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persolootroll's Issues

Call a protected function InCombatLockdown

Got it in party in Molten Core

Addon version

Your region, realm and language setting
EU-Галакронд (Galakrond), Russian

Additional info

Date: 2018-08-01 22:25:31
ID: -2
Error occured in: AddOn: PersoLootRoll
Count: 1
Message: Note: AddOn PersoLootRoll attempted to call a protected function (ToyBox:SetShown()) during combat lockdown.
   [C]: SetShown()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:52: CollectionsJournal_UpdateSelectedTab()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:7: CollectionsJournal_SetTab()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:957: SetCollectionsJournalShown()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:943: ToggleCollectionsJournal()
   ...ce\AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Wardrobe.lua:1825: WardrobeCollectionFrame_OpenTransmogLink()
   [C]: ?
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3620: ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow()
   [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1:
      [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1
  Swatter, v7.4.5714 (TasmanianThylacine)
  StatusTools, v8.0.1.2
  Auctionator, v5.0.4
  DBMCore, v8.0.1-17-g06183a68f
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  HandyNotes, vv1.5.2
  HealBot, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotru, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotTips, v8.0.1.0
  NPCScan, v8.0.1.2
  Pawn, v2.2.22
  PersoLootRoll, v12.01
  PetTracker, v8.0.0
  Recount, vv8.0.1a
  ZPerl, v5.5.7
  ZPerlArcaneBar, v
  ZPerlParty, v
  ZPerlPartyPet, v
  ZPerlPlayer, v
  ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
  ZPerlPlayerPet, v
  ZPerlRaidAdmin, v
  ZPerlRaidFrames, v
  ZPerlRaidHelper, v
  ZPerlRaidMonitor, v
  ZPerlRaidPets, v
  ZPerlTarget, v
  ZPerlTargetTarget, v
  BlizRuntimeLib_ruRU v8.0.1.80000 <none>


Date: 2018-08-01 22:25:31
ID: -3
Error occured in: AddOn: PersoLootRoll
Count: 1
Message: Note: AddOn PersoLootRoll attempted to call a protected function (PetJournal:SetShown()) during combat lockdown.
   [C]: SetShown()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:51: CollectionsJournal_UpdateSelectedTab()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:7: CollectionsJournal_SetTab()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:957: SetCollectionsJournalShown()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:943: ToggleCollectionsJournal()
   ...ce\AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Wardrobe.lua:1825: WardrobeCollectionFrame_OpenTransmogLink()
   [C]: ?
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3620: ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow()
   [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1:
      [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1
  Swatter, v7.4.5714 (TasmanianThylacine)
  StatusTools, v8.0.1.2
  Auctionator, v5.0.4
  DBMCore, v8.0.1-17-g06183a68f
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  HandyNotes, vv1.5.2
  HealBot, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotru, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotTips, v8.0.1.0
  NPCScan, v8.0.1.2
  Pawn, v2.2.22
  PersoLootRoll, v12.01
  PetTracker, v8.0.0
  Recount, vv8.0.1a
  ZPerl, v5.5.7
  ZPerlArcaneBar, v
  ZPerlParty, v
  ZPerlPartyPet, v
  ZPerlPlayer, v
  ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
  ZPerlPlayerPet, v
  ZPerlRaidAdmin, v
  ZPerlRaidFrames, v
  ZPerlRaidHelper, v
  ZPerlRaidMonitor, v
  ZPerlRaidPets, v
  ZPerlTarget, v
  ZPerlTargetTarget, v
  BlizRuntimeLib_ruRU v8.0.1.80000 <none>


Date: 2018-08-01 22:25:31
ID: -4
Error occured in: AddOn: PersoLootRoll
Count: 1
Message: Note: AddOn PersoLootRoll attempted to call a protected function (MountJournal:SetShown()) during combat lockdown.
   [C]: SetShown()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:50: CollectionsJournal_UpdateSelectedTab()
   ...AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Collections.lua:7: CollectionsJournal_SetTab()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:957: SetCollectionsJournalShown()
   ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:943: ToggleCollectionsJournal()
   ...ce\AddOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_Wardrobe.lua:1825: WardrobeCollectionFrame_OpenTransmogLink()
   [C]: ?
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3620: ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow()
   [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1:
      [string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1
  Swatter, v7.4.5714 (TasmanianThylacine)
  StatusTools, v8.0.1.2
  Auctionator, v5.0.4
  DBMCore, v8.0.1-17-g06183a68f
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  HandyNotes, vv1.5.2
  HealBot, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotru, v8.0.1.0
  HealBotTips, v8.0.1.0
  NPCScan, v8.0.1.2
  Pawn, v2.2.22
  PersoLootRoll, v12.01
  PetTracker, v8.0.0
  Recount, vv8.0.1a
  ZPerl, v5.5.7
  ZPerlArcaneBar, v
  ZPerlParty, v
  ZPerlPartyPet, v
  ZPerlPlayer, v
  ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
  ZPerlPlayerPet, v
  ZPerlRaidAdmin, v
  ZPerlRaidFrames, v
  ZPerlRaidHelper, v
  ZPerlRaidMonitor, v
  ZPerlRaidPets, v
  ZPerlTarget, v
  ZPerlTargetTarget, v
  BlizRuntimeLib_ruRU v8.0.1.80000 <none>

Lua error in Events.lua:506

Oops ^^

PLR v12

In mythic+

1x PersoLootRoll\Events.lua:506: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'version' (a nil value)
PersoLootRoll\Events.lua:506: in function <PersoLootRoll\Events.lua:493>
PersoLootRoll\Util\Comm.lua:216: in function <PersoLootRoll\Util\Comm.lua:213>
PersoLootRoll\Util\Comm.lua:206: in function <PersoLootRoll\Util\Comm.lua:202>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:4>
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:13: in function `?'\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua:90: in function `Fire'
...eAskMrRobot\Libs\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0-12.lua:264: in function <...eAskMrRobot\Libs\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.lua:246>


LUA error in Hooks.lua

I don't know exactly when this starts happening, but I think it's after either I looted an item or had to roll on someone elses. From then on everytime I open my bags I get this error (copied from bugsack):

PersoLootRoll\Hooks.lua:48: attempt to index a nil value
PersoLootRoll\Hooks.lua:48: in function <PersoLootRoll\Hooks.lua:46>
(tail call): ?
CanIMogIt\Overlay\Loot-Loot.lua:19: in function `LootFrame_CIMIUpdateIcon'
CanIMogIt\Overlay\Loot-Loot.lua:58: in function `func'
CanIMogIt\Overlay\overlay.lua:145: in function `ItemOverlayEvents'
CanIMogIt\Overlay\Containers.lua:25: in function <CanIMogIt\Overlay\Containers.lua:24>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `ToggleBag'
FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua:139: in function `ToggleBackpack'
FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua:359: in function `OpenBackpack'
FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua:1503: in function <FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua:1480>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `ToggleAllBags'
[string "OPENALLBAGS"]:1: in function <[string "OPENALLBAGS"]:1>

id = -2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = -2
(*temporary) = "attempt to index a nil value"
Roll = <table> {
 HideRollFrame = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:745
 FromPlrId = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:291
 GetRollFrame = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:712
 ShouldEnd = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:551
 End = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:586
 Clear = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:276
 Restart = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:398
 IsRecent = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:1018
 UnitCanBid = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:971
 ShowRollFrame = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:724
 Vote = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:508
 Start = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:333
 STATUS = <table> {
 Update = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:166
 HasMasterlooter = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:991
 CanBeWonBy = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:951
 events = <table> {
 Trade = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:679
 CanBeVotedOn = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:976
 ShouldAdvertise = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:780
 ToPlrId = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:290
 IsPlrId = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:289
 Validate = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:1028
 SendStatus = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:827
 EVENTS = <table> {
 CanBeRestarted = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:986
 UnitCanVote = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:981
 GetTimeout = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:294
 Bid = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:426
 CanBeWon = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:946
 CanBeAwarded = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:956
 CanBeAwardedTo = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:961
 On = <function> defined @Broker_Everything\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
 ExtendTimeLeft = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:894
 ShowAlertFrame = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:757
 DetermineWinner = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:909
 Add = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:124
 ExtendTimeout = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:874
 GetTimeLeft = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:869
 Finish = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:641
 Advertise = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:785
 AddChat = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:769
 DELAY = 1
 GetActionTarget = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:1011
 ToggleVisibility = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:763
 Cancel = <function> defined @PersoLootRoll\Roll.lua:655
 GetActionRequired = <function> defined @Interf

%s in translations

I'm currently translating your addon in French and I need to change the order of some %s.
Is it possible for you to support this (by numbering these %s for example) ?

For exemple the correct translation for Whispering is disabled, you need to ask %s1 for %s2 yourself -> %s3. is Le chuchotement est désactivé, vous devez demander %s2 à %s1 vous-même -> %s3

Error Hooks:192

When hovering icon in standart Blizzard loot roll frame

Steps that lead to the bug

  1. Standart Blizzard loot roll shown
  2. Hovering icon in roll

Addon version
12.02 (perhaps version 12.03 is also affected)

Your region, realm and language setting
EU-Галакронд (Galakrond), Russian

Additional info

341x Attempt to find 'this' in non-table object (used '.' instead of ':' ?)
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `SetLootRollItem'
PersoLootRoll\Hooks.lua:192: in function <PersoLootRoll\Hooks.lua:184>
(tail call): ?
[C]: in function `SetLootRollItem'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>


Chill Mode still instantly offering up loot

Chill mode seems to not be working in all cases. In our raid last night quite a few members with chill mode enabled had their loot instantly offer up. Tonight, I had something instantly offered up in a M+.

Log from the M+:

~ PersoLootRoll ~ Version: 15 ~ Date: Fri Sep 21 23:03:39 2018 ~ Locale: enUS ~ Realm: US-Silver Hand (enUS) ~
[2977334.8] INFO: Debugging enabled
[2977452.5] INFO: You are now the masterlooter.
[2980117.7] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 1, timeout = 50, item = {owner = "Darkenvar", eligible = 0, link = "[Concealed Fencing Plates]"}, status = 0, owner = "Darkenvar", itemOwnerId = 1}, "Darkenvar", nil
[2980118.7] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 1, timeout = 50, item = {owner = "Darkenvar", eligible = 0, link = "[Concealed Fencing Plates]"}, status = -1, owner = "Darkenvar", itemOwnerId = 1}, "Darkenvar", {timers = {}, whispers = 0, votes = {}, item = {equipLoc = "INVTYPE_WRIST", color = "a335ee", classId = 4, subClassId = 4, bindType = 1, infoLevel = 3, isEquippable = true, expacId = 7, bindTimeout = true, quality = 4, linkLevel = 120, maxLevel = 345, attributes = {127, 4 = 127}, link = "[Concealed Fencing Plates]", id = 158311, owner = "Darkenvar", subType = "Plate", isSoulbound = true, effectiveLevel = 345, isOwner = false, name = "Concealed Fencing Plates", position = {}, texture = 1780200, isRelic = false, isTradable = true, level = 345}, status = 0, created = 1537592485, rolls = {}, timeout = 50, id = 1, owner = "Darkenvar", eps = {}, ownerId = 1, isOwner = false, itemOwnerId = 1, prs = {}, bids = {}}
[2980118.7] VERBOSE: Canceling roll for [Concealed Fencing Plates] from [Darkenvar].
[2980125.8] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 2, timeout = 100, item = {owner = "Kokabrew", eligible = 0, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]"}, status = 0, owner = "Kokabrew", itemOwnerId = 2}, "Kokabrew", nil
[2980126.9] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 2, timeout = 100, item = {owner = "Kokabrew", eligible = 2, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]"}, status = 0, owner = "Kokabrew", itemOwnerId = 2}, "Kokabrew", {timers = {}, whispers = 0, votes = {}, item = {equipLoc = "INVTYPE_LEGS", color = "a335ee", classId = 4, subClassId = 2, bindType = 1, infoLevel = 3, eligible = {Oroth = true, Lohruk = false, Kokabrew = true}, isEquippable = true, expacId = 7, bindTimeout = true, quality = 4, linkLevel = 120, maxLevel = 345, attributes = {4 = 226, 226}, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]", id = 159297, owner = "Kokabrew", subType = "Leather", isSoulbound = true, effectiveLevel = 345, isOwner = false, name = "Silver-Trimmed Breeches", position = {}, texture = 1941313, isRelic = false, isTradable = true, level = 345}, status = 0, created = 1537592493, rolls = {}, timeout = 100, id = 2, owner = "Kokabrew", eps = {}, ownerId = 2, isOwner = false, itemOwnerId = 2, prs = {}, bids = {}}
[2980161.0] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 2, item = {owner = "Kokabrew", eligible = 2, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]"}, itemOwnerId = 2, started = 1537592542, status = 1, owner = "Kokabrew", timeout = 100}, "Kokabrew", {timers = {}, whispers = 0, votes = {}, item = {equipLoc = "INVTYPE_LEGS", color = "a335ee", classId = 4, subClassId = 2, bindType = 1, infoLevel = 3, eligible = {Oroth = true, Lohruk = false, Kokabrew = true}, isEquippable = true, expacId = 7, bindTimeout = true, quality = 4, linkLevel = 120, maxLevel = 345, attributes = {4 = 226, 226}, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]", id = 159297, owner = "Kokabrew", subType = "Leather", isSoulbound = true, effectiveLevel = 345, isOwner = false, name = "Silver-Trimmed Breeches", position = {}, texture = 1941313, isRelic = false, isTradable = true, level = 345}, status = 0, created = 1537592493, rolls = {}, timeout = 100, id = 2, owner = "Kokabrew", eps = {}, ownerId = 2, isOwner = false, itemOwnerId = 2, prs = {}, bids = {}}
[2980161.0] VERBOSE: Starting roll for [Silver-Trimmed Breeches] from [Kokabrew].
[2980172.7] VERBOSE: Passing on [Silver-Trimmed Breeches] from [Kokabrew].
[2980173.3] DEBUG: "Roll.Update", {ownerId = 2, item = {owner = "Kokabrew", eligible = 2, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]"}, itemOwnerId = 2, started = 1537592542, status = 2, owner = "Kokabrew", timeout = 100}, "Kokabrew", {timers = {bid = {{...}, 3 = true, argsCount = 3, object = {...}, ends = 2980275.996, callback = (fn), delay = 115, func = (fn)}}, whispers = 0, shown = true, votes = {}, item = {equipLoc = "INVTYPE_LEGS", color = "a335ee", classId = 4, subClassId = 2, bindType = 1, infoLevel = 3, eligible = {Oroth = true, Lohruk = false, Kokabrew = true}, isEquippable = true, expacId = 7, bindTimeout = true, quality = 4, linkLevel = 120, maxLevel = 345, attributes = {4 = 226, 226}, link = "[Silver-Trimmed Breeches]", id = 159297, owner = "Kokabrew", subType = "Leather", isSoulbound = true, effectiveLevel = 345, isOwner = false, name = "Silver-Trimmed Breeches", position = {}, texture = 1941313, isRelic = false, isTradable = true, level = 345}, status = 1, created = 1537592493, rolls = {}, timeout = 100, started = 1537592542, id = 2, owner = "Kokabrew", eps = {Oroth = 3857}, ownerId = 2, isOwner = false, itemOwnerId = 2, prs = {Oroth = 12.856666666667}, bid = 4, bids = {Oroth = 4}}
[2980173.3] VERBOSE: Ending roll for [Silver-Trimmed Breeches] from [Kokabrew].
[2980181.8] DEBUG: "Event.Loot", "You receive loot: [Kragg's Rigging Scalers].", "[Kragg's Rigging Scalers]", "Oroth", true
[2980182.0] DEBUG: "Events.Loot.Start", "Oroth"
[2980182.0] VERBOSE: Starting roll for [Kragg's Rigging Scalers] from [Oroth].

Steps that lead to the bug

  1. Have version 15.
  2. Turn on Chill Mode.
  3. Get tradeable loot.
  4. (some people in the M+ group have v14.07, could be a mixed version issue?)

Addon version

Your region, realm and language setting
E.g. US-Silver Hand, English

Additional info
Add any other context or screenshots here.

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