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sbus2-telemetry's Issues

[Feature Request] STM32 Support

Hello, great work..

I have it running on the ESP32. Do you have idea on how to make it work on the SMT32F103 / F405 etc.

They do support RTOS :-)

Many Thanks


UART Half Duplex on a Single Pin

SBUS is inverted Half Duplex UART Signal

The ESP32 should be able to handle RX/TX on one Pin
RS485 Half Duplex Mode?
RX/TX switch with a spare pin?

SBUS2_Ready() is not checking frame_ready

frame_ready is true for a valid received SBUS Frame

for SBUS2_get_servo_data() there should be a buffer for the last valid SBUS frame.

Why checking SBUS2_Ready()?

Wrong Timing between Slots

If using Slot 2 and Slot 6, there is a wrong Delay on the SBUS2 Signal.

Slot 6 is on the Timing of Slot 5

You shouldn't skip Slots

different GPS LAT/LON Input Types

there are different input types for LON and LAT

actual accepted:
Degree Minutes as integer -> 52312499 (52 Degree 31.2499 Minutes)

other possible types:
Degree Minutes as float -> 52.312499
Decimal as integer -> 52520833
Decimal as float -> 52.520833

so there should be a bool for the Input Type on the GPS Sensor
void send_f1675_gps(uint8_t port, uint16_t speed, int16_t hight, int16_t vario, int32_t latitude, int32_t longitude, bool Decimal);

void send_f1675_gps(uint8_t port, uint16_t speed, int16_t hight, int16_t vario, float latitude, float longitude, bool Decimal);

Frame loss

Will this library allow me to also get frame loss and holds etc on the radio?

Second, do you have a wiring schematic for Arduino itself?

Third, is the code provided for all the supported sensors? if so, the sensors that I do not want to use, can I remove that section of code?

Last question, can someone translate the schematic into words? I'm not very good with visual schematics etc, hence.

[Feature Request] SBUS2 Frame Generation

For testing Sensors (without Futaba Radio) you would need an Output of SBUS2 Frames

together with #36 you have a complete Simulation for testing ESP32 and Futaba Sensors

The Telemetry Send Timer has to be extended that it's send SBUS2 Data in Demo Mode.
Function is already finished for #36 and must be tested and locked against unwanted start.

Futaba SBUS2 problem

Hello BrushlessPower ,

First of all, thank you for your effort and desire to share your project with others.

Excellent work !!!

Following your instructions I am trying to visualize Futaba telemetry parameters for a new big plane project that I am doing. This aircraft has a four-cylinder DLE 222 engine installed and I would like to visualize the four temperatures of the engine cylinder heads and the interior of the plane. ( five temperature sensor totally )

Also the RPMs and the voltage of the four batteries. In principle I do not need GPS although I do not rule out later using it but if necessary I can do without it.

My initial problem is that I can only display the RPMs, neither the temperature sensor, nor the GPS, etc. etc. appears, also when initializing the variometer it indicates +255.5m/s and at the same time that the RPMs are shown the value of the variometer changes to -64.5m/s

I have tried with arduino atmega 328P at 3.3V 8Mhz and also at 5V and 16Mhz but the result is the same.

I don't have GPS connected.

The configuration of Futaba is T18SZ and two receivers R7108SB dual mode and FassTest 18ch

This afternoon I will try a single receiver and other types of modulation that include telemetry and I will report if I have had any progress but in any case I will need to make it work at least in FassTest 12ch and two receivers.

Any guidance or advice of what you think I am doing wrong and for that reason I cannot make it work I will thank you very much.

In any case, thank you very much for your time and help!

Best regards,

Telemetry not working with 3 sensor


I use your library to make some sensor ( Temperature, GPS,...). if i plug only 2 sensors on the receiver with different slot everything is working perfectly.

But if i plug 3 sensors the telemetry on esp32 stop working, i have to stop one oh the three sensor to make it working again

Is there a limitation or something wich can explain these issue ?


GPS Latitude & Longitude problem

Thanks for all your work,

I have a problem with negative GPS coordinates for South and West, it's working fine with positive (North and East).

If i use the coordinate
int32_t latitude = -52312499; // =S 52° 31.2499 = N 52.520833 = N 52° 31' 14.9988"
int32_t longitude = -13245658; // = W 13° 24.5658 = E 13.409430 = E 13° 24' 33.9480"

The radio display S 205°13.6077, W 244°20.2918

Any idea ?


Current Sensor with decimal values

Actually the Current Sensor can handle Integer Values, for example 20 for 20A

The T14SG display a Current of 20.0A

The Protocol of the Sensor can handle decimal Values. For example 1234 for 12.34A
In the T14SG it should be displayed as 12.3A

Issue getting it to work

This is probably not an issue with the library but I'm using an Uno with an SN74HC IC and it's not sending any telemetry data. Maybe there is a way to conversate about a solution.

Atmega328P - jamming when processing sensors

first of all thank you for your work in creating this library. I wanted to ask about the problem. I have T16SZ, Atmega328P with GPS neo-6m and BMP180 pressure / temperature sensors connected according to your scheme with BC547 transistors.

Regarding the problem, based on the attached SUBS example, if I create a variable that I increment 1 to in each pass (or even sending const numbers) and send it to the appropriate slots, everything works fine for an infinite time. But if I start processing data from the GPS sensor, some slots values (e.g. 7 out of 12) get stuck after about 30-60 seconds and stop updating on the radio. If I'm processing data from the BMP180, the hang will only show up after 2+ minutes. The only thing that helps is restarting the arduino.

As a walkaround, I found a way connecting second arduino, which has a GPS and BMP180 sensor connected and communicates with the SBUS arduino using I2C. The jam didn't happen here, I had the build running like this for a few days without any issues.

Even though you state that Softserial can be used, I found that it also uses TIMER 2, it would also correspond to me that as soon as the data starts going over the Softserial, there will be a jam. It also seems to me that the jamming during IC2 communication is only when the SBUS arduino is in the role of I2C Master, as I write above, if it is in the role of 2C slave, then the jam occurs.

Is this a lack of the library or should I look for flaws in my codes / wiring?

ESP32 port tx/rx for sbus2


Thank you for your work, i tried to use your sbus2 telemetry on ESP32

Can you tell me on which port i have to connect the SBUS2 signal, tx0/rx0 ? other ?
Do i need a resistance between tx/rx ?


Why is there 2 voltages available for the SBS01T ?


Great lib ! Works perfectly with a R304SB and a 4px. Just this question because the sensor is only 1 canal and i cant see the first voltage on my radio, only the second one is displayed.

Thanks !

RPM Sensor Range

RPM Sensor has uint16_t Data Type

this means a maximum RPM Value of 65.535 RPM
The original Futaba RPM Sensor has a maximum of 300.000 RPM

So the Input Datatype should be uint32_t



I'm working on the code to adding the GPS sensor SBS-02G. For the moment i manage to send the altitude, variometer and the pressure. But i'm stuck by the latitude and the longitude.

The latitude is coded on 26 bit wich can have the maximum value 67 108 864, insuffisant for 90°. According to my test the value of the bit is not always a power of 2.
Here the detail of the 26 bit :
55554432, 27577216, 13588608, 6594304, 3297152, 1448576, 524288, 262144, 131072, 65536, 32768, 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

Same thing with the longitude but this time with 27 bit :
111508864, 55554432, 27577216, 13588608, 6594304, 3297152, 1448576, 524288, 262144, 131072, 65536, 32768, 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2,1

I tried to make a fonction to convert value with this bit but the radio display different value. Depending on the case i have the following difference between the send value and the display.
2400000, 2000000, 1600000, 1200000, 800000, 400000, 0

The difference depend of the coordonate

Have you ever seen this king of compression to transmit high value with less bit ?


Send RPM value to receiver

Hi, first of all big thanks to this amazing library! I want to make my own rpm sensor for my plane, i can send values to the futaba receiver from my esp32 but i have problem with rpm, for example i use "send_RPM(RPM_SLOT,(uint16_t) 500);" and in futaba i have the number 62 in this slot(of course i have set the slots and the sensors from futaba settings). I try with voltage and it works, i know that it must be something in conversion of the number in the code or in futaba. Do you know what is wrong?
Thank you for your time.!

add Sensors with real Names

Actual supported:
SBS/01TE -> Temp Sensor
SBS/01RB ->RPM Sensor
SBS-01RM -> RPM Sensor
SBS-01RO -> RPM Sensor
F1713 -> Temp Sensor
F1678 -> Power Sensor
F1675 -> GPS Sensor

comming soon:
SBS/01V -> Voltage Sensor
F1672 -> Vario
F1712 -> Vario

Not Documented:
SBS-01G -> GPS Sensor
SBS-01G -> GPS Sensor
SBS/01S -> Servo Sensor
SBS-0 1 TAS -> True Airspeed Sensor
F1677 -> True Airspeed Sensor
SBS/01C -> Current Sensor (maybe similar to F1678)
P-SBS/01T -> Temp 200 Sensor (maybe similar to SBS/01TE )
SBS/02A -> Vario (maybe similar to F1672 or F1712)
SBS/01A -> Vario (maybe similar to F1672 or F1712)

[ESP32] Enable and Disable SBUS(2) processing

related to #30

Sometimes it could be necessary to Disable the SBUS Processing. For example writing to Flash (causing Crash).

So there should be a function to disable/enable UART and Timer Interrupt

Radio: Futaba 7PX

Radio: Futaba 7PX
Version: 4.0S
Receiver: R304SB (T-FHSS)

Currently I only need voltage data.

The value displayed on the remote control is not the voltage value directly specified in the code.

This proportional relationship is puzzling.


Current/Voltage/Capacity Sensors

With Version 1.0 I've added more Power Sensors following the existing Futaba Sensors

But with my T14SG i can't test all of them, because the T14SG doesn't support them all.
So it would be great, if someone could test the following Sensors:

Sensor SBS01V

  • Function: send_SBS01V(uint8_t port,uint16_t voltage1, uint16_t voltage2);
  • Function: send_SBS01V(uint8_t port,float voltage1, float voltage2);
  • T14SG: OK

Sensor F1678

  • Function: send_F1678(uint8_t port, uint16_t current, uint16_t capacity, uint16_t voltage);
  • Function: send_F1678(uint8_t port, uint16_t current, uint16_t capacity, uint16_t voltage);
  • T14SG: OK

Sensor SBS01C

  • Function: send_SBS01C(uint8_t port, uint16_t current, uint16_t capacity, uint16_t voltage);
  • Function: send_SBS01C(uint8_t port, float current, uint16_t capacity, float voltage);
  • should be the same as F1678
  • T14SG: Not supported

GPS Latitude & Longitude Display problem

Hello there!

I started to study GPS. Currently the data transmission is normal, but the latitude and longitude display of GPS is inconsistent.
Remote control and receiver, 18SZ + R7008SB.

According to the example in your code, only the decimal point of the latitude and longitude in the GPS data is removed.

For example: GPS data format of NMEA01843
N 3029.52639, displayed as N 47 ° 35.2783
E 11425.15639, displayed as E 118 ° 51.5596
The last degree value may be inconsistent with the original GPS data,
The delay in the display prevented me from maintaining complete accuracy between them.

In addition, in the sample program
In the setup () section, why do latitude and longitude increase by 100?
What is the impact of not increasing by 100?

In your and others' information, I also modified the SBUS2.cpp file.
The following code is used:
if(latitude >= 0){
latitude_pos = true;
latitude_pos = false;
latitude = latitude * -1;
bytes[1] = (uint8_t)(latitude/1000000);
value3 = (uint32_t)(latitude%1000000);
if(_latitude >= 0){
bytes[2] = ((value3 >> 16) & 0x0f); // North
bytes[2] = ((value3 >> 16) & 0x10); // South
SBUS2_transmit_telemetry_data( port+4 , bytes);

bytes[1] = ((value3 >> 8) & 0xff);
bytes[2] = value3 & 0xff;
SBUS2_transmit_telemetry_data( port+5 , bytes);

if(longitude >= 0){
longitude_pos = true;
longitude_pos = false;
longitude = longitude * -1;
bytes[1] = (uint8_t)(longitude/1000000);
value3 = (uint32_t)(longitude%1000000);
if(_longitude >= 0){
bytes[2] = ((value3 >> 16) & 0x0f); // Eath
bytes[2] = ((value3 >> 16) & 0x10); // West
SBUS2_transmit_telemetry_data( port+6 , bytes);

bytes[1] = ((value3 >> 8) & 0xff);
bytes[2] = value3 & 0xff;
SBUS2_transmit_telemetry_data( port+7 , bytes);


Flow meter for fuel measurement

Thanks for this nice library, I'm starting to play with it. I have a Futaba 10J and am planning to add a flow meter (like this one) between the fuel tank and the engine.

Do you think this could work?
Which sensor do you think is best to use to push the telemetry data to my transmitter, voltage or current?

Temperature Sensors

With Version 1.0 I've added more Temperature Sensors following the existing Futaba Sensors

But with my T14SG i can't test all of them, because the T14SG doesn't support them all.
So it would be great, if someone could test the following Sensors:

Sensor SBS01T

  • Function: SBS01T(uint8_t port, int16_t temp);
  • T14SG: OK

Sensor SBS01TE

  • Function: SBS01TE(uint8_t port, int16_t temp);
  • should be the same as Temp125
  • T14SG: Not supported

Sensor Temp125

  • Function: send_temp125(uint8_t port, int16_t temp);
  • T14SG: OK

Sensor F1713

  • Function: send_F1713(uint8_t port, int16_t temp);
  • should be the same as Temp125
  • T14SG: Not supported
  • 7PX: OK

Reading SBUS2 sensor data to serial monitor


is it possible to use this lib to read SBUS2 sensor data to Serial monitor / PC? o create a sort of sensor data sniffer.
i have an application where i like to take existing sensors data (sbus2) and display it on a PC.
for this purpose i have some ESP32 and arduino boards i can use.


SBUS_Ready() forever true

If the SBUS(2) Signal is broken (wire broken, disconnected or receiver unpowered) the SBUS_Ready() function would return true forever.

There should be a reset of sbus_ready and telemetry_ready.

The Functions will be false until a new SBUS(2) Frame is received

[ESP32] ISR IRAM_ATTR Flash Issue

There is a Bug for using ESP32 with this SBUS2 Library and write/read internal Flash

If ESP32 does a Flash read/write and a Interrupt occure (For Example receiving SBUS(2) or transmit Telemetry) the ESP32 crashes.
This is a known Bug, but i never thought about.

All SBUS(2) ISR (and it's called functions) have to run in IRAM

i will do some test and upload the fixed Bug.
Maybe it related to Issue #21 there where also mysterious Crash while using I2C

It doesn't work with R7108SB

I have successfully make it work on receiver R3001SB. However it can't work with R7108. The slot 8-slot 31 just can't work. But the slot0-slot7. Why?
I asked chatGPT what's the scheme of the sbus2. It says the sbu2 telemetry frame should have a sync pulse at the beginning of it. Why I can't see any code of the sync pulse in your code?


How do you login your Arduino as a sbus2 device to your remote controller?

Thank you for your work on the sbus2. But I don't see any code for logining ro the remote controller. Since every sbus2 device should be login to the remote controller by plugging the sensor into the remote controller first. Or it can't be display on the sensor's interface screen. How do you overcome for the problem?

[BUG] UART_dropped_frame never cleared

UART_dropped_frame is a value for complete lost of a Frame on the SBUS line

so....that is something that should be always zero!

But if you Hot-Plug a Sensor to the SBUS(2) Port it could be possible to lost a Frame.
So with Checking SBUS2_get_status() this value should be cleared.

ESP32 and Atmega

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