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Comments (3)

Vaguery avatar Vaguery commented on June 29, 2024
caught exception: Push Parsing Error: Cannot interpret 'clojure.lang.LazySeq@1' as a Push item. running [:code-contains? false \౬ false (288424345 "፺୯ഴඔዿg෕፷ᆔઁູфႸ৬࣊࿏σ" :input!3 39262585 :char-frominteger) :input!5 "ฅʋཋdžቓݭᇐ೜ŗڣ׬Ρӡ܍ଣ܉ઐى࿯ᆍ" (\, \Ω false :integer-yank 315.09765625) "ஹҸʴ؍಼Чဨᇄ" :input!3 "ɭҞְஅ" :float≥? 90.859375 \ԙ \ሃ ((false :char-stackdepth :string-nth true :float-cosine) \ቹ 170616663 true 108.91796875) false (866248883 :input!7 142334404 true \ҁ) \Ⴕ :input!8 :integer-sign :boolean-xor :exec-do*while "ŵ౿قෞ๳" "໋Є౭່לչ˳ቖӑݬ" :boolean-stackdepth :float-swap :code-do*count :exec-notequal? 290.7890625 :string-yankdup :integer-max (\ኼ :exec-shove \ٴ :integer-notequal? "я႕඗Յ؇\f༁ɞ") "င̯اޘ݁ࠅ" \ശ false 987544608 \໑ :code-if 81.328125 224206575 "Ђ" (\ԥ 811007784 :char-uppercase? :float>? \ʊ) :integer<? (:input!4 104.31640625 224.4921875 :char≤? 992894067) "҇཈௛ॵݘ၎Ⴉϛൾᇨᄛ،ÿჳ" "ཛྷ" true :string-shove ("ভයშ" 878481574 :exec-dup 473966299 true) :input!3 :float-max \ິ 230.890625 :char≤? \࿇ :string-rotate :char≤? :input!3 :input!6 (:code-fromboolean :char-flush (\ቢ false "ପ৳" :float-rotate true) :string-occurrencesofchar 530729735) :string-fromfloat (:input!5 false 311835350 :integer-mod \ᅼ) 205.828125 (:input!1 \ᅯ :code-do*count :input!8 :input!4) "૚മ୨ጠ੼ቯʃ" :input!7 true "ǪᎎɊʨࢼඉ߇ڠ" false :input!3 :integer≥? :input!7 :code-rest 858475158 :string-containschar? :integer-divide 260.01953125 294.31640625 :input!8 \ெ :string-length (((false ((((\໌ \෨ (:char-dup :code-cons "఻Ӯʼരௌ༫ඏޙථྮዜ~໅ऩ֚ᆉӰ" 720729814 :integer-add) :char-shove "੤܏Ȳቇ۳ΈΨ") :exec-do*times 378357844 (:input!6 :string-stackdepth :code-drop "௎ѿá੩ํ܇ץ࠶۞ݕ௹Ȫڑ኶" :float-swap) :input!4) :code-do*range 98.47265625 ((:input!7 628339459 273.29296875 :boolean-empty? :exec-notequal?) false :integer-min :float-fromboolean 205.953125) 215380670) :exec-empty? :input!7 (:code-yank 345264221 (:char≥? :float-signfromboolean 220505598 :code-fromboolean :input!6) false :exec-rotate) :exec-swap) \඙ :code-do*range "༰ᅳϜढ़Ͼҍ࣫ˤඝᆁ") :string-spacey? (:string-removechar false :integer-signfromboolean (true 241.11328125 :char-max (false :string-yank :char-shove false :integer-min) :input!6) \ζ) "Ŀग़ٴजמࢫࣽᅞոᆬ߾࿞ு೹عԑ" :float-tangent) :string-containschar? 152.89453125 :input!5 (\๼ :exec-stackdepth \Ê false (249.015625 :string-notequal? false "ః್ೠ჏҄Ɋޫڡ๭ྯʌٚȉ" 79.6953125))) :string-pop ((:input!1 355.42578125 :string-stackdepth "ٺນȃࡀ؜" :code-drop) "ᇽᆃಡӐᇧ҃ಙۈ:" :boolean-swap :string-contains? (421438604 "झגቧèװ໺ఝ৴নᇺೋ" 447873357 855627367 :char-pop)) \೜ 26.703125 447742700 (:input!6 \ޯ :float-dup :boolean-pop :string-fromfloat) "႕௼຦ιѾ̖ࣼԖ࿼ňϧි˘Ǔ" (494656635 310.78125 209047170 "ᄊهዻ௨" \ୂ) :code-frominteger (:code-flush \Э "ᅥ৿ख़ഐᅉ፭ኆߧGƪ਴Ȫႇʽᎂ׻ඃ" :string-swap :char-notequal?) \࣠ "dz࣮҄ᅆ৅ᆶʠ" 25422842 234.578125 :code-fromfloat :string-take :integer-dec \ղ 695736500 816589376 :char-swap :float-yank true 93494578 "ལ࢚ঠࠕ๟" :integer-fromboolean 284.53515625 152.359375 false :string-containschar? :boolean-and :code-do*times true 682524937 117.27734375 "སኣ΍ჰཿʴ๻ኜ౜տ๐ԏᄠྖǹ׀ҁကΔʭ" \ɝ :code-position \٩ "࢖ࢊ" (\՞ :exec-when false "୛Ұངܼ" false) (852107115 :float-frominteger :input!2 :code-member? 219.75390625) :float-inc :float-empty? :boolean-shove true "๟ࡢݪ݅Ќ୺ૄωᇦീࢼ൱ೞ௅" :integer-fromchar "ᅦϾ෺ፌྕ౤" true (291.484375 :code-null? :string-rotate (:string-shove "ྮ஭ȥ�ၣैԂ" \ၪ "፨ਉۻǽӌё" 522394867) (:input!1 707191829 197.34375 :code-fromchar 81.15625)) :exec-noop "༁ࡅНϕɴஹ֫ѕࡿწ࣌" 245.04296875 139.01953125 \৚ :integer-yank true ("Dž߉وժ͐" \ல :code-do \ཎ :input!2) \ዶ 252.515625 \଀ "ኁ଎ɣдཷ೰ཀྵ" :string-emptystring? \ၢ :integer-fromstring true \࠼ "ˡ̸౗ې໩ͥҫ࡝ň຿״ૅላ" "ൻደЛഷ" \Ͷ :string<? (:float-max "ྗਖ਼ഷแ" :integer>? :integer-dup :exec-do*times) :input!4 \ّ \֓ 824105847 :float-inc \Ι :input!2 "ဨÉ౮ᅙ჊Իݗቧ" :char-allfromstring :input!1 :input!3 :code-length false :input!7 169.01953125 :float-sine :boolean-not true :integer-swap 786217404 :string-setchar false true :integer-signfromboolean 70567393 701910673 :char-asciifromfloat (:char-min false 214.12890625 361.34765625 :input!1) \ມ :code-null? :code-insert "෣ႚ఑ӄྋǞॲɶ" :exec-yank \ϸ "ቋࣰܹͺቌֲ࿫Įྫྷʊ͠ફ" 95190816 (596161746 (\Б :input!1 326.51171875 682875333 :string-frominteger) 29.6328125 "༔ӡ۸ᆞ" 537901496) 4.23046875 :float-empty? :input!2 66987746 "ɻǣλଵ�Üàി͠ޛ჈छŅಭႁԢ" :code-subst :code-cons]
{:input!1 :integer-swap, :input!2 true, :input!3 false, :input!4 :string-solid?, :input!5 ("Ս܀£෫" "֦" 61.125 \� 107.03515625), :input!6 482720177, :input!7 :integer-fromboolean, :input!8 (:exec-notequal? (((:code-extract false :exec-pop true "ጨጁũ೿ܭዅമපຢαშǝ˨чЉኽϸ") :integer-stackdepth ("ԥኋȐλ൩Ļ" :string-spacey? (:code-swap :integer-mod :integer-flush \ؐ :code-wrap) \ᄷ) 73101213) :string-rotate :code-size :float-pop 26.65234375) :exec-while "ႋ፜༭༕ձሎ๠ڰ")}

from klapaucius.

Vaguery avatar Vaguery commented on June 29, 2024
caught exception: Push Parsing Error: Cannot interpret 'clojure.lang.LazySeq@4ee' as a Push item. running [:input!4 :integer-dup true 187.79296875 \˽ :code-fromboolean "፧ඐၤȻȭ܀ේڝ" \ྭ :string-frominteger false :input!5 "ĎބÙҕኾߊ" 261.94140625 :exec-rotate "ผ຋ฑ˞໼঍ጓє૱ፚ҅ᄎံ" :code-drop :input!9 :integer-pop :integer-dup "ᆛ።ቇԳྠࣀ" 237311941 :code-equal? 886414056 :string-frominteger \஑ :input!4 :input!10 (false :code-noop 154975155 true 286517101) true :code-do*times :string-setchar 669071166 "਻ޡڶၰ౅ه5܍৺ታ࡝ኮ" :float-inc 229543693 :input!6 "<ϸۡ߂๞࿝༃௶ܳ΋෻ЃӨ͖޾űᇩࣦ" :code-map 171.5 false "ጳ×೒኷ቧᄙؽያ෩Ӫኾଗཀྵ�" :input!9 :exec-empty? (:input!3 254389274 160.56640625 120.25390625 :char-frominteger) :string-contains? 479221923 :float-shove :string-emptystring? :string-replacechar 540282823 :input!8 \ጝ 110.984375 :input!3 "ፍည௎೮ଋ੨༲޻ීড༭Ԍ৥࣋ལޯഃĞڰƐ" \ƺ "ߟ௅Ƕϋޘ߿৒ዂ࡜ዯ၉ʴિ" 566793808 "ሓήޔ" \׌ :exec-stackdepth 714271866 :float-stackdepth :float-subtract 725701019 :float-signfromboolean :code-fromstring 273606447 :string-reverse :string-fromexec 283264273 :input!6 :input!8 146.04296875 :integer-rotate :code-insert :code-insert 581888736 :exec-do*count :code-rotate "ࣦฦʡਜԃᇧྱྊࠅ˛ᅕ۩Զ౥ฒౄ࿯ײᆎѭ" 77558785 \´ "ି͑ᇄအɩೈ;࢝ԃ੬Ŋ௭ኅ" :float≥? 545425217 :float-swap "ᅩܱ�షؕͦ൤ສਗ਼ႉ๑ฌቔലસ" \ݲ :string-flush false 303505291 :input!4 :input!10 509116479 false :input!8 "ెᅞࡔࢣ" :float-shove :string-conjchar :float-mod \τ 295.94921875 :exec-empty? 127.3359375 331446236 :code-size :code-cons :string-frominteger (\઻ :integer-multiply false 154.578125 329.2734375) 463288287 :input!2 301.91796875 (false \ݫ 948499166 :string-max true) :code-fromboolean :boolean-frominteger :exec-noop \༾ "Ԭďฐንʞ�ኻട૗ሀ౩^Ӵ˛ໞنٻႺȒ" (true \࿻ :float-fromboolean 134158692 844908859) 252.01171875 \ඊ (:integer-flush :char-pop \ڵ :boolean-frominteger "ౕஜ୨ገǛΏ௢ოϨુ༤ƿथᆡୁɇধεࢫ") 953162646 26847535 773179926 true false :input!1 :code-rest (:boolean-yank 374.30859375 484284231 :code-empty? \ᅙ) :integer-min \঒ 215031305 860392262 (:string-solid? (:code-notequal? \ৱ ((:input!6 (:string-indexofchar 238.12890625 :integer-max 996924764 true) :string-reverse "Xॾʚྋ፸ߵ௢ᆣֱșࠑ׀ᄇିળŘ" :char-pop) :boolean-yank (:string-fromcode "஼ٞ૨ֵᅺॐডइమ" (:code-if \উ \� :char-fromfloat :float<?) 700079368 \ޭ) :input!7 "πჂውຟ௶Ƹ˂�ࠩßҸ༺෈ෳ๏ለ") true 465520653) true 10.87890625 (427968632 \ჩ :float-yank :string-swap (292.96875 29.83203125 :input!8 :boolean-fromfloat \ඬ))) :code-notequal? true (\ప :char-uppercase? 129.76171875 :integer-fromfloat "ጲ̽Պ") false true :float-notequal? 641335145 \֫ 295.015625 (:input!5 :float-fromstring true 622506151 true) "ຬƽ˧ႌ֟ࣞ݋˂́ߺౣ" (349496715 (205.8984375 \ࠛ :code-null? \ዙ 342.01953125) :input!6 :exec-do*times :code-notequal?) "෸೭౦ጪ" :boolean-equal? :string-fromboolean false 116555450 true :input!7 "ċ໢ଆm̪૙຦ొΪ" :float-add :string-length true \ݽ 351242450 :string-rotate 45.3203125 false (((86.1015625 :char-fromfloat :input!4 \D 22.98046875) :string-containschar? (false 78.3828125 :float-equal? false 303.01171875) true 876993709) "ᇯ؊ƮࢋపءĜ஡הᄤڿ০" :float-fromstring 175.7890625 :float-dup) \ւ :exec-do*range \ޥ true :integer-yankdup (\݇ 376.34765625 true \ዦ :string-first) :char-asciifrominteger true 73222989 :char-allfromstring \ˁ \ɫ (true :input!9 :float-add false :string-substring) \࣪ :input!1 :integer-inc :integer-dec :input!6 405237095 692621362 63.8203125 (231.359375 :input!6 821122075 :string-fromexec :input!4) :code-nth "؍ÙธЕ੩ࡸڥᆂዓ൏๬òটࢄ˻˞ඎÒઅᄫ" 254995657 ("ޢᇥ๝࿫ෝا~ଉ୩kླྀ࿏͘Åზநဇ๓" (:boolean-shove (627268248 true 66.89453125 true (\਍ :input!9 543075659 true (:boolean-not :code-extract :input!8 \ࣳ (:boolean-flush (\ᆕ ("౏ඵ" \γ :string-min \ྵ :input!1) :input!7 (:char-allfromstring 710248077 151249068 :input!10 (\๸ :string-nth :input!2 :input!8 606303942)) \਽) :input!9 \Ȓ 504540600)))) \ၷ 639548716 473668769) (:string-removechar :exec-stackdepth :float-sign 447685044 :input!6) \[ \໡) :exec-shove :code-noop "Ӱޜ༘ϸƯ༉" 549416296 \ढ़ 624952461 353.69140625 :exec-yankdup false]
{:input!2 true, :input!9 858402328, :input!3 :float-sine, :input!10 (("ޒǰᇉၝ٩ݰ໣ࠁ" :integer-swap \Ǯ (:integer-stackdepth :code-member? :char-yankdup (:boolean-dup false :integer-fromfloat \୤ \̰)) :code-list) :string-notequal? 951568430 "Ĺ૆܌ࢉċIJЛ໼ྟచԇѦ͝ேۺဴ̛" 263.26953125), :input!1 (941647129 "ȯቭΣྒ໚ݰ๩ଵƣ࿡ѵڅࢯஹఒၥࢩ" ("኉ኁਗ਼ᄠܑලაဤጷԕɦᄡ্ལᄩඅӁ࠻Ђድ" :float-pop :string-replacefirst false ((\ņ 659192052 :exec-y :float-yank) :integer-pop :code-yankdup :exec-empty? :float-sign)) "ԋ"), :input!8 false, :input!4 \؉, :input!7 "ႄॹଢȍཅ݌", :input!5 :exec-empty?, :input!6 :exec-do*range}

from klapaucius.

Vaguery avatar Vaguery commented on June 29, 2024

Yeah, who cares? Fixed by changing the :exec recognizer so it unwraps all seq values.

from klapaucius.

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