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apiland's Introduction


The Deno API Server.


The APIs that are available with this server are documented in /specs/api-2.0.0.yaml as an OpenAPI 3.1 specification and can be viewed here.


The current production API server is available on Currently only the /webhook/publish requires an API token and it not part of the public API of the server.


The API server uses Google Datastore as the persistance layer. It connects to the datastore using the google_datastore module.

The API server uses an API focused framework named acorn to serve the APIs.

The API server processes and documents third party modules registered on as well as the Deno Standard Library and built-in APIs for the Deno. It uses deno_graph and deno_doc to accomplish this, which are components that are part of the Deno CLI but are also available as Wasm libraries with a JavaScript/TypeScript interface.

Local development

A local development server is available using:

> deno task dev

Note that you need to have a properly configured .env file for this to work. An example file is included in .env.example, but for obvious reasons we will not make the production keys available.

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