Topic: photo-gallery Goto Github
Some thing interesting about photo-gallery
Some thing interesting about photo-gallery
photo-gallery,🌆 Here I've aggregated some of the most commonly used web-page templates made using Bootstrap4 🛒
User: akashgiricse
photo-gallery,Pix is a Whatsapp image picker replica. with this, you can integrate an image picker just like WhatsApp.
User: akshay2211
photo-gallery,Justified image gallery component for React
User: benhowell
Home Page:
photo-gallery,A fast directory-first photo gallery website, with rich UI, optimized for running on low resource servers (especially on raspberry pi)
User: bpatrik
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photo-gallery,Self-hosted Image and Video Hosting solution, your own Flickr/imgur media sharing alternative with your rules.
Organization: chevereto
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photo-gallery,Check out my photography portfolio made with React!
User: danielnuwin
photo-gallery,Customizable media picker written with SwiftUI
Organization: exyte
photo-gallery,Photo finder application for macOS
User: gergelysanta
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photo-gallery,Command-line tool for easy PhotoSwipe galleries in Hugo
User: gjjvdburg
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photo-gallery,Beautiful and simple photo galleries that help you tell your story. Free and open-source.
User: haltakov
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photo-gallery,Hellohao图床 | 图像托管 | 云相册,分享/水印、存储源分发、图像管理、前后端分离。
User: hello-hao
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photo-gallery,An image resizing library for Android
User: hkk595
photo-gallery,Responsive photo gallery component for React
User: igordanchenko
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photo-gallery,High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
Organization: immich-app
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photo-gallery,A simple, featureless (By design) full-width photo gallery.
User: inlustra
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photo-gallery,🖼️ Wall panel mode and photo screensaver for your Home Assistant Dashboards
User: j-a-n
photo-gallery,📸 Instagram-like image picker for Android (一款 UI 炫酷高仿 Instagram 的图片、视频选择器)
User: jessyancoding
photo-gallery,📷 A Website created using Tailwind CSS, HTML, CSS and JavaScript that can be used as a Photographer Portfolio.
User: joaofranco03
Home Page:
photo-gallery,Manage local photos on Android: gallery, geotag with photomap, privacy, tags, find, sort, view, copy, send, ... .
User: k3b
photo-gallery,A series of animation challenges in React Native.
User: kiok46
photo-gallery,A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
Organization: lycheeorg
Home Page:
photo-gallery,A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
Organization: lycheeorg
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photo-gallery,Super Image Picker is a powerful image selector. Support for huge image preview (such as 10000 * 5000px), support for image cropping, configurable avatar mode and normal mode, support for a variety of image load library
User: martin90s
photo-gallery,jQuery plugin that converts your list of images into a grid-based gallery on Bootstrap 4. Supports larger view in a modal with next / previous controls
User: michaelsoriano
photo-gallery,Web's most easy to integrate lightbox gallery library. Super-lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies.
Organization: nextapps-de
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photo-gallery,📸 Your memories under your control
Organization: nextcloud
photo-gallery,novaGallery - a beautiful and and ease to use php image gallery for your photos - flat file - no database required - modern responsive design
Organization: novafacile
Home Page:
photo-gallery,Illustrates how to integrate a highly flexible image gallery into a Jekyll blog/website.
User: opieters
photo-gallery,Picker - A CameraX based WhatsApp Style Image-Video Picker
User: parag2385
photo-gallery,Simple react-based photo gallery inspired by Airbnb image gallery.
User: pedropalau
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photo-gallery,Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers
Organization: photoview
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photo-gallery,Manage your photos with Piwigo, a full featured open source photo gallery application for the web. Star us on Github! More than 200 plugins and themes available. Join us and contribute!
Organization: piwigo
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photo-gallery,Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
User: pulsejet
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photo-gallery,A customizable plug-in photo gallery management application for the Django web framework.
User: richardbarran
photo-gallery,Self-hosted image sharing software, your own Flickr/Imgur with your very own rules. 👍 Go to chevereto/chevereto for newer Chevereto releases.
User: rodber
Home Page:
photo-gallery,Port of the original GMImagePicker component to Xamarin.iOS
User: roycornelissen
photo-gallery,Family Connections - Create a private family website.
User: ryanhowdy
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photo-gallery,photo gallery image template. Multiple options to display photos for a photographers website
User: singhofen
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photo-gallery,Universal API for request permission and get its statuses.
Organization: sparrowcode
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photo-gallery,A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures
Organization: stfalcon-studio
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photo-gallery,A User-Focused Photo & File Management System
Organization: tagstudiodev
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photo-gallery,Starter site for creating a responsive image gallery using the Eleventy static site generator
User: tannerdolby
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photo-gallery,An easy to use, simple to manage, web photo gallery written in PHP.
Organization: ubergallery
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photo-gallery,Photo Picker Of Android Library
User: werbhelius
photo-gallery,Self-hosted open-source web gallery to view your photos and videos featuring mobile-friendly, tagging and AI powered image discovery
User: xemle
Home Page:
User: yangpeixing
photo-gallery,The Zenphoto open-source gallery and CMS project
Organization: zenphoto
Home Page:
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