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tweenr's Introduction


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What is this?

tweenr is a package for interpolating data, mainly for animations. It provides a range of functions that take data of different forms and calculate intermediary values. It supports all atomic vector types along with factor, Date, POSIXct, characters representing colours, and list. tweenr is used extensibly by gganimate to create smooth animations, but can also be used by itself to prepare data for animation in another framework.

How do I get it?

tweenr is available on CRAN and can be installed with install.packages('tweenr'). In order to get the development version you can install it from github with devtools


An example

Following is an example of using the pipeable tween_state() function with our belowed iris data:


# Prepare the data with some extra columns
iris$col <- c('firebrick', 'forestgreen', 'steelblue')[as.integer(iris$Species)]
iris$size <- 4
iris$alpha <- 1
iris <- split(iris, iris$Species)

# Here comes tweenr
iris_tween <- iris$setosa %>% 
  tween_state(iris$versicolor, ease = 'cubic-in-out', nframes = 30) %>% 
  keep_state(10) %>% 
  tween_state(iris$virginica, ease = 'elastic-out', nframes = 30) %>% 
  keep_state(10) %>% 
  tween_state(iris$setosa, ease = 'quadratic-in', nframes = 30) %>% 

# Animate it to show the effect
p_base <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(aes(x = Petal.Length, y = Petal.Width, alpha = alpha, colour = col, 
                 size = size)) + 
  scale_colour_identity() +
  scale_alpha_identity() + 
  scale_size_identity() + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = range(iris_tween$Petal.Length), 
                  ylim = range(iris_tween$Petal.Width))
iris_tween <- split(iris_tween, iris_tween$.frame)
for (d in iris_tween) {
  p <- p_base %+% d

Other functions

Besides the tween_state()/keep_state() combo showcased above, there are a slew of other functions meant for data in different formats

tween_components takes a single data.frame, a vector of ids identifying recurrent elements, and a vector of timepoints for each row and interpolate each element between its specified time points.

tween_events takes a single data.frame where each row encodes a single unique event, along with a start, and end time and expands the data across a given number of frames.

tween_along takes a single data.frame along with an id and timepoint vector and calculate evenly spaced intermediary values with the possibility of keeping old values at each frame.

tween_at takes two data.frames or vectors along with a numeric vector giving the interpolation point between the two data.frames to calculate.

tween_fill fills missing values in a vector or data.frame by interpolating between previous and next non-missing elements


In order to get smooth transitions you’d often want a non-linear interpolation. This can be achieved by using an easing function to translate the equidistant interpolation points into new ones. tweenr has support for a wide range of different easing functions, all of which can be previewed using display_ease() as here where the popular cubic-in-out is shown:


Spatial interpolations

The purpose of tweenr is to interpolate values independently. If paths and polygons needs to be transitioned the transformr package should be used as it expands tweenr into the spatial realm

tweenr's People


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tweenr's Issues

Frames dropped when using tweenr and gganimate


With the given data set and the code below, the resulting animation should end in the year 2015, not 1995 as it does.

Here is the code. A error in the code?

`#### Reproducible code - error with missing frames in gganmate using tweenr ####






Working Directory

setwd("C:/Users/brockjue/Documents/JB B/Fujitsu Americas/Marketing Intelligence/R/Animations")


options(scipen = 999)

Raw Data - Data Entry/ Import

IT.industry <- read_excel("~/JB B/Fujitsu Americas/Marketing Intelligence/R/Animations/Evolution-dataset-GitHub.xlsx",
sheet = "timeline3-R", na = "NA")

Data Reformating

key variables as factor and integer and sorting - full dataset

IT.industry$Company <- as.factor(IT.industry$Company)
IT.industry$Company <- ordered(IT.industry$Company)
IT.industry$Year <- as.integer(IT.industry$Year)

Interpolations with tweenr full dataset

IT.industry.tweenr <- IT.industry %>% split(.$Year) %>% tweenr::tween_states(tweenlength = 0.1, statelength = 0, ease = "linear", nframes = 600)
IT.industry.tweenr$FTEs2 <- IT.industry.tweenr$FTEs/1000
IT.industry.tweenr$Company <- ordered(IT.industry.tweenr$Company)

Data Display

evolution3 <- ggplot(IT.industry.tweenr,
aes(x = Year, y = Profitability2, size = Revenue3, color = Company, frame = Year, cumulative = FALSE)) +
geom_point(alpha = .1, stroke = 0) +
geom_text(label = IT.industry.tweenr$Company, size = 3, hjust = 1, vjust = 1) +
#geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
ggtitle("Year: ") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(1,20)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position="none") +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(1950, 2020), breaks = c(1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(-0.8,0.8)) +
xlab("Year") + ylab("Profitability (Net income / revenue")
gganimate(evolution3, "Evolution3-GitHub.mp4", interval=0.1, title_frame = TRUE, ani.width=800, ani.height=400)

END All ####`

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

NSE evaluation, similar to dplyr

This package is excellent and I'll be interested in integrating it into the gganimate package!

Would you be open to changing tween_elements etc to take bare names instead of strings for the columns? For example, instead of

data %>%
    tween_elements('time', 'group', 'ease', nframes = 100)

It could be used like:

data %>%
    tween_elements(time, group, ease, nframes = 100)

This could be implemented as described here, by making two versions of the functions, e.g. tween_elements_ and tween_elements. The advantages:

  • When used in a dplyr pipeline, people may be accustomed to using dplyr's, tidyr's, and ggplot2's use of bare expressions over passing strings of columns
  • This API would be consistent with future features where people could perform operations in the tween_elements call, e.g. tween_elements(time = round(year, -2)...), or where a bare string for ease would be interpreted as an argument (e.g. someone could just put tween_elements(...ease = "cubic-in-out"... without having to add theease column to the data).
  • People could still call tween_elements_ if they wanted to provide string column names

If you are open to this change, I would be very happy to implement it myself and submit it as a pull request

Compiler error: M_PI_2 undeclared

I'm attempting to install tweenr on a Redhat cluster server and I'm getting the below error. Can you please let me know if I'm doing something wrong? Thanks

* installing *source* package ‘tweenr’ ...
** package ‘tweenr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** libs
g++ -m64 -std=gnu++11 -I"/usr/include/R" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/kn6838/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/4.0/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include   -fpic  -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m64 -mtune=generic  -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
gcc -m64 -I"/usr/include/R" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/kn6838/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/4.0/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include  -std=c11 -fpic  -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m64 -mtune=generic  -c easing.c -o easing.o
easing.c: In function ‘SineEaseIn’:
easing.c:139:24: error: ‘M_PI_2’ undeclared (first use in this function)
   return sin((p - 1) * M_PI_2) + 1;

Making dancing ball.gif

Hi I try to use the code for the dancing ball but i get the following error message. Can you help?
convert -loop 0 -delay 6.66666666666667 Rplot1.png Rplot2.png Rplot3.png Rplot4.png Rplot5.png Rplot6.png Rplot7.png Rplot8.png
Rplot9.png Rplot10.png Rplot11.png Rplot12.png Rplot13.png Rplot14.png Rplot15.png Rplot16.png Rplot17.png Rplot18.png Rplot19.png
Rplot20.png Rplot21.png Rplot22.png Rplot23.png Rplot24.png Rplot25.png Rplot26.png Rplot27.png Rplot28.png Rplot29.png Rplot30.png
Rplot31.png Rplot32.png Rplot33.png Rplot34.png Rplot35.png Rplot36.png Rplot37.png Rplot38.png Rplot39.png Rplot40.png Rplot41.png
Rplot42.png Rplot43.png Rplot44.png Rplot45.png Rplot46.png Rplot47.png Rplot48.png Rplot49.png Rplot50.png Rplot51.png Rplot52.png
Rplot53.png Rplot54.png Rplot55.png Rplot56.png Rplot57.png Rplot58.png Rplot59.png Rplot60.png Rplot61.png Rplot62.png Rplot63.png
Rplot64.png Rplot65.png Rplot66.png Rplot67.png Rplot68.png Rplot69.png Rplot70.png Rplot71.png Rplot72.png Rplot73.png Rplot74.png
Rplot75.png Rplot76.png Rplot77.png Rplot78.png Rplot79.png Rplot80.png Rplot81.png Rplot82.png Rplot83.png Rplot84.png Rplot85.png
Rplot86.png Rplot87.png Rplot88.png Rplot89.png Rplot90.png Rplot91.png Rplot92.png Rplot93.png Rplot94.png Rplot95.png Rplot96.png
Rplot97.png Rplot98.png Rplot99.png Rplot100.png Rplot101.png Rplot102.png Rplot103.png Rplot104.png Rplot105.png Rplot106.png
Rplot107.png Rplot108.png Rplot109.png Rplot110.png Rplot111.png Rplot112.png Rplot113.png Rplot114.png Rplot115.png Rplot116.png
Rplot117.png Rplot118.png Rplot119.png Rplot120.png Rplot121.png Rplot122.png Rplot123.png Rplot124.png Rplot125.png Rplot126.png
Rplot127.png Rplot128.png Rplot129.png Rplot130.png Rplot131.png Rplot132.png Rplot133.png Rplot134.png Rplot135.png Rplot136.png
Rplot137.png Rplot138.png Rplot139.png Rplot140.png Rplot141.png Rplot142.png Rplot143.png Rplot144.png Rplot145.png Rplot146.png
Rplot147.png Rplot148.png Rplot149.png Rplot150.png Rplot151.png Rplot152.png Rplot153.png Rplot154.png Rplot155.png Rplot156.png
Rplot157.png Rplot158.png Rplot159.png Rplot160.png Rplot161.png Rplot162.png Rplot163.png Rplot164.png Rplot165.png Rplot166.png
Rplot167.png Rplot168.png Rplot169.png Rplot170.png Rplot171.png Rplot172.png Rplot173.png Rplot174.png Rplot175.png Rplot176.png
Rplot177.png Rplot178.png Rplot179.png Rplot180.png Rplot181.png Rplot182.png Rplot183.png Rplot184.png Rplot185.png Rplot186.png
Rplot187.png Rplot188.png Rplot189.png Rplot190.png Rplot191.png Rplot192.png Rplot193.png Rplot194.png Rplot195.png Rplot196.png
Rplot197.png Rplot198.png Rplot199.png Rplot200.png Rplot201.png Rplot202.png Rplot203.png Rplot204.png Rplot205.png Rplot206.png
Rplot207.png Rplot208.png Rplot209.png Rplot210.png Rplot211.png Rplot212.png Rplot213.png Rplot214.png Rplot215.png Rplot216.png
Rplot217.png Rplot218.png Rplot219.png Rplot220.png Rplot221.png Rplot222.png Rplot223.png Rplot224.png Rplot225.png Rplot226.png
Rplot227.png Rplot228.png Rplot229.png Rplot230.png Rplot231.png Rplot232.png Rplot233.png Rplot234.png Rplot235.png Rplot236.png
Rplot237.png Rplot238.png Rplot239.png Rplot240.png Rplot241.png Rplot242.png Rplot243.png Rplot244.png Rplot245.png Rplot246.png
Rplot247.png Rplot248.png Rplot249.png Rplot250.png Rplot251.png Rplot252.png Rplot253.png Rplot254.png Rplot255.png Rplot256.png
Rplot257.png Rplot258.png Rplot259.png Rplot260.png Rplot261.png Rplot262.png Rplot263.png Rplot264.png Rplot265.png Rplot266.png
Rplot267.png Rplot268.png Rplot269.png Rplot270.png Rplot271.png Rplot272.png Rplot273.png Rplot274.png Rplot275.png Rplot276.png
Rplot277.png Rplot278.png Rplot279.png Rplot280.png Rplot281.png Rplot282.png Rplot283.png Rplot284.png Rplot285.png Rplot286.png
Rplot287.png Rplot288.png Rplot289.png Rplot290.png Rplot291.png Rplot292.png Rplot293.png Rplot294.png Rplot295.png Rplot296.png
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Rplot347.png Rplot348.png Rplot349.png Rplot350.png Rplot351.png Rplot352.png Rplot353.png Rplot354.png Rplot355.png Rplot356.png
Rplot357.png Rplot358.png Rplot359.png Rplot360.png Rplot361.png Rplot362.png Rplot363.png Rplot364.png Rplot365.png Rplot366.png
Rplot367.png Rplot368.png Rplot369.png Rplot370.png Rplot371.png Rplot372.png Rplot373.png Rplot374.png Rplot375.png 'dancing
convert: no decode delegate for this image format PNG' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/509. convert: no images defined dancing ball.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3254.
an error occurred in the conversion... see Notes in ?im.convert
Error in file(file, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rb") :
cannot open file '/Users/anabento/Desktop/dancing ball.gif': No such file or directory

Release tweenr 2.0.0

Prepare for release:

  • git pull
  • Check current CRAN check results
  • Check if any deprecation processes should be advanced, as described in Gradual deprecation
  • Polish NEWS
  • devtools::build_readme()
  • urlchecker::url_check()
  • devtools::check(remote = TRUE, manual = TRUE)
  • devtools::check_win_devel()
  • rhub::check_for_cran()
  • rhub::check(platform = 'ubuntu-rchk')
  • rhub::check_with_sanitizers()
  • revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4)
  • Update
  • git push
  • Draft blog post

Submit to CRAN:

  • usethis::use_version('major')
  • devtools::submit_cran()
  • Approve email

Wait for CRAN...

  • Accepted 🎉
  • git push
  • usethis::use_github_release()
  • usethis::use_dev_version()
  • git push
  • Finish blog post
  • Tweet
  • Add link to blog post in pkgdown news menu

add tween_at

tween_at(from, to, at, ease) will allow you to get interpolation at a specific point. vectorised along from, to, and at with recycling

Add tween_along

Purpose is to take a df along with group id and time and for each group create equidistant rows based on the given times... Kind of like approx but for data frames

"std::bad_alloc" when testing on my data

Steps to reproduce:

x <- readRDS(gzcon(url("")))
tween_elements(x, "PODFrame", "AnimalID", "ease", nframes=500)

Error message:

> tween_elements(x, "PODFrame", "AnimalID", "ease", nframes=500)
Error: std::bad_alloc
> traceback()
7: stop(list(message = "std::bad_alloc", call = NULL, cppstack = NULL))
6: .Call("tweenr_numeric_element_interpolator", PACKAGE = "tweenr", 
       data, group, frame, ease)
5: numeric_element_interpolator(data, group, frame, ease)
4: interpolate_numeric_element(d, group, frame, ease)
3: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
2: lapply(seq_along(data), function(i) {
       d <- data[[i]]
       switch(colClasses[i], numeric = interpolate_numeric_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), factor = interpolate_factor_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), character = interpolate_character_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), colour = interpolate_colour_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), date = interpolate_date_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), datetime = interpolate_datetime_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease), constant = interpolate_constant_element(d, 
           group, frame, ease))
1: tween_elements(x, "PODFrame", "AnimalID", "ease", nframes = 500)

code for the examples?

Could you please write the code of the a animations on the main github tweenr page or the help files, please?
With an example with gganimate, please.

Interpolate between as.POSIXct()

I have a data.frame containing information on stops and arrival/departure times of an arbitrary train:

                     name      id       lon      lat routeIdx         datetime_ct
1          Hamburg-Altona 8002553  9.935174 53.55270        0 2016-06-13 06:20:00
2         Hamburg Dammtor 8002548  9.989568 53.56075        1 2016-06-13 06:28:00
3             Hamburg Hbf 8002549 10.006908 53.55273        2 2016-06-13 06:34:00
4          Berlin-Spandau 8010404 13.197530 52.53447        3 2016-06-13 08:10:00
5       Berlin Hbf (tief) 8098160 13.369548 52.52559        4 2016-06-13 08:27:00
6         Berlin Südkreuz 8011113 13.365314 52.47504        5 2016-06-13 08:34:00
7  Lutherstadt Wittenberg 8010222 12.662286 51.86781        6 2016-06-13 09:09:00
8              Bitterfeld 8010050 12.316848 51.62286        7 2016-06-13 09:26:00
9             Leipzig Hbf 8010205 12.383333 51.34655        8 2016-06-13 09:48:00
10             Erfurt Hbf 8010101 11.038501 50.97255        9 2016-06-13 10:34:00
11                  Fulda 8000115  9.683980 50.55472       10 2016-06-13 11:57:00
12           Würzburg Hbf 8000260  9.935777 49.80179       11 2016-06-13 12:33:00
13           Nürnberg Hbf 8000284 11.082989 49.44561       12 2016-06-13 13:31:00
14         Ingolstadt Hbf 8000183 11.437335 48.74454       13 2016-06-13 14:05:00
15            München Hbf 8000261 11.558338 48.14023       14 2016-06-13 14:41:00

The column datetime_ct is as.POSIXct():

> str(ice)
'data.frame':   15 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ name       : chr  "Hamburg-Altona" "Hamburg Dammtor" "Hamburg Hbf" "Berlin-Spandau" ...
 $ id         : chr  "8002553" "8002548" "8002549" "8010404" ...
 $ lon        : num  9.94 9.99 10.01 13.2 13.37 ...
 $ lat        : num  53.6 53.6 53.6 52.5 52.5 ...
 $ routeIdx   : num  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
 $ datetime_ct: POSIXct, format: "2016-06-13 06:20:00" "2016-06-13 06:28:00" "2016-06-13 06:34:00" ...

I want to interpolate between the arrival/departure times to visualize the movement of the train as I did here:

I have data for one train only, therefore I have just a single group:

ice$group <- 1

I want tweenr to interpolate linearly:

ice$ease <- "linear"

And now I use tween_elements() to interpolate:

> tween_elements(ice, time = "datetime_ct", group = "group", ease = "ease", nframes = 100)

Error in `/.difftime`((data[[time]] - timerange[1]), framelength) : 
  second argument of / cannot be a "difftime" object

I wonder if it's a mistake of mine or if there's a problem with tween_elements().

Error in 'Dancing Balls' example (tweenr_0.1.5.9999)

Using the dev/GitHub version of tweenr, running the code section for Dancing Balls in the README verbatim return this error:

Error in rgb(int_col[, 1], int_col[, 2], int_col[, 3], maxColorValue = 255) : 
  colour intensity -320, not in 0:255

I believe this occurs in the code block beginning on line 87 in R/tween_states.R, when attempting to interpolate_colour_state (line 96), which in turn calls farver::convert_colour, which I think is where the error arises.

Inconsistent number of frames created by 'tween_state'

I'm noticing that tween_state calculates one fewer frame if its .data argument is not the result of a prior "tween" than if its .data argument is the result of a prior "tween".

For an example with three (identical) states stored in a list that is "reduced" by tween_state with nframes=2 I'm observing no transition frame for the tween of the first two states and one transition frame for the tween of the second and third states.

> library("tweenr")
> df <- data.frame(piece_type = "pawn", color = "black",
+                  x = 1.0, y = 1.0, id = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> dfs <- list(df, df, df)
> print(dfs)
  piece_type color x y id
1       pawn black 1 1  1

  piece_type color x y id
1       pawn black 1 1  1

  piece_type color x y id
1       pawn black 1 1  1

> fn <- function(df1, df2) tween_state(df1, df2, ease = 'linear', nframes = 2, id = id)
> df <- Reduce(fn, dfs)
> print(df)
   piece_type     color x y id .id     .phase .frame
1        pawn     black 1 1  1   1        raw      1
2        pawn     black 1 1  1   1        raw      2
21       pawn #000000FF 1 1  1   1 transition      3
11       pawn     black 1 1  1   1        raw      4

Making an animation using tween_appear()


I am trying to create an animation of my first bicycle ride of 2017. I have a data frame with latitude longitude gradient and n (indicating the order of points).

I used tween_appear() to interpolate between the points but it is not clear to me how to use .age and .frame to create an animation with gganimate().

Here is some sample code, I have dputted the data into a gist to save space in this issue.

The map in the code creates the animation for lat_lon as I could not work out how to do it with the tween_data.

# data
lat_lon <- data_from_link

# make up new data using tweenr
tween_data <- tween_appear(lat_lon, 'n', nframes = 200)

# make a bbox
bbox <- ggmap::make_bbox(lat_lon$lon, lat_lon$lat, f = 0.3)
# get map
map <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(get_map(bbox, maptype = 'satellite')))

# plot of just the lat_lon data
le_plot <- ggmap(map) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank()) +
  geom_path(aes(x = lon, y = lat,  col = grad, frame = n, cumulative = T), data = lat_lon, size = 2) +
  coord_cartesian() +
  scale_color_distiller('Gradient (%)', palette = 'Spectral') +
  facet_wrap(~ .frame)

animation::ani.options(interval = 1/24)
gg_animate(le_plot,  'first_ride_2017.gif', title_frame = F)

Any tips or help much appreciated.


Transition polygons and path with different number of points. Saw a d3 example somewhere

Change to MIT license

This package changed licensing some time ago without getting the consent from contributors. This was just me not being aware of the finer prints of GPL licensing (incidentallly this was also why I wanted to change it). So previous contributors (@jimhester, @QuLogic, @lgatto, @lselzer, @jpolonsky) if you are against this change, reply to this thread and I’ll make sure to undo your contributions. I’ll close this issue in a month or so and consider it resolved if no one responds

Release tweenr 1.0.2

Prepare for release:

  • Check current CRAN check results
  • Polish NEWS
  • devtools::build_readme()
  • urlchecker::url_check()
  • devtools::check(remote = TRUE, manual = TRUE)
  • devtools::check_win_devel()
  • rhub::check_for_cran()
  • rhub::check(platform = 'ubuntu-rchk')
  • rhub::check_with_sanitizers()
  • revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 4)
  • Update

Submit to CRAN:

  • usethis::use_version('patch')
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Off-by-one error in `tween_elements()` when colors are included

This can be illustrated with a slightly modified version of the dropping balls example:

d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(20), y = rnorm(20), time = sample(100, 20), alpha = 0,
                colour = "goldenrod",
                size = 1, ease = 'linear', id = 1:20,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d2 <- d
d2$time <- d$time + 10
d2$alpha <- 1
d2$size <- 3
d2$ease <- 'linear'
d3 <- d2
d3$time <- max(d2$time)
df <- bind_rows(d, d2, d3)

dt <- tween_elements(df, 'time', 'id', 'ease', nframes = 500)

This returns the error:
Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 5432, 5431

The problem does not occur if the color column is omitted. I'm not sure where exactly the problem is in the code.

values shifted over time

This is my first bug report and hope I'm doing this correctly. Feedback is welcomed, and most off thank you for your free software and contributions

# Reprex for tweenr
  ~DATE, ~temp, ~humidity, ~wind_speed,
'2019-08-05 00:53:00',	75,	60,	6,
'2019-08-05 01:53:00',	73,	66,	5,
'2019-08-05 02:53:00',	71,	68,	8,
'2019-08-05 03:53:00',	71,	63,	10,
'2019-08-05 04:53:00',	70,	64,	9,
'2019-08-05 05:53:00',	69,	59,	9,
'2019-08-05 06:53:00',	71,	55,	9,
'2019-08-05 07:53:00',	73,	51,	5,
'2019-08-05 08:53:00',	77,	43,	5,
'2019-08-05 09:53:00',	77,	48,	7) %>% 
  mutate(DATE = ymd_hms(DATE)) -> in_dat

# create tibble with 15 minute increments
(add_mins <- tibble(DATE = seq(in_dat$DATE[1], in_dat$DATE[10], by = 900)))

add_mins %>% left_join(in_dat) # looks good

(add_mins %>% left_join(in_dat) %>% 
  tweenr::tween_fill(., ease = 'linear') -> test) # time now starts earlier

test %>% slice(17) # nearly the same time as first row (off by on sec, fine)
                   # but values for first row of in_dat are attributed to 

compilation fails - Rf_pythag undeclared

Hi Thomas,
When I try to install the tweenr package it gives me the following error msg:

  • installing source package ‘tweenr’ ...
    ** package ‘tweenr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
    ** using staged installation
    ** libs
    g++ -m64 -std=gnu++11 -I"/usr/include/R" -DNDEBUG -I'/usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include -fpic -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
    In file included from /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/RcppCommon.h:67,
    from /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp.h:27,
    from RcppExports.cpp:4:
    /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sprintf.h: In function ‘std::string Rcpp::sprintf(const char*, ...)’:
    /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sprintf.h:30:12: warning: unnecessary parentheses in declaration of ‘ap’ [-Wparentheses]
    30 | va_list(ap);
    | ^~~~
    /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/sprintf.h:30:12: note: remove parentheses
    30 | va_list(ap);
    | ^~~~
    | - -
    In file included from /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp.h:77,
    from RcppExports.cpp:4:
    /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/Rmath.h: In function ‘double R::pythag(double, double)’:
    /usr/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/Rmath.h:222:60: error: ‘::Rf_pythag’ has not been declared; did you mean ‘pythag’?
    222 | inline double pythag(double a, double b) { return ::Rf_pythag(a, b); }
    | ^~~~~~~~~
    | pythag
    make: *** [/usr/lib64/R/etc/Makeconf:181: RcppExports.o] Error 1
    ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘tweenr’
  • removing ‘/usr/lib64/R/library/tweenr’

My session info is the following:
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Fedora 34 (Workstation Edition)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.0.5 tools_4.0.5 tcltk_4.0.5


Dynamic Titles

Would it be possible to add dynamic titles to use in conjunction with gg_animate. For example:

ts <- split(gapminder, gapminder$year)

tf <- tween_states(ts, tweenlength = 2, statelength = 1, ease = 'cubic-in-out', nframes = 50)

p <- ggplot(data = tf, aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, size = pop, color = continent, frame = .frame)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_log10() +

gg_animate(p, interval = 0.2)


Notice that this has a static Title and then the frame from frame = .frame.

Error in .Call(***_interpolator)

I'm receiving the following (and similar) errors when re-running the provided examples in both gganimate and tweenr packages.

Error in .Call("_tweenr_numeric_element_interpolator", PACKAGE = "tweenr", :
"_tweenr_numeric_element_interpolator" not available for .Call() for package "tweenr"

The only difference appears to be the interpolator. I'm stumped as to how to correct this is as .Call is an internal function.

Error: cannot create std::vector larger than max_size()

It seems we hit a regression when trying to use the tween_component


Error: cannot create std::vector larger than max_size()
In addition: Warning message:
In numeric_element_interpolator(as.numeric(data), as.integer(group),  :
  NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

This is most likely line 24 (ease_seq) in numeric_element_interpolator fn:

21        for (i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) {
22          if (current_group == group[i]) {
23            int nframes = frame[i] - frame[i-1];
24            std::vector<double> ease_points = ease_seq(ease[i-1], nframes);
25            for (size_t j = 0; j < ease_points.size(); ++j) {
26              tweendata.push_back(data[i - 1] + ease_points[j] * (data[i] - data[i - 1]));
27              tweengroup.push_back(current_group);
28              tweenframe.push_back(j + frame[i-1]);
29            }
30          } else {

Do you have any hints why this could happen?

Examples in README do not work anymore with last gganimate dev version


In last dev version of gganimate, @dgrtwo changed gg_animate to gganimate with more changes on the way GIF are saved.

It is a breaking change for examples when we install with
devtools::install_github("dgrtwo/gganimate"). We need to install last working version dgrtwo/gganimate@26ec501 with gg_animate

As it is curently Work In Progress for gganimate, we maybe should wait for final work but as I wanted to try tweenr I stumbled upon these non working examples.

I thought it would be valuable to report this.

tween_appear not respecting timerange values

Right now, setting the lower value of timerange doesn't affect the starting point of the tween. E.g.:


df <- data.frame(time = 0:10, val = 0:10)
tw_df <- tween_appear(df, "time", timerange = c(-1, 11), nframes = 100)

filter(tw_df, time == 0, .frame == 0)


  time val .age .frame
1    0   0    0      0

when it should actually be returning

  time val .age .frame
1    0   0   -1      0


tw_df <- tween_appear(df, "time", timerange = c(1, 11), nframes = 100)

filter(tw_df, time == 0, .frame == 0)


  time val .age .frame
1    0   0    0      0

when it should actually be returning

  time val .age .frame
1    0   0    1      0

I believe this can be solved in the tween_appear function by changing:

timepoint <- f * framelength


timepoint <- f * framelength + min(timerange)

In addition, I think that:

framelength <- diff(timerange)/nframes

should be changed to:

framelength <- diff(timerange)/(frames-1)

to ensure that the last frame ends exactly on the upper value of timerange.

Of course, I might also have completely missed the point of what the code is intended to do, in which case you can safely ignore all of the above :-)

`tween_t()` does not consistently place key positions when interpolating multiple variables

I was attempting to use the tween_t functions to interpolate between positions in 3D, but there are discontinuities due to tweenr placing the key frames at separate points in the tweened sequence, even though it's all in the same tween_t() call. You can see below that the key frames randomly switch between the 7th/13th and 8th/14th item in the sequence, and aren't consistent across columns.

vals = tweenr::tween_t(list(c(1,2,1,2),c(1,2,1,2)),n=20),vals)
#>           [,1]     [,2]
#>  [1,] 1.000000 1.000000
#>  [2,] 1.142857 1.166667
#>  [3,] 1.285714 1.333333
#>  [4,] 1.428571 1.500000
#>  [5,] 1.571429 1.666667
#>  [6,] 1.714286 1.833333
#>  [7,] 1.857143 2.000000
#>  [8,] 2.000000 1.833333
#>  [9,] 1.833333 1.666667
#> [10,] 1.666667 1.500000
#> [11,] 1.500000 1.333333
#> [12,] 1.333333 1.166667
#> [13,] 1.166667 1.000000
#> [14,] 1.000000 1.142857
#> [15,] 1.166667 1.285714
#> [16,] 1.333333 1.428571
#> [17,] 1.500000 1.571429
#> [18,] 1.666667 1.714286
#> [19,] 1.833333 1.857143
#> [20,] 2.000000 2.000000

which(vals[[1]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 14
which(vals[[2]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 13

vals = tweenr::tween_t(list(c(1,2,1,2),c(1,2,1,2)),n=20),vals)
#>           [,1]     [,2]
#>  [1,] 1.000000 1.000000
#>  [2,] 1.142857 1.166667
#>  [3,] 1.285714 1.333333
#>  [4,] 1.428571 1.500000
#>  [5,] 1.571429 1.666667
#>  [6,] 1.714286 1.833333
#>  [7,] 1.857143 2.000000
#>  [8,] 2.000000 1.857143
#>  [9,] 1.833333 1.714286
#> [10,] 1.666667 1.571429
#> [11,] 1.500000 1.428571
#> [12,] 1.333333 1.285714
#> [13,] 1.166667 1.142857
#> [14,] 1.000000 1.000000
#> [15,] 1.166667 1.166667
#> [16,] 1.333333 1.333333
#> [17,] 1.500000 1.500000
#> [18,] 1.666667 1.666667
#> [19,] 1.833333 1.833333
#> [20,] 2.000000 2.000000

which(vals[[1]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 14
which(vals[[2]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 14

vals = tweenr::tween_t(list(c(1,2,1,2),c(1,2,1,2)),n=20),vals)
#>           [,1]     [,2]
#>  [1,] 1.000000 1.000000
#>  [2,] 1.142857 1.166667
#>  [3,] 1.285714 1.333333
#>  [4,] 1.428571 1.500000
#>  [5,] 1.571429 1.666667
#>  [6,] 1.714286 1.833333
#>  [7,] 1.857143 2.000000
#>  [8,] 2.000000 1.833333
#>  [9,] 1.833333 1.666667
#> [10,] 1.666667 1.500000
#> [11,] 1.500000 1.333333
#> [12,] 1.333333 1.166667
#> [13,] 1.166667 1.000000
#> [14,] 1.000000 1.142857
#> [15,] 1.166667 1.285714
#> [16,] 1.333333 1.428571
#> [17,] 1.500000 1.571429
#> [18,] 1.666667 1.714286
#> [19,] 1.833333 1.857143
#> [20,] 2.000000 2.000000
which(vals[[1]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 14
which(vals[[2]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 13

vals = tweenr::tween_t(list(c(1,2,1,2),c(1,2,1,2)),n=20),vals)
#>           [,1]     [,2]
#>  [1,] 1.000000 1.000000
#>  [2,] 1.166667 1.166667
#>  [3,] 1.333333 1.333333
#>  [4,] 1.500000 1.500000
#>  [5,] 1.666667 1.666667
#>  [6,] 1.833333 1.833333
#>  [7,] 2.000000 2.000000
#>  [8,] 1.833333 1.857143
#>  [9,] 1.666667 1.714286
#> [10,] 1.500000 1.571429
#> [11,] 1.333333 1.428571
#> [12,] 1.166667 1.285714
#> [13,] 1.000000 1.142857
#> [14,] 1.142857 1.000000
#> [15,] 1.285714 1.166667
#> [16,] 1.428571 1.333333
#> [17,] 1.571429 1.500000
#> [18,] 1.714286 1.666667
#> [19,] 1.857143 1.833333
#> [20,] 2.000000 2.000000
which(vals[[1]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 13
which(vals[[2]] - 1 == 0)
#> [1]  1 14

Created on 2021-02-28 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

g++-4.4 required for installation?

I tried installing tweenr with devtools


but I'm getting the following error:

g++-4.4 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG  -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library/Rcpp/include" -I/usr/local/include   -fPIC  -Wall -g -O2  -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
/bin/sh: g++-4.4: command not found
make: *** [RcppExports.o] Error 127
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘tweenr’

I tried installing gcc version 4.4 with homebrew (I'm on a Mac), but it looks like the oldest version available is 4.9. Any thoughts on what might be going wrong? I'm going to try reinstalling Rcpp and see if that helps.

Thanks! Andrew

Faster alternative to rbind

rbind has shown to be a major bottleneck in the new tween_state() setup and a faster alternative is needed. Currently dplyr::bind_rows() is an obvious choice were it not for the huge dependency. Apparently bind_rows() are being moved to the smaller vctrs package, but I'm unsure whether tweenr should depend on dplyr for an intermediary period

piling up balls.


Could you please add another example as your falling balls one but where the balls instead of falling to the bottom (y=0) stay above the last one if there is one in this x positon?

I mean, balls (of the same size) appear at a given height (y=constant) at random x positions and fall.
And they pile up.
That could be used to show how the histogram is created.

tween_elements fails with factors

Minimal reproducible example.
data <- data.frame( x = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2), y = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1), time = c(1, 4, 10, 4, 8, 10), group = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), ease = rep('cubic-in-out', 6), fct = 'foo' )
data <- tween_elements(data, 'time', 'group', 'ease', nframes = 100)

Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list' Have you called 'sort' on a list?

Error: vector when using tween_elements

I'm trying to interpolate x-y-data (named lire and koli in the data) with tweenr.

With this command:
parlpos2 <- tween_elements(parlpos.tmp, time = 'jahr', group = 'id', ease = 'ease', nframes = 100) I am getting the error: error: vector

And when I use this command:
parlpos2 <- tween_appear(data = parlpos.tmp, time = "jahr", nframes = 45)
and insert the data.frame to ggplot with geom_path and use frame = .frame I am getting a full path like this, instead of something growing:


p <-ggplot(parlpos2[parlpos2$.age+2014>0,], aes(x = lire, y = koli, group = rat, colour=rat, label=jahr, frame = .frame)) +
  geom_path(aes(cumulative = F))

The static data looks like this:
screenshot 2016-04-19 09 40 48

This is my data.frame parlpos.tmp :

parlpos <- read.xlsx("sr_nr14.xlsx", sheetName = "position")

parlpos$id = parlpos$jahr - 1980
parlpos$ease = 'linear'

parlpos.tmp <- parlpos

jahr rat  koli  lire id   ease
1  1981  NR 36.37  1.08  1 linear
2  1982  NR 35.55  1.29  2 linear
3  1983  NR 34.68  1.64  3 linear
4  1984  NR 33.60  1.82  4 linear
5  1985  NR 32.32  2.15  5 linear
6  1986  NR 30.74  2.53  6 linear
7  1987  NR 28.98  2.96  7 linear
8  1988  NR 27.22  3.37  8 linear
9  1989  NR 25.63  3.72  9 linear
10 1990  NR 24.38  4.02 10 linear
11 1991  NR 23.48  4.10 11 linear
12 1992  NR 22.86  4.18 12 linear
13 1993  NR 22.39  3.98 13 linear
14 1994  NR 22.01  3.84 14 linear
15 1995  NR 21.66  3.66 15 linear
16 1996  NR 21.26  3.48 16 linear
17 1997  NR 20.87  3.35 17 linear
18 1998  NR 20.45  3.40 18 linear
19 1999  NR 20.03  3.45 19 linear
20 2000  NR 19.59  3.64 20 linear
21 2001  NR 19.21  3.93 21 linear
22 2002  NR 18.85  4.33 22 linear
23 2003  NR 18.51  4.75 23 linear
24 2004  NR 18.17  5.17 24 linear
25 2005  NR 17.75  5.63 25 linear
26 2006  NR 17.39  6.00 26 linear
27 2007  NR 17.00  6.29 27 linear
28 2008  NR 16.66  6.51 28 linear
29 2009  NR 16.36  6.67 29 linear
30 2010  NR 16.11  6.74 30 linear
31 2011  NR 15.94  6.73 31 linear
32 2012  NR 15.87  6.70 32 linear
33 2013  NR 15.86  6.54 33 linear
34 2014  NR 16.00  6.45 34 linear
35 1981  SR 35.04 11.95  1 linear
36 1982  SR 34.51 12.28  2 linear
37 1983  SR 33.96 13.00  3 linear
38 1984  SR 33.67 13.16  4 linear
39 1985  SR 33.44 13.70  5 linear
40 1986  SR 33.40 14.31  6 linear
41 1987  SR 33.48 15.00  7 linear
42 1988  SR 33.74 15.61  8 linear
43 1989  SR 34.03 16.04  9 linear
44 1990  SR 34.32 16.48 10 linear
45 1991  SR 34.55 16.71 11 linear
46 1992  SR 34.64 16.89 12 linear
47 1993  SR 34.58 17.05 13 linear
48 1994  SR 34.52 17.39 14 linear
49 1995  SR 34.36 17.78 15 linear
50 1996  SR 34.17 18.20 16 linear
51 1997  SR 33.94 18.67 17 linear
52 1998  SR 33.78 19.15 18 linear
53 1999  SR 33.75 19.47 19 linear
54 2000  SR 33.81 19.85 20 linear
55 2001  SR 33.97 20.15 21 linear
56 2002  SR 34.15 20.30 22 linear
57 2003  SR 34.28 20.34 23 linear
58 2004  SR 34.38 20.18 24 linear
59 2005  SR 34.30 20.01 25 linear
60 2006  SR 34.12 19.45 26 linear
61 2007  SR 33.74 18.67 27 linear
62 2008  SR 33.21 17.69 28 linear
63 2009  SR 32.49 16.58 29 linear
64 2010  SR 31.67 15.37 30 linear
65 2011  SR 30.77 14.01 31 linear
66 2012  SR 29.86 12.72 32 linear
67 2013  SR 29.02 11.42 33 linear
68 2014  SR 28.35 10.15 34 linear
> str(parlpos.tmp)
'data.frame':   68 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ jahr: num  1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 ...
 $ rat : Factor w/ 2 levels "NR","SR": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ koli: num  36.4 35.5 34.7 33.6 32.3 ...
 $ lire: num  1.08 1.29 1.64 1.82 2.15 2.53 2.96 3.37 3.72 4.02 ...
 $ id  : num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ ease: chr  "linear" "linear" "linear" "linear" ...

data in Excel: sr_nr14.xlsx

Any idea what is going on?

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