);


Getting Started

First, grab a copy of Isomer here. Then, include the script wherever you see fit:

<script src="/path/to/isomer.min.js"></script>

After which you'll need to place a canvas in your document that we can later refer to. Be sure to give it a width and height.

<canvas width="800" height="600" id="art"></canvas>

Note (Optional): To improve the look of your canvas on retina displays, declare the width and height of your canvas element as double how you want it to appear. Then style your canvas with CSS to include the original dimensions.

#art {
  width: 400px;
  height: 300px;

At this point we can finally instantiate an Isomer object. Pass it a reference to your canvas like so:

var iso = new Isomer(document.getElementById("art"));

Now you're ready to start drawing!


Isomer uses Gulp as a build tool. To build the project, first install the dependencies.

$ npm install

Then run npm run dist:

$ npm run dist    # or, alternatively, `gulp dist`

> [email protected] dist /Users/jordan/Projects/isomer
> gulp

[gulp] Using gulpfile ~/Projects/isomer/gulpfile.js
[gulp] Starting 'dist'...
[gulp] Version: webpack 1.7.3
           Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
./dist/isomer.js  23.1 kB       0  [emitted]  isomer
[gulp] Version: webpack 1.7.3
               Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
./dist/isomer.min.js  9.33 kB       0  [emitted]  isomer
[gulp] Finished 'dist' after 911 ms
[gulp] Starting 'default'...
[gulp] Finished 'default' after 6.2 μs

To generate isomer.js and isomer.min.js in the dist/ directory.


Isomer is developed using Webpack. Install dependencies and build the project like so:

$ npm install
$ npm run dist

test/index.html contains a basic testing page that draws various shapes. This page will load a unminified bundle with source maps.

The test script (accessible via npm test) uses webpack-dev-server to automatically rebuild Isomer on any file changes. This script also opens the testing page (located at http://localhost:2992/webpack-dev-server/) in your default browser. The testing page includes a live reload script to refresh when Isomer is rebuilt and notify if the code is not conform the styling conventions for Isomer.

$ npm test

> [email protected] test /Users/jordan/Projects/isomer
> gulp test

[Isomer] listening on http://localhost:2992/
webpack: wait until bundle finished: /webpack-dev-server/
Hash: ************
Version: webpack 1.8.2
Time: 432ms
    Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
isomer.js  59.5 kB       0  [emitted]  isomer
chunk    {0} isomer.js (isomer) 20.1 kB [rendered]
    [0] ./index.js 83 bytes {0} [built]
    [1] ./js/isomer.js 3.86 kB {0} [built]
    [2] ./js/canvas.js 729 bytes {0} [built]
    [3] ./js/color.js 2.68 kB {0} [built]
    [4] ./js/path.js 3.77 kB {0} [built]
    [5] ./js/point.js 2.44 kB {0} [built]
    [6] ./js/shape.js 5.47 kB {0} [built]
    [7] ./js/vector.js 1.05 kB {0} [built]
webpack: bundle is now VALID.

With node-canvas

Isomer also accepts the canvas provided by node-canvas, meaning you can generate isometric graphics on the command line.

var Canvas = require('canvas');
var canvas = new Canvas(400, 400);
var Isomer = require('isomer');   // npm install isomer
var fs = require('fs');
var out = fs.createWriteStream('output.png');

var iso = new Isomer(canvas);


More Info

For more info, check out the official project page.

MIT Licensed

isomer's People


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isomer's Issues

CDN Repository

HI there,
Is there any CDN link I can point to in order to get a minified version of Isomer for a project?


Fix depth sorting

My current depth sorting implementation is incredibly naive. Essentially, when Isomer.prototype.add is given a shape, it first orders its faces, then draws them.

Ordering the faces currently involves sorting them by the average distance of their points to the arbitrary point:

var observer = new Point(-10, -10, 10);

This fails for a number of reasons. Most notably, points located to the extreme left and right edges of the canvas (+x, -y) and (-x, +y) respectively, will be calculated to be further away than something close to the origin. Drawing shapes at these locations will cause their faces to be out of order.

Because of this limitation, drawing shapes with convex polygons as sides does not currently work, as you can see in the "star" example on the test page.

So, we need to implement some form of proper depth sorting. I imagine there are many neat tricks we can do with an isometric projection.

Transparent colors

I was wondering if it would be possible to have an alpha channel added to the color constructor. It'd be cool to have a transparent jell-o effect, or windows/water.

Make it easy to use Isomer with node-canvas

node-canvas is a module that allows you to draw to a virtual canvas and export your drawing as a PNG. I'd like to make it easy to generate isomer drawings with node-canvas.

Doing this means we might need to rearrange some of the files to use a more traditional module pattern - at which point we can probably make it very easy to install isomer from NPM, Bower, and Component.

Missing tag for v0.2.5

Hi, I noticed that the version number in the dist folder is now v0.2.5, but the latest git tag is v0.2.4 😄

How to invert the _translatePoint function?

In order to permit user interaction with the scene I'm trying to compute the inverse of the _translatePoint() utility function so that I can draw elements on the scene where the mouse is (at least with respect to the z=0 plane).

I think I'm trying to determine what input point.x and point.y might have resulted in the output that _translatePoint gives, if that makes sense.

I've actually come up with a solution by plugging the system of simultaneous equations into Wolfram Alpha:

det = (tx[0][1] * tx[1][0]) - (tx[0][0] * tx[1][1])
px = ((ox * tx[1][1]) + (oy * tx[1][0]) - (tx[1][0] * y) - (tx[1][1] * x)) / det
py = ((-(ox * tx[0][1])) - (ox * tx[0][0]) + (tx[0][0] * y) + (tx[0][1] * x)) / det

Where ox, oy is the origin and tx is your transformation matrix. This actually works, and is only off by constant

In the file js/isomer.js on line 112, you are using a global/window/self scope for color. It fails in "üse strict" mode

In the file js/isomer.js on line 112, you are using a global/window/self scope for color. I pretty sure you meant local. Because of that it fails in strict mode, throwing that color is not defined.

Current code:

var brightness = Vector.dotProduct(normal, this.lightAngle);
color = baseColor.lighten(brightness * this.colorDifference, this.lightColor);

Proposed fixes:

  1. precede with 'var ', fe:
    var brightness = Vector.dotProduct(normal, this.lightAngle);
    var color = baseColor.lighten(brightness * this.colorDifference, this.lightColor);


  1. precede with comma, fe:
    var brightness = Vector.dotProduct(normal, this.lightAngle),
    color = baseColor.lighten(brightness * this.colorDifference, this.lightColor);

Ft. Request Drawing textures on cubes

Is there any way to draw textures on cubes? (cf Minecraft-like)
If not, this would be a highly appreciated feature! Else than that, great, very simple and easy to use library.

Also, it would be nice to have some more info on the more advanced uses as I had to look through the (very easily digestible) code to find answers, namely options when initiating a new Isomer, Object documentation (object properties & methods), extending Isomer, etc.

Manupulate existing shapes

Is there a way to delete or modify a shape you just created
I did this:
tile = iso.add(new Path([Point(0,2,0),Point(1,2,0),Point(1,3,0),Point(0,3,0)]), new Color(50,160,60));

in hopes of being able to do stuf like this:
iso.shapes.tile.x = 3;
tile.extrude(3, new Color(50,160,60));

Bump version on npm

The version of Isomer on npm is one patch version behind:

$ npm view isomer version

Cylinder/Circle Example

I found these functions in the source and I need to use them, but I'm a little confused. It would also be nice if they were on the homepage.

Animating without leaving artifacts

Hi there,

I just started using isomer and I'm glad that this sort of geometry is finally brought to the canvas.

I'm not sure if it's only visible on my computer, but I noticed that when translations are added, the shapes leave a trail. I looked at other pens that used rotation and the same artifacts don't occur.

Does anyone else notice artifacts when animating shapes? I tried adjusting the frame rate but no luck. Feedback is welcome.

Here's a pen I forked just to get started. Very crude, but you can see clearly how the blue pyramid on the bottom leaves a trail, while the pink pyramid rotates and leaves a circle at its base.


Bower support

It'd be nice if you put this up on Bower for easy installation and updating.

Adding text labels

Is there any support or plan for supporting adding text labels/captions to the display? If not, what technique would be appropriate to super impose it?

how to wireframe 2d figures?

Say I draw a triangle using a Path and 3 Points the triangle ends up filled.

How to have the triangle with no fill, just the wireframe?

Show off your creations here!

I'm going to create and immediately close this issue - using it as a temporary board for people to show off their creations.

I'm building a gallery site, and would like to showcase the cool stuff you're all making. Please make a codepen and paste it here :)

Sprite/Image support

I read about that Textures planning support, but I think it 's useful to have support Sprites/Images too, because much people use standard painted art and do not use 3D models.

How do you think?

Sorry for my bad English language, thanks.


They aren't prisms, are they? They look like boxes to me.

Anyway, this is a good start and I might be able to use this soon. Thanks.

Some edges are colored incorrectly

If you look at the drawing on the project page closely, you'll see the following:

screen shot 2014-04-27 at 3 04 55 pm

There's a small "hairline" crack in the shape - essentially a discolored edge. This occurs when a portion of a hidden face creeps up. Might be due to floating point coordinates.

Click/hit detection

Is there any support for click/mouseover/hit detection, or is there any planned?

Add support for pixel iso angle

First of all: Thanks, great job!

According to this schema: adding a parameter in Isomer initialization the "real" iso angle or "best for pixel representation" iso angle could be selected, e.g.:

if ( options.isotype == 'pixelperfect' )
  this.angle = Math.atan(0.5);
  this.angle = Math.pi/6;

... or something like this.

Add support for Translate, Scale, Rotate against instances

It's a really nifty engine you've written. It would be a great candidate for small turn-based games. For that, we'd need to be able to capture the shape instances and move them rather than cloning them each time.

Is there any chance of that happening? I know that you're hoping to keep the scope small.

Should I use isomer for a new project?

I've noticed there haven't been many changes in the last months, and I'm worried the project has come to a halt.

My game will revolve heavily around an isometric map and the objects placed on it, and isomer seems like the lightweight engine I'm looking for, but I'm afraid to put my hands on a deprecated project. Should I?

Adopt a style guide

I think it's a good idea for Isomer to adapt a specific code style guide. Since Gulp is already used as a build tool, we can maybe add a JS linter stream, along with a config file that defines what's allowed and what's not. I notice the code that people write in their forks of Isomer is not styled in the same way as master.

Object.position or shape.x shape.y shape.z exists ?


Going through the wish list of things on #72 I think most folks want as compact an isometric library as possible, followed by depth sorting,shadows,etc with the ultimate goal of having the foundations of an isometric game engine.

At the base of these features, there is a coordinate/object system that I am not sure exists already, i.e to get to a shapes origin this is the closest I can get (and it doesn't change)...


In the end something like shape.X shape.Y Shape.Z is what I am after or/and a way of manipulating a shape or Object position after initiation.

Would this be a reasonable worthwhile thing to pursue while keeping the library small?


for in loop not handling extended arrays

Just a simple addition to handle iterating over arrays which have had prototype extended.

I suggest adding the following hasOwnProperty conditional.

File: isomer.js, (ln 262)

Isomer.prototype.add = function (item, baseColor) {


for (var i in paths) {
     if (paths.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
         this._addPath(paths[i], baseColor);

Ability to import 2d files

It's probably useful to have some kind of visual editor to sketch things out before hand.

This SVG template to start making consistent Isometric illustrations. Included are two ways people might make an illustration, layered and flat.

Just open it in illustrator and use the live paint tool (one of the options after the k short cut)

I will note a problem with this method of making illustrations is that large illustrations get unmanageable quickly because of the computing power required to change the fill of each triangle (in illustrator). SVGs also become very large because of points within solid color areas.

Not working if Path and Point are not declared globally

Nothing will work when the variables below are not declared globally:
I think most importantly Path and Point

var Shape = Isomer.Shape; 
var Path = Isomer.Path;
var Color = Isomer.Color;
var Point = Isomer.Point;
//these should be on global scope for Isomer to work

Check this fiddle for live example.
This will give the error of "Point is not defined" or "Path is not defined" in some cases.
This should be optional or it should be inside the build itself.

Cannot find module 'gulp-buffer'

I'm getting this error when I try to build isomer.
I have never used gulp before but I'm guessing this isn't suppose to happen?
I installed the npm package then ran gulp.

Let's chat about WebGL

I'll make an issue about this - I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts. Don't hold back!

I've spent a few hours on a new threejs branch for Isomer, for a number of reasons. Mainly, WebGL does a few things very well

  • Depth ordering
  • Lighting, shadows, etc
  • Textures
  • Performance
  • Community support

Some downsides?

  • Code size. isomer.min.js is currently 9KB. With threejs that shoots up to almost a 1MB.
  • As such, this takes time to load!
  • What exactly is Isomer if we just offload everything to a WebGL library? Are we just a simple wrapper? Why Isometric at all?

There's a certain novelty in having Isomer so small, and translating lots of complicated 3D things into simple 2D canvas operations. I think those are some of the more attractive bits of this library, and by attempting to bring in WebGL I'm going against that.

So what do I actually want to do with Isomer?

I don't know! The original intent was to make cute little pictures, and I think that still holds true. But does the library need to be small to do that?

If we attempt to make Isomer this super powerful thing with an awesome foundation, are we encouraging a different use-case than what we originally intended? Is that okay?

So - I'm perplexed. I want Isomer to be small, but I want it to be correct. That is, I want Isomer to have these great features that come for free with a WebGL backing, but I don't want all the other stuff that I don't need. This isn't an attack at Three.js specifically, but WebGL in general!

In an ideal world? We would be using WebGL without compromising our small code size and speed. Does something like make that possible? I remain skeptical.

game engine / level builder?

This looks really great, and would love to build a simple game with this.
Altough it would need more than just the plotting functionality.

Is there anyone who have build games using Isomer? Or are there alternatives that have same look and feel but provide some basic mechanisms for collission detection for example?

I believe this is not a game engine but a plotting library but if one wants to create games it should be hooked up with one, thoughts /suggestions?

Anyone has build a basic foundation for a level builder?

Using ES6/7 using a compiler

Created a issue to see if there is support to use the ES6/7 code style.

When using a compiler like Babel the generated bundle would not increase much.

Draw on PIXI.Graphics; request customPathDrawer option

I use PIXI as a speed-hack for canvas.
I would like to use Isomer over PIXI.Grapics.

Something like this:


var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
graphics.path = function(path, color) {
  var c = color.r * 256 * 256 + color.g * 256 + color.b
  this.beginFill(c, color.a);
  this.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);

  for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
    this.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y);

// width, height & clear made by PIXI.Graphics()

var iso = new Isomer(null, {customPathDrawer:graphics});


Diamond as native shape

I'd love to have the diamond-shape as a native shape like, preferably with the ability to set sides (much like cylinder objects).

Oh, and love your work <3

Add support for textures

Instead of ordinary fill colors, it would be very useful to be able to place textures on faces.

Bug with certain dimensions

The Pyramid is upside down when using 400000 as the height. With 40000, it works correctly.

var Point  = Isomer.Point;
var Shape  = Isomer.Shape;

var iso = new Isomer(document.getElementById("canvas"));
iso.add(Shape.Prism(Point.ORIGIN, 1, 1, 400000));

Also there is a bug when setting the third argument of a Prism to 400. With 40 and 4000, it works fine.

In case it matters: I found this bug using the playground.

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