Mike Bostock's Projects
Keeps tabs on the ticking donation amount found on ActBlue's home page.
American Community Survey data on people and households
Query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables.
Read arrays as standard WhatWG streams.
Open-source list of awesome data visualization tools (e.g., charting libraries) for software developers 📊📈
Browser Extensions for bl.ocks.org
A calendar heatmap of my blog using Observable Framework
Boston map using Observable Framework
ColorBrewer-based themes for Sublime Text.
Another test for Crom dependencies.
A simple test for Crom dependencies.
Comma-separated tree
Route Heroku logs to Cube for analysis and visualization.
Bounding box collision detection for forceSimulation in d3v4
A d3 implementation of the CIECAM02 and CIECAM02-UCS color appearance models
A reusable d3 legend component.
inverted iteration for nested data binds
A D3.v3.js module for creating 2D representations of data
A partial implementation of the W3C DOM API on top of an HTML5 parser and serializer.
A really fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points
Hierarchical edge bundling in JavaScript & Canvas.
📄 Documentation for Vue 3
The precursor to D3.
Read files as standard WhatWG streams in Node.
Examples and answers to support questions for Observable Framework
Create a gist from terminal, then use git to update it.
A versioned static file server backed by Git.
Hide that ghastly eyebrow.
Extensions for hiding the annoying red Google+ notification.
Map and Set with automatic key interning