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License: Other
MongoDB for Tencent Cloud
License: Other
CMONGO README Welcome to CMONGO! COMPONENTS mongod - The database process. mongos - Sharding controller. mongo - The database shell (uses interactive javascript). UTILITIES mongodump - MongoDB dump tool - for backups, snapshots, etc. mongorestore - MongoDB restore a dump mongoexport - Export a single collection to test (JSON, CSV) mongoimport - Import from JSON or CSV mongofiles - Utility for putting and getting files from MongoDB GridFS mongostat - Show performance statistics BUILDING See docs/building.md. RUNNING For command line options invoke: $ ./mongod --help To run a single server database: $ mkdir /data/db $ ./mongod $ $ # The mongo javascript shell connects to localhost and test database by default: $ ./mongo > help DRIVERS Client drivers for most programming languages are available at mongodb.org. Use the shell ("mongo") for administrative tasks. PACKAGING Packages are created dynamically by the package.py script located in the buildscripts directory. This will generate RPM and Debian packages. DOCUMENTATION http://www.mongodb.org/ 32 BIT BUILD NOTES CMONGO uses memory mapped files. If built as a 32 bit executable, you will not be able to work with large (multi-gigabyte) databases. However, 32 bit builds work fine with small development databases. LICENSE Most CMONGO source files (src/mongo folder and below) are made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). See individual files for details. As an exception, the files in the client/, debian/, rpm/, utils/mongoutils, and all subdirectories thereof are made available under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.
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