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A library for reactive and unidirectional Swift applications

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License: MIT License

Swift 92.18% Ruby 1.99% Makefile 1.95% Objective-C 3.88%
swift reactorkit reactive unidirectional architecture rxswift

reactorkit's Issues

Showing errors and updating input fields

Is there any best practice, recommendation, a guideline on how to display error that occurred in Mutation Observable?

Eg 1: I am fetching data from web service and I get my auth token expired error so I need to somehow present this in UI.

Eg 2: I have some UITextField. On some action, that gets called I will want the mutation to update the text in this field. How is this achieved?


Repeated action every x second

Good day guys,

Trying to figure out how could I achieve an action every 20s (like you would by using a NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval call).

Essentially on startup I would like to make startWith the Action.fetchSomething and schedule that action every 20s.

I have troubles figuring out how I could achieve this.

Thank you in advance

Carthage: no shared scheme


currently it is not possible to install ReactorKit using Carthage.

*** Skipped building ReactorKit due to the error:
Dependency "ReactorKit" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

a question

when my controller has a collectionview or tableview, how to resolve the complexity in reshresh/endRefresh/loadMore/endLoadMore

Triggering Action

Is there any chance to trigger the Action without subscribing to State?

For Example:
I have Action saveKey(Key)

enum Action {
  case saveKey(Key)

and I want to trigger action case without returning any Mutation case.

func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable<Mutation> {
  switch action {
  case let .saveKey(key):
    return .empty()

Should I return .empty() observable? But it doesn't work

Carthage build error


When compiling with Carthage, I get the following error:


Could you please help me?


How to tell difference between 2 actions that result in same mutation


I am building an application that is using UITableView for displaying list of some items. There is also some other screen where you can pick a filter for those items. The problem I encountered with state is that I have an array of those items in state and I am running diff on that array whenever state changes so I can remove/insert rows from/to table view with animation. However, when I change the filter, I want to actually do this without the animation. The issue is that I do not, know how to tell when it is just items that changed for whatever reason and when the items changed because of the new filter was applied. Even if I have filter in my state struct.

Maybe my whole approach is wrong.

I have action .subscribeToListChanges that generates a mutation whenever something in Realm changes (it is basically never completing Observable). Then I have action .setFilter that sets filter. That changes filter which triggers also new mutation from .subscribeToListChanges Observable.

Complex observable


how would you solve problem when with one action you want to create a observable and with another action you want to do something with this already created observable?

For example, I have a observable which will emit Mutation after 10 seconds:

switch action {
    case .start:
        return Observable<Int>.interval(10, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
            .map { _ in .doSomething }

and now I wanna dispose or restart this observable.

switch action {
    case .stop:
        // What to do now?

How would you do that?

installing via Carthage not working

carthage update ReactorKit platform iOS
*** Skipped building ReactorKit due to the error: Dependency "ReactorKit" has no shared framework schemes

ReactorKit Ignore initial action..

Hi, I'm developing a tableView with UISegmentedControl using ReactorKit .. and I found some problems in ReactorKit.

As far as I understand, the Reactor does not trigger mutate(), reduce() until state stream subscribed. That's why we have to do binding state explicitly to trigger action.(#41)
It's not a big problem in many cases, but when I use UIViews which have initial state (such as UISegmentedControl), I face some problem.
As mutate() does not being called until state subscribed (or binded), If we bind actions before state subscribed (as docs example does) it can disregard initial action of UIView.

So below snippet does not work as I intended, the second one worked perfectly for me.

First Version

// Action   
            .bind(to: reactor.action)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

// State
            .map { $0.comments }
            .map { [SectionModel(model: "comments", items: $0)] }
            .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Second Version

// State
            .map { $0.comments }
            .map { [SectionModel(model: "comments", items: $0)] }
            .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

// Action   
            .bind(to: reactor.action)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

So I think it's safe to restrict bind ordering (State binding -> Action binding)
Or subscribe state explicitly when declear state stream

Documentation README link is incorrect.

When I cliecked documentation's toturial link, I got 404 error.

because of this.

It is wrote Documentation path twice.

Automated tasks & transitioning UI between states

Lets imagine you have some application that requires synchronisation. This synchronisation is ran every time a user opens the app (becomes active). How does this fit to ReactorKit, where this should be implemented?

When sync completes, it usually changes UI in terms of adding/removing items from table view etc. so eventually it has to somehow update the State of one or more Reactors.

This brings me to another thing with transitioning between states - like add rows to UITable/CollectionView, animating changes etc. How this should be done using ReactorKt if there is some best practice for this or a guideline.

Carthage support?

There is no xcodeproj file for this project, so I can't use it by carthage. Can you please add support for that.


State bind multiple times

Hi, I download the example of Drrrible, and now I have a question, such as ShotListViewController

// Output { $0.isRefreshing }
  .bind(to: self.refreshControl.rx.isRefreshing)
  .disposed(by: self.disposeBag) { $0.sections }
  .bind(to: self.collectionView.rx.items(dataSource: self.dataSource))
  .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

I disable the response stream of sections, but the signal of sections in state be triggered multiple times:

    case .refresh:
      guard !self.currentState.isRefreshing else { return .empty() }
      guard !self.currentState.isLoading else { return .empty() }
      let startRefreshing = Observable<Mutation>.just(.setRefreshing(true))
      let endRefreshing = Observable<Mutation>.just(.setRefreshing(false))
//      let setShots = self.shotService.shots(paging: .refresh)
//        .map { list -> Mutation in
//          return .setShots(list.items, nextURL: list.nextURL)
//        }
      return .concat([startRefreshing, endRefreshing])

In my project, I want to just trigger one state,could you help me?

Is there any ways to prevent the fat bind function?

I have a question.
When using Reactorkit, I sometimes have the fat bind function which has more than 100 lines.

Even I do not know whether it is good or bad, but if you have any idea to prevent this, please let me know.

Why differentiate between actions and mutations?

I understand that mutations are the effect of side effects, but aren't they essentially the same thing in the examples?

It reminds me a little bit of (which is nice!) but they don't differentiate between actions in epics (what you call mutations).
Instead they wrap their async actions in an observable

It could just be three actions:

enum Action {
    case refreshFollowingStatus(Int) //async
    case follow(Int) //async
    case followed(Bool)

The state in transform(state: Observable<State>) is different than the current state

I am unsure that this is an issue or just me not understanding how state transformation works.

When using transform(state: Observable<State>) -> Observable<State>, previous transformations are not available in the parameter state.

For instance:

struct State {
  var flag = false
  var counter = 0

func transform(state: Observable<State>) -> Observable<State> {
  return { state in
    var state = state
    state.counter += 1
    return state

If the variable counter is not modified elsewhere (by a mutation for instance), it will always be equal to 1.

In the view:

function bind(reactor: MyReactor) {
  // Counter should count the number of state changes { $0.counter }
    .bind {
      print($0) // Always prints 1
    .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

  // Perform some actions which mutate state.flag

I couldn't find any documentation regarding this point, so this might be how it is supposed to behave but I am unsure.

UIcollectionView select and deselect issue

Hi i'm facing a problem with collectionview select and deselct (cannot deselect after selected)

My setup is


class PhotoListViewReactor : Reactor {
        enum Action {
            case shareInit
            case select(photo: Photo)
            case deselect(photo: Photo)
            case shareConfirm
            case shareFinish
        enum Mutation {
            case selectShare(_ photo: Photo)
            case deselectShare(_ photo: Photo)
            case setSharingState(Bool)
            case triggerShareAction
            case shareComplete
        struct State {
            var sharePhotos: [Photo] = []
            var isSharing: Bool = false
            var shareAction: Bool = false
        var initialState = State()
        //    init() { }
        func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable<Mutation> {
            switch action {
            case .select(photo: let photo):
                return Observable.just(Mutation.selectShare(photo)).takeUntil(self.action.filter(isSharingAction))
            case .deselect(photo: let photo):
                return Observable.just(Mutation.deselectShare(photo)).takeUntil(self.action.filter(isSharingAction))
            case .shareInit:
                return Observable.just(Mutation.setSharingState(true))
            case .shareConfirm:
                return Observable.concat([Observable.just(Mutation.triggerShareAction), Observable.just(Mutation.setSharingState(false))])
            case .shareFinish:
                return Observable.concat([Observable.just(Mutation.shareComplete),Observable.just(Mutation.setSharingState(false))])
        func reduce(state: State, mutation: Mutation) -> State {
            switch mutation {
            case let .selectShare(photo):
                var newState = state
                return newState
            case let .deselectShare(photo):
                var newState = state
                newState.sharePhotos.removeAll(where: { $ == })
                return newState
            case let .setSharingState(isSharing):
                var newState = state
                newState.isSharing = isSharing
                return newState
            case .triggerShareAction:
                var newState = state
                newState.shareAction = true
                return newState
            case .shareComplete:
                var newState = state
                newState.shareAction = false
                newState.isSharing = false
                newState.sharePhotos = []
                return newState
        private func isSharingAction(_ action: Action) -> Bool {
            if case .shareInit = action {
                return true
            } else {
                return false

and inside PhotoListViewController

            .map { $0)}
            .bind(to: reactor.action)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)
            .map {Reactor.Action.deselect(photo: $0)}
            .bind(to: reactor.action)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

To be clear my filterIf Operator:

extension ObservableType {
         Filters the source observable sequence using a trigger observable sequence producing Bool values.
         Elements only go through the filter when the trigger has not completed and its last element was true. If either source or trigger error's, then the source errors.
         - parameter trigger: Triggering event sequence.
         - returns: Filtered observable sequence.
        func filter(if trigger: Observable<Bool>) -> Observable<E> {
            return self.withLatestFrom(trigger) { ($0, $1) }
                .filter { $0.1 }
                .map { $0.0 }

My problem is the selection and deselection does not work properly (once select, user can not deselect the cell by click again). I have enable multisection in uicollectionview. is there an issue with selection?

Perform initial action

Hey, I'd like to perform initial action when controller is loaded. How do I do?

There's an example of things I'd do in Cocoa world

// Let's say we're in viewDidLoad()

let store = HKHealthStore()

guard HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() else { // ex

guard let stepsType = HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .stepCount) else {

store.requestAuthorization(toShare: nil, read: [stepsType]) { success, err in
    guard success else {
        if let err = err {
            infoPopup.text = err.localizedDescription
   // ex
How do I apply this to an Rx / ReactorKit's paradigm?

ReactorKit with nib files

All examples do not use neither storyboard nor nib files. How should I resolve situation when I want use nib files for viewcontrollers? When I do it now, app crashes because IBOutlets are not initialized yet and I need access them in bind method.

I want to do something like this, but self.collectionView is nil:

            .map { [CategorySectionModel(model: Void(), items: $0.categories)] }
            .bind(to: self.collectionView.rx.items(dataSource: self.dataSource))

How to call side effect on page load

Hi I am using StoryBoardView . How can I call a webservice on page load .

enum Action {
    case loadLocalData
    case loadDataFromServer

func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable<Mutation>{
    switch action {
    case .loadLocalData:
        return .concat([
    case .loadDataFromServer:
        return .concat([

But how to call set load from Server at first place.
P>S New to reactorkit

Can't transform the global state to a mutation while observing this state

Hi, I want to transform the global state to a mutation. It is perfect to use

func transform(mutation: Observable<Mutation>) -> Observable<Mutation> {
    return .merge(mutation, anotherMutationFromGlobalState())

But I need to use reactor's state to determinate if I really need this mutation from global state. So my code looks like

  func transform(mutation: Observable<Mutation>) -> Observable<Mutation> {
    return .merge(mutation, positionMutation(mutation))

  private func positionMutation(_ mutation: Observable<Mutation>) -> Observable<Mutation> {
    return mutation
      .flatMapLatest { [weak self] mutation -> Observable<CLLocation> in
        guard let `self` = self, case .autoTrackingSwitched(true) = mutation else { return .empty() }
        return self.trackingService.track()

But .merge(mutation, positionMutation(mutation)) breaks action-mutation-state flow, because it emits double mutation instead of one, so all my actions duplicated. Сan I transform mutation in Reactor with observing Reactor state(or mutation)? For better understanding my business logic: I have the UISwitch in UIViewController and I want to get locations from service with protocol func track() -> Observable<CLLocation> when UISwitch is On and want to dispose this observable when the UISwitch is Off.

RxGesture's typealias 'View' name conflicted

I found naming issue in using ReactorKit with RxGesture

In RxGesture define View also ReactorKit too

// Copyright (c) RxSwiftCommunity

// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import Foundation

#if os(iOS)
    import UIKit
    public typealias GestureRecognizer = UIGestureRecognizer
    public typealias GestureRecognizerState = UIGestureRecognizerState
    public typealias GestureRecognizerDelegate = UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
    public typealias View = UIView
#elseif os(OSX)
    import AppKit
    public typealias GestureRecognizer = NSGestureRecognizer
    public typealias GestureRecognizerState = NSGestureRecognizerState
    public typealias GestureRecognizerDelegate = NSGestureRecognizerDelegate
    public typealias View = NSView

In screenshot

2017-08-02 11 31 13

how can i use both library?

Reactor inheritance

Is there any way to inherit a Reactor implementation so that we can have a subclass with all the actions, states and mutations from the parent, but also add new functionality?

bind op only at `bind(reactor: RootViewReactor)`?

case :

 lazy var dataSource = RxCollectionViewSectionedReloadDataSource<BookListSection>(configureCell: {[unowned self] (_, collectionView, indexPath, element) in
        let cell: SearchCollectionViewCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath)
        let model = element.initialState
        cell.isNeedShowOptButton = true
            .map { Reactor.Action.opt(indexPath) }
            .bind(to: self.reactor!.action)
            .disposed(by: self.disposeBag) = model
        cell.optButton.isHidden = false
        return cell
    }, configureSupplementaryView: {_, _, _, _ in (UICollectionReusableView()) })

this example can? not in bind method, have some bad influence?

Combined reducers?

Should introduce a way to make a global application store that can combine multiple reducers.
This helps if you want to dispatch actions that are captured in a middleware for logging purposes and have application wide subscriptions on the store.

As of now, I see this for being a per viewmodel basis, but there is nothing preventing one to use a store for the entire application as well to keep content and state.

Do you see any way to get a Redux like behaviour here?

Service layer?


The documentation states that ReactorKit has a special Service layer to do every heavy or asynchronous operation, but I cannot find the Service protocol/class in the source code.

Is it something that was removed from code but not from the documentation?


viewDidLoad called after bind

I have a view controller which I have instantiated using storyboard, my view controller conforms to protocol StoryboardView but my view did load is getting called after bind(reactor: ) method. Any reason what can cause this?

P.S. - I have a tab bar application and above controller is one of the tab bar item.

Async operation before reduce

Hi! I was wondering why you perform async operations before the reduce. What if the async operation requires some variable stored in your previous state. Isn't the previous state only accessible in reduce? How would I go about handling this case?

Mutation base on async call result

Hi ,
I found myself confused in handling muations in async call

 // action
    func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable<Mutation> {
        switch action {
            case let .requestSMSCode(phone):
                return createRequestSMSCodeTask(phone)

func createRequestSMSCodeTask(_ phone: String) -> Observable<Mutation> {
        let startLoading = Observable<Mutation>.just(
            .updateNetworkStatus(.loading("sending code"))

        let createErrorLoading: (_ error: Error) ->Observable<Mutation> = { error in
            return Observable<Mutation>.just(
                    .updateNetworkStatus(.failed(" sent code failed"))

        let startCoundown = Observable<Int>.interval(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).take(60).map(Mutation.updateCountDownLeftSeconds)

        let requestCode = self.userService.requestSMSCode(phone).asObservable()
            .map {_ in Mutation.updateNetworkStatus(.loaded("code sent")) }
        return .concat([startLoading, requestCode, startCoundown ])

whether to performstartCoundown task is based on requestCode task is success or failed,
but startCoundown task execution has no context to know pervious status

Build Xcode9 with Carthage

Hi there~

I'm using ReactorKit from Carthage.

When build with Xcode9, there are error because ReactorKit compiled with 3.1

So, I try to rebuild framework using carthage update --no-use-binaries then,
terminal say Dependency "ReactorKit" has no shared framework schemes

GET/POST asynchronous

I know that mutate is used for updating the state whenever actions happen, I am trying to make an API get request to receive an access token to make after that GET request, a POST request using that token in my authorization header in that post request, how do I make only one get request then the post request using that access token obtained from my first get request?

reactor.state subscribe onNext twice????

func bind(reactor: HomeViewReactor) {
        // Action
            .map{ Reactor.Action.initializationTest }
            .bind(to: reactor.action)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)
        // State
            .map { $0.test }
            .subscribe(onNext: { (test) in
                print("---------call it back twice-----------")
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

I feel like crying when I meet this question。。。

lazy property have Implement several times

我发现你定义属性的时候,是有用 then 定义的

let tableView = UITableView().then {
    $0.allowsSelectionDuringEditing = true

且为 let 常量,但是我这边有在嵌入这个库的时候,属性

lazy var tableView = {
    let tableview = UITableView()
    tableview.allowsSelectionDuringEditing = true 

在 bind 方法里面,我有


然后在 viewDidLoad 中添加这个 tableview


运行程序,发现 lazy 的实现方法调用多次, 如果使用这个框架,UI 属性只能是 let 常量么?

collectionView LoadMore issue

Hi, I tried to implement the example loadmore function with a collectionView (instead of tableview) (Just change everything to collectionview) There is an issue with collectionview

Step to reproduce

  • User search and scrolling down to activate the loadmore

  • User type another search

The screen gone blank (data is still fetch successfully) (can see all the response).
Is there any example that loadmore function work with collectionView (or this is a bug?)

Consider making reducer run before mutations.



struct State {
  var isLoading = false
  var tasks = [Task] 


enum Action {
  case requestTasks
  case requestTasksCompleted([Task])

Dispatching .requestTasks action first runs the reducer and sets isLoading = true thus the UI can update, e.g show a spinner.
Then in the mutation (what Redux-Observable[0] calls an "epic") you can start the request and on completion dispatch .requestTasksCompleted([Task]) for the reduce tor reload the list.

As of now, you would need three actions, e.g .setLoading , where before every requestTasks manually first dispatch .setLoading.

Edit: Could even use generics to ensure that the actions for Input is not the same as Output in the mutation so you don't get a infinite loop which they can't do with JS :-)


StoryboardView 프로토콜을 사용하였을 때, rx.viewDidLoad 이벤트를 받을 수 없습니다.


StoryboardView 프로토콜을 사용하였을 때, bind(reactor:) 함수에서
rx.viewDidLoad 이벤트를 받을 수 없습니다.

확인한 바로는 ReactorKitRuntime에서 viewDidLoad를 swizzle 하여
viewDidLoad가 호출 된 이후에 bind(reactor:)가 호출되기 때문인 것으로 확인됩니다.

viewDidLoad가 아닌 loadView 함수와 swizzle 하면 수정이 될 것으로 판단됩니다.

확인 부탁드립니다.

Proposal - Improvement of disposeBag of View Protocol


The disposeBag of View protocol is released for each set of Reactor (View.siwftL40).
This behavior is likely to cause confusion if disposeBag is used outside of bind(reactor:).

I thought some improvement ideas.
I'd really appreciate it if you could give me your opinion.

Implementation 1

Make disposeBag as associatedObject like Reactor protocol, and also return disposeBag with bind (reactor:).

public protocol View: class, AssociatedObjectStore {
  associatedtype Reactor: _Reactor

  var disposeBag: DisposeBag { get set }
  var reactor: Reactor? { get set }

  /// Binds View with Reactor.
  /// - warning: Don't call this method directly.
  func bind(reactor: Reactor, disposeBag: DisposeBag)

// MARK: - Associated Object Keys

private var disposeBagKey = "disposeBag"
private var reactorKey = "reactor"

// MARK: - Default Implementations

extension View {
  public var disposeBag: DisposeBag {
    get { return self.associatedObject(forKey: &disposeBagKey, default: DisposeBag()) }
    set { self.setAssociatedObject(newValue, forKey: &disposeBagKey) }
  public var reactor: Reactor? {
    get { return self.associatedObject(forKey: &reactorKey) }
    set {
      self.setAssociatedObject(newValue, forKey: &reactorKey)
      self.disposeBag = DisposeBag()
      if let reactor = newValue {
        self.bind(reactor: reactor, disposeBag: self.disposeBag)

Implementation 2

Make internal disposeBag, and also return internal disposeBag with bind (reactor:).

public typealias _View = View
public protocol View: class, AssociatedObjectStore {
  associatedtype Reactor: _Reactor

  var reactor: Reactor? { get set }

  /// Binds View with Reactor.
  /// - warning: Don't call this method directly.
  func bind(reactor: Reactor, disposeBag: DisposeBag)

// MARK: - Associated Object Keys

private var disposeBagKey = "disposeBag"
private var reactorKey = "reactor"

// MARK: - Default Implementations

extension View {
  private var internalDisposeBag: DisposeBag {
    get { return self.associatedObject(forKey: &disposeBagKey, default: DisposeBag()) }
    set { self.setAssociatedObject(newValue, forKey: &disposeBagKey) }
  public var reactor: Reactor? {
    get { return self.associatedObject(forKey: &reactorKey) }
    set {
      self.setAssociatedObject(newValue, forKey: &reactorKey)
      self.internalDisposeBag = DisposeBag()
      if let reactor = newValue {
        self.bind(reactor: reactor, disposeBag: self.internalDisposeBag)

Implementation 3

Add comments about release timing to disposeBag.

Git submodules support


There is no xcodeproj file for this project, so I can't use it as a submodule. Can you please add support for that.


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