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signshop's Issues

[Suggestion] A gui system

This plugin is very good but something is missing to make that plugin perfect !

A gui where the players can see the other players shops and teleport themselves to them.
The player can also see his own shops to see what's he selling or buying (When players have a lot a shops it's easier to organise them).

It's my idea, if you need more details about it, I would be happy to answer you !

Not Working?

The Plugin seems to work fine as in, I can make the signs and setup the shop, but even if I have a balance that CAN pay whatever i put on the sign, it says i dont, so i dont know if it's a compatibility problem.

I'm using Ultimate_Economy 1.2.5 as my Vault economy plugin
Minecraft Server is 1.14.2
3.4.4 signshop

Using a buy/sell sign wipes "extra" data off certain items

This appears to be a conflict between signshop and any vanilla mod that creates items with non-vanilla NBT data on them. So far I've been able to reproduce the issue with power suit mod. If you have modules attached to the powersuit in your inventory but not equipped then buy an item from a signshop, it will wipe the nbt data and thus remove the modules from the item. There have been mysterious nbt errors before that I did not know what to attribute it to but I suspect that this may be related as well.

I'm having a look myself through the code to see if I can find the issue, but I assume you are much more familiar with the code so I hope you may find it more reliably than I.

Signs that require more space than player inventory (no trade possible)

I was able to create a [Buy] sign selling 3456 items, using a double chest.

This trade is not possible because double chest has more item space than player inventory.

SignShop should give some kind of error (or not register blue sign) on trades that require more inventory slots than player inventory.

Plans for SpongeAPI port?


Was curious if you folks are planning or have any interest in doing a port of this plugin to the SpongeAPI.


Toggle signs break on use if chunks were unloaded

If the chunks a [Toggle] sign and its lever are in become unloaded, when they are loaded again the Toggle sign will only become usable once before becoming "stuck".


By executing /signshop reload, Toggle signs work properly again


  • CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-b73910a-aa92a45 (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  • Server plugins:
  • SignShop version: 2.9.1Dev (build 68)
  • Vault version: 1.5.2-b33
  • Tested with region, permissions, signshop flags and LWC flags checked
  • ChunkLoadRadius in config.yml is set to 2 (default)


Best reproduced in a location far from spawn or away from forcefully loaded chunks. Ideally on a server with /home and /spawn available

  1. Create a [Toggle] sign and wire it to a lever
  2. Right click the sign a few times. Observe that the lever changes state and SignShop gives feedback in chat.
  3. Teleport at least 20 chunks (320 blocks) away, wait a few seconds, then teleport back. Repeat this step a few times.
  4. Right click the sign once. Observe that the lever changes state and SignShop gives feedback in chat.
  5. Right click the sign a few more times. Observe now that the lever no longer changes, but SignShop is still saying the sign has been toggled.
  6. Execute /signshop reload
  7. Right click the sign a few more times. Observe now that normal behavior has returned.

Towny + SignShop: Stealing items from chests in an enemy town.

If you click a chest in an towny protected area (like an enemy town) with a redstone dust to create a shop, you can create a shop from that chest and then buy everything that is inside that chest. On our server we don't have a chest protector plugin because that is part of our gameplay so the only way to protect a chest is by placing a block on top of it in a protected area (like a town where other people can't break blocks). So when you create an shop from an chest thats not yours you can steal everything from it even if it's protected with a block on top of it.We also don't want to have a max distance of the sign <--> chest. Ideal should be that SignShop can hook into Towny and let the "item_use" permision part of storing a chests container.

Read-Me Before Posting An Issue or Suggestion!

If you have a simple issue or suggestion please consider joining our Discord

For more complex issues please post a new issue here and make sure you include the following:

  • A detailed description of the problem you are having
  • Server type and version i.e. Spigot 1.15.2
  • SignShop version
  • Vault version
  • Economy plugin name and version i.e. EssentialsX 2.17.2
  • A link to a pastebin with your entire startup log including any errors you have after startup.

For suggestions please provide a very detailed description of what you want.

Slot's bugged and others

Bugs have been emerging regarding this feature for a long time.

1 - The probability does not work correctly, if when the slots just do not move the item is much more likely to not touch anything after refilling.

2 - Currently you can insert and remove materials from the slot while it is still working, if a user is playing and the seller is filling, will not get the prize ever, this should be solved by modifying the way to make slots and any changes disable it.

3 - If they fill all the holes of the slot and then remove 52 objects (out of 54), the odds are still 1 in 54, and will never touch the prize or very rarely.

4 - Custom user heads are giving errors.
 4.1 - When the server reboots, they are no longer textured.
 4.2 - If they make a slot with a personalized head and then change it by one
         normal, they get the old head infinitely.

5 - The items with enchantments superior to those of minecraft, become by default to the server restart (especially the swords).

What I ask here is if you can please restructure this mode, since there are many problems, in fact, I do not see how to solve them and I will remove it until it is solved.

Automatically update ink_sac and golden_axe in config

As part of the SignShop design philosophy, we try not to require the user to have to touch anything in the config in order for the plugin to work out of the box. as part of the upgrade to v3, users are required to update their config indicating what item is for updating signs, and what item is for destroying the sign in creative mode. Ideally, the user will not need to touch their config for a successful update.

As a personal note, we would often get many private PMs and complaints when things "broke" because of things like this.

Acceptance Test

  • Given I have an existing config from v2, when starting the server and updating from v2 to v3, then I still have all of my settings in SignShop and I do not need to modify my config to avoid errors.


Good, I have an error with "ixpsell", if you equip an orb of experience in the left hand (f), jump the error "could not complete operation, contact your system administrator and check the logs", the item is not sold but If that gives you levels of experience.


I just want to let you know that there is a Server Error with 2.11.2.
[SEVERE] Could not pass event SSLinkEvent to SignShop v2.11.2

Not sure what it means everything works fine players are able to buy and sell from shops but if they interact with a sign it puts out a long error message I would post the whole thing here but its a lot.

I have been good at keeping records of versions of plugins and spigot when I update the server or add new plugins so I have that if you need it.

Also, the spigot version is 1.12.1 build 60.

If you need any further information let me know I will check back here in a couple days and see if there is a reply, if not then you can contact me via the email below as I rarely get on this website so I don't know if I get an update on this issue or not.
[email protected]

Maven Pls.

Can you please create a proper pom.xml file for you project. Makes compiling your dev builds much easier as the dependencies will follow the repo when cloning it.

Many Thanks for what you do!

[request] Storing custom items (Custom heads/items with lore/Brewing support)

Hello Signshop team!

PirateCraft is a long time user of SignShop, I have requested these features before, so Im sorry if you recognise this request. Could we please have the option to Store and Sell custom items, this includes:

  • Custom Heads, I assume the full data set for storing a custom made head (say from freshcoal) isn't stored properly, as you can set up a shop and sell a head, but as soon as the server restarts all heads revert back to being blank skulls.
  • Custom items with Lore; We ran into an issue earlier when we tried to set-up an item sign using a custom item made from essentails that had lore, turns out custom names work, but items with custom lore do not, Im not sure if this bug is just for item signs or in general saving lore.
  • Brewing support, this is a third party plugin and may be too complex to save the brew info for each brew into your current database, but its worth a shot asking!

Thank you!

Items 1.13

Today I updated the essentials plugins on my server (dev to 1.13), since for its plugin it had the requirement to work with the worth.yml of this same plugin.

Unfortunately I see that the plugin still does not recognize many items of the new version, that's why I create this incidence to try to make this work again and continue with this plugin, because it is essential and vital for my server.

Buy signs for written books break on plugin reload


If a SignShop is created to sell written books with NBT data (e.g. book author, title, contents), it is able to buy those books and determine it is in stock in a chest until the plugin is reloaded. After which, it incorrectly determines the books are out of stock and appears to lose the extra information associated with what it is buying.

(Note: this bug may also extend to sell signs, or other items that may hold data such as enchanted tools)



  1. Create a chest and a sign with [Buy] on the first line
  2. Obtain a book and quill, open it, write random text inside, sign it with a random title
  3. Use an Essentials command such as /more to obtain a stack of the signed books
  4. Add a single copy of the book into the chest and link to the buy sign with redstone. Observe it correctly identifies the title and author.
  5. Insert the entire stack of books into the chest and punch the sign. Observe it correctly identifies the stock
  6. Execute /signshop reload or restart the server
  7. Punch the sign. Observe it now reports the shop as empty (Unusually, this contradicts the reporting player's screenshot where the author and title of the books had gone missing. In my reproduction, the data is still in the message but the stock is wrong).

[Slot] are not onfinite

I have some isue with the commabde [slot]
For my server whe want to make some "lucky block' in the spawn but every time i buy for get a random item they remove it from the chest... Ther is a possibilite to make it not removed (only admin)

[critical] SignShopPlayerListener (PlayerInteractEvent) creating dramatic lag on 1.12 (V2.11.2)

Using PaperSpigot latest 1139 build. (1.12)
Using SignShop 2.11.2

I just had a server crash after I had 50+ people online, The issue is Signshop.
From Timings report:

The signshop event:
Minecraft::Packet - PacketPlayInBlockDig
SignShop::Event: o.w.s.l.SignShopPlayerListener (PlayerInteractEvent)

is causing dramatic lag.

is there any way we can diagnose the issue and get it fixed please?

Error in SignManager

[Server thread/CRITICAL]: "Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\level\LevelLoadEvent' to 'SignShop v1.1.3': Illegal offset type on SignShop\EventListener\LevelEvent"
[15:50:01] [Server thread/WARNING]: RuntimeException: "Illegal offset type" (E_WARNING) in "/var/mcpe/shared/Plugins/SignShop_v1.1.3.phar/src/SignShop/Manager/SignManager" at line 176

iTrade stops working with fireworks since 1.12.1 upgrade.

Hello !

We recently upgraded our server from 1.9 to 1.12.1. Everything is fine except that when I create an [itrade] shop that will take specific fireworks from the player's inventory and give him back a paper (Objective to get for the player ranking up), it doesn't work anymore. I put two chests: fireworks trail 1 sec, effect with diamond and one specific color, the paper in the second chest. I punch the first one with the redstone, the second one the same way then the signshop. It works as the [iTrade] becomes blue. But when I want to exchance those fireworks for the piece of paper, it tells me that I don't have the items needed and shops me in the chat windows that I need fireworks, but it's written twice instead of once for the itrade signs placed before the update, if I haven't these in my inventory.

Did I miss something ? I didn't see anything related to this issue.

Any help is welcome !

Price Multipliers permissions instead of groups


In some gamemodes players get permissions instead of groups (prison servers where they quickly change group based on hunter).

Is it possible to add an additional permission:

signshop.multiplier. (signshop.multiplier.vipex)


The signshop will not work in a residence

The Signshop will not work in a residence(created by the plugin named Residence).
when the op right click the sign it will work
but normal players right click the sign,it will not work.

in the public place(not a residence),all the players can click.
i am sure that the plugin is loaded successfully.

(my english is not good, thanks)

[device] wont work with redstone

It doesn't send signal if lever is connected to redstone but it does when its placed directly on the block, for exemple on a command block..

Buying from shops w/ more than one item for sale

If you buy from a shop that has multiple items for sale & you either don't have enough money(items) or don't have enough inventory space, it will take your money but give you nothing.

Also, it would be nice if you did have this, if it could FIRST remove the items you are using to pay with from your inventory THEN add the item, because right now it does it the opposite way and if it was reversed they would have enough space.

Error loading the plugin with CMI


I just installed a clean version of SignShop and I get this error:

[21:06:50] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling SignShop v3.4.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.wargamer2010.signshop.worth.CMIWorthHandler.( ~[?:?]
at org.wargamer2010.signshop.SignShop.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.init( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-118]
at [?:1.8.0_242]

The server version is 1.15.2
Signshop version is 3.4.4
Vault version: 1.7.3 (CMI Version)
Economy plugin: CMI

I think it has something to do with CMI not being compatible, looking at the error, but I have no idea if it's my fault or just a compatibility issue...

How to compile

There's no way to compile this project. Not even all required jars are provided with the project.

Async tasks not shutting down properly?

During reload, the following log appears in the console:
[23:58:45 ERROR]: Nag author: 'Wargamer2010 and Devinish' of 'SignShop' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded. This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin

Using SignShop v2.9.1

Question on how you check chest contents


We are using Sign Shop on our 1.7.10 Cauldron server. We have injected additional storage containers into the bukkit material manager enum via FML. Your plugin handles the ability to add additional storage via this option in the config.yml:

CHEST: chest

We added the additional example chests to our server. When we left-click on the chest with redstone the player is given the message "Stored location of Almura Storagedock Chest containing nothing".

I was curious if you could point me to where in your code it does the lookup to detect whether or not the current x/y/z location contains NBTdata containing the ItemStack information within our chest.

Many Thanks
~AlmuraDev Team

Hexdata with Signshop

Hi there,
I have a quick question about using Signshop with Items which just differ by hexData (like the items from Tinkers Construct). Is there a way to do it?

I'm myself a server owner and got this request from one of my players, so I'm currently searching for a solution. After some research I found out that the tools all have the same ID and differ only in the metadata. I remember from prior server plays that chestshop ( can handle this problem with a suffix with '#' (like DIRT#a) to specify the item. Maybe you could take a look there and build it into SignShop.

No Maven Repo


I am hooking a plugin I am writing to SignShop. The plugin tracks Minecraft Server stuff to Google Analytics. With SignShop I'll be tracking transactions through as if they were ecommerce transactions on a website. Should give some nice metrics.

(Note that the code currently checked in to do this is incomplete)

Of course, I ran into the "no maven repo" thing. Somewhere I read in one of your issues or whatnot on Bukkit dev that you intended to mavenize the project sometime soon.

Is that something you would appreciate help with? If so, I'd be happy to create a fork and give it a go.

Whatever the case, thanks for the cool plugin.

Paul Thompson
aka captbunzo

Change the SignShop Prefix

I couln't find an option to to translate/change the SignShop Prefix.
I know there is an option in ChestShop wasn't able to find it in SignShop.
Any chance you could add such a feature?

Users can use dye on signs

I leave the issue here so you watch it when you can.

If I make a "[buy]" sign in which the item inside the chest is a dye, users can use this object to change the color of the letters of the sign and disable it.
Bypassing the WorldGuard restrictions, this doesn't happen if the item to buy is not a dye.

Signshop 3.4.4
PaperSpigot 1.15.2


Toggle signs not updating redstone if levers are on walls

If a [Toggle] sign is wired to levers which are attached to a block vertically, the toggle signs will toggle the state of the levers visually but the redstone signal itself will not update. This means that doors, pistons, etc. will not toggle.

Video explanation;
Examples of non-working and working setups, respectively:


  • CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-b73910a-aa92a45 (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  • Server plugins:
  • SignShop version: 2.9.1Dev (build 68)
  • Vault version: 1.5.2-b33
  • Tested with region, permissions, signshop flags and LWC flags checked


  1. Place a lever on the side of a block
  2. Place a door on top of that block
  3. Toggle lever to confirm it opens and closes
  4. Place a sign nearby with [Toggle] as the first line
  5. Punch the lever with a piece of redstone
  6. Punch the [Toggle] sign with a piece of redstone
  7. Confirm in chat that SignShop has created a new toggle sign
  8. Right-click the sign with an empty hand a few times
  9. Observe that the lever changes, but the door does not

Reserve Support

Hello, I am the developer of the plugin Reserve, a modern economy API with modern economy features in mind. As I am now ready to publicly push the API, I'm currently looking for developers to add support for it.


Advantages over Vault:

  • Multi-currency support
  • Async support using Java's completeable futures
  • Optional Extended API to allow third party plugins to add new currencies

Current Plugins that support Reserve:

  • Towny
  • ChestShop3
  • MineBay

Current Providers/Planned Providers:

  • The New Economy
  • Towny Eco
  • GemsEconomy

Thanks in advance,


// org/wargamer2010/signshop/listeners/sslisteners/

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void SSBugFix(BlockPlaceEvent event) {、
    Block block = event.getBlock();

    if(block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST) {
        Location location = block.getLocation();
    //  Player player = event.getPlayer();
    //  player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "you place a signpost(X:" + location.getX() + ", Y:" + location.getY() + ", Z:" + location.getZ() + ").");

        if(Storage.get().getSeller(location) != null) {
        //  player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "fix a bug shop.");

Warning of Overstocked

I noticed someone had posted about this on the comments of the bucket page a link to the latest Dev build was there said it would resolve issue. I have updated to latest dev build and still i recieve the overstocked message

Is there a fix?

Taking over SignShops

#49 @Devinish There's someone currently interested in taking over the plugin and updating it to 1.13

He might contact you through private message in spigot and bukkit websites if you want to check it out.


i noticed that when trying to sell spawn egg it give a egg naes spawn and isnt what i bought and i think it might mess up with potions as well but not tested it

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