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fate-core-official's Issues


Not really an issue with the framework, but how does one set up zones on maps?

Can't edit or delete skill with "~" character

First: thank you for Fate core official and your hard work! :)

Bug: I set the name of a skill in the "Setup Skills" menu to "~ quick". Now I can't change the name of the skill anymore nor delete it...
Is there any way to "reset" the skill list or get rid of that skill?

Another request: Pls allow to manually sort the skill list so we don't have to put numbers oder special characters (like ~ ^^) in front of the names to sort them ;P

Initiative roll 1d0

I'm trying to set up initiative, I have assigned Alertness as the skill driving initiative.

However, when I roll initiative in the combat tracker I am getting 1d0+Alterness instead of a normal fate roll?

Extras and Items

Hello, Extras does not seem to be working as all you can do is add new and delete, you cannot edit or add descriptive text. I know Fate doesn't really have an inventory system, but currently Foundry Items is broken. I can create an item (name only). I cannot edit the image, descriptions, anything. After creating the item I cannot rename the item. When dragging an item to the character sheet it does get added to the Extras tab (good) but you can't edit, view, or anything else.


error when manual offline rolls not allowed

When you not allow manual offline rolls you can not roll anymore.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: can't access property "value", html.find(...)[0] is undefined [Detected 1 package: system:fate-core-official] on_roll_click activateListeners jQuery 2 ModifiedRollDialog.js:37:32

Exporting settings with the checkbox in module settings doesn't work

The firefox developer console showed an error about something unspecified not being a "registered game setting" and the export popup didn't open. I was able to solve this by editing fcoConstants.js and changing the variable name "fu_roll-formulae" to "fu-roll-formulae" on lines 306 and 307.

Aside from this relatively minor quibble I'm very pleased with and grateful for your work on this, thank you very much for doing it!

Stunts / Skills html

In an earlier version (perhaps before the move to Fate core official) the stunts and skills supported html tags. Specifically in my case


When I edit a previous skill, the system still shows the table formatted, but I don't seem to be able to see the html behind it anymore. Is this a setting I'm missing during edit or is this not supported anymore?


Fate Utilities interaction with Trigger Happy

Is it possible to somehow mark tokens as not applicable to the Fate utilities? I have Trigger Happy installed and the tokens that Trigger Happy uses clog up the Utilities sheet.

If there is not a way currently could something simple be done like having the token name start with (TH) do not show it in the Utilities?


wrong asset path when running foundry with routePrefix

I run foundry with a routePrefix (something like as opposed to just
Because of this the pbf.svg in the character sheet does not get found.

I believe these two lines seem to be the issue:

[kampffrosch@gunkan ~/tmp/fate-core-official]$ rg pbf.svg
1088:            "fco_user_sheet_logo": "/systems/fate-core-official/assets/pbf.svg"
1827:                    "fco_user_sheet_logo": "/systems/fate-core-official/assets/pbf.svg"

Removing the first slash in these paths fixes the issue for me.

Refresh Player Fate Points, Fate Utilities and Character Sheets

Might just be an issue on my configuration, but it seems that while Fate Utilities keeps Track of Player Fatepoints, it does not update the character sheets individualy.

I am not sure if this is on purpose or not, but it would make more sense, that Fatepoints spend should be updating on both the utilities and the character sheet?

Also, it seems that hitting "Refresh Player Points" does not Refresh them, they just stay at Zero.

Same btw forStress: Fate Utilities clears fleeting stress tracks, but not on the character sheets:


Sorry for causing more work ;)

Question: German Fate World "Märchenkrieger LOS!"


I have a question how I could best implement this?
The rulebook is a mixture of FATE CORE and TURBO FATE.
Each player basically two character sheets.
The first one depicts the human, the second one depicts the fairy tale character.
The makers of the rulebook have illustrated this with 2 FATE sheets, one upside down, one right side up, so that you can only read one of them at a time.

With humans, everything is the same as in FATE CORE.
The problem is the second arc of the fairy tale character.
With them, it's not what they do that counts, but how they do it.
e.g. Sharp, Treacherous, Powerful

I can still map that with the skills, I add them to the skills from FATE CORE.

It gets more difficult with the superpowers of the character, because each character gets 4 points for superpowers.
A super power can cost between 1 and 4 points depending on how powerful it is.

Do you have an idea how I could map this best?
Thanks for any tips or hints.

Character sheet:,_turbo-fate,_fate_accelerated/maerchenkrieger-los-Charakterbogen.pdf

Feature Request

Hey Skimble,
Is it possible to offer a default a settings value for a default description? It would act as a template.

I have a formatted html that I drop into each new actor, that has a more traditional race, sex, height weight etc fields. It works well, but is a pain to add to each new actor.


[Feature Request] Synchronise Conflicts and the Combat Tracker

Would it be possible to synchronise the Combat Tracker in Foundry with the Conflict menu in the Fate Utilities?

Our table uses Maestro to set hype tracks for characters, and it would be great if we could continue to use the popcorn initiative from the Conflict menu whilst enjoying Combat Tracker's auto-play for the hype tracks.

Thanks in advance.

Fate Utilities Situation Aspects problems keeping aspect drawing in sync

There are several situations where manipulating aspects in the Fate Utilities Situation Aspects tab does not correctly update the associated "note" drawing on the tabletop canvas.

Fate Utilities Situation Aspects problems keeping aspect drawing in sync

Foundry VTT 8.9.9
Fate Core Official 4.1.30
Chrome 94.0.4606.54, 94.0.4606.61

  • Case 1

    • Repro
      • Create a new world with Fate Core Official as the game system.
      • Launch the world, login as "Gamemaster"
      • Click the "CONTINUE WITHOUT INSTALLING" button on the "New World Setup" dialog that appears.
      • Create a new scene, close the "Configure scene" window.
      • Open Fate Utilities
      • Switch to Situation Aspects tab
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button
      • Click "Add an aspect note to the map" button next to the empty aspect.
        • (Aspect note appears on tabletop with the text "(0 free invokes)")
      • Enter the aspect name in the text input field, press tab
    • Expected
      • The aspect note on the tabletop should be updated to include the aspect name
    • Actual
      • The aspect note doesn't change.
  • Case 2

    • Repro
      • Create a new world with Fate Core Official as the game system.
      • Launch the world, login as "Gamemaster"
      • Click the "CONTINUE WITHOUT INSTALLING" button on the "New World Setup" dialog that appears.
      • Create a new scene, close the "Configure scene" window.
      • Open Fate Utilities
      • Switch to Situation Aspects tab
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button
      • Fill in the aspect text field with "On Fire!" but do not click or tab out of the field
      • Click the "Add an aspect note to the map" button
        • (Aspect note appears on tabletop with the text "On Fire ! (0 free invokes)")
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button again
      • Without clicking into the aspect text field, click the "Add an aspect note to the map" button
    • Expected
      • Aspect note appears on tabletop with the text "(0 free invokes)"
    • Actual
      • The error message "There's already a note for that aspect." appears at the top of the window.
  • Case 3

    • Repro
      • Create a new world with Fate Core Official as the game system.
      • Launch the world, login as "Gamemaster"
      • Click the "CONTINUE WITHOUT INSTALLING" button on the "New World Setup" dialog that appears.
      • Create a new scene, close the "Configure scene" window.
      • Open Fate Utilities
      • Switch to Situation Aspects tab
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button
      • Fill in the aspect text field with "On Fire!"
      • Click the "Add an aspect note to the map" button
        • (Aspect note appears on tabletop with the text "On Fire! (0 free invokes)")
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button again
      • Enter a "2" into the free invoke number input field, and hit the tab key to remove focus from the field.
    • Expected
      • The "Add an aspect note to the map" button receives input focus.
    • Actual
      • The text of the note already on the tabletop changes from "On Fire! (0 free invokes)" to " (2 free invokes)"
      • There is no new note.
      • (The "Add an aspect note to the map" button does receive input focus.)
  • Case 4

    • Repro
      • Create a new world with Fate Core Official as the game system.
      • Launch the world, login as "Gamemaster"
      • Click the "CONTINUE WITHOUT INSTALLING" button on the "New World Setup" dialog that appears.
      • Create a new scene, close the "Configure scene" window.
      • Open Fate Utilities
      • Switch to Situation Aspects tab
      • Click "Add New Aspect" button
      • Fill in the aspect text field with "On Fire!"
      • Click the "Add an aspect note to the map" button
    • Expected
      • Aspect note appears on tabletop with the text "On Fire! (0 free invokes)"
    • Actual
      • Nothing happens
      • Clicking the "Add an aspect note to the map" button again causes the aspect note "On Fire! (0 free invokes)" to appear on the tabletop.

The code that handles the aspect text field, the free invokes number field, and the action buttons for the situation aspects links the aspect with the note drawing by matching the aspect text value.

This is problematic when the aspect text value is empty.

Won't update to 4.3.4

Fate Core won't update from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4. I consistently receive this message:
Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 11 32 01 AM
I always respond Yes and the update seems to happen, but the result is always 4.3.3. I went so far as to uninstall and reinstall, but the result is the same, whether it's from the package installer or copy-paste the manifest URL.

Game's default skill level

Would if be possible to add an option to set the default skill level game-wide? Say, -1 instead of zero.

won't update to 4.3.24

I'm given this opportunity to update to 4.3.24...
Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 4 23 45 PM

...Which I accept. But when the process is done, no update occurred:
Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 4 24 39 PM

Needs fixing.

FoundryVTT Version 9 - Build 255

Adding a new aspect overwrites a previously added aspect


When I create aspects through the aspect editor, the new always aspect overwrites the previous aspect I create.


I'm creating aspects through "Setup Aspects" in Game settings.

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-18-38

I create a new aspect:

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-19-08

The aspect gets created, I created another aspect.

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-19-32

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-19-53

When I save the aspect, the new aspect is created, but the old aspect disappears:

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-20-17

Additional notes

I think this has something to do with the fact that aspects are all defined under the key undefined, which I see when I export the aspects:

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-23-29

When I import aspects from my own definition (with unique keys), the aspects do not get overwritten:

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-30-08

Screenshot from 2023-11-18 20-30-25

Version information

Fate Core Official
Foundry Virtual tabletop 315Version 11 Stable

Aspect Description will not save

I changed one of the two Free Aspects in Fate Condensed to a "Powers" aspect, but the Aspect description edits will not save, it keeps the default aspect description no matter what I do. For a work-around, it is possible to delete the original aspect entirely, and then create a new one, and the descriptions save fine in the created Aspect, but although a user can change the name of a pre-created / default aspect, I cannot find any way to change its description.

[Feature request] Having skill's categories

It would make me really happy to be able to have skills categories.
Having groups of skills, each group with his own title. No added functionality apart from that.

For instance, you could see Tachyon Squadron character sheet, where the skills are separated into different lists. There are many others "official" games that have something similar.

I use the same criteria in most of my games, where skills are categorized in groups, mostly based on the "modes" idea that makes easy the character creations or the translation from other systems (like this idea or this other one

Do you think it is possible?
Thanks in advance.

Closing Character Sheet


we are having some trouble, two out of five characters can't close their character sheet again. I as Gamemaster, have the same problem. I have to reload the page again, but as soon as I reopen it again, same problem.

And we also noticed that I can't edit the Aspects, Tracks, and Stunts (so the gear symbol and so on don't do anything).

Variable Initiative

In Settings there is a default for Initiative Skill, however you can only choose 1, despite in most Fate games what is used for initiative depends on the type of conflict (Notice for Physical and Empathy for Mental conflicts in Fate Core, for instance)

Was wondering about QoL improvements allowing that to be set to multiple skills and then a pop up (or other way, initiative button next to the skill? or an initiative section on the sheet?) when rolling initiative to set that to the skill appropriate for the conflict?

Also maybe a character-specific option is better because Stunts could also lead to alternate initiatives?

Roll from Stunts doesn't interact with modified Roll Dialogue

I have the modified roll Dialogue set up to always pop up, which works from the skills roll, but when you roll using the stunts, it bypasses it and doesn't pop up the Modified Roll Dialogue, which would be incredibly useful as i set up for #iHunt which occassionally uses a alternate die pool.
Thanks for the great work!

Cannot add track to custom category


I cannot add tracks to custom categories.


I create a new category of tracks:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-17-52

I attempt to create a new track in the new category:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-18-06

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-18-53

The new track is not created:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 14-19-25


I think this worked before (same version), but I'm not 100% sure. If I broke something, I don't know how to check.

I can create tracks in Combat and Other just fine.

The error is not indicated in other ways than through the console.

Version information

Fate Core Official
Foundry Virtual tabletop 315Version 11 Stable

Actors - Permissions

Not sure where to send requests, so thought I would try here. Please close if you are not considering requests.

Is it possible to limit visibility of actor sheets based on permissions.

For example:
Limited - Only grants access to Name, Description and portrait/image?

This would allow for easy tracking of npcs for players. Right now, if I give limited access players can essentially see everything about the actor.

Thanks and awesome work!

Baileywiki Maps Pack

When trying to import Bailywiki map pack I am getting an error that says:
The provided Actor type must be in the array of types defined by the game system.

I approached the content creator first, but they've highlighted that they believe it is a framework issue.


Setting Token Bar #1 to current Fate Points

I was trying to set Token Bar #1 to the value of details.fatePoints.current and it doesn't reveal the bar.

I think it is related to not setting both values of the bar - meaning that with only one value, it doesn't know "current out of how

As seen below, it's only filling in the left value:
screenshot 1625015966

Also, the current Fate Point value does show up on the token HUD:
screenshot 1625016137
And that value tracks with the Current Fate Point field on the character sheet. I can edit the value in either location and it will update correctly in both places.

Could it be because details.fatePoints.current is a "single value" and not an "attribute?"

Whereas, in a dnd5e game world, it fills both values, as shown below:
screenshot 1625016014

Is there any way to make that work?

Actor Sheet - Aspect Notes not being saved to templates

This may be an inconsistent behavior, & not a bug, but it seems that the Notes field of Aspects on Character Sheets do not appear to get saved to a template. I've saved and deleted it a few times & the Notes field seems to keep disappearing.

Unable update to 4.4.22

I hope that just not me, but i seek to be stuck with version 4.4.08. i get thr message that an update is available (in the game session, telling me the newest uodate is 4.4.2), it seems to even update but stays at 4.4.08 ...

Cards faces not working

Hello Sk1mble,

first of all, thank your very much for your work and the constant updating of the system.

I´ve sadly found that, for any reason, looks like with Fate Core Official as game system the VTT Foundry Cards tool seems to break up.

As you try to create a card, you can add a "back" picture, but it just wont allow you to add any "face" picture:


You can try to load any image, but it will ignore it and load anything. I´ve tried uninstalling every module, testing with different picture´s formats....and it doesnt work either.

However, the Foundry Card system works normally with every other game systems I tried:


I await for your answer, and thank you in advance.

Aspects and Extras issue + unable to close character sheet

When creating or renaming extras and aspects, sometimes they get messed up after saving. After saving there appears an empty aspect/extra in the list that can't be erased and as soon as this issue occures, it isn't possible to close the affected character sheet anymore. Sadly the update yesterday didn't help.

Default Limited Sheet Template

The default limited sheet template gets overwritten when updating the fate-core-official version.

Originally I had this in the same folder as the rest of the templates, in order to try to preserve during an update I moved it to another unrelated location and it appears to delete the file regardless of where it is stored on any update.

Is it possible to stop the file from being deleted if it is not stored in the 'templates' folder?

Refresh of 0 hides all Fate tabs

I got surprising behavior starting with the “Blank” actor template.

If the Refresh value is 0, the “Character Sheet” and “Description, Biography, and Extras” tabs don’t appear. Changing it to 1 makes them appear.

Screen Shot 2021-06-19 at 10 22 47 AM

Screen Shot 2021-06-19 at 10 22 39 AM

Foundry VTT 0.8.6
Fate Core Official 4.1.3
No installed modules

This was confusing because the Blank template starts at 0. I was also expecting to set mooks and such to have 0 for a refresh.

[Bug] Can't edit Linked Skills

I'm currently setting up a game world using this system (great work!) I've encountered a bug trying to set link skills for Tracks, As shown in the screenshot (version details also displayed there)


After saving and loading world, Actor and Item creation / editing descriptions breaks

Version: current (4.4.45), Foundry Build 308 Version 11 Stable
Steps to reproduce: Create blank world, either import base data or none. Create character. Note that character creation works. Shutdown and restart server. Reattempt creating character - this should yield a "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')" error.

The error is triggered whenever the server attempts to save new entity data, for example upon editing an Actor's "notes" field or creating a new Actor or Item.

This might be a client-side issue, though I have noticed this happening independently of the game's folder (drive root and userdate) and on both Win10 and MacOS.

I have verified that this seems to be specific to the Fate Core Official system, other systems do not encounter this issue.

Example error (case of creating new Actor):

foundry.js:68147 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
fetch @ foundry.js:68147
commons.js:8047 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
    at Preprocessor.advance (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/node_modules/parse5/dist/tokenizer/preprocessor.js:138:35)
    at Tokenizer._consume (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/node_modules/parse5/dist/tokenizer/index.js:270:34)
    at Tokenizer._runParsingLoop (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/node_modules/parse5/dist/tokenizer/index.js:221:29)
    at Tokenizer.write (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/node_modules/parse5/dist/tokenizer/index.js:248:14)
    at parseFragment (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/node_modules/parse5/dist/index.js:42:22)
    at cleanHTML (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/dist/database/validators.mjs:1:209)
    at HTMLField.sanitizeHTMLField [as sanitize] (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/dist/database/sanitization.mjs:1:1235)
    at Actor._sanitizeFields (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/dist/database/backend/server-document.mjs:1:7638)
    at async Actor._sanitizeFields (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/dist/database/backend/server-document.mjs:1:7854)
    at async Actor._sanitizeFields (/F:/FoundryVTT/Foundry%20Virtual%20Tabletop/resources/app/dist/database/backend/server-document.mjs:1:7854)

When importing a skill its identifier is replaced with a non-human-readable generated string


When importing skill, the key under which the skill is stored is replaced with generated string, rather then retaining the key provided through the import.


I import a skill under the key investigate:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 17-34-56

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 17-35-20

I then export the skill. It now has a generated string as a key:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 17-35-51

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 17-36-02


This is minor, but still important, because those keys are used elsewhere to select skills:

Screenshot from 2023-11-19 17-39-53

Version information

Fate Core Official
Foundry Virtual tabletop 315Version 11 Stable

Situation Aspects - Feature Suggestions

I love the premise of the Situation Aspect tool. I do have some thoughts about ways to improve some aspects(ha!) of it, though, after working with it some.

Some of the issues become apparent when you see what I'm doing with it:
Inkedscreenshot 1625365791_LI

Purple Arrow - With no value in the Label Fill and Border Colors, I was hoping that they would then become transparent. Having the ability to make them transparent could be useful when adding them to a running document like this example in WWN. Can there be an option to make them completely transparent?

Green Box - Could there be a check box or option to put the Aspect on the scene without a "(0 free invokes)" text? I understand the intent, but that flexibility would help for use of things like these "Investigation Notes" where I'd like to use the tool, but I don't need to track invokes on each item.

Blue Box - Enable or toggle Draw Tool Select - it would be great if, after you put the Aspect on the Scene, it automatically switch the current tool over to the Draw Select Tool or if there were another button here that could switch to that tool (instead of having to go all the way over to the left side toolbar). {I would normally be running with a module that would allow me to switch to that tool via the keyboard, but running without it as I develop WWN, shows me how awkward & tedious it would be for someone who wanted to just move the Aspect slight after placing it.}

Thank you for all the great work you do!

Delete free invokes

Hi, is it possible to somehow remove the inscription on the aspect (free invokes). I have not found anywhere how to do this. The inscription takes up a lot of space and is annoying.

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