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Some thing interesting about treeview
Some thing interesting about treeview
treeview,:deciduous_tree: A multiplatform tree view for Jetpack Compose
User: adrielcafe
treeview,Multi roots TreeView :palm_tree: implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
User: amrdeveloper
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treeview,Tree component based on Vue.js
User: amsik
treeview,Gijgo - Free Javascript Controls
User: atatanasov
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treeview,A combined TreeView/DataGrid for Avalonia.
Organization: avaloniaui
treeview,👏 Finally, a React Treeview component which is customizable on every level
User: azizali
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treeview,A Flutter collection of widgets and slivers that helps bringing your hierarchical data to life.
User: baumths
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treeview,The complete tree view component for React
Organization: brimdata
treeview,Bootstrap Treeview, A very simple plugin to build a basic and elegant Treeview with bootstrap 4. See the demo:
User: chniter
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treeview,A simple yet powerful tree component for Angular (>=2)
Organization: circlongroup
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treeview,Select2-to-Tree extends Select2 to support arbitrary level of nesting...
User: clivezhg
treeview,Mobile UI viewer in browser, view the UI in a tree view, and generate XPath automatically.
User: codeskyblue
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Organization: d2-projects
treeview,A react component that implements the treeview pattern as described by the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
User: dgreene1
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treeview,An Android TreeView with RecyclerView
User: dingyi222666
treeview,Collection of tree view components for front-end frameworks. :deciduous_tree:
User: elbywan
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treeview,Python package for building, comparing, annotating, manipulating and visualising trees. It provides a comprehensive API and a collection of command line tools, including utilities to work with the NCBI taxonomy tree.
Organization: etetoolkit
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treeview,Display nested arrays of N levels with this React Native library.
User: fjmorant
treeview,Aurelia-Slickgrid is a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid, it also includes multiple Styling Themes
User: ghiscoding
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treeview,Tree View; Mind map; Think map; tree map; custom view; 自定义;关系图;树状图;思维导图;组织机构图;层次图
User: guaishoun
treeview,A simple and elegant checkbox tree for React.
User: jakezatecky
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treeview,Virtual Treeview is a Delphi treeview control
Organization: jam-software
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treeview,📁 A Vue.js component to display hierarchical data (like the MacOS X finder)
User: jledentu
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treeview,🎄 Tree data structure to Android View
User: leereindeer
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treeview,Simple Tree View implementation for IMGUI (Editor GUI) in Unity. Includes a special type for working with asset paths, but base data structure and view can be easily extended to support anything.
User: luke161
treeview,A modern tree/treegrid control for the web
User: mar10
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treeview,A draggable / droppable React-based treeview component. You can use render props to create each node freely.
User: minop1205
treeview,Flutter GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout, Directed and Layered graph. Useful for Family Tree, Hierarchy View.
User: nabil6391
treeview,Hierarchical tree component for React in Typescript
Organization: naisutech
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treeview,Android GraphView is used to display data in graph structures.
Organization: oss-bandb
treeview,An UITreeView implementation from UITableView that Apple missed in its UIKit framework. And it is in pure Swift.
User: partho-maple
treeview,A draggable sortable vue tree component, with dragging placeholder, types definition.
User: phphe
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treeview,Vue2 draggable tree component
User: phphe
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treeview,An android tree structure view with high performance and rich features
User: shinem
treeview,A versatile react treeview library that supports custom icons and event handlers
User: shunjizhan
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treeview,Filament Tree is a plugin for Filament Admin that creates a model management page with a heritage tree structure view. This plugin can be used to create menus and more.
Organization: solutionforest
treeview,State of the art MongoDB IDE
Organization: southbanksoftware
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treeview,Vuetify draggable v-treeview component
User: suusan2go
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treeview,Angular tree component
Organization: valor-software
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User: wwmz
treeview,ExpandableRecyclerView with smoothly animation.
User: xigong93
treeview,CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
Organization: you-dont-need
treeview,A Tree Plugin For Vue2.0+
User: zdy1988
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