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klapaucius's Issues

:generalizable aspect (for vector types)

  • :x-generalizeall for types with "default" parent types: push all items to the parent stack
  • :x-generalize move item to :vector from :vector-of-x stack
  • :x-refilterall, for "parent" types: send all items through the router, in FIFO order
  • :x-refilter, send item to :exec stack for re-routing

:exec-prep instruction

Takes next item (including a block) from :exec stack; determines its total needs; duplicates those items on all stacks where they appear. If there are not enough items to execute the item, it does nothing.

some modulo bugs

caught exception: Divide by zero running [(false true :string-yankdup (:code-do* false \ຼ 141.09375 :code-container) \ᅿ) 937308226 198.98046875 :code-notequal? 390945425 (322912683 738097505 (:string-flush :input!8 385.88671875 "߬౓ȣ྄ᆃ̂ᇌ" true) (\൝ \ဿ :code-extract 360.55078125 193932531) "ഈ̇ݾ൭ࡳഞ͕ТȊӢĚŎݻ໧ಇ") :code-contains? :code-position 122.52734375 :input!5 :input!8 (:char-dup false "βֿ๺Й࢐ѫৄ൝ޞ" (715829625 "ԕܓݜָሽݮસ࿁௟ྕቮྦྷܬඛസࡾ" :integer-dup :code-yankdup :code-fromstring) \ͺ) 251.8515625 \؃ :input!3 (:float-multiply :code-drop "ӂ" :char-asciifromfloat :float-frominteger) 721023207 false 165780866 :char-frominteger :string-replace 32.3671875 :string>? :string-pop :code-atom? 217.69921875 :input!3 39.98828125 272189115 152.23046875 :input!6 "ӥࢽ࿚ਞב̪ሇӟ༣౨ཡ෧" :input!6 :integer<? false \ଉ :string-fromfloat 152.12109375 :string-fromboolean (:char≤? :boolean-shove :input!5 :input!8 \ֈ) :integer-dec :float-sign "ᅉᆔ্ְ͕ၯྱᇺՔؠ̆ӭዿ̒" (true :code-pop \ȹ \ໟ :char-rotate) ("ํ࢟෫ച�࣬຀༊യӓۖᎂЭେ๰ป¯ڤሪ" \໸ :integer-yank true :integer-dup) 310.65234375 116.62890625 :code-fromstring :code-list :integer-signfromboolean 242.39453125 (false \ࡠ (400373230 :float-sign false :string-replacefirstchar :integer-max) \ᄵ :input!7) 121.0234375 278682809 :char-rotate :integer-equal? \ǔ 309507057 :integer-sign 48275635 211.96484375 :char-digit? "܌ጰѕܷझऔ" 124.83984375 true 152055567 (766582246 4.4453125 263401824 :input!1 :input!3) :string-removechar (:boolean-and "Иೠʳ" "ఀ๹ዦٲᇦૈ˯ڙႱݼᄛ਱ভΔጊ" 45948478 false) "๜єଗΠዯĺ૎ˑ۵ɘƥൂ࿁ߵ်Ѥཾࠋ" :input!4 \υ false 96.6484375 \ך :string-occurrencesofchar true :string<? :input!7 377.00390625 :char-pop "ፑίຯᄁӴ±዗੉ථໍwႡᅴ" 14.25390625 133.96484375 878542857 :exec-dup :exec-yank 184093571 329.0078125 :code-null? :string-yank :char-asciifromfloat true :input!7 :string-swap :code-size :integer-add :float-tangent "ʯ༫ãŃ፛΄औн 145.2421875 "ߘ'ᅺȮ߱ݠఊ0щϬ๠Ӵսϊଏᇫ୐ଳ໼ྐྵ" "ୟʌܦƄমঀ̕ۄۛݫ" :input!7 :code-fromfloat :float≤? :float>? 78572480 \̽ 475661973 :char-dup :integer-yank :string-setchar :input!8 :code-yank :char-empty? 375739856 "ƨጢŧ୒ࡁཙࡗ෎ܨü" :integer-fromstring (((:code-append 15770516 :string-removechar :input!5 \ϴ) \ਜ਼ \྾ :input!7 (:exec-pop :code-position \ཿ :string-contains? 260.078125)) "ထ" :input!1 \য true) :boolean-frominteger 310.875 (315332747 false false true :input!8) :string-dup "წޜ܊ׇ࿛܆ǿጊࢾ޺ޙƛ͆ᄺ෽ไ൥ѻѢ" \ऴ 463950386 \ວ :string-emptystring? "9ՙຎ" \հ :float-min \͏ :input!2 (:integer-add :float-fromstring :string-equal? 512396593 :boolean-not) :input!7 (203.703125 (100.70703125 :float-subtract :string-containschar? 527665859 (619079498 264.15234375 :code-drop (:char-yankdup 213482732 :input!5 :float-fromchar \ᄔ) :string-fromfloat)) "נႮ͂ࢿઢᇎ" 381.84765625 :input!4) :char-yank 837264188 "rৠȵ஺ū෯־ຌႶੱӲ" true "ɓҢ߶͢ƥზžԊӷᄌثؒފ޸ӿ" \ኩ 799193448 false :boolean-and 132525320 :input!5 :code-subst 192.234375 (:char-frominteger \ࢁ :input!2 692218546 \ඉ) "፬؋Ǫ" (20.37890625 :float>? 140644129 ("ߛ·" :input!2 :integer-dec :input!2 :char-asciifrominteger) :code-contains?) :input!5 \ս :char-shove \ு :code-extract 152856636 295.90234375 (((:string-take :input!4 "ᇷ኶�֛݊ܞΎჀ೷ؠਗӶǽྩ܅ᇭ" \թ \๟) 805524966 :integer-yank "܄ᄜዑືضܶƛѢȉȵ૜ේQ࿎ߺ" 61.69921875) \ྼ :code-notequal? :code-nth :char-min) 372402485 true :input!1 "႔কāҁጧႝႬҷ࡞" (262.71484375 "ኵऒÄ͏ÐᅦɃɤণٿೀ఺" (:input!2 357.73046875 :input!4 \ɻ \ǁ) "໶ᎁڼቾ" 185.01953125) (:code-points :input!1 :code-position \጑ :exec-while) \ִ true (\ҽ (\ط :integer-notequal? (\๒ 742093497 false :boolean-rotate 127.8203125) :char≥? 131926277) 128.62890625 true (:boolean-yankdup "ุਆࣚࡿ" "ࠏ࣭Ɯೲ঻ᇯ" false :code-yank)) (:char-dup 376810668 false :input!8 "࢖ႲǪધޠ઄ഠʔඌ௭೷႗Ⴗ൮ဠ") false "੕҈ղᄷࣷ࿀ӣࣝಪଁİྏ૔" 616553636 \ܦ :integer-dup 9.14453125 false true "ࣸ໼౜บಡවҨዶЧˋ็˓ʃˣ" :float-flush \Ͱ "Ⴄഩ໒ѭ֕ഊႏ̷ஒӱႬ" :string-butlast true \٥ 333.765625 268638496 :code-pop :float-inc :integer-mod 293.68359375 :input!4 \ѥ :float-fromstring :input!8 728358484 \བ 32.23046875 "Ⴅ±દࡨǯෟᇼ഼ࡉລ഑Ѭࢎ&ཚɍǗߞò" :input!5]
{:input!1 \Қ, :input!2 "́जٍ๹", :input!3 :exec-when, :input!4 :exec-if, :input!5 :code-rest, :input!6 199.03515625, :input!7 ((98.296875 :integer<? :code-rotate) :integer-fromchar :string-take "̽ܮࡁࠬۆುѠ̘҉ટձਢ"), :input!8 :exec-notequal?}

Auto-generate tests for auto-generated instructions

:visible, :equatable, :comparable and :movable (so far) should all have a simplified test generator so that

  • the code doesn't get cut-and-pasted
  • the addition of new shared functions (or classes of function, like :arithmetic) doesn't entail a bunch of rewrites
  • there's more certainty of test coverage for instructions humans don't ever touch

additional vector instructions

  • :x-unique
  • :x-sort
  • :x-filter takes two vectors of the same type, and removes all elements that appear in the first from the second
  • :x-toset
  • :x-crossover

argument retention

toggle to

  • put consumed args back on bottom of the source stacks
  • put consumed arguments onto an :arg stack, which can get pulled back into play by an instruction

Fuzzy number functions

  • few (0..10)
  • some (0..100)
  • many (0..1000)
  • lots (0..10000)

"crop" integer and floats to fall in ranges indicated, if needed

odd Java bug

caught exception:  running [:input!5 "ɂࠧࢱ෯त໺ऽ޾ေʄൈॊɂՅຸ੐௯" :input!6 :exec-shove 227.53125 \য false :input!2 376.59765625 :input!1 "ୁሥಭϠ቙఼ӵԺЀॲୋ" \ເ 161.8203125 :code-flush 437774903 (:char-asciifromfloat 906725359 :code-frominteger :boolean-fromintsign :input!3) 432777899 ("ჺȢӵᅕ˘ಘ" :string-butlast :char-notequal? :exec-if :string-rest) false \ǟ true true \ൌ 28.890625 39120521 348.55859375 \Џ :exec-do*while 171.90234375 "ۦعԱॊଝ჻നಏ႗୰ቢŤآૌ։ྠಋऔႄ࿘" 269.17578125 229.546875 \ᄰ 167310909 318.85546875 :char≥? :code-extract 98692151 149.57421875 :float-signfromboolean (:integer≥? :char-stackdepth :code-fromstring \༽ \༵) "ِ¼ऺशያ۩ڊ̳კ" (20.79296875 "༪" :string-frominteger \ଏ "शᇦ಩੖ʏ൮ڦ྾౷ɫ࡝ሱ቎") \ߊ (95.546875 true :integer-pop "ଛຊᄰ࣒਌ߛর຿ЛႈشᆋǺ" :integer-add) "෉ăೆрڤಛࢀĩઙ؁ၻگն̵టݶͅ࿺œ" :code-null? :input!3 807854196 :string-rotate 360101471 :string-length :exec-equal? true 790255528 :float-mod \Ⴆ 978305640 :exec-pop "£֥ᆏ[ۓགڴࢠཡᅣٕ඗ჽż࿱ສ" 138.1875 \Ƥ :float<? :float-min 758649457 :boolean-fromfloat \Ţ (\ඇ "જභӟטሺ" :char-stackdepth 766258870 :exec-if) 236.9296875 \ท (284.3125 :boolean-yank "฻ࣟࣞ໎ຜ፡ྙᇃාඅ࡫ໄࡵ໪ዤƧୱԦ˭Ĉ" :code-rest :exec-do*times) :float-sine (69.90234375 :input!2 374.6328125 467134722 :input!2) "ጕࢳࢣ" \N (false :exec-yank :input!1 :string-conjchar :float-min) 594721168 19.78515625 \¸ :code-shove 35.11328125 :code-nth :code-empty? :exec-shove :boolean-flush :string-spacey? 51.0859375 ((:exec-stackdepth \ओ "ମֻೲ" "ɯ඀ۭཌ·ڋ঄ધ๿๶ް෌࿐ӱ෷੫ܙĞ၁Ȭ" 206.94140625) :string-flush :string-equal? :boolean-pop (\ť :exec-shove 277.9453125 :input!7 \෌)) :input!4 "෋" :input!1 390246587 :char-stackdepth (70449447 952079143 95.5 911032565 311.10546875) (false true \֠ 191808789 :char-shove) true :exec-do*range :char-fromfloat 376185039 false :code-nth ("้ᄁംԣȐإ૸Ƣཤ๚ጫ܋ݿᇼงު" \ȃ true (:integer-divide \ພ 190.359375 \ԇ "ӅԖ�ϥ") \ཫ) :code-append 290170817 :code-equal? true :string-yankdup \Ⴀ 335645019 \ሜ :char-swap 344526517 :input!9 :input!1 :exec-noop :input!4 227.0703125 470848185 239634830 (true :code-do*times "ဝ೽ᆉწગኲፃ" :string-rest "ቚ") false true :char>? "ЬႳࡹ�෌ขᄈˉታЃ཮સࡴճᇂฑ" 68.59765625 "�ɢԱ༴༎දЫϗ஖�฀ਰƃ௮ု" 245759382 true (:float-inc false :input!8 648724135 \๡) :code-do*range :char≤? :integer-max :float-max :code-append " «࢙ሺ࿈༒Ŭ" :code-quote \ౖ (290.3046875 \ཉ \৆ \સ 193.12109375) 730738353 :integer<? \ት "යཙ೬ᅬ஬v۪࡯ԥࡏ" :integer-rotate :string-frominteger 290240915 true :float-mod 228.8046875 "஑ဠ๹ֵչߴৄᄍ໡" 102.04296875 59.31640625 :input!7 :exec-noop :char-rotate \ኖ (565625813 \Ñ 313.015625 :float-sine 675941974) :string-length :integer-yank false false :exec-do*while "઴აܰډբ͌৫" :string-swap :input!7 :char>? :float-yank 231131887 :string<? (:exec-noop "գഅॎ" :boolean-pop 405922212 "ྐྵؙ፴ՈදØ̼խ") \è :float-notequal? "ჱၲĨᇥ঳źğճಪĹ՞࿲ᇧࢠŧՑݞ" :char-pop :integer-rotate 325.75 false \ဒ \ࡕ 74813081 224306963 (:string≤? \അ :input!9 :exec-y :integer-mod) :char-swap :input!1 :float-min "ָӾ༠ŗňཏࣧ×ডဇྲ௃ࠝͦ࠭Ƹ" 499412617 :boolean-or :string-substring (47.8984375 181.59765625 :input!4 false (496570233 \͛ :input!6 "๘ΞֳĖ�ݓɃݛܣझٹįை౎ࠜ߁ڈጦ" true)) :string-replace 970924689 "̄ʃ˃ºݧሏ˩࿯ƫႭ׶ؐڙ͔࢖,ൌ" :float-subtract :input!7 85.8515625 \ڣ :string-reverse false \ᅗ true]
{:input!1 613158253, :input!2 "ໃ๦ࢪਥ෹఻чዺԅဃ፛޸΅ɐ", :input!3 318.41015625, :input!4 :char≤?, :input!5 false, :input!6 :code-empty?, :input!7 257.8515625, :input!8 :exec-noop, :input!9 :integer-dup}

random instructions

develop a general-purpose scheme for various types, so the random instructions can be developed as an aspect


even worse than :exec-y, but why not?

`:number` type

"parent" type for :float and :integer (and :complex and :rational and :probability)

additional stack combinators

  • :x-flip reverse entire stack
  • :x-cut takes an integer, and splits the stack at that point, putting the top chunk below the other (cut like a deck of cards)
  • :x-flipat takes an integer, splits the stack at that point, and reverses the top part

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