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caddy-cache's Issues

Cache should honor `Surrogate-Control` response headers as well

The logic to support Surrogate-Control would basically the same as Cache-Control, but the header is specifically meant for reverse proxy <-> origin server controls (Cache-Control is meant for end browsers)


Often used by CDNs:

One caveat: It's not clear to me if it'd the cache plugins job to strip the Surrogate-Control header from the response, or if that should be handled by the proxy plugin.

Static website cache

Would it possible to serve only static cache content to the client and refresh the cache content from the backend webserver by an given interval?
Exclude from caching by path to reach dynamic cms backends.

I try to serve a static copy of a dynamic website because of security problems with some cms out there... Serve the page as static copy should be absolute secure and the backend path would be saved by caddy basicauth.

Memory leak

Thanks for you work. It has been very helpful 👍

Is there a way I can limit the amount of memory used for caching. I have seen caddy run out of memory and not accept subsequent connections after a few hours when caching is enabled.

I would not expect it to use so much memory given that the amount of cache-able content we have is limited. Can you please tell me if there is anything wrong/missing with the configuration

https://domain:443, https://domain:443 {
  proxy / https://origin:443 {
    keepalive 5
  cache {
    match_path /static
    path /tmp/caddy_cache
    default_max_age 0
  tls ./keys/cert ./keys/key
  errors /var/log/caddy_error.log {
    rotate_size 100

Following graph shows memory usage climbing up when caching is enabled. With no caching and only as a reverse proxy memory usage seems stable.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Support caching in memory?

Static content will not see great benefits.

Would it be possible to add an option to store the cache in memory instead of in disk? This could presumably improve performance so that you then would see performance improvements, even for static content.

Persistent caching

Caddy is losing caching information after server restart, then it takes time for downloading files for the first time. Is it possible to make caching persistent

'cache' directive not recognized

As the title suggests, the cache directive in the Caddyfile is not recognized after building caddy with this plugin via xcaddy.

http2 Push Dosn't work with cache plugin

Try to use this kind of config {
proxy /

http2 push dosn't work

With {
proxy /

http2 push will work

Large file request

I have a JavaScript file that is 2 megabytes in size and I canceled the request when I didn't fully receive the file when I first requested it.
Requesting this file again will always be pending. Looking at the source website access record discovery request did not return to the source, just waiting. There will be no timeout errors.

Conflicts with cors plugin

When used in conjuction of the cors plugin, it returns the cors headers from the cached version instead of the currrent request.
I have no idea how caddy plugins work, but I imagine this plugin should take effect first and hand off the cached value to the cors plugin so it can update the headers accordingly.

Caddy's import path has changed

Caddy's import path (and Go module name) has changed from


Unfortunately, Go modules are not yet mature enough to handle a change like this (see - "haven't implemented that part yet" but high on priority list for Go 1.14) which caught me off-guard. Using Go module's replace feature didn't act the way I expected, either. Caddy now fails to build with plugins until they update their import paths.

I've hacked a fix into the build server, so downloading Caddy with your plugin from our website should continue working without any changes on your part, for now. However, please take a moment and update your import paths, and do a new deploy on the website, because the workaround involves ignoring module checksums and performing a delicate recursive search-and-replace.

I'm terribly sorry about this. I did a number of tests and dry-runs to ensure the change would be smooth, but apparently some unknown combination of GOPATH, Go modules' lack of maturity, and other hidden variables in the system or environment must have covered up something I missed.

This bash script should make it easy (run it from your project's top-level directory):

find . -name '*.go' | while read -r f; do
	sed -i.bak 's/\/mholt\/caddy/\/caddyserver\/caddy/g' $f && rm $f.bak

We use this script in the build server as part of the temporary workaround.

Let me know if you have any questions! Sorry again for the inconvenience.

"superfluous response.WriteHeader" and "wrote more than the declared Content-Length"

In Caddy 1.0.3 I've been seeing "superfluous response.WriteHeader" and "wrote more than the declared Content-Length" warnings / errors output in the logs.

I managed to track it down to when the http.cache plugin is used.

I've already noted this issue on the forum:

Steps to reproduce

The version I tested with was downloaded from here:


http://localhost {
	proxy /
 	log stdout

http:// {
	status 418 /
	log stdout

Console output

λ caddy -log stdout
Activating privacy features... done.
2019/09/27 18:57:35 [INFO][cache:0xc000196230] Started certificate maintenance routine

Serving HTTP on port 80

2019/09/27 18:57:35 [INFO] Serving http://localhost
2019/09/27 18:57:35 [INFO] Serving http:// - - [27/Sep/2019:18:57:38 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 17
2019/09/27 18:57:38 http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from*ResponseRecorder).WriteHeader (recorder.go:61)
2019/09/27 18:57:38 [Error] failed to write body:  http: wrote more than the declared Content-Length
::1 - - [27/Sep/2019:18:57:38 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 17
2019/09/27 18:58:23 [INFO] SIGINT: Shutting down
2019/09/27 18:58:23 [INFO][cache:0xc000196230] Stopped certificate maintenance routine

Removing the cache line from the Caddyfile results in the errors / warnings not displaying.

Additionally (1)

at times I've seen erroneous additional text at the bottom of responses, mostly during error responses. e.g.

503 Service Unavailable
503 Service Unavailable

Instead of just:

503 Service Unavailable

This has been seen in successful responses (200) too (at the bottom of HTML responses) - but not captured at the time.

Whilst this could be two bugs - it's likely related.

Additionally (2)

Had a crash on Caddy instance on Ubuntu receiving traffic.

This "out of memory" error seems to be "http.cache" related as the instance hasn't crashed until today - this crash is after having caching enabled for ~24-48 hours with a restart in the middle.

Crash Log:

Allow users to specify that caddy-cache should ONLY cache paths from match_path

Currently, it appears that even if I use the "advanced usage" approach and specify a particular path to be cached, other paths can automatically be cached as well.

In my case, I would like to instruct caddy-cache only to cache the /api path, and leave everything else out of the cache, regardless of what headers it may include. However, even if I specify match_path /api in the cache directive of my Caddyfile, I see other files from outside that path appearing in the cache.

I'm not sure if this behavior is by design or not. But the documentation seems to suggest that only the "basic usage" approach should result in this automatic behavior, and the presence of any "advanced usage" should restrict caching to just the path the user specified.

Cached file is deleted from /tmp dir

Hi there,

I have looked through the issues and can't find anything about this. I might be missing something here. I have enabled the cache module in Caddy. I can see the cached files in tmp when I do ls -lah /tmp. However, after two minutes, the file is removed. It's not always consistent though. Sometimes it's more than a few minutes.

What is the logic behind this? Let's say I use to cache images from imgproxy. I don't want to fetch the image every time. For my use case, I would want to cache it for over an hour. How do I do that?


placeholder status

Is there a placeholder that can be used to log out the cache status same as status_header?


HLS M3U8 Caching

I’m trying to reverse proxy and cache a HLS/M3U8 live streaming. In HLS live streaming, m3u8 playlist file contains video “chunk” file name with TS extension which is exactly 10 seconds long. So I’m trying to cache those TS files. There is no reason to download same TS files for every new user in my reverse proxy server.

and my caddyfile

proxy /tv {
without /tv
header_downstream Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
header_downstream -Server
cache {
match_path /tv/
match_header Content-Type application/octet-stream # only for ts file
status_header X-Cache-Status
default_max_age 1m # in live streaming, cached file don't have any value longer than 10 seconds.
path C:\caddy\tmp\caddy-cache

I’m having two issues using this configs.

  1. Cached responses are having 2 server name headers! It should be one!

MyServer # I added custom name using header
Caddy # I guess it’s adding from cache plugin

  1. Server is caching css/js/img from other directory and creating cached files, though I clearly defined /tv/ path only!

Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: max-age=2592000
Content-Length: 43391
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 04:31:02 GMT
Etag: “qqn4spr”
Last-Modified: Sun, 19 May 2019 06:23:52 GMT
Server: Caddy
Server: Maddy
X-Cache-Status: hit

breaks redir conditions

Using the cache directive in the same host as the redir directive breaks the functionality of conditions in the latter. The conditions are not properly evaluated and depending if a statement or a negated statement is used, all or none of the requests are redirected, regardless if the condition matches or not.

In this first example, it will redirect no requests: {
	redir {
		if {uri} is /1

In this second example, it will redirect all requests: {
	redir {
		if {uri} not /1

Removing the cache directive from these examples restores the desired behavior.

Allow users to specify different DefaultMaxAges for different cached paths

It would be useful if Caddy could treat different cached paths differently, like how Caddy's header directive works. However, looking at setup.go it appears that DefaultMaxAge and other options are global to the whole middleware.

If I try to specify multiple cache blocks in my Caddyfile, Caddy doesn't complain, but I don't see the behavior I would expect:

    cache {
        match_path /foo
        default_max_age 1m
        status_header First-Block-Header

    cache {
        match_path /bar
        match_path /baz
        default_max_age 5m
        status_header Second-Block-Header

In this case I'm not sure whether Caddy is actually instantiating multiple instances of caddy-cache, or if one of the blocks is just getting ignored, but I see all responses using a single same status header.

I suppose a revised syntax would look more like the syntax of header:

    cache /foo {
        default_max_age 1m
        status_header First-Block-Header

    cache /bar /baz {
        default_max_age 5m
        status_header Second-Block-Header

New release?

Can a new release be cut so that the cache_key can be used?

Header modification conflict

as follows:

 header / -Server

The response header will not show "server: Caddy"

if I enable cache, like:

 header / -Server
 cache {

'server: Caddy' will show again.

Error when getting caddy-cache plugin


I am getting this error when trying to get the caddy-cache plugin

go get

../../../../nicolasazrak/caddy-cache/setup.go:171: c.IncrNest undefined (type *caddy.Controller has no field or method IncrNest)

Which versions of Caddy servers are supported at this time?


Http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

I’m seeing a bunch of http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls output in the logs.

I tried removing the cache config sections consisting of the following:

	cache {
		status_header X-Cache-Status

And ran for over 24 hours without an occurrence of the log:

http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

Put the config sections back in and saw an occurrence of the offending log entry after just 5 minutes and then several after that within 2-3 minutes.

Related thread in forum including further details:

How to control cached files http header?

It seem not to be controlled.

response headers:
accept-ranges: bytes
content-length: 27270
content-type: text/css; charset=utf-8
date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 07:14:08 GMT
etag: "pg9yotl1i"
last-modified: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 10:05:17 GMT
server: Caddy                   //this header maybe upstream's or local caddy's
server: NaibaCDN                //this header is setting by myself
status: 200
x-cache-status: hit

And this is my Caddyfile {
    tls [email protected]
    header / Server NaibaCDN
    proxy / {
        header_downstream -Server

I'm already set header_downstream and http.header why has two Server header?

LGPL Licence

Don't you think that caddy-cache's licence should be changed to anything more friendly?
Apache2 maybe, because mholt/caddy has Apache2.
caddy-cache is a great project, but I (and maybe many others) can't use it because of the licence. Most of the golang's projects and caddy itself use non-*GPL and it's okay. Although LGPL is a less strict, in case of golang it has no sense because there is no dynamic linking.

Avoid caching and serving empty 304 responses

(Please take this with a large grain of salt, as I'm very new to this area. This could be a total non-issue due to my own errors.)

Summary: It seems like caddy-cache is caching and serving successful (but empty) 304 responses to conditional requests using the If-None-Match header. This results in the cache sometimes serving an empty page to some visitors.

Details: I think the sequence of events I see happening is:

  1. User Alice sends request GET index.html
  2. Caddy sends response 200 (OK) [contents of index.html]. and caddy-cache stores the contents of index.html.
  3. Some time after max-age has passed for index.html, Alice sends request GET index.html but includes the If-None-Match and ETag headers, so that the server can avoid re-sending the contents of index.html if it hasn't changed.
  4. Caddy handles these headers correctly and sends response 304 (Not Modified) [empty response]
  5. Caddy-cache stores the empty data from the 304 response, keyed to the request for index.html.
  6. User Bob sends request GET index.html
  7. Caddy-cache serves Bob the (empty) cached response.
  8. Bob sees an empty index.html.

Again, I could have something wrong here, so please don't hesitate to question my theory.

In case it's important, here's the relevant portion of my Caddyfile:

    cache {
        match_path /api

    header / Cache-Control "max-age=3600"
    header /api Cache-Control "max-age=30"

My small website has an expensive API, so I'd like to cache its results for 30s. But I don't particularly need to cache the rest of my site. I've added the cache directive in an attempt to selectively cache the /api path, but since this appears to cache the rest of the site anyway (see #26) I put the extra header directive in so at least I can control how long the rest gets cached. I don't know if this issue occurs with other configurations but I'm guessing it's likely.

I see that my use of header means that all responses from Caddy will include a max-age, even the 304 responses, but I would have thought the cache would be smart enough to recognize a 304 response and avoid caching it.

Cache using Header Filter

I'd like to be able to selectively cache assets based on a header, such as Content-Type. This would be useful for caching things like images, while still serving HTML directly.


cache {
  match {
    header Content-Type image/*

Skip websocket?

Cache is not appliable to websocket.

I just tested and it responsed with 502

08/Aug/2017:23:27:41 +0800 [ERROR 502 /ws] *cache.Response is not a hijacker

Maybe apply a filter to detect websocket and then skip it?

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