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d3-cam16's Introduction


d3-cam16 is an under-development update to d3-cam02. It fixes many underlying computational bugs and performance concerns while still preserving perceptual accuracy.

d3-cam16's People


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d3-cam16's Issues

Incorrect interpolation color values

Right now declaring colors per cam16slice.html works as expected, however interpolation has chromatic inconsistencies for some but not all of the cases. I haven't been able to root cause the concern yet, but the current behavior is a release blocker. I'll track any discoveries in this issue.

build error

The current code doesn't build because of this part (with a / b = โ€ฆ).

  if(M === undefined || M === null) {
      // TODO verify this is correct; check for divide by 0 case?
      // SUPER TODO this is wrong; fix the tan inverse function and calculate the right brightness! that'll lead you to the correct C
      a / b = tan(h)
      M = a / Math.cos(Math.atan2(b,a));

Is there something we can do to help you finish this module?

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