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materialisation's Issues

Giving yourself a materialised tool crashes a dedi server

Minecraft 1.14.4, Fabric API 0.3.1+build.208, Materlialisation 0.5.4

The /give command's feedback uses the universal Item#getName() method, which for ColoredItem calls to the client-only getItemTranslationKey method. The code should probably be rewritten to pass a TranslatableText to getName() instead.

Missing Texture and can't rename tool

Minecraft version: 1.16.3
Materialisation version: 3.0.3
Just started playing with fabric as of today and I downloaded a bunch of mods and to see what it is like and how different it is from forge. Just got the two blocks that are needed to make a tool/weapon and when creating a stone pickaxe and a stone shovel the items themselves have textures but when putting them together it has a missing texture on both and I can't seem to rename them.

My guess that all tools and weapons are like this in all configurations.


Hammer destroying adjacent bedrock blocks

While using any hammer from the mod (regardless of mining level), it won't destroy adjacent blocks like dirt or gravel (as probably intended), however it will destroy adjacent bedrock blocks in the 3x3 area if a valid block like cobblestone is mined - I don't this is intended and should perhaps be fixed.

Minecraft: v1.14.4 release
Fabric: v0.4.8-build 158
Materialisation: v0.5.2
Cotton Resources: v1.4.0+1.14.4

2019-07-28_11 08 53
2019-07-28_11 08 57

Issue with the tools.

There is this bug that when you pick up a tool made from the mod this happnes.

I am using the latest version which is v2.2.1 and I am using It on minecraft 1.15.2

Weird Textures for Custom Material Hammers and Mega Axes

Ontop of #48 , ONLY the hardcoded types (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond) use handle_shovel for Hammers and the handle_pickaxe for Mega Axes, as only these types use autoTex which defines the use of these textures for those tool types. Hammers appear to have their own handle, but mega axes don't and instead fall back to the default handle, and the hammer handle isn't used by the hardcoded hammers. It is unclear to me if it is intentional that the hardcoded hammers don't use the hammer_handle or not, but either way custom material hammers not being able to work like the hardcoded ones, instead hardcoded to use hammer_handle, seems wrong to me.

Implementing the ability to have custom textures would make it more clear whether its intentional the default hammers and mega axes should look different or not, and also provide people the ability to make their hammer and mega axe styles more inline with the defaults if they choose.

Materialised tools lose durability in Creative mode during combat

As the title says. This probably isn't a super major issue, but I thought I would point it out here. I am using Materialisation v2.5 with Fabric API 0.10.0 with Fabric Loader 0.8.2 and ModMenu 1.10.2. In Creative, I made a Materialised pick, hit some sheep, and it lost some durability. I experimented around for a bit and found that it could eventually break, and, once broken, would be unusable for attacking mobs (as expected). It didn't lose durability when mining. I suspect that what is needed is simply a check for creative mode in the postHit method in the various Materialisation____Item classes.

REI Breakage

When this Materialization is run alongside REI, the latter does not function or appear, as if it weren't even installed.

Looking in the console, a large amount of error spew occurs when a world is loaded, related to the REI plugin for materialization:

[14:17:12] [main/INFO]: Loaded 3 advancements
[14:17:12] [REI-SyncRecipes/ERROR]: materialisation:rei_plugin plugin failed to register-displays!
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'net.minecraft.class_3503 net.minecraft.class_3489.method_15106()'
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.api.BetterIngredient.lambda$new$0( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3528.method_15332( ~[intermediary-minecraft-1.16.2-client.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.api.BetterIngredient.getStacks( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.api.BetterIngredient.getStacksList( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.rei.MaterialisationREIPlugin.lambda$registerRecipeDisplays$0( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at java.util.LinkedHashMap.forEach( ~[?:?]
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.rei.MaterialisationREIPlugin.lambda$registerRecipeDisplays$1( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining( ~[?:?]
	at$Head.forEach( ~[?:?]
	at me.shedaniel.materialisation.rei.MaterialisationREIPlugin.registerRecipeDisplays( ~[Materialisation-3.0.2.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.RecipeHelperImpl.lambda$recipesLoaded$7( ~[e0b556bb-ba1d-4ad7-8214-fb1e67aaa5e1.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.RecipeHelperImpl.pluginSection( ~[e0b556bb-ba1d-4ad7-8214-fb1e67aaa5e1.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.RecipeHelperImpl.recipesLoaded( ~[e0b556bb-ba1d-4ad7-8214-fb1e67aaa5e1.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.RecipeHelperImpl.tryRecipesLoaded( ~[e0b556bb-ba1d-4ad7-8214-fb1e67aaa5e1.jar:?]
	at me.shedaniel.rei.RoughlyEnoughItemsCore.lambda$syncRecipes$1( ~[e0b556bb-ba1d-4ad7-8214-fb1e67aaa5e1.jar:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:?]
	at [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at [?:?]
[14:17:12] [REI-SyncRecipes/ERROR]: roughlyenoughitems:default_runtime_plugin plugin failed to register-displays!```

Start working on this project again

This seems to be a promising alternative to Tinkers Construct, and I don't really see any working on this project anymore. Would be good to revive it

[1.16, snapshot 20w17a] Crash Report

Using latest version, 2.5. Works fine without Materialisation, when added, it crashes on initialization. Which sucks, I was really looking forward to trying it out :c

Customizable Textures for materialpacks

It looks like mods already have the ability to use custom textures for their materials, but it doesn't look like a materialpack can? Or if this is already possible, how exactly? It doesn't seem to be specified anywhere here. It would be best if textures could be specified per-tool type (so for instance a handle for each type, or falls back to a default handle if say handle_pickaxe or handle_hammer doesn't exist, or falls back to Materialisation's textures if no custom textures are defined). This would also probably mean that a color (and the separate textures for normal and bright) would start to be unnecessary (albeit a nice feature to have though)

one shoting stuff

so i added this mod to all of fabric 3 and for some reason after some time, i ether can do no damage to mobs or i can just one shot anything using one of the Materialisation or not, this only happens on servers

Compatability issues with MoreEnchantments

In my testing, the "Veinminer" enchantment from MoreEnchantments applies to Materialization pickaxes, but the ability does not activate when an applicable block is broken. (Normal MC enchants and the mod's "Autosmelt" do work with them, however). I've looked through the sources of both mods, it seems that the issue has to do with the way Materialization handles durability/damage (it uses a custom system that I believe deprecates and/or replaces the default methods). When ProtectItemFromBreaking was set to false, Veinminer worked with the Materialization pickaxe, but the pickaxe then immediately broke.

I believe the thing that stops veinminer from working is the "ProtectItemFromBreaking" condition on line 164 in moenchants.Logic.onBreakMixinLogic:

MoEnchantmentsMod.config.ProtectItemFromBreaking ? tool.getDurability() > 2 : true)

The only getDurability() method I could find in Materialization was MaterializationUtils.getDurability(), so my assumption is that adding implementation for that method (perhaps just calling & returning the output from MaterializationUtils.getToolDurability()) should resolve this issue.

Attempting to create a tool crashes the game, and config crashes when viewing some material packs.

Playing with Fabric for 1.16.4
Attempting to create any tool parts will result in a full crash with my mod list. I have tried after attempting to fix the gold and diamond material packs, each one of those individually, and with no changes to material packs at all.
When viewing material packs, I can download new ones fine, but viewing them after crashes to desktop.
Attached is a log created after attempting to craft an iron pickaxe head.

Additionally, though looking at the log, this seems to be a problem with REI, the textures don't load for tools in REI at least due to an error getting recipes.

Materialisation tables consume entire stacks of inputs for one output

  1. create a stack of tool handles and a stack of any type of tool head.
  2. put both in the materialising table and either click or shift-click the output stack.
  3. the stack in the right input slot will decrement by 1, but the stack in the left input slot will be entirely removed, and you will only obtain one tool.

Materials from "Install New..." are not working properly. Also, custom configs.

I am using latest Fabric (0.7.2+build174) and Fabric API (0.4.24 build 279) for Minecraft 1.15.
Mod version is 2.0.0 alpha 3.
All materials I tried to install are not working properly. They are visible in Materialisation mod configurations. But ingame, all installed patterns are uncraftable (Roughly Enough Item shows pattern and empty slot -> item head/stick of that material).
And when I tried to add json, game doesn't react for it at all.
2019-12-16_12 15 10
2019-12-16_12 15 11

JSON containment:

  "enabled": true,
  "toolColor": -1,
  "toolDurability": 1200,
  "miningLevel": 3,
  "enchantability": 20,
  "durabilityMultiplier": 1.2,
  "breakingSpeedMultiplier": 1.2,
  "toolSpeed": 9,
  "attackDamage": 4,
  "name": "minecraft:emerald",
  "materialTranslationKey": "Emerald",
  "bright": true,
		  "type": "ITEM",
		  "content": "minecraft:emerald"
		"multiplier": 2.0
  "fullAmount": 200

Mending pickaxe

Can't stick mending on it in the anvil.

Diamond head, emerald handle.
Enchanted with Efficiency IV, Fortune II.

....oh. The emerald json is a custom one I made, although the details are basically the same. Adding it here just incase.

Blank texture for tools

No images are loading for the tools
This is what I have in my inventory

I used to have about 10-20 pages empty in REI as well, I think this was fixed by installing a pack (I thought I might be missing something) but that just seemed to remove them from the REI menu

crash during startup

i tried to load up this mod, and it immediately crashes my game. all i had in at the time was:
cloth-config 4.11.26
fabric api 0.34.6
materialisation 3.0.3
it wouldnt even start up, it gave me the crash message before anything. i even reinstalled the fabric loader, and the game would open if i ran forge (the fabric mods not actually working of course, but they loaded fine).
i think this mod is so cool, and i love tinkers construct and i want to pair it with a fabric-only mod i have (so i installed this), but this mod keeps crashing my game before i can even load it up. i have no crash report. is it a problem with the mod?
i also tried taking cloth config out, but it still didn't work.

Adding materialpacks causes a crash due to a default buggy diamond material?

Hello again. Happy holidays!

So I'm testing Materialisation v3.0.3 in a 1.16.4 modpack, using the default settings and no added materialpacks/overrides. Things were working fine, 'till I made a Diamond hammer, and noticed that not only was the name of the tool missing, but it's mining level also defaulted to 0. The hammer technically functioned - it just was only able to mine stone. So I poked around in Mod Menu -> Materialisation, and it shows the broken name in there too:
2020-12-18_00 19 51
Clicking the nameless diamond material, I noticed the Create Override button, and tested using it to set the mining level for Diamond to 3. This worked, although the name remained broken. Then I noticed the Install New button in the top right corner, and realized I had never tried adding any of the downloadable packs. So I added all but Amethyst. This resulted in the Materialisation menu breaking and not displaying any materials in the left pane anymore, and attempting to load a singleplayer session in this state, results in a crash. Through trial and error, I found out that only the Vanilla Diamond materialpack causes these problems, and the rest seemed to be fine. Deleting the Vanilla Diamond materialpack from the config folder and clicking reload, restores the left pane list of materials and allows loading a game.

On a hunch that a partially functioning default diamond material is being added by Materialisation (and conflicting with the materialpack version) I decided to test creating an override to disable it. Then once disabled, I re-added the VanillaDiamond materialpack. This surprisingly worked, and I'm now able to use the Vanilla Diamond materialpack without issue. So in the end, I guess the issue is that default nameless diamond material, wherever it came from?

Sorry for the long post, I was testing things as I wrote this and just happened to find the work around along the way. ๐Ÿคฃ

Delay when breaking a block with a materialised tool on server

When breaking a block using a materialised tool, the block will react like there's TPS lag; it will disappear, reappear for a second, then disappear again and drop the item. I've seen this happen on a server when vanilla tools don't have any delay like it. Using version 0.3.2 on 1.14.3 with Fabric API 0.3.0+188.

Add Releases?

It would be cool to test the mod out but there are no compiled versions :/

Crash on startup

Sorry to bother you, but latest version 0.7.1 just crashes on startup ๐Ÿ˜ข

same setup as before


Compatability issue with NetherOres (Mining)

Materialized pickaxes do not appear to be effective on NetherOres from the NetherThings mod. They mine as slow as fists and do not drop resources on break. I am not currently sure if this is an issue with the way Materialisation determines which blocks its tools are effective on, or with the block properties defined in NetherThings. Will update this issue if/when I have more info.

Broken items do full damage

Created a pickaxe entirely out of the following custom material:

"enabled": true,
"toolColor": "#ff00472f",
"toolDurability": 1.0,
"miningLevel": 2.0,
"enchantability": 10.0,
"durabilityMultiplier": 1.25,
"breakingSpeedMultiplier": 1.1,
"toolSpeed": 16.0,
"attackDamage": 24.0,
"name": "minecraft:ender_pearl",
"materialTranslationKey": "Ender Pearl",
"bright": true,
"ingredients": [
    "ingredient": {
      "type": "ITEM",
      "content": "minecraft:ender_pearl"
    "multiplier": 1.0
"fullAmount": 1.0

After this pickaxe used up its single point of durability it continued to deal full damage. Increasing the durability lead to a repeat of the same issue.

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