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panelcn.mops's Introduction

panelcn.MOPS - CNV detection tool for targeted NGS panel data

The panelcn.mops R package is based on the cn.mops package and allows to detect copy number variations (CNVs) from targeted NGS panel data. Please visit for additional information.


  1. install cn.mops from

    ## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported  
    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
  2. install panelcn.mops from github e.g. like this:


panelcn.mops's People


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panelcn.mops's Issues

A problem when analysis multi-samples with panelcn.mops.

Dear all:
when I use panelcn.mops to analysis 11 samples, my command is:
resulttable <- createResultTable(resultlist = resultlist,XandCB = input,countWindows=countWin,selectedGenes="BRCA1",sampleNames=samplename)

I found this result;
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00110.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00111.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00112.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00113.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00114.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00115.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00116.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00117.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00118.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00119.rmdup.bam
Calculating results for sample(s) RZA00134.rmdup.bam


Building table...

only a table of first sample was built, Any suggestions?

Copy number classes error?


I'm using panelcn.mops with default values of expected fold changes of the copy number classes: c(0.025, 0.57, 1, 1.46, 2)
But I have a lot of targets annotated CN0 while the log(RC ratio: RC.norm/medRC.norm) is clearly not under 0.025.

Please find below a sample of examples:

  Sample Chr Gene Exon Start End RC medRC RC.norm medRC.norm lowQual CN RC.norm/medRC.norm
36 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr1 CHD5_ex08 CHD5_ex08 6209285 6209522 4167 4942.5 42070 46431   CN0 0,906075682195085
44 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr1 CDH5_UTR5 CDH5_UTR5 6240083 6240381 6290 6133.5 63504 55952   CN0 1,13497283385759
126 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr1 CDC73_UTR5 CDC73_UTR5 193091087 193091330 5588 5618.5 61545 56091   CN0 1,09723485051078
133 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr1 CDC73_ex07 CDC73_ex07 193110929 193111216 4367 4764 44089 49890   CN0 0,883724193225095
134 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr1 CDC73_ex08 CDC73_ex08 193116946 193117115 3177 3550 32075 37137   CN0 0,863693890190376
176 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr2 MSH2_ex14 MSH2_ex14 47705360 47705678 5702 6707.5 52334 57824   CN0 0,905056723851688
198 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr2 BCL2L11_UTR5_ex01 BCL2L11_UTR5_ex01 111878490 111878765 3831 3464.5 38678 33291   CN0 1,16181550569223
242 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr3 MLH1_ex14 MLH1_ex14 37081626 37081805 3601 4151 33050 37762   CN0 0,875218473597797
270 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr3 MITF_ex02 MITF_ex02 69986922 69987220 5312 6270 48754 55663   CN0 0,875878051847726
321 1509L0065-A_S10.recal.bam chr5 SDHA_ex13 SDHA_ex13 251402 251603 2968 3275 24517 28350   CN0 0,864797178130512

Thanks for your help,


how to extract the cn values to plot

I want to plot a copy number variation picture, I try to extract the values like this:


    I found all the region is the same value close to 1  ,so I want to know which value and how to extract that I can plot a picture like this:


Cannot use exon XXXX


I am a Master student trying to use your tool panelcn.MOPS for detecting CNV from WES data and I had a problem. I put 16 test samples and 50 control samples and there is a problem in the runPanelcnMops step because the tool said that can not use some exons. Why can not be included this exons in the analysis and how can I fix this problem for including all exons?


Ismael Fernandez

Problem plotting exons from a certain candidate gene


First of all, thank you very much for developing panelcn.mops. It is a really helpful tool.

I am having a problem when plotting all exons of a candidate gene from a panel. The problem is basically that if the gene is in the forward strand, the first exon does not show up in the plot and if the gene is in the reverse strand, the last exon of the gene is not plotted. My bed file is sorted by chr, position, so basically the plotBoxplot() command is not plotting the first exon that appears in the bed file.

However, the results table created with the createResultTable() command shows all the exons from each candidate gene.

Here you have the code that I have used to analyze my gene panel so that you can figure out if I have made any errors:

# Load library

# Read input files
bed <- "Genes_with_exon_coordinates_sorted_31bp_flanking_sides.bed"
countWindows <- getWindows(bed)

# Sample to analyze
Sample_X_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_X.bam"

Sample_X <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                  bam.files = Sample_X_bam, read.width = 150) 

# Control samples
Sample_A_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_A.bam"
Sample_B_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_B.bam"
Sample_C_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_C.bam"
Sample_D_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_D.bam"
Sample_E_bam <- "BAMs/Sample_E.bam"

Sample_A <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                 bam.files = Sample_A_bam, read.width = 150)
Sample_B <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                 bam.files = Sample_B_bam, read.width = 150)
Sample_C <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                 bam.files = Sample_C_bam, read.width = 150)
Sample_D <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                 bam.files = Sample_D_bam, read.width = 150)
Sample_E <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                 bam.files = Sample_E_bam, read.width = 150)

# [...] I have 109 controls in my dataset

controls <- countBamListInGRanges(countWindows = countWindows,
                                  bam.files = c(Sample_A_bam, Sample_B_bam, Sample_C_bam, Sample_D_bam, 
                                  read.width = 150)

# The gene panel contains 26 genes, but I am only analyzing 4 of them
selectedGenes <- c("GENE_1", "GENE_2", "GENE_3", "GENE_4")

XandCB <- Sample_X

elementMetadata(XandCB) <- cbind(elementMetadata(XandCB),

resultlist <- runPanelcnMops(XandCB, countWindows = countWindows,
                             selectedGenes = selectedGenes)

# Although the countWindows contains 548 obs. of 6 variables, the resultlist identifies only 495 Iranges



sampleNames <- colnames(elementMetadata(Sample_X))

resulttable <- createResultTable(resultlist = resultlist, XandCB = XandCB,
                                 countWindows = countWindows,
                                 selectedGenes = selectedGenes,
                                 sampleNames = sampleNames)

# This table shows all exons from the 4 genes

# GENE_1 - Located in the reverse strand - Does not plot last exon
plotBoxplot(result = resultlist[[1]], sampleName = sampleNames[1],
            countWindows = countWindows,
            selectedGenes = selectedGenes, showGene = 1)

# GENE_2 - Located in the forward strand - Does not plot first exon
plotBoxplot(result = resultlist[[1]], sampleName = sampleNames[1],
            countWindows = countWindows,
            selectedGenes = selectedGenes, showGene = 2)

# GENE_3 - Located in the forward strand - Does not plot first exon
plotBoxplot(result = resultlist[[1]], sampleName = sampleNames[1],
            countWindows = countWindows,
            selectedGenes = selectedGenes, showGene = 3)

# GENE_4 - Located in the reverse strand - Does not plot last exon
plotBoxplot(result = resultlist[[1]], sampleName = sampleNames[1],
            countWindows = countWindows,
            selectedGenes = selectedGenes, showGene = 4)

R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] panelcn.mops_1.9.0   cn.mops_1.36.0       GenomicRanges_1.42.0 GenomeInfoDb_1.26.2  IRanges_2.24.0      
[6] S4Vectors_0.28.1     BiocGenerics_0.36.0 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_4.0.3         BiocManager_1.30.10    XVector_0.30.0         remotes_2.2.0         
 [5] prettyunits_1.1.1      bitops_1.0-6           tools_4.0.3            zlibbioc_1.36.0       
 [9] testthat_3.0.0         digest_0.6.27          pkgbuild_1.1.0         pkgload_1.1.0         
[13] lifecycle_0.2.0        memoise_1.1.0          rlang_0.4.9            cli_2.2.0             
[17] rstudioapi_0.13        curl_4.3               GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.4 withr_2.3.0           
[21] fs_1.5.0               Biostrings_2.58.0      desc_1.2.0             devtools_2.3.2        
[25] rprojroot_2.0.2        glue_1.4.2             Biobase_2.50.0         R6_2.5.0              
[29] processx_3.4.5         fansi_0.4.1            exomeCopy_1.36.0       BiocParallel_1.24.1   
[33] sessioninfo_1.1.1      purrr_0.3.4            magrittr_2.0.1         callr_3.5.1           
[37] usethis_2.0.0          Rsamtools_2.6.0        ps_1.5.0               ellipsis_0.3.1        
[41] assertthat_0.2.1       RCurl_1.98-1.2         crayon_1.3.4     

Graphical example:

Analysis performed with +/- 31 bp flanking region for each exon. In this case Ex12 is missing from the plot:



I have continued doing tests and I have tried to sort the bed file according to transcriptional order (Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, ...) to see if the function plotBoxplot() would plot the Ex1 for the genes from the reverse strand. The analysis is performed in the right way when you visualize it with the resulttable <- createResultTable() function. This analysis was performed without the +/- 31 bp flanking region for each exon. Therefore the exon sizes and plots are slightly different, but the concept is the same one:


The plotBoxplot() function does not plot the Ex1 for the reordered exons, as expected.

Additionally, I have found a potential "bug" in the plotBoxplot() function. It reverts the X-axis labels according to the new bed file (Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, Ex4,....) , but the boxplots stay in the same order, that is in chromosomal order (Ex12, Ex11, Ex10, Ex9, ...), which would generate an erroneous plot:


Now the sample would have an Ex7-Ex10 deletion, instead of the real Ex3-Ex6 deletion that is shown in both tables.

In order for the plotBoxplot() function to work properly, the bed file needs to be sorted in chromosomal order. If not, you can get an erroneous plot, even when the analysis and the table show the correct results.

Am I doing something wrong? How can I plot the first exon of each gene?

I have even tried to add the UTR region to the bed file to have a first record for each gene before the first exon, but that does not work either.

Does anybody have had these issues before?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards,

maxControls parameter can't be set to 0 in runPanelcnMops

The runPanelcnMops documentation for maxControls parameter is the following:

integer reflecting the maximal numbers of controls to use. If set to 0 all highly correlated controls are used. Default = 25

But if I try to set it 0, the execution fails with the following error:

Error in panelcn.mops(subset(XandCB[, c(t, controli)], subsetIdx), testi = 1, :
"maxControls" must be numeric, larger than 0 and of length 1.

I solved it by simply setting it to the number of controls available with maxControls=length(mcols(control)), but I thought you would like to know about this issue.

Thanks for such a great tool! :)

Problem in quickstart

Hi, I get this error when I try to just running the QuickStart.

elementMetadata(XandCB) <- cbind(elementMetadata(XandCB), elementMetadata(control))
Error in DataFrame(dfs) : cannot coerce class "list" to a DataFrame

Do you know what might be the cause?

This is my sessionInfo()

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux release 6.5 (Carbon)

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /home/apps/Logiciels/R/3.4.3-gcc/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /home/apps/Logiciels/R/3.4.3-gcc/lib64/R/lib/


attached base packages:
[1] stats4 parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[8] methods base

other attached packages:
[1] panelcn.mops_1.0.0 cn.mops_1.24.0 GenomicRanges_1.30.3
[4] GenomeInfoDb_1.14.0 IRanges_2.12.0 S4Vectors_0.16.0
[7] BiocGenerics_0.24.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rsamtools_1.30.0 Biostrings_2.46.0 bitops_1.0-6
[4] exomeCopy_1.24.0 zlibbioc_1.24.0 XVector_0.18.0
[7] BiocParallel_1.12.0 tools_3.4.3 Biobase_2.38.0
[10] RCurl_1.95-4.11 compiler_3.4.3 GenomeInfoDbData_1.0.0

The bed file looks like this:

1 8021673 8021777 1
1 8021778 8021784 2
1 8021785 8021888 3
1 8022803 8022905 4
1 8022906 8022914 5
1 8022915 8023016 6
1 8025348 8025436 7
1 8025437 8025459 8
1 8025460 8025547 9
1 8029360 8029446 10


Output file!


I am a Master Thesis student working with your tool "panelcn.MOPS" for detecting CNVs in WES data for application in clinical genetic diagnosis. I have a question about the output CNVs table. My table has this format:

Sample | Gene | Exon | Start | End | RC | MedRC | RC.norm | MedRC.norm | LowQual | CN
1456 | SDF4 | SDF4 | 1155 | 1156 | 1489 | 1491 | 1742 | 1598 |   | CN2
2037 | HES4 | HES4 | 2589 | 2845 | 456 | 1142 | 401 | 840 | lowQual | CN0

With this format I am able to detecting a validation set of samples with CNVs when I know the position of the CNV but it is very difficult to detect a CNV in a sample when I do not know the position of the CNV or if the sample has a phatogenic CNV. It is also difficult to detect the exact position of the CNV when the output gives you all the regions of your bedfile in place to the CNVs with their breakpoints.

My question is if there is some script or tool that give a better score than the CN0, CN1, CN2, CN3 and CN4 and the breakpoints of the CNVs.



Installation problem


when doing devtools::install_github("bioinf-jku/panelcn.mops")

the following error occurs:

Error in curl::curl_fetch_disk(url, x$path, handle = handle) :
Couldn't connect to server

How can I fix this issue? (install.packages("devtools") was successful).

Thanks for your help.

devtools panelcn.mops installation fails


I am trying to install the panelcn.mops package onto a Windows machine on R (version 3.4.0). I installed the cn.mops package and devtools. However, when i try to install the panelcn.mops package, I get this error:

`> devtools::install_github("bioinf-jku/panelcn.mops")  
Downloading GitHub repo bioinf-jku/panelcn.mops@master
from URL
Installing panelcn.mops
"C:/Users/maggi/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/bin/i386/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL "C:/Users/maggi/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpcBi2Rj/devtools98c46022ea6/bioinf-jku-panelcn.mops-ffbdaf2"  \
  --library="C:/Users/maggi/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/library" --install-tests 

* installing *source* package 'panelcn.mops' ...
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'GenomeInfoDb' in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]):
 there is no package called 'GenomeInfoDbData'
Error : package 'GenomeInfoDb' could not be loaded
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'panelcn.mops'
* removing 'C:/Users/maggi/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/library/panelcn.mops'
Installation failed: Command failed (1)`
d for package 'panelcn.mops'
* removing 'C:/Users/maggi/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/library/panelcn.mops'
Installation failed: Command failed (1)`

Not sure what the problem is and how to fix it.

Thanks for your time.

Problems with visualisation


First of all thanks for developing panelcnMOPS, i obtain good results with low fp rates.
However i have a problem with the visualisation of the CNVs with the function: plotBoxplot

plotBoxplot(result = resultlist[[1]], sampleName = sampleNames[1] ,countWindows = countWindows,selectedGenes = selectedGenes, showGene = 1 )

As an Error i get the following message:

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : subscript out of bounds

The gen i want to have a look at was not excluded and is part of resultlist.
Any idea what the problem could be?

thanks in advance!

Custom reference (control) data


is there a way to use individual TSC-94 reference datasets as control (e.g. as *.bam files)?

I am analyzing TSC-94 data from selected samples where array-CGH showed the deletion of selected exons from TSC-94 genes (array-CGH positive) which is mostly supported using panelcn.mops. However, there are a lot of false-positives and I would like to try wether this can be limited to a minimum when using own TSC-94 reference datasets (n=15) (array-CGH negative).

Thanks for your help

Using panelcn.mops for amplicon-based panel sequencing?


I was wondering wether it is possible to use panelcn.mops for amplicon-based panels like TST-15 or TST-26 panels. Would you suggest to use it or need major parameters to be changed when applying panelcn.mops to amplicon-based panel sequencing due to higher number of read counts and due to different mapping coverage graphs.

Thanks for your help

Reporting log normalized read counts as table

Is it possible to report also the log normalized read counts as .csv table similar to the hidden function in cn.MOPS:

res <- cn.mops(XRanges)
logRatios <- cn.mops:::.makeLogRatios(res)

Many thanks for your help

calling CNVs from multiple chromosomes - error

I'm having a hard time calling CNVs across multiple chromosomes in one object, whereas I can successfully call CNVs within each chromosome using the same general code:

> res <- cn.mops(gr)
Starting local modeling, please be patient...
Reference sequence:  chrM
Reference sequence:  chr1
Reference sequence:  chr2
Reference sequence:  chr3
Reference sequence:  chr4
Reference sequence:  chr5
Reference sequence:  chr6
Reference sequence:  chr7
Reference sequence:  chr8
Reference sequence:  chr9
Reference sequence:  chr10
Reference sequence:  chr11
Reference sequence:  chr12
Reference sequence:  chr13
Reference sequence:  chr14
Reference sequence:  chr15
Reference sequence:  chr16
Reference sequence:  chr17
Reference sequence:  chr18
Reference sequence:  chr19
Reference sequence:  chr20
Reference sequence:  chr21
Reference sequence:  chr22
Reference sequence:  chrX
Reference sequence:  chrY
Starting segmentation algorithm...
Using "fastseg" for segmentation.
Error in if (all(segMedianT == 0)) { :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In normalizeChromosomes(X, chr = chr, normType = normType, qu = normQu,  :
  Normalization for reference sequence  chrM not applicable, because of low number of segments

This is the object I am passing

> gr
GRanges object with 123841 ranges and 108 metadata columns:
           seqnames               ranges strand |    LIBD75   LIBD109    LIBD78
              <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]     chrM      [    0,  16571]      * |   1130808    801582   1539962
       [2]     chr1      [    0,  25000]      * |      8477      9984      7832
       [3]     chr1      [25000,  50000]      * |      6458      6327      5901
       [4]     chr1      [50000,  75000]      * |      4779      6562      5872
       [5]     chr1      [75000, 100000]      * |      3925      5939      6151
       ...      ...                  ...    ... .       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]     chrY [59250000, 59275000]      * |      3004      2942      2895
  [123838]     chrY [59275000, 59300000]      * |      2625      2844      2795
  [123839]     chrY [59300000, 59325000]      * |      3243      3450      3217
  [123840]     chrY [59325000, 59350000]      * |      2366      2720      2951
  [123841]     chrY [59350000, 59373566]      * |     13671      9628     11714
              LIBD76    LIBD96   LIBD120   LIBD122   LIBD123   LIBD101
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1953592   1210581   1744632   1472884   1518574   1594828
       [2]     10437      9675      8961     11624     10523      9583
       [3]      8913      6461      5891      9388      4567      6437
       [4]      6445      7771      3590      9906      2584      6979
       [5]      2582      7936      3175      8341      2692      4012
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      4573      3187      3705      3692      4103      3513
  [123838]      4323      2956      3563      3640      3797      3431
  [123839]      4748      3651      3963      4088      4443      3600
  [123840]      3613      3131      3539      3514      3807      3158
  [123841]     15780     15900     16477     13031     16467     17020
             LIBD107    LIBD99    LIBD82    LIBD83    LIBD98    LIBD87
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1665631   1258018   1928969   1663771   1011185   1336685
       [2]     11670      8489     14222     10018      4536     12588
       [3]      9006      7028     11452      7383      3977      8392
       [4]      8163      9175     14809      7138      4469      8355
       [5]      7939     10531     12407      7458      3535      5396
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      2833      3303      4055      3352      2409      4174
  [123838]      2593      3401      3832      3327      2268      3931
  [123839]      2966      3693      4466      3535      2557      4653
  [123840]      2881      3183      3628      3242      2474      4330
  [123841]     10839     10225     16832     16140      7479     18198
              LIBD80   LIBD104   LIBD110    LIBD77   LIBD100    LIBD67
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   2785021   2094377   1823568   1263483   2253628   2290309
       [2]     10810      9097      9057     10539     11380     14701
       [3]      6943      6351      6781      6317      9895      8955
       [4]     10022      5903      6374      7875      7654      7581
       [5]      8439      4777      4897      7865      6481      5833
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3622      3755      3297      3938      3681      3793
  [123838]      3475      3347      3119      3250      3496      3341
  [123839]      3972      3959      3530      3837      4108      4160
  [123840]      3768      3568      3232      2997      3725      4051
  [123841]     13212     18687     15576     12817     16147     22133
              LIBD90   LIBD105    LIBD74    LIBD84    LIBD95    LIBD64
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1524680   2275966   1681001   1507952   1715625   1261237
       [2]      8344     10815     12040      9151      6892      7283
       [3]      5560      9316     10077      5151      4853      4345
       [4]      3000     11091      9487      3124      6199      2391
       [5]      3155     10370      8888      3000      4999      2037
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3849      3497      3504      3455      3364      2948
  [123838]      3653      3384      3345      3121      3042      2694
  [123839]      3902      3772      3672      3709      3452      3047
  [123840]      3472      2853      3286      3767      2817      2915
  [123841]     15553     16346     13178     10163     11336     12499
              LIBD79    LIBD73    LIBD86   LIBD113   LIBD106    LIBD88
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   2229039   1842477   1857863   1478225   1650777   1136689
       [2]     12793      9883     19688     11673      8718      9469
       [3]      6985      7976     13383      9196      5533      6789
       [4]      4226      8862     15577      8139      9307      5427
       [5]      2433      9761     16464      8178     10409      5094
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      5009      4117      5603      3780      3362      3410
  [123838]      4258      3366      5463      3760      3151      3163
  [123839]      5013      3908      6212      4173      3604      3515
  [123840]      4825      3563      5359      3168      2845      3415
  [123841]     22597     13369     20185     15870     16941     12741
              LIBD70    LIBD72    LIBD68    LIBD93   LIBD114    LIBD81
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   3064795   2606826   1286093   1037315   1146290   1673496
       [2]     13627     10223      9996      8317     10630      6842
       [3]     10335      7980      7625      5994      8058      6538
       [4]      7133      7014      5112      4626      9060      9086
       [5]      6340      4845      3832      4600      7705     10555
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3622      3287      3083      3224      3108      2856
  [123838]      3711      3249      2933      2977      2972      2791
  [123839]      3904      3882      3328      3292      3211      2988
  [123840]      3871      3542      3409      2918      2768      2932
  [123841]     17962     14404     11183     13438     14125      7951
             LIBD124    LIBD71    LIBD89    LIBD08    LIBD25    LIBD02
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1398689   1287708   1514170   1514479   1947462   2116006
       [2]      9461     11431      8887      9794      7194     10438
       [3]      6278      6851      7159      7126      4986      5555
       [4]      5647      6071      6634     10754      5918      6277
       [5]      4240      4948      4826      9008      5490      4816
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      2962      3484      3259      3273      3371      3203
  [123838]      2933      3380      2856      2960      3200      2891
  [123839]      3313      3920      3473      3330      3709      3346
  [123840]      2525      3114      2665      2968      3158      2582
  [123841]     11496     16070     14169     13174     13457     14914
              LIBD23    LIBD30    LIBD46    LIBD09    LIBD45    LIBD40
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   2032162   1914475   3024915   1625861   1674982   4675107
       [2]     10399     10523     17470      8716      9325      9223
       [3]      8474      6496     11211      6150      6136      6050
       [4]      8980      4244      9691      5220      3312      2467
       [5]      7434      3029      8027      4060      2142      2042
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3539      3477      5472      3010      3662      3109
  [123838]      3306      3409      5321      3044      3429      2953
  [123839]      3823      3647      5904      3413      3852      3449
  [123840]      3414      3276      5823      2923      3292      2937
  [123841]     15141     14920     24527     12181     12804     12330
              LIBD17    LIBD29    LIBD44    LIBD04    LIBD24    LIBD32
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1706445   2159936   1876354   2407765   1799436   1740402
       [2]      9075      9691     10938      9959      9469      9813
       [3]      5019      6602      6417      6704      6386      7739
       [4]      5057      5352      6528      6976      9380     11974
       [5]      5863      4795      4409      5370     10076     11628
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3552      3336      3193      3734      3229      3110
  [123838]      3424      3155      2993      3668      3052      3134
  [123839]      3671      3638      3443      3877      3453      3535
  [123840]      3408      2814      3075      3397      2848      2746
  [123841]     13704      9589     12880     14423     12534      9842
              LIBD42    LIBD31    LIBD20    LIBD36    LIBD41    LIBD01
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]  11573763   1877369   1555041   1815773   2621800   4532230
       [2]     12893      8457      7890      9980     11221     16589
       [3]      6718      7090      4287      5524      6496      8919
       [4]      4803      5660      2565      5058      5526      9299
       [5]      2524      4530      1603      4211      7105      7284
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3905      3342      2808      3167      3462      4891
  [123838]      3397      3312      2698      3039      3333      4009
  [123839]      3914      3721      2883      3228      3781      5194
  [123840]      3588      3154      2745      2566      3363      4257
  [123841]     13883     11546      8970     14013     12551     24224
              LIBD33    LIBD03    LIBD35    LIBD07    LIBD14    LIBD37
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1587342   1884949   1584479   1658944   1620375   2573477
       [2]     10752      9987      9016     11959      8863     14001
       [3]      6744      7937      5263      7493      7553      9662
       [4]      3719      9560      2195      5899      9386     12087
       [5]      2501      8751      1919      5074      7358     12553
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3395      3004      3415      3306      3459      6791
  [123838]      3304      3086      3284      3114      3287      6463
  [123839]      3663      3398      3609      3416      3540      7120
  [123840]      2948      2751      2572      2621      2717      5607
  [123841]     11420     10690      9895     13085      8451     18302
              LIBD19    LIBD12    LIBD26    LIBD10    LIBD34    LIBD05
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1639385    960701   1742204   1826001   1607878   1943722
       [2]     10645     11819     11213     12429      8929     11069
       [3]      7589      6645      8781      8944      5799     10087
       [4]      9326      5849     10516      8557      2968     11442
       [5]     10790      6279      9112      7423      2030     10488
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3292      3098      3014      3773      3509      3376
  [123838]      3200      3013      2878      3575      3349      3171
  [123839]      3573      3418      3389      3914      3626      3654
  [123840]      2891      2767      2541      2917      2669      3003
  [123841]     14311      9688     10322     12840     14151     11046
              LIBD15    LIBD38    LIBD27    LIBD22    LIBD18    LIBD39
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]    773554   1692945   1350779   1748867   1517222  10970240
       [2]     10811      9387      9832      7925     10469     12035
       [3]      8713      7335      7201      6249      8319      7875
       [4]     12171      8046      9844      6698      7181      8704
       [5]      9827      7064     10275      6151      6419     10177
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3622      3748      2865      2896      2743      3560
  [123838]      3324      3369      2870      2740      2628      3569
  [123839]      3874      3702      3049      3071      3045      3809
  [123840]      3045      3194      2464      2238      2120      3223
  [123841]     13098      9878      9489      9307     11561     15246
              LIBD13    LIBD06    LIBD43    LIBD11    LIBD16    LIBD28
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1181145   1808383   2049424   1553224   1521352   1728252
       [2]     24940      8003     13651      9159      8432      9598
       [3]     17064      6032     10231      5579      4742      6161
       [4]     14962      6866     12978      6241      5109      6919
       [5]     12575      5567     10915      5467      6850      6573
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      7546      3012      3710      2937      3109      3236
  [123838]      7209      2913      3592      2919      3116      3095
  [123839]      7800      3391      3818      3118      3195      3373
  [123840]      5865      2448      3081      2423      2495      2410
  [123841]     21549     10578     12480     11516     12864     13904
              LIBD21    LIBD85   LIBD119   LIBD125   LIBD108    LIBD92
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1625922   1739798   1481679   2125315    932473    848170
       [2]     12341      8036     10742     12637      8987      8331
       [3]      9525      4532      8484      7866      6920      6062
       [4]     10788      2432      9197      4386      3920      4127
       [5]      9655      1848      8538      2550      2569      4961
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3232      2841      3848      4400      3775      3758
  [123838]      3248      2729      3623      4108      3674      3301
  [123839]      3594      3233      4148      4723      4098      3539
  [123840]      2863      2946      3405      4060      3439      2996
  [123841]     14300     14233     13236     17967     14858      7083
              LIBD97   LIBD115   LIBD117    LIBD65   LIBD103   LIBD116
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1362854   3485681   1677545   2120108   2040984    686018
       [2]      7702     16405     12332      9740      9719      5505
       [3]      4872     11545     10387      7655      8134      4359
       [4]      3630      4726     11738      8348      6128      3341
       [5]      4278      3722     12080      9102      4791      2224
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3062      6291      3375      4099      3721      2874
  [123838]      2807      6184      2996      3964      3533      3054
  [123839]      3192      7207      3457      4202      4013      3368
  [123840]      2767      5905      2499      4223      3385      2669
  [123841]      9864     24922     11668     15555     14204      8001
             LIBD111    LIBD66   LIBD102   LIBD121   LIBD118    LIBD94
           <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1461268    999844   1846067   1577431   2286236   1250281
       [2]      9010      7977      9190      8762     11063      8616
       [3]      7651      6303      7982      7583      7976      5550
       [4]      7798      5489      8323      8441      6991      5224
       [5]      6722      4005      6090      9046      5387      4799
       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      4744      3061      3374      2970      3852      3048
  [123838]      4646      2776      3366      3102      3657      2856
  [123839]      5228      3129      3955      3579      4105      3191
  [123840]      4849      2718      3266      3136      3473      2801
  [123841]     13433     12522     14524     11703     16199     13153
             LIBD112    LIBD69    LIBD91
           <integer> <integer> <integer>
       [1]   1748245   1603710   3128295
       [2]     11047     12518     12909
       [3]      7343      8701      7974
       [4]      4437      6409      4893
       [5]      3982      5800      6566
       ...       ...       ...       ...
  [123837]      3348      3852      4169
  [123838]      3321      3696      3949
  [123839]      3886      4031      4730
  [123840]      3188      3583      4681
  [123841]     12813     12242     13064
  seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

Here is the session_info()

> devtools::session_info()
Session info ------------------------------------------------------------------
 setting  value
 version  R version 3.4.3 Patched (2018-01-20 r74142)
 system   x86_64, linux-gnu
 ui       X11
 language (EN)
 collate  en_US.UTF-8
 tz       US/Eastern
 date     2018-03-10

Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 package          * version   date
 base             * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 Biobase            2.38.0    2017-11-07
 BiocGenerics     * 0.24.0    2017-11-07
 BiocParallel       1.12.0    2017-11-07
 Biostrings         2.46.0    2017-11-07
 bitops             1.0-6     2013-08-17
 cellranger         1.1.0     2016-07-27
 cn.mops          * 1.24.0    2018-03-08
 compiler           3.4.3     2018-01-20
 datasets         * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 devtools           1.13.4    2017-11-09
 digest             0.6.15    2018-01-28
 exomeCopy          1.24.0    2018-03-08
 GenomeInfoDb     * 1.14.0    2017-11-07
 GenomeInfoDbData   1.0.0     2018-01-09
 GenomicRanges    * 1.30.3    2018-03-06
 graphics         * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 grDevices        * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 hms                0.4.1     2018-01-24
 IRanges          * 2.12.0    2017-11-07
 jaffelab         * 0.99.17   2018-01-25
 limma              3.34.9    2018-03-06
 memoise            1.1.0     2017-04-21
 methods          * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 parallel         * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 pillar             1.2.1     2018-02-27
 pkgconfig          2.0.1     2017-03-21
 R6                 2.2.2     2017-06-17
 rafalib          * 1.0.0     2015-08-09
 RColorBrewer     * 1.1-2     2014-12-07
 Rcpp               0.12.15   2018-01-20
 RCurl              1.95-4.10 2018-01-04
 readr            * 1.1.1     2017-05-16
 readxl           * 1.0.0     2017-04-18
 rlang              0.2.0     2018-02-20
 Rsamtools          1.30.0    2017-11-07
 S4Vectors        * 0.16.0    2017-11-07
 segmented          0.5-3.0   2017-11-30
 stats            * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 stats4           * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 tibble             1.4.2     2018-01-22
 tools              3.4.3     2018-01-20
 utils            * 3.4.3     2018-01-20
 withr              2.1.1     2017-12-19
 XVector            0.18.0    2017-11-07
 zlibbioc           1.24.0    2017-11-07
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
 cran (@0.6.15)
 cran (@0.4.1)
 Github (LieberInstitute/jaffelab@0f572d9)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 cran (@1.0.0)
 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
 cran (@0.12.15)
 CRAN (R 3.4.2)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
 CRAN (R 3.4.2)
 cran (@1.4.2)
 CRAN (R 3.4.2)

Only getting NAs in resultstable.

I am a master student and I am using panelcn.mops to detect CNVs from whole genome data by comparing cases vs controls. In this case I have one control and want to compare it to one sample. For this, I am using the Agilent V6 bed file, which I downloaded from SureDesigns. For my purpose I would like to get the CNVs from the whole genome data, not only from a specific gene region.
But when running the runpanelcnmops command:
runPanelcnMops(test, countWindows=countWindows, minMedianRC=0)
I get this information:

`All genes selected.
Analyzing sample(s) sample.bam

new sampleThresh 74.25
Had to reduce read counts for exon HRNR.NM_001009931.ens|ENST00000420707.ens|ENST00000593011.ens|ENST00000368801.ccds|CCDS30859
Had to reduce read counts for exon MUC4.NM_018406.NM_001322468.NM_138297.NM_004532.ens|ENST00000349607.ens|ENST00000346145.ens|ENST00000478156.ens|ENST00000466475.ens|ENST00000477756.ens|ENST00000475231.ens|ENST00000479406.ens|ENST00000470451.ens|ENST00000480843.ens|ENST00000462323.ens|ENST00000477086.ens|ENST00000463781.ccds|CCDS54700.ccds|CCDS3311.ccds|CCDS3310
Had to reduce read counts for exon MUC4.NM_018406.NM_001322468.NM_138297.NM_004532.ens|ENST00000349607.ens|ENST00000346145.ens|ENST00000478156.ens|ENST00000466475.ens|ENST00000477756.ens|ENST00000475231.ens|ENST00000479406.ens|ENST00000470451.ens|ENST00000480843.ens|ENST00000462323.ens|ENST00000477086.ens|ENST00000463781.ccds|CCDS54700.ccds|CCDS3311.ccds|CCDS3310
Had to reduce read counts for exon MUC4.NM_018406.NM_001322468.NM_138297.NM_004532.ens|ENST00000349607.ens|ENST00000346145.ens|ENST00000478156.ens|ENST00000466475.ens|ENST00000477756.ens|ENST00000475231.ens|ENST00000479406.ens|ENST00000470451.ens|ENST00000480843.ens|ENST00000462323.ens|ENST00000477086.ens|ENST00000463781.ccds|CCDS54700.ccds|CCDS3311.ccds|CCDS3310

Ignoring X-chromosomal exons (sex is mixed/unknown).

Ignoring Y-chromosomal exons.

Analyzing sample sample.bam

"corrThresh" is set to 0.99
"maxControls" is set to 25

Low correlation.

Selected 1 out of 1 controls:


Too many bad control samples
Bad test sample sample.bam
Try using more controls!
Low quality exon(s):

And at the end my resultstable has only NAs like this:
CNV regions: GRanges object with 22 ranges and 2 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | sample.bam control.bam <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <logical> <logical> [1] 1 12080-249231246 * | <NA> <NA> [2] 2 38821-243168976 * | <NA> <NA> [3] 3 238260-197955212 * | <NA> <NA> [4] 4 53213-191013682 * | <NA> <NA> [5] 5 140305-180899428 * | <NA> <NA>

I get the same results when also using more than 10 controls. Do you know what went wrong?


cnv call scores and sensitivity

Hi there,
panelcn.MOPS looks very promising and I ran it on several data sets of clinical panel data. With defaults, I got thousands (7000+) of CNV calls and after adjusting the sensitivity like so:
I = c(0.025, 0.45, 1, 1.55, 2),
I again got thousands (4500+) of CNV calls, which is not very realistic. In 150 samples on 1000 targets of highly conserved genes, I expect at most several dozen CNV calls. CNV calls are to me all targets that have CN != "CN2".
I then aligned the posterior decoding scores with the copy numbers to rank the CNV calls by score, but again, thousands of them share the best score (prob. = 1.0). So the ranking is useless to isolate the most promising CNV calls.
Also a log-transformation on the posterior probabilities did not help to compensate for the rounding errors and the best scores are still in the thousands. How can I reduce the number of found CNVs (improve the specificity and get a good scoring / ranking of the CNV calls) other than adjusting the I-parameter?

Short explanation of the number after "CN"

In the result table the column "CN" contains the "CN" plus a specific number. Could you please shortly comment on the meaning of the number after "CN". For example what is the difference between CN1 or CN2 or CN3 ... I guess it means 1 copy, 2 copies, 3 copies and so on ...

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