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Confidence intervals for scikit-learn forest algorithms

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forest-confidence-interval's Issues

Installation with pip doesn't work.

Hello, when trying to install through pip install sklforestci, got an error Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sklforestci (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for sklforestci.

So I have to install it directly from github: pip install git+

Is module missing from pypi?

Paper describing work?

I remember there's supposed to be a publication describing this work; is it out somewhere?

random_forest_error() does not work without scalers.


I was using the random_forest_error() function for a project of mine where the data is of the order of 10,000 and if I used it without a scaler, it started giving NaN values for all points. Why would this be happening?

Furthermore, if I then used a MinMaxScaler for the same, then it gives some values but it doesn't work with StandardScaler. Any idea why that would happen?

Another question that I had was that I need the variances in the same order as the original data, i.e. of the order of the original output data. How can I rescale the variance so that it matches the order of the original data?

Zero confidence intervals


I am trying to generate confidence intervals for the below sample data. I am using RandomForestRegressor with bootstrapping enabled.

X_train shape (270, 7)
[[ 12. 20. 1. ... 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 20. 1. ... 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 20. 1. ... 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 30. 10. ... 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 30. 10. ... 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 30. 10. ... 300. 1. 0.]]

Test data shape (36,7)
[[ 12. 10. 1. 1. 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 10. 5. 1. 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 10. 10. 1. 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 10. 1. 4. 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 20. 1. 4. 300. 1. 0.]
[ 12. 30. 1. 4. 300. 1. 0.]]

I generate ci data as

ci_data = fci.random_forest_error(model, x_train, x_test,  calibrate=True)

However, ci_data contains all zeroes

[1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34
1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34 1.89472718e-34]

Do you have any pointers as to what could be going wrong here? Thanks.

Not compatible with SKLearn version 0.22.1

A newer version of SciKit Learn modified _generate_sample_indices() to require an additional n_samples_bootstrap argument, thus the current version of the code will raise a TypeError: _generate_sample_indices() missing 1 required positional argument: 'n_samples_bootstrap' when running fci.random_forest_error(mpg_forest, mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test).

NaNs in V_IJ

On a toy problem, in which I am using Random Forests + ForestCI to prototype some ideas, I will randomly get NaNs in the V_IJ estimates.

This toy problem is using a random forest to fit a 1D curve. Code to try reproducing the problem is below.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from forestci import random_forest_error

def func(x):
    return x**2 + 3*x - 3

x_train = np.hstack([np.linspace(-10, -3, 10), np.linspace(3, 10, 10)])
x_test = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=5, figsize=(20, 8))

for i in range(10):
    rfr = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=1), 1), func(x_train))
    preds = rfr.predict(x_test.reshape(-1, 1))
    var_est = random_forest_error(rfr, 
                                  x_train.reshape(-1, 1), 
                                  x_test.reshape(-1, 1), 
    axes.flatten()[i].errorbar(x_test, preds, yerr=var_est)

I noticed two observations. Firstly, the estimated errors are unstable. Please see image below.


Is this a result of having few training samples (only 20 observations on the curve)? Or is there something else I'm missing conceptually?

Secondly, I will occasionally get NaNs in var_est (the estimate of V_IJ), hence the errors are unplottable.


I'm not quite sure how to diagnose what is happening here. Would you guys be able to provide some input on where I might be doing something wrong?

Error with `random_forest_error`

Submitting an error report here, just for record purposes.

With the following line:

pred_error = fci.random_forest_error(clf, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test, inbag=None)

I get the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-79c18cb1c841> in <module>()
----> 1 pred_error = fci.random_forest_error(clf, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test, inbag=None)

~/anaconda/envs/targetpred/lib/python3.6/site-packages/forestci/ in random_forest_error(forest, inbag, X_train, X_test)
    115     pred_centered = pred - pred_mean
    116     n_trees = forest.n_estimators
--> 117     V_IJ = _core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees)
    118     V_IJ_unbiased = _bias_correction(V_IJ, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees)
    119     return V_IJ_unbiased

~/anaconda/envs/targetpred/lib/python3.6/site-packages/forestci/ in _core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees)
     58     for t_idx in range(n_trees):
---> 59         inbag_r = (inbag[:, t_idx] - 1).reshape(-1, 1)
     60         pred_c_r = pred_centered.T[t_idx].reshape(1, -1)
     61         cov_hat +=, pred_c_r) / n_trees

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I am using version 0.1.0, installed from pip.

I think a new release is required; after inspecting the source code, I'm seeing that inbag=None is no longer a required keyword argument (contrary to what my installed version is saying), and that inbag=None is handled correctly in the GitHub version (contrary to how my installed version is working).

Compatibility issues with scikit-learn 0.24.2

Hi, I was wondering if you will be ensuring compatibility with newer versions of scikit-learn? sklearn.ensemble.forest was renamed to sklearn.ensemble._forest in 2019 so I'm having this error

from sklearn.ensemble.forest import _generate_sample_indices, _get_n_samples_bootstrap

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn.ensemble.forest'

All 0's in `g_eta_raw`.

Trying to debug the problem of getting all NaN's from random_forest_error I found that the g_eta_raw array from

g_eta_raw = np.exp(, eta_hat)) * mask
contains all 0's and then the g_eta_main division throws the warning RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide.

This is probably related to #72, #78, #83, #88 and #92.

¿Any idea on why, despite np.exp(, eta_hat)) and mask having some values different from 0, their product is a null matrix (all values are 0)? Of course it's because one of them is 0 in every pair of components (e.g. np.exp(, eta_hat)[i] or mask[i] are 0 for every i in range(len(mask))). But why does this situation occur?

Sum taken over wrong axis

Hi there,

I believe the centered predictions are being computed incorrectly. Line 278 in takes the average over the predictions, as opposed to the trees. The resulting shape of pred_mean is (forest.n_estimators,) when it should be (X_test.shape[0],). See below:

pred_centered = pred - pred_mean

Thanks for the great package otherwise! :)

Receiving strange TypeError

I have the following code:

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', header=0, engine='c')
mat = df.as_matrix()
X = mat[:, 1:]
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size = 0.2)
variance = forestci.random_forest_error(model, X_train, X_test)

When I run it, it throws the error TypeError: random_forest_error() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given).

However, there are only three non-optional arguments listed in the documentation.
If I add a fourth argument for inbag, I then get an error saying that inbag is defined twice. Any ideas of what's causing this? I'm happy to write a PR if you point me towards the cause.

negative V_IJ_unbiased


first of all, great work, this is a great tool! I have a couple of questions based on issues I've encountered when playing with the package. Apologies if these reveal my misunderstanding rather than an actual issue with the coding.

  1. When running the confidence interval calculation on a forest I trained, I encounter negative values of the unbiased variances. Additionally, the more trees my forest has, the more of these negative values appear. Could there be some kind of bias overcorrection?

  2. The _bias_correction function in the module calculates n_var parameter, that it then applies to the bias correction vector. However, no such expression appears in Eqn. (7) of the Wagner et al. (2014), according to which the bias correction should be n_train_samples * boot_var / n_trees (using the variable names from the package code). Where does n_var come from?

  3. I don't see any parameter regulating the number of bootstrap draws. Even though O(n) draws should be enough to take case of the Monte Carlo noise, it should still be possible to control this somehow. If I change the n_samples parameter, this clashes with the pred matrix, which is fixed to the number of trees in the forest. How to regulate the number of draws?

  4. In fact, if I'm reading the paper right, the idea is to look at how the predictions from the individual trees change when using different bootstrap samples of the original data. That doesn't seem to be what the package is doing, which is using predictions from a single forest on a set of test data instead of predictions of multiple forests of a single new sample. Where is my understanding wrong?

Thanks and again, let me know if what I'm asking is off-topic for here.


cannot import name '_get_n_samples_bootstrap'

Hi folks, I'm trying to use fci but when I run: import forestci as fci

I get:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/forestci/ in
9 import copy
10 from .calibration import calibrateEB
---> 11 from sklearn.ensemble.forest import _generate_sample_indices, _get_n_samples_bootstrap
12 from .due import _due, _BibTeX

ImportError: cannot import name '_get_n_samples_bootstrap'

Array dimensions incorrect for confidence intervals


I'm trying to create error estimates and am using RandomForestRegressor with bootstrapping enabled. I am using data with dimensions:

x_test [10,13]
x_train [90,13]
y_test [10,2]
y_train [90,2]

I then generate errors using:

y_error = fci.random_forest_error(self.model, self.x_train, self.x_test)

However I get the error:

Generating point estimates...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  33 tasks      | elapsed:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed:    0.0s finished
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_2626600/ in <module>
----> 1 point_estimates = model.point_estimate(save_estimates=True, make_plots=False)
      2 print(point_estimates)

/scratch/wiay/lara/galpro/galpro/ in point_estimate(self, save_estimates, make_plots)
    158         # Use the model to make predictions on new objects
    159         y_pred = self.model.predict(self.x_test)
--> 160         y_error = fci.random_forest_error(self.model, self.x_train, self.x_test)
    162         # Update class variables

~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/forestci/ in random_forest_error(forest, X_train, X_test, inbag, calibrate, memory_constrained, memory_limit)
    279     n_trees = forest.n_estimators
    280     V_IJ = _core_computation(
--> 281         X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees, memory_constrained, memory_limit
    282     )
    283     V_IJ_unbiased = _bias_correction(V_IJ, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees)

~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/forestci/ in _core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees, memory_constrained, memory_limit, test_mode)
    135     """
    136     if not memory_constrained:
--> 137         return np.sum(( - 1, pred_centered.T) / n_trees) ** 2, 0)
    139     if not memory_limit:

<__array_function__ internals> in dot(*args, **kwargs)

ValueError: shapes (90,100) and (100,10,2) not aligned: 100 (dim 1) != 10 (dim 1)

Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong here?? Thanks!

Specify the statistical quantity for which the variance is computed

Hi! Great project! and welcome to scikit-learn-contrib :)

I could not find the information other than by looking at the code myself, but it would be good to specify precisely the variance of what statistical quantity is computed/approximated, and over which distribution. What is meant by "confidence interval" may otherwise be misleading/confusing.

Negative error values in classification task

Not sure whether this is an issue or not, but I thought I'd report it.

To the best of my knowledge, confidence intervals are, by definition, supposed to be positively-valued. However, I noticed that I am getting negative CIs. For example, after fitting a classifier and then obtaining confidence interval values, I see the following distribution:


When I check the range of the confidence intervals, I get:

>>> np.percentile(pred_error, [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 57, 58])
array([ -6.44598321e-02,  -3.91696053e-02,  -2.07770770e-02,
        -2.43449960e-03,  -7.71852754e-04,  -4.55220853e-05,

Negative values occur up to the 57th percentile.

Something didn't make sense w.r.t. negative CI values, thus I felt compelled to report this here. Hope it comes in handy.

Random error in fci.random_forest_error for clasification


I started to use forest-confidence-interval. Thank you for implementing package.
After several interaction I converged to following usage:

errors = fci.random_forest_error(clf, k0_training,k0_test,memory_constrained=1, memory_limit=100, calibrate=0 )

I have following comments/suggestions/questions


  • could yo use some default upper limit for the evaluation < available memory?
    • In my examples with 50000 rows x 6 columns I got >10 GBy memory
    • I had to stop the process
  • flag memory_limit was not working using default pip install (restci 0.3)
    • After installation from sources flag worked properly ()
    • Could you update pip recipe in the pip to use version with working memory limits ?


  • calibrate method I got O (1000) times higher errors compared to option without calibrate
  • (~1.6+-0.3 instead of ~0.001)
  • using switch calibrate=0 , obtained errors look more realistic (for classification values I assumed errors should be <1)
  • using calibrate method I obtained large spread of error values:
for i in range(0,5):
    errors = fci.random_forest_error(clf, k0_training,k0_test,memory_constrained=1, memory_limit=100, calibrate=1 )
(0, array([1.77080289, 1.77080289, 1.77080289, 1.77080289, 1.77080289]))
(1, array([1.60437205, 1.60437205, 1.60437205, 1.60437205, 1.60437205]))
(2, array([1.00765122, 1.00765122, 1.00765122, 1.00765122, 1.00765122]))
(3, array([1.55302694, 1.55302694, 1.55302694, 1.55302694, 1.55302694]))
(4, array([1.36027949, 1.36027949, 1.36027949, 1.36027949, 1.36027949]))
  • I assume that the error estimate using calibrate is overestimated. I will check if the error estimates with calibrate=0 are realistic.
  • Is the problem with my expectation (for classification errors < 1), or is there problem with calibrate method ?
  • Did you try before error estimates for classification


Examples are broken

chlosyne:examples (master) $python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 51, in <module>
  File "/Users/arokem/source/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/", line 221, in random_forest_error
    memory_constrained, memory_limit)
  File "/Users/arokem/source/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/", line 98, in _core_computation
    return np.sum(( - 1, pred_centered.T) / n_trees) ** 2, 0)
ValueError: shapes (98,7) and (2000,294) not aligned: 7 (dim 1) != 2000 (dim 0)
chlosyne:examples (master) $python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 49, in <module>
  File "/Users/arokem/source/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/", line 221, in random_forest_error
    memory_constrained, memory_limit)
  File "/Users/arokem/source/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/", line 98, in _core_computation
    return np.sum(( - 1, pred_centered.T) / n_trees) ** 2, 0)
ValueError: shapes (1000,20) and (500,4000) not aligned: 20 (dim 1) != 500 (dim 0)

Warning: sklearn.ensemble.forest module is deprecated in version 0.22

Hi, when I use forstci, which is great, I get the following warning, which is harmless for now:

The sklearn.ensemble.forest module is deprecated in version 0.22 and will be removed in version 0.24. The corresponding classes / functions should instead be imported from sklearn.ensemble. Anything that cannot be imported from sklearn.ensemble is now part of the private API.

It might hit us in the future

amount of trees needed to work

When I use this on my Random forest model it only works when I use 200 or more trees in the parameters.

n_trees = 200
forest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_trees, random_state=42)

my optimal amount of trees is 29 but then (and not with the 200 trees) I get a warning:
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide g_eta_main = g_eta_raw / sum(g_eta_raw)
I also can't get a confidence interval around my predicted points because of the error.

I'm a missing something, why you need such an excessive amount of trees?

Edit: minimum amount of trees needed to make it work

Can this package be adapted to perform Thompson sampling?

I’m looking at using random forest regressors to perform hyperparameter tuning in a Bayesian optimization setup. While you can use the upper confidence bound to explore your state space, Thompson sampling performs better and eliminates the need for tuning the hyper-hyperparameter of the confidence interval used for selection. One solution is to obtain an empirical Bayesian posterior by training many random forest regressors on bootstrapped data, but this seems like overkill (ensembles of ensembles!). Would appreciate any input on the subject thank you! (For more discussion see this review of using CART decision trees to pull off the goal:

forest error are all NaN

I have encountered this warning message when executing forestci.random_forest_error(regressor, x_train, x_test)

RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide g_eta_main = g_eta_raw / sum(g_eta_raw)

and the results are

array([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
       nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan])

Is it something related to zero division?

Allow general bagging estimators

In discussing with @arokem, we couldn't find a reason for this method not to apply to generalized bagging estimators, e.g. an sklearn.ensemble.BaggingRegressor composed of sklearn.svm.SVR() instances. The Wager paper delays any mention of forests until section three.

I tried to blindly use a BaggingRegressor on one of the examples:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import forestci as fci

# Build the bagging regressors, one using SVR and one using LassoCV

# retreive mpg data from machine learning library
mpg_data = fetch_openml('autompg')

# separate mpg data into predictors and outcome variable
mpg_X = mpg_data["data"]
mpg_y = mpg_data["target"]

# remove rows where the data is nan
not_null_sel = np.invert(np.sum(np.isnan(mpg_data["data"]), axis=1).astype(bool))
mpg_X = mpg_X[not_null_sel]
mpg_y = mpg_y[not_null_sel]

# split mpg data into training and test set
mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test, mpg_y_train, mpg_y_test = train_test_split(
    mpg_X, mpg_y,

# Create BaggingRegressor
n_estimators = 1000
svr_bagger = BaggingRegressor(
#     max_samples=0.99999

lasso_bagger = BaggingRegressor(
#     max_samples=0.99999
), mpg_y_train), mpg_y_train)

svr_y_hat = svr_bagger.predict(mpg_X_test)
lasso_y_hat = lasso_bagger.predict(mpg_X_test)

# Calculate the variance
svr_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(
    svr_bagger, mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test

lasso_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(
    lasso_bagger, mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test

But I got the following error:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-482cfbc9365b> in <module>
     14 # Calculate the variance
---> 15 svr_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(
     16     svr_bagger, mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test
     17 )

~/projects/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/ in random_forest_error(forest, X_train, X_test, inbag, calibrate, memory_constrained, memory_limit)
    234     """
    235     if inbag is None:
--> 236         inbag = calc_inbag(X_train.shape[0], forest)
    238     pred = np.array([tree.predict(X_test) for tree in forest]).T

~/projects/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/ in calc_inbag(n_samples, forest)
     60     inbag = np.zeros((n_samples, n_trees))
     61     sample_idx = []
---> 62     n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(
     63         n_samples, forest.max_samples
     64     )

~/miniconda3/envs/forestci/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/ensemble/ in _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples, max_samples)
    107         if not (0 < max_samples < 1):
    108             msg = "`max_samples` must be in range (0, 1) but got value {}"
--> 109             raise ValueError(msg.format(max_samples))
    110         return int(round(n_samples * max_samples))

ValueError: `max_samples` must be in range (0, 1) but got value 1.0

This is because RandomForestRegressor and BaggingRegressor have different validation subroutines for max_samples. forestci uses the private routines in sklearn.ensemble._forest to get the number of bootstrap samples, which validates the max_samples parameter as if it were supplied to RandomForestRegressor. So some work might have to be done to accommodate generalized bagging regressors/classifiers.

I tried again by setting max_samples = 0.999 and it worked. But this is a bit hacky and it would be better to write code that inspects the "forest" to see if it inherits from BaseForest or from BaseBagging. I will submit a PR to this effect.

ValueError with random_forest_error() on multi-dimensional output

I'm getting a ValueError when using a random forest estimator trained on multi-dimensional output:

fci.random_forest_error(est, X_train, X_test)
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-46-91c6f1ac565a>", line 1, in <module>
    fci.random_forest_error(est, X_train, X_test)

  File "/home/matt/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/forestci/", line 163, in random_forest_error
    memory_constrained, memory_limit)

  File "/home/matt/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/forestci/", line 64, in _core_computation
    return np.sum((,pred_centered.T)/n_trees)**2,0)

ValueError: shapes (135,10) and (10,34,96) not aligned: 10 (dim 1) != 34 (dim 1)

For reference,

>>> (135, 1252)

>>> (34, 96)

I would expect the returned variance array to be of shape (34,96).

I am on version 0.2 of forestci.

random_forest_error() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

I'm substituting my own Data into this but running this code and receiving the above titled error??

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import sklearn.cross_validation as xval
from sklearn.datasets.mldata import fetch_mldata
import forestci as fci

# create RandomForestRegressor
n_trees = 2000
mpg_forest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_trees, random_state=42), y)
mpg_y_hat = mpg_forest.predict(X2)

# calculate inbag and unbiased variance
mpg_inbag = fci.calc_inbag(X.shape[0], mpg_forest)
mpg_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(mpg_forest, X,

# Plot error bars for predicted MPG using unbiased variance
plt.errorbar(y2, mpg_y_hat, yerr=np.sqrt(mpg_V_IJ_unbiased), fmt='o')
plt.plot([5, 45], [5, 45], '--')
plt.xlabel('Reported MPG')
plt.ylabel('Predicted MPG')

TypeError: random_forest_error() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

Usage in practised application


Firstly, thanks for the amazing work! I just have a question that how we support to use the error bar? Specifically for the RandomForestClassifier. The example only uses the result for plotting ...

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you

confidence interval on train data


I am trying to compare the RF error on train and test data for a regression problem. After fitting the model (rf_model), I estimate the error as follows (np for numpy)-

test_std = np.sqrt(fci.random_forest_error(rf_model, train_dataset.X, test_dataset.X)) train_std = np.sqrt(fci.random_forest_error(rf_model, train_dataset.X, train_dataset.X))

But from the results I see that the standard deviation for test data is very small compared to the standard deviation for the train dataset which is weird. I am thinking is it because I am passing the same dataset to calculate the standard deviation for training dataset?

I would really appreciate some help.

Thank you!

V_IJ_unbiased is zero, when x_test = 1

Hi. I am trying to get a CI for a new x value that was not in the training set.

X_train.shape = 2000, 1
X_test.shape = 1, 1

X_test = [10]

V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error (model, X_train, X_test)

At the same time, V_IJ_unbiased = [0.]
But if I use X_test.shape = [2, 1] - everything is fine.
X_test = [10, 23]
How can I get the CI for the new value of X_test ?

Unnecessary usage of training data?

In the implementation of both, random_forest_error() and _core_computation(), the complete X_train data is passed but only X_train.shape[0] is ever used. Why is the complete data being taken instead of just the length then? Wouldn't this be an issue if there is a huge training data array but can be solved if just its length is passed?

progress indicator?

@owlas @arokem I'm running fci.random_forest_error on a fairly large dataset.

train: 3334431, 200
test: 13703350, 200

(train is smaller after undersampling)

I'm trying to use both the memory_constrained version and the low_memory version (#74).

I ran the memory_constrained version on a m5.24xlarge EC2 instance with 384.0 GiB of memory and 96 vCPUs. I gave it a memory_limit of 100000 MB (100 GB). This only utilized about half of the memory on the instance and it ran for over 48 hours until I just terminated the instance.

I'm currently running the low_memory option on a m5.12xlarge (192 GiB memory, 48 vCPU) which has been running for 15 hours straight and hasn't finished yet. Using top I do see that all of the CPUs are being utilized to 100%.

I have a few questions:

  1. how can I estimate the ideal size of memory_limit? I understand its the max size of the intermediate matrices from the docs but it wasn't clear to me how many intermediate matricies are being created at a time? Is it sequential, i.e. do I just give it the whole RAM?

  2. is the memory_constrained version faster than the low_memory option given large enough memory limit? It wasn't clear to me which one I should be expecting to complete.

  3. Is there any way to show a progress indicator (even if I have to hack in a print for now)? I'd like to know how close I am to completion with jobs that seem to take multiple days to run.

  4. Overall, I'm looking to precompute as much as possible and then run this model on live predictions one at a time. Looking at the code I believe this should be possible- does this sound do-able to you?

Any other advice you can offer would be most helpful.


EDIT: I'm trying the low_memory option again with a memory_limit of 300000 (300 GiB). I believe that limit does indeed appear to be sequential. The memory slowly crawls up to the max, all the cores kick in for a few minutes, and then the memory comes back down again.

Notably, while the memory is slowly filling up, only one core is being. Only when the memory fills up all the way, most of the cores kick into action for about 2 minutes. Then it takes 1 minute for the memory to go back down with a single core being used. The cycle then starts again.

Is there perhaps some optimization that can allow all the cores to be used more efficiently? It seems the majority of time is currently spent waiting until the memory limit is reached and only then some computation occurs.

As mentioned before, the low_memory option, on the other hand, is constantly using all cores at 100%.

Applicability to non-binary classification tasks

First of all many thanks for the very nice repository and clean code!

I was wondering whether this method would be applicable to non-binary classification tasks. By looking at the code, I imagine it could make sense if the class is an ordinal variable, but in the general case the mean over the predicted classes would not be meaningful.

The original paper does not discuss this, and it seems to me the extension to multi-class problems is not super trivial. However, as your code imposes no restrictions on the number of classes, I was wondering if you have considered this problem, and whether you know of a good workaround. Would running the code on the predicted probability of each class make sense? That is, computing the variance of the output of predict_proba instead of predict.

Many thanks!

ValueError on multiple output problems

Training set is of the form (n_training_samples, n_features) = (14175.34)
Testing set is of the form (n_testing_samples, n_features) = (4725,34)
Running - forestci.random_forest_error(randomFor, X_train, X_test)
Yields the following error;

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
21 print(X_test.shape)
22 mpg_V_IJ_unbiased = forestci.random_forest_error(randomFor, X_train,
---> 23 X_test)
24 hat = randomFor.predict(X_test)
25 print(' The score for is {}'.format(score[-13::]))

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\forestci\ in random_forest_error(forest, X_train, X_test, inbag, calibrate, memory_constrained, memory_limit)
241 n_trees = forest.n_estimators
242 V_IJ = _core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees,
--> 243 memory_constrained, memory_limit)
244 V_IJ_unbiased = _bias_correction(V_IJ, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\forestci\ in _core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees, memory_constrained, memory_limit, test_mode)
110 """
111 if not memory_constrained:
--> 112 return np.sum(( - 1, pred_centered.T) / n_trees) ** 2, 0)
114 if not memory_limit:

<array_function internals> in dot(*args, **kwargs)

ValueError: shapes (14175,700) and (700,4725,2) not aligned: 700 (dim 1) != 4725 (dim 1)

TypeError when following examples - docs need updating.

Hey guys,

Current example in docs no longer runs with latest version from pip, producing the error:

mpg_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(mpg_forest, mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test)
TypeError: random_forest_error() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

This is because the random_forest_error method inputs have changed to request the in_bag argument second.

This is a cool library, not sure how this normally works but want me to amend the docs?

Overflow errors

When using random_forest_error() with a dataset in which the features range between 0 and 1 and of datatype float64, I get a bunch of overflow errors like so:

/Users/erictaw/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  g_eta_raw = np.exp(, eta)) * mask
/Users/erictaw/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  g_eta_raw = np.exp(, eta_hat)) * mask
/Users/erictaw/forest-confidence-interval/forestci/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  g_eta_main = g_eta_raw / sum(g_eta_raw)

Turning off calibration eliminates these errors, of course. Is this something I should be worried about?

Error running plot_mpg notebook

I ran the plot_mpg notebook code:

# Regression Forest Example
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import sklearn.cross_validation as xval
from sklearn.datasets.mldata import fetch_mldata
import forestci as fci

# retreive mpg data from machine learning library
mpg_data = fetch_mldata('mpg')

# separate mpg data into predictors and outcome variable
mpg_X = mpg_data["data"]
mpg_y = mpg_data["target"]

# split mpg data into training and test set
mpg_X_train, mpg_X_test, mpg_y_train, mpg_y_test = xval.train_test_split(
                                                   mpg_X, mpg_y,

# create RandomForestRegressor
n_trees = 2000
mpg_forest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_trees, random_state=42), mpg_y_train)
mpg_y_hat = mpg_forest.predict(mpg_X_test)

# calculate inbag and unbiased variance
mpg_inbag = fci.calc_inbag(mpg_X_train.shape[0], mpg_forest)
mpg_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(mpg_forest, mpg_X_train,

# Plot error bars for predicted MPG using unbiased variance
plt.errorbar(mpg_y_test, mpg_y_hat, yerr=np.sqrt(mpg_V_IJ_unbiased), fmt='o')
plt.plot([5, 45], [5, 45], '--')
plt.xlabel('Reported MPG')
plt.ylabel('Predicted MPG')

and got the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-a0d96d55b892> in <module>()
     30 mpg_inbag = fci.calc_inbag(mpg_X_train.shape[0], mpg_forest)
     31 mpg_V_IJ_unbiased = fci.random_forest_error(mpg_forest, mpg_X_train,
---> 32                                             mpg_X_test)
     34 # Plot error bars for predicted MPG using unbiased variance

TypeError: random_forest_error() missing 1 required positional argument: 'X_test'

My environment is Anaconda python 4.3.1.


Benchmarking confidence intervals

For my dataset, I tried correlating the CIs to absolute error on the test set, and didn't find a relationship. I do get a relationship if I use the standard deviation of the predictions from individual decision trees. Do you see this with other datasets?

Can't uninstall forestci

This is the result when I try to pip uninstall forestci:

Can't uninstall 'forestci'. No files were found to uninstall.

Any idea what might be causing this?

JOSS Review "Example usage" [Major]

  1. The examples use two standard datasets from another package, however it is not explained in which
    format the users own data needs to be presented before it can be used.
    Please provide links to the relevant documentations.

  2. The two examples do not show before and after plots of the dataset, as
    such it is not clear why the user should use this routine.

  3. There is no description of what settings can be used in the calculation of inbag and unbiased variance and how these influence the results

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