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webring's Introduction


This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to create and maintain their own personal websites, and share traffic among each other. The webring's aim is to share rich hand-crafted websites such as diaries, wikis & portfolios.

Join the webring

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
  <img src="" alt="XXIIVV webring"/>
  1. Add the webring icon to your website HTML.
  2. Add your website information to the index.html file. Keep your link name short, and don't leave a trailing / in the href attribute. Use a sensible alphanumeric value for the id attribute.
  3. Submit a Pull Request with the location of the webring icon on your site. Pull requests with blank descriptions will be rejected.

Alternatively, if you your website has a dark background, use icon.white.svg. If your website is complaining about https, go ahead and host the icon yourself.

Webring criteria

Your website must count at least 10 content pages and include an about page, blog posts are not counted as content pages. You must have your own domain name, we do not accept subdomains.

Single page websites, websites acting only as portals to other social platforms, or websites with violent, racist, sexist or speciesist content will be rejected. If your website requires Javascript/CSS3 to display the majority of its content or to navigate, it will be rejected. Your business homepage is not a good candidate for the webring, and will be rejected.

If it's found that a website is in violation of any of these rules it will be removed from the webring. Websites without activity for over 2 years might also be periodically removed.

Adding your RSS/TWTXT

To add an extra feed to your entry, add them within your <li> tag as follow:

<li data-lang="en" id="xxiivv">
  <a href="">xxiivv</a>
  <a href="" class="twtxt">twtxt</a>
  <a href="" class="rss">rss</a>
  <img src=""/>

twtxt is a decentralized, minimalist microblogging service for hackers. You're welcome to add your twtxt feed alongside your RSS feed. If you're looking a minimal C99 client for twtxt, try this. The button.gif is a 88x31 icon hosted on your server.

Circular Linking

Instead of linking to the directory, you can also link to the next link in the ring by adding parts of your site or domain in the hash of the request url:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
  <img src="" alt="XXIIVV webring"/>


The ring is managed by @neauoire, but any member of the network is also welcome to join this repository as a collaborator to help manage new links and Pull Requests. Read more about the webring here.

webring's People


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webring's Issues

CORS issue

Hey @serocell, it looks like there is a CORS issue with your hosting of your twtxt file. Currently your posts aren't showing up in the hallway because of it. You can find an example in the readme if you don't know how to fix this.

Use more semantic html

For example we don't use <footer> tags and such, which doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it helps with accessibility for anyone that may be using a screen reader or anything. Just a quick run through to replace some of the p tags or wrap some of them in the alternative semantic elements would be a nice improvement.

No webring logo and copy of tumblr

Hey @streeetlamp! Just wanted to reach out about your site now in the webring. We're currently doing a check through all the sites and noticed your site wasn't really in line with multiple of our rules. If we understand it correctly, it's just a portal to your tumblr since it seems to just be posting from your tumblr. Secondly, there is no webring logo. Also, you have a lot of trackers/adds going on in your site, which isn't really in line with the values of the webring.

I'll leave this up for a few days before removing the site just in case you're currently moving some things around or want to replace this site with another you may have.

Discussion on criteria of being in the webring

I guess this is just a question, but I've wondered a couple times if there is any criteria on what should or should not be in the webring. We do explicitly say:

Single page websites, and websites acting only as portals to other social platforms, will be rejected.

and we also mention that wiki's,diaries, blogs, etc are welcome, but do we want to be a bit more explicit on what is actually included? What if someone has a site with like extreme violence or something on there. I know as part of the webring I'd be a bit iffy on someone navigating from my site to that. Should we potentially be a bit more specific on the type of blog, wiki, etc that we'd like to be part of the webring, or keep it wide open?

Fix duplicates in the wiki

It looks like when an author has the same word it combines the word and shows both definitions, but it actually does that for each time it comes across it causing the duplicated words to be displayed twice.


Wiki entries can obscure other entries using <!--

Please describe the issue in the wiki:

The wiki does not escape <!--, which allows one entry in a category to hide any entries that follow.

Most HTML tags other than <script> don't seem to be escaped either, but this can be fun…

  Hack the planet
    <marquee style="font: 2.0em 'Comic Sans MS'">fee</marquee>
    <marquee style="font: 2.5em 'Comic Sans MS'">fi</marquee>
    <marquee style="font: 3.0em 'Comic Sans MS'">fo</marquee>
    <marquee style="font: 3.5em 'Comic Sans MS'">fum</marquee>

Screen Shot 2019-08-12 at 20 18 15


What license is this project under? It would be great to replicate this and create language or local webrings too. Perhaps we could come up a grouping fuctionality so that all link back to the root webring.

Missing links and dead sites

I looked through the current webring links and found the following issues:

  • (dead site) - I can't find the name of the original owner so please tag them if you know them
  • @simbolo (dead site)
  • @cblgh (missing webring link)
  • @jda0 (missing webring link)

Please update your sites as soon as possible. I will temporarily comment out the dead sites just to keep the webring working. Just submit a pull request when it's ready. Thank you :)

[Convo] Displaying categories in wiki.

Couple questions on how we want to do this as we continue to get more stuff. I noticed that all the categories are sort of just merged. It may be just me, but it's annoyed me a bit that they aren't alphabetically ordered. Thoughts?

Another thing is that we currently don't display categories if they are under 5 entries in that category. I'm assuming it was designed that way to not have a ton of entries in the sidebar, but I'm curious if there is a different way to do it that still allows for someone to search for a category or go to a category that may have under 5.

@neauoire would you be open to an idea where the homepage of the wiki is a listing of all categories available? Then once you select one the sidebar appears?

Don't cut off categories mid word


We should probably get a better way to do this. Either change the way the sidebar is done to better accomodate longer phrases, or cut off at a full word or at least have a ... to end a word or something so it doesn't just stop at the end of a word.

[Indental] Allow indented comments

Please describe the issue in the wiki:
Indental does not support indented comments.


  ; indented comment

; no indent

For #TEST 1 this shows the comment on the wiki (and not the data):

; indented comment
- @……

For #TEST 2 this produces the expected output:

VALUE - @……

highlight new entries in the wiki

probably just use localStorage to cache entries, and show diff (if any) on subsequent visits, as ! new and ! edited in the sidebar

on the way might as well add proper offline support with manifest.appcache

i might make this next week, just interested in any feedbackforward or thoughts

maybe the wiki format should include dates instead idk?

Fix styling in the hallway

If you look at the image, since there is such a long list of tags, it actually extends further than the feed list when on a wide monitor.

Serocell's CORS issue

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

serocell TypeError: "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource."

cc @serocell

https for the icon

Can load https without a self signed cert. Trying to load the icon via http will run up against CSP's and not be loaded on https sites.

How to handle languages

Created this as a follow-up and continuation of this conversation ->

I'll outline basically what @joshavanier mentioned since I think that may be a good technical solution, and then we can hammer out some of the specific details of what we want to support as well.

To take what Josh said a bit further, instead of just using navigator.language we could use navigator.languages to get the top 2-3 most used language settings for the user and that can be passed along with the user hits random. When the hit random we can just filter out the sites that aren't listed in the users top languages to avoid them getting a site in a language they never browse, but also allowing for example an English/French speaker to get both English and French sites.

I think this could also relate to #213 and we could put in some sort of filter system that you can filter the sites by type and/or by language.

Unless of course the decision is to not support non-English sites. That's ultimately your call @neauoire

Parsing twtxt files with comments

I noticed that the newest feed to the webring isn't coming through in the hallway. It looks like it's due to comments being at the top of the file. Since we didn't account for that in the parsing, not working right. It should be an easy fix to just remove any lines that are comments.


Look at how we count entries

Please describe the issue in the wiki:

This is more of just a reminder to myself, but we should take a look at how we are counting entries and displaying the number when you are on /home. If a user adds in a new list, that list isn't actually counted as an entry.

Change the counting around to also count a list entry as an entry to get a more accurate count.

Mobile overhaul

There are currently a few issues with the mobile view of both the wiki and the hallway.

The wiki
This just isn't really supported right now. I do hide the side bar so you can actually see the entries, but the only option the user has to is to click random, and then navigate from there.

The hallway
Currently there is a hacked in mobile view, but it still doesn't display right.


Possible solution

I think it'd be nice to do a full screen overlay with all the options. It will be more work to do it this way, but it will really improve the user experience to just have a full screen of either filters in the hallway or categories in the wiki. Then as soon as one is selected, the overlay goes away and you're left with a nice clean view.

Broken link in the ring

@Morethanluck hey Ian! I noticed your site has been 404ing the past few days. Are you just doing some work on it? Just want to make sure in order to not have a broken link in the ring.

Single page website

Hey @ESWAT! Just reaching out about your current linked site in the webring. We are doing a review of all the linked sites and making sure they are still in line of what the webring aims to achieve with being a wiki, portfolio, blog of sorts to inspire others in the webring. Your current sites looks to be in violation of the "no single page site" rule that is mentioned in the readme, and also a little more geared towards your business. Is there possibly another site of yours showing some of your works that may be a bit more fitting for the webring? If not, we may be looking at removing your site.

Minimal navigation

There has been enough times now where I'm in the wiki and want to go back to the main page or peek in the hallway that it'd be nice to have some sort of non-intrusive minimal navigation to be able to move around the various views of the webring.

Join duplicate definitions

Please describe the issue in the wiki:
Currently if two definitions under a category are exactly the same, they are both displayed like so


I think it would be nicer to just display the definition once and then show both authors. Something like - author1 / author2

Move commas to front of line for cleaner commits.

What about moving the commas to the beginning of the line to make the adding new site commits cleaner? This would make pull request of folks adding a site will only be a single line addition instead an edit of the previous line and an addition.


var sites = [
   , ""
   , ""
   , ""
   , ""
   , ""
   , ""

Some posts aren't showing up, despite being pulled and parsed

Currently there are some posts that aren't appearing in the feed, but will appear when certain filters are applied

To see this, select the #tag or #cory tags, the messages visible there don't appear when there's no filter

I don't currently have any theory or clues as to why this is happening

Single page website

Hey @hubret! Just checking in since we noticed that your current linked site on the webring is just single page site, which is against the rules of the webring as seen in the readme. Do you by chance have another site with more stuff on it that you'd want to link, or are you in the process of expanding your current site? We're trying to keep the webring in line with what it's intended to be, a collection of wikis, diaries, portfolios and the like, so if you're site isn't really active anymore, and seeing that it's currently just a single page, we plan on removing it.

Site is giving a 401 is prompting for a username/password and therefore giving a 401. Not sure how to contact this person to see if it's intentional or not. Do we have a way of going about this before removing a dead link from the webring?

Vega's feed not being displayed

Please describe the issue in the hallway:

It looks like vega's feed isn't being displayed on the hallway, and there also isn't a console error which is weird. I just noticed this because I see his message when I view it with the webring-cli

but I don't see it on the web


and there isn't an error in the console that is tied to it


Include mentions in #user feeds

This is just a thought. So currently, appending a #user to the URL shows the user's forum messages. What if it also included messages where the user is mentioned? It could be handy for when someone mentions you somewhere but the message gets buried in the depths of pagination lol.

What do you think? :)

Fix top level lists

Currently if the category just contains a list of items, it shows their index like so:


The numbering really isn't adding anything so I'd recommend just removing it.

Add in progress bar to hallway

Please describe the issue in the hallway:

Since we now have the progress bar being utilized in the wiki, let's also use it in the hallway. @ljcooke made it in a way that it's generalized and easy to utilize in other places.

Incorrect twtxt format

Hey @VegaDeftwing, I just looked at your twtxt feed to figure out why it wasn't parsing correctly, and it looks like you're not separating your timestamp and message by a tab but by a single space. This is causing it not to parse right.

You can see more details about the formatting here on the twtxt site or on the readme.

Can we display list items in the wiki differently?

Currently if you have a list under a category, it just separates them by comma and puts them all in one <li>. Do you think instead if there is a list we can make a them display a bit nicer and more separated?

Here is an example of what it currently looks like


and with another nested <ul> it could look like this


split main.css into multiple files

previously i didn't change any #sidebar related rules, only added some to overwrite #wiki specific ones, since some of them might be global and touch #hallway

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