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oksvg's Issues

Dependency x/net is vulnerable

go mod why -m
Dependency is vulnerable, safe version v0.21.0
CVE-2022-41723 7.5 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with High severity found
CVE-2023-44487 5.3 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with Medium severity found
CVE-2023-39325 7.5 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with High severity found

Support for defs


An svg I'm trying to parse uses the defs tag. I was thinking it could grab the elements defined in defs and save them in the SvgIcon's Ids, like it does for gradients.

Flexible rendering backends

If there was the ability to plug in different back-ends this project would be super useful for all sorts of different renderings, such as PDF's, or even GUI applications. Even if this project could support Canvas as a back-end there's already a variety of places it could render, even GioUI.

This project was an early attempt to do what I'm describing above.

Add support for different renderers

Hi !
This is not an issue, but rather a proposal; feel free to close it if not interested !

I would like to use oksvg to render svg files to an other target than an image: I have in mind a PDF file, but it could be any other target.

To do so, I propose an intermediate package which handles the svg parsing but do not import rasterx (or any other backend package). Instead it delegates the drawing to a Driver interface.

This interface is then easily implemented by a thin wrapper around rasterx, but may also be implemented by a PDF writter.

It's true that a PDF writer could directly implement the Scanner interface, but it would be rather inefficient since PDF directly supports high-level path painting operators.

I have a proof of concept at : the raster backend is complete, and the PDF one is
in progress, but already support a large number of features.

If you considerer this idea interesting, we can discuss the details of a possible PR...

SVG conversion to a large PNG takes a lot of time

I'm trying to convert an SVG file to a large PNG.
But it takes a lot of time. So I'm trying to profile the CPU usage to provide a PR. Maybe you could give me a hint?

I found this comment:
// This draws the entire bounds of the image, because
// at this point the alpha mask does not shift with the
// placement of the target rectangle in the vector rasterizer

Indeed, why is it that to draw a single SvgPath we need to iterate over the pixels of the whole canvas?

Black background when converting SVG to PNG

I'm trying to convert a svg file to png, but the output file ended with a black background instead of white.

package converter

import (



func ConvertSvgToPng() error {
	url := ""
	w, h := 512, 512

	response, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer response.Body.Close()

	icon, _ := oksvg.ReadIconStream(response.Body)
	icon.SetTarget(0, 0, float64(w), float64(h))

	rgba := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
	icon.Draw(rasterx.NewDasher(w, h, rasterx.NewScannerGV(w, h, rgba, rgba.Bounds())), 1)

	out, err := os.Create("out.png")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer out.Close()

	err = png.Encode(out, rgba)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return err

SVG file:

PNG output:

support for text?

hello :)

wondering if the converter supports text or Im doing something wrong :|

have this svg that I create in the code, so in the end I have the svg string.

canvas := svg.New(&buf)
canvas.Start(width, height)
canvas.Text(width/2, height/2, "aloha, SVG", "text-anchor:middle;font-size:30px;fill:white")
canvas.Circle(width/2, height/2, 100, "fill: green")

the svg looks like this:
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 6 26 28

but when Im running the repo code to generate a png, I get only a circle.

So want to make sure if text is supported, as it mentions in the readme that not all svg options are available.

Rect with missing X or Y crashes

If you have the content <rect fill="none" height="24" width="24"/> then it hits a ParseError on "" (empty string).
It should, however, default to 0.

Stack is approximately:, 0x5, 0x40, 0x4014000000000000, 0x0, 0x0)
	/home/andy/Code/Go/src/ +0xbe*PathCursor).ReadFloat(0xc002a56f00, 0xc00390ff90, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0)
	/home/andy/Code/Go/src/ +0x236*PathCursor).GetPoints(0xc002a56f00, 0xc00390ff90, 0x5, 0x1, 0x0)
	/home/andy/Code/Go/src/ +0x235*PathCursor).addSeg(0xc002a56f00, 0xc00390ff8f, 0x6, 0x0, 0x0)
	/home/andy/Code/Go/src/ +0x78*PathCursor).CompilePath(0xc002a56f00, 0xc00390fe40, 0x156, 0xc000096f18, 0x4629fc)
	/home/andy/Code/Go/src/ +0x10c

compound path drawing seems to fail for any circular subpath

I am very inexperienced when it comes to parsing svg-definitions and am not really familiar with the spec, so I apologize if I am completely misunderstanding what is happening here or I use the wrong terminology.

Any circular sub-path enclosed by an arbitrary different path is not rendered properly.
Examples (left svg rendered by browser, right by oksvg):
2023-12-28 14_19_55-
2023-12-28 14_21_45-
These examples only use a path-object with z, Z, m, M and a operators inside a viewbox.

Steps to Reproduce
Add either the following minimal example (circle with donut-hole) or any svg from with a hole as a svg-file to the existing testdata folder of oksvg add the reference to the file in svgdraw_test.go:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="#000000" d="M256 512a256 256 0 1 0 0-512 256 256 0 1 0 0 512zm0-352a96 96 0 1 1 0 192 96 96 0 1 1 0-192z"/></svg>

Specifically tested and incorrectly rendered files from fontawesome:

Steps Taken
I got a local development environment for oksvg running and fiddled with the svg-files themselves as well as the code handling z, Z, m and M. I assumed it might be an edge-case for handling the closing of arcs that was misbehaving, but failed to identify anything meaningful.


Announce: SVG Editor

Hey @srwiley,

This is not an issue so feel free to close, but I just wanted to tell you about a simple SVG Editor I was able to create thanks to oksvg and rasterx.

Keep up the great work!

License disambiguation

LICENSE states that the library is distributed under BSD but doc/LICENSE is referring to GPLv2+ or Freetype. So which one do apply?


Request: surpport "class" element

look at the svg bellow:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 361.75 338.01">
  <path class="cls-2" d="M141.1,283.87s-28,30.76-45.12,15c-5.16-4.75-6.84-10.25-18.46-9.57l4.78-6.84s6.15-2.05,15,4.78c7.29,5.61,19.14,8.89,28.71-11.62Z"/>

the "class" in <path> has no effect.

Long dashed lines break

When using the "stroke-dasharray" attribute short lines render correctly, but long lines break


Left: Chrome
Right: Fyne (using OKSVG)
Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 11 53 52

Sample SVG

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" width="480" height="640" viewBox="0 0 480 640">
    <g stroke="red">
        <line x1="60" y1="0" x2="60" y2="40" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="120" y1="0" x2="120" y2="140" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="180" y1="0" x2="180" y2="240" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="240" y1="0" x2="240" y2="340" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="300" y1="0" x2="300" y2="440" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="360" y1="0" x2="360" y2="540" stroke-dasharray="4" />
        <line x1="420" y1="0" x2="420" y2="640" stroke-dasharray="4" />

Sample Code

//go:generate fyne bundle -o bundled.go dasharray.svg
package main

import (

func main() {
	a := app.New()
	w := a.NewWindow("Dashes")
		Resource: resourceDasharraySvg,
		FillMode: canvas.ImageFillOriginal,


go generate ./...
go run ./...

SVG File Not well drawn

I run demo code in the test case, just modified my svg file, like this,

str := []string{"00dbdcf748734ed890fbf39ca76ce266",
for _, s := range str {
iconPath := "gg_demo/icons2/" + s + ".svg"

	icon, errSvg := oksvg.ReadIcon(iconPath, oksvg.WarnErrorMode)
	if errSvg != nil {
	w, h := int(icon.ViewBox.W), int(icon.ViewBox.H)
	img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
	tb := img.Bounds()
	tb.Max.X /= 2
	scannerGV := rasterx.NewScannerGV(w, h, img, img.Bounds())
	raster := rasterx.NewDasher(w, h, scannerGV)
	icon.Draw(raster, 1.0)
	if img != nil {
		p := strings.Split(iconPath, "/")
		err := SaveToPngFile(fmt.Sprintf("gg_demo/targets/%s.png", p[len(p)-1]), img)
		if err != nil {


and the final result like this:
source code is
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 83.51 83.46"> <title>&#x8D44;&#x6E90; 35</title> <path d="M.06 62.2V45.36c0-1.12.76-1.57 1.48-2.14 7.31-5.68 15.49-6.79 24.3-4.61 8.35 2.06 16 6.09 24 9.09a48.68 48.68 0 0 0 14.71 3.53 26 26 0 0 0 16.61-5c.59-.42 1.09-1.31 1.89-1s.42 1.32.43 2v13a3.67 3.67 0 0 1-1.71 3.31C73.14 70 63.77 70.08 54 67c-8-2.53-15.44-6.52-23.38-9.21-8.37-2.85-16.68-3.84-24.89.51a32.29 32.29 0 0 0-5.67 3.9z" fill="#146fb7"/> <path d="M.07 39.11V22.39c0-1.12.78-1.58 1.5-2.13 7.15-5.56 15.17-6.73 23.82-4.69 8 1.88 15.25 5.65 22.83 8.6 6.06 2.37 12.18 4.42 18.85 4.12a26.13 26.13 0 0 0 14.3-5.22c.51-.36 1-1.14 1.71-.73s.33 1.21.33 1.83c0 4.33-.05 8.66 0 13a3.88 3.88 0 0 1-1.85 3.51c-7.6 5.68-16 6.43-24.89 4.1-8.39-2.19-16-6.37-24.15-9.28-6.38-2.28-12.84-4-19.75-2.67-4.57.89-8.54 3.01-12.7 6.28z" fill="#ec2032"/> <path d="M.09 15.6V1.26A1.05 1.05 0 0 1 1.31.06h78.94c2.45 0 3.4.5 3.23 3.14-.25 3.73-.12 7.49 0 11.24a3.48 3.48 0 0 1-1.55 3.13c-7.7 5.93-16.23 6.69-25.32 4.28-8.39-2.23-16-6.4-24.17-9.31-6.14-2.2-12.36-3.83-19-2.71a28.08 28.08 0 0 0-11.53 5c-.51.28-.82.86-1.82.77z" fill="#ec2032"/> <path d="M41.47 83.41H2.53C.6 83.47-.08 83 0 81c.16-3.9.1-7.82 0-11.73a3.46 3.46 0 0 1 1.52-3.14c8.28-6.36 17.36-6.76 27-3.85 7.09 2.15 13.7 5.51 20.61 8.14 5.52 2.1 11.1 3.87 17.14 3.79a26.07 26.07 0 0 0 14.86-5c.58-.41 1.1-1.3 1.9-.91s.39 1.34.4 2c0 3.58-.12 7.16.07 10.73.11 2.12-.75 2.45-2.59 2.45-13.15-.1-26.3-.07-39.44-.07z" fill="#146fb7"/> </svg>

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