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Starts a Minecraft PaperMC server

Home Page:

License: MIT License

Dockerfile 49.42% Shell 27.62% Makefile 22.96%
dockerfile docker-container minecraft-server minecraft minecraft-papermc-server papermc synology-docker

docker-minecraft-papermc-server's Introduction

Docker Minecraft JAVA PaperMC Server 1.20+

Docker Minecraft PaperMC server for 1.20, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17 for AMD64 and ARM64 platforms. Works on Synology, Raspberry Pi 4 or any other systems that support docker.

Build and push

Quick Start

docker run --name mcserver -e MEMORYSIZE='1G' -v /home/joe/mcserver:/data:rw -p 25565:25565 -i marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest

The server will generate all data including the world and config files in /home/joe/mcserver. Change that to an existing folder.

Docker Run Command

docker run -d \
  --name mcserver \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -e MEMORYSIZE="1G" \
  -p 25565:25565/tcp \
  -p 25565:25565/udp \
  -v /home/docker/mcserver:/data:rw \

Docker Compose (Portainer Stacks)

version: "3"
    image: marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest
    restart: always
    container_name: "mcserver"
      MEMORYSIZE: "1G"
      - minecraftserver:/data
      - "25565:25565"
    # The following allow `docker attach minecraft` to work
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

How do I update the container?

On Synology DSM

  • Re-download the image from the docker repository.
  • Stop the container.
  • Clear the container.
  • Start the container.

On Terminal

docker pull marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest
docker stop mcserver

Or just use

Run as non-root user

You can get the desired UID/GID (xxx) with the ID command (id username) then add the following to your docker run command:

-e PUID=xxx
-e PGID=xxx

Skip permission change step

If you have a big custom minecraft install (e.g. multiple plugins which generate files), changing ownership can take up a tremendous amount of time. You can skip this, by making sure that your files have the necessary permissions for the UID/GID that you passed using the environment variables above and then add the following variable:


Docker Compose

If you prefer to use docker-compose, use the following commands:

Start the server:

docker-compose up

Stop the server:

docker-compose stop

Issue server commands after attaching to the container:

docker attach mcserver
# then you can type things like "list"
# which will show the current players online or
# to see all the commands available

How to use the Makefile with Docker Compose

Additionally, a Makefile is provided to easily start, stop, and attach to the container.

make start     # equivalent to `docker-compose up -d --build`
make stop      # equivalent to `docker-compose stop --rmi all --remove-orphans`
make attach    # equivalent to `docker attach mcserver`
make help      # prints a help message

Environment variables


Not more than 70% of your RAM for your container. This is important. Because this is the RAM, your Minecraft Server will use within the container WITHOUT the operating system.

TZ = Europe/Berlin

Sets the timezone for the container. A list of valid values can be found on Wikipedia:

PAPERMC_FLAGS = --nojline

Optional: Sets the command-line flags for PaperMC. Remove --nojline if you want to enable color and tab-completion for the server console.


Optional: Overrides the optimized java parameter configuration with your own. You can set your own Xms and Xmx values this way.

Tutorial Synology

Tutorial (german)

Watch the video

How-to install on a Raspberry Pi 4

Video Tutorial Raspberry Pi 4

Watch the video

How-to install on a Raspberry Pi 4

You can install this docker container by using my dedicated installer: Or just follow these steps:

  1. Download Raspberry Pi Imager and start it.
  2. Select Raspberry Pi OS lite (64-bit) under "Raspberry Pi OS (other)".
  3. Click on gear icon in the Raspberry Pi Imager and enable ssh and set username and password.
  4. Write image to a fast sd card.
  5. Connect the Raspberry Pi 4 to an ethernet cable.
  6. Use putty for Windows or terminal on macOS and connect via ssh:
ssh pi@raspberrypi
  1. Upgrade all packages
 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
 sudo reboot now

The Raspberry Pi will restart now.

  1. Install Docker
curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x
sudo apt-get install -y uidmap install
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo systemctl enable docker
newgrp docker
  1. New folder for the server
mkdir mcserver
  1. Run this image as Minecraft Server
docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name mcserver \
-v /home/pi/mcserver:/data:rw \
-p 25565:25565 \
-it marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest

The server will generate all data including the world and config files in /home/pi/mcserver.

  1. Enter the command line of Minecraft server
docker attach mcserver

Here, you can use Minecraft server commands like whitelist add [userrname].


On GitHub

This server is live here:

Based on the work of Felix Klauke Thanks for your help!

docker-minecraft-papermc-server's People


automate-this avatar deluxghost avatar gaffneyd4 avatar j4c3 avatar josxha avatar leothelocust avatar lucabazzea avatar mauricenino avatar mpnordland avatar mtoensing avatar rrvk avatar slitzo3 avatar vxlerieuwu avatar zuedev avatar


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docker-minecraft-papermc-server's Issues

Raspberry pi problems

When running it on a raspberry pi, I get the following error

standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"

This is how I run it

sudo docker run --rm --name papermc -e MEMORYSIZE='500M' -p 25565:25565 -p 25575:25575 -i marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest

By the error description it sounds like an x86 program is trying to run on arm, which shouldn't be the case since it's Java.
If that's the case, can you add arm support?

custom pid and gid

It'd be nice to set custom pid and gid id's. The data is created as root user no matter what environment variables you declare.
Also specifing user and group in Dockerfile with groupadd/useradd doesn't seem to work.

Updates, probleme, Lizenz, Sicherheit


auf deinem Blog kommen ja viele Nachfragen nach Problemen, Updates, aktuellen Versionen und so weiter. Als du diese wirklich frühe Version meines Images übernommen hast waren auch mir viele Probleme noch gar nicht klar oder aufgefallen. Zum Beispiel nutzt du aktuell den Root User.

So fehlen deinen run scripts zum Beispiel die TTY's, sodass man sie eigentlich kaum benutzen kann. Außerdem solltest du dir mal angucken, dass du eine neuere Java Version für die Runtime benutzt. Dieses komische alte Java Dingens da gibt es mittlerweile vernünftig direkt vom OpenJDK. Auch meinen Healtcheck kannst du gerne einbauen.

Momentan baust du auf Java 11 und "runst" unter einem 8er.

Du kannst dir gerne meine aktuelle Version ansehen, an der ich wirklich viel verändert habe.

Auch würde ich gerne deine Meinung hören. Findest du den Ansatz mit einem Volume oder mehreren besser? Ich werde vermutlich wieder auf ein Volume zurückbauen, ich habe bei mir mittlerweile einige Befürchtungen durch die Unmengen von Sym Links :)

Wenn du Fragen oder Probleme hast kannst du dich gerne an mich wenden.

Aber schöner Blog Artikel!

None of my friends can connect

I made a minecraft server on my nas but none of my friends can connect. I can connect but they cant. How do i fix this?
Here is a picture of thr error for them


even if i type 1.19 version, it downloads newest, pls help

Portainer Status Error: /bin/sh: 1: mc-health: not found


I get the above error when running the docker container. I found this information:
livenessProbe: Indicates whether the Container is running. If the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the Container, and the Container is subjected to its restart policy. If a Container does not provide a liveness probe, the default state is Success.

readinessProbe: Indicates whether the Container is ready to service requests. If the readiness probe fails, the endpoints controller removes the Pod’s IP address from the endpoints of all Services that match the Pod. The default state of readiness before the initial delay is Failure. If a Container does not provide a readiness probe, the default state is Success.

I found a few resolutions on stack overflow that I can share if needed.

Thank you!

run commands non-interactively

i would like a way to run commands non-interactively so an automated update script can warn the players about the update, wait a minute, then stop the container, destroy it, pull the new image, and then start the server again.

the other docker image, has an "mc-send-to-console" script bundled with the image, but i don't use it because it isn't updated as often as this one.

could we get something like this?

migrated SSP world won't load the server

Hello, i just installed your docker to my ds416play (upgraded with 8gb ram) and while the generated world worked like a charm, when i migrated my single player world to the /data folder, i get errors and the server keeps restarting.

nojline option disables tab-complete and color output and arrow key

while there is a -nojline here:

exec su-exec $DOCKER_USER java -jar -Xms$MEMORYSIZE -Xmx$MEMORYSIZE $JAVAFLAGS /opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar --nojline nogui

according to bukkit wiki:

Disables the JLine console, removes the '>', sets the timestamp to vanilla's and sets the language to English.
This is useful for users who do not have the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable on Windows.
Linux and UNIX users can safely ignore this option

JLine is like gnu readline library, which handles basic console editing, if you disable it, arrow-keys/color/emacs-binds/tab-complete will not work, this is related to #37

it's a linux environment inside docker container, so we can "ignore this option" safely

to resolve it, either remove this option (IMO this is better) or make it configurable via an env var

Recommendation to move shell files into Makefile

I was just looking into the shell files in the root of the project, and they seem to align pretty perfectly with the new Makefile.

For example: which just contains:

docker build -t marctv/minecraft-papermc-server .

can be moved into the Makefile:

.PHONY: build_docker
build_docker: ## Docker build in prep for updating Docker Hub ## 
	@echo "Building..."
	docker build -t marctv/minecraft-papermc-server .;

And then later ran by simply typing:

make build_docker

If you like that idea, I can create a PR to implement this and remove the shell files and update the README.

Let me know, thanks

Daily rebuild of image causes watchtower to update the container every day

This is more like a question than an issue but it would be nice to hear, how everyone else is handling this:

I'm using watchtower to keep the docker images I run up2date. Due to the daily rebuild of this image (and the new ref), watchtower is updating the container every single day - even if there are no changes inside the image.

How do you do this in your setup? Just live with it, update manually, ...?

error: exec: "java": executable file not found in $PATH on migration from azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine to eclipse-temurin

How to solve this on Synology

Delete the old entry in the Synology Docker UI and make a new one.

  1. Action -> Delete
  2. Create -> Select "marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest
  3. Configure everything like the last time: ports, folders, RAM

When I migrate installtions with Watchtower from alpine to temurir I get

error: exec: "java": executable file not found in $PATH

If I start from scratch it works. So we still have a problem @automate-this ... Any idea? Something with the permissions? I reverted everything for now

non interactive console

Autocompletion dont work properly when tab is pressed(it just prints tab, and no colors.
container was launched without --nojline flag

Specific Version

I would like to start a docker container on a specific minecraft version (1.16.3). but i don't know how to make it.
Thanks in advance

Version 1.19 of the Docker Hub image fails on AMD Ubuntu 20.04

Using the basic "read me" command line to launch the latest image of the PaperMC-Server via Docker on Ubuntu Server 20.04, with an empty data folder, results in:

[0.023s][warning][os,thread] Failed to start thread "GC Thread#0" - pthread_create failed (EPERM) for attributes: 
 stacksize: 1024k, guardsize: 4k, detached.
 # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
 # Cannot create worker GC thread. Out of system resources.
 # An error report file with more information is saved as:
 # /data/hs_err_pid1.log

Reverting to the tagged 1.18 version runs fine on the same machine and O/S, again with an empty data directory.

Something significant has changed in the current build that makes it no longer compatible with previous installs.

Minecraft 1.17

When will you launch Docker Minecraft PaperMC Server 1.17? Please :)

Create 1.15 tag to prevent auto-updates

It would be great if there was a 1.15 tag as well as 1.14 and 1.13 - that way when a new version comes out the server won't automatically update if set to stay on 1.15!

nojline option disables tab-complete and color output and arrow key

while there is a -nojline here:

exec su-exec $DOCKER_USER java -jar -Xms$MEMORYSIZE -Xmx$MEMORYSIZE $JAVAFLAGS /opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar --nojline nogui

according to bukkit wiki:

Disables the JLine console, removes the '>', sets the timestamp to vanilla's and sets the language to English.
This is useful for users who do not have the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable on Windows.
Linux and UNIX users can safely ignore this option

JLine is like gnu readline library, which handles basic console editing, if you disable it, arrow-keys/color/emacs-binds/tab-complete will not work, this is related to #37

it's a linux environment inside docker container, so we can "ignore this option" safely

to resolve it, either remove this option (IMO this is better) or make it configurable via an env var

Container shuts itself down on ssh disconnect.

Im using the container image to run a papermc server on a vps using ssh. When my client connection crashes (for example if im attached to the container in the background via ssh and my wifi disconnects) The container itself stops and deletes itself. It works fine in the background if i disconnect from the container using ctrl p + ctrl q. Starting command:

docker run \
	--rm \
	--name vanilla-18 \
	-v /path/to/data:/data:rw \
	-p -p -p -p \
	-ti marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest;

Changed the path and ip address for privacy but those are not related to the issue pretty sure. Is this an issue with the --rm flag?

Can't update Paper version

Hey there, thanks for the awesome Minecraft server docker image! It runs so smoothly on a NAS and is really easy to set up! Right now I'm just having a little trouble updating, when I run icanhasbukkit I get this output saying I'm 60 versions behind:


I've redownloaded from docker, stopped the container, reset, and started again but get the same output. I'm running this on a Synology DS920+ using the docker package in DSM. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

QUESTION : Email notification when Users Log In

A question rather than an issue.

Is it possible to set up email notification when Users login to the Minecraft World providing the date, time, Username and outcome / error message?

It looks like the logs are in logs.db file?

Server fails to start

So, I recently installed PaperMC through Docker Hub and ran it once. Then I ran it again the next day just to see this error. (
The PaperMC tag I was using is 1.16.
I was sure to add 'sudo' to the command.
Thank you for helping me.


update to 1.18.1 ?

If you’re hosting your own Minecraft: Java Edition server, you'll need to take different steps depending on which version you’re using, in order to secure it.

1.18: Upgrade to 1.18.1, if possible. If not, use the same approach as for 1.17.x:

1.17: Add the following JVM arguments to your startup command line:

Stop the server gracefully with Docker

Hi, thank you for maintaining this project!

I was wondering if there is a way to gracefully stop the server using docker. If I'm not mistaken, docker stop sends a SIGTERM to the container, but when inspecting the server output using docker attach it seems there is not the usual output I expect from a stopping Minecraft server (saving world, stopping server).

Am I correct in assuming that this does not stop the server gracefully? If so, would this be an issue that could be fixed by this project or should it be directed at PaperMC?

QUESTION : Macvlan and static IP.

Hi, again a question for you....... Sorry !


  • Synology Docker installed
  • I have two standard Minecraft Paper Servers set up on separate docker containers with differing external ports to the internal MC ports
  • I have separate external subdomains set up for both MC servers
  • External users use the sub domain / external container port combination with inbound routing via Unifi Port Forwarding to the Synology NAS IP, which then does the routing to the containers based on the port number
  • The containers sit on my main subnet as my Synology server and all the other core servers / PCs, I do have a separate IoT subnet
  • VLAN / Guest Access is not possible to the Servers when other people are using wifi in my house as I have blocked access to the Core network
  • Guests have to be provided with the Core Wifi credentials to play MC in our house


  • I have added a new Synology network interface to the IoT / non core network assigned to a single LAN port, which is VLAN tagged
  • I have set up a Macvlan using portainer (hosted in a Synology Docker container) which is linked to a specific IP Range of the IoT network ( upwards)
  • Each MC Container on startup gets allocated a external IP starting from based on container start up order........
  • I have routed the sub domain / external container port combination with inbound routing via Unifi Port Forwarding directly to the Container 192.168.2.x and use the standard internal MC ports
  • On the guest network I have allowed direct access from it's subnet to the specific IP addresses of the two containers on the IoT network
  • The containers do not have either a static IP or static MAC address as they are just added in sequence from Docker.
  • I can try and control the order in which the containers a Run, to ensure that the two containers retain their specific IPs that are used in the Unifi Port Forwarding, but this requires me to remember things......

Finally the question you say.......

Is there an ability to setup a Docker Paper MC container via the Synology Docker UI that I can assign a static IP / MAC address using the Environment or Command Variables ?

Cannot pull 1.16.5 image

Error response from daemon: manifest for marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:1.16.5 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

WebP Support

Hi, I was wondering it if was possible to add WebP support to the docker image. This is used for Dynmap.

It looks like this is an Ubuntu image behind the scenes, so you should just be able to apt-get install -y webp


Docker compose


Wouldn't it be a lot easier if you had docker-compose.yml prepared for using with this server? I wouldn't have to write one myself

OpenMediaVault "Failed to download original jar"

Total docker newb here, so I appreciate any assistance! Struggling to work out what seems to me like a file permissions issue:

OMV ver
Docker ver 5:20.10.14-4-0-debian-buster
Portainer ver 2.11.1

Created a CIFS share in order to have the container run on a separate disk than my OMV/Docker installation, which appears to authenticate without issue. Starting the container prompts a quick shutdown with the docker logs below. Executing ls -l on the directory shows that the corresponding user has read/write/edit access as well, so I'm not sure where to turn here.

Portainer is able to successfully deploy the container if I do not specify the volume, which is a problem when i'm trying to direct the volume to a different drive with the CIFS share. Should I be using "Bind" instead of "Volume" for the host path?

docker logs:

First start of the docker container, start initialization process.
Starting with 9001:9001 (UID:GID)
changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar' to 9001:9001
changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft/' to 9001:9001
changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft' to 9001:9001
mode of '/opt/minecraft' changed to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
mode of '/opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar' changed to 0774 (rwxrwxr--)
mode of '/opt/minecraft/' changed to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
changed ownership of '/data/.DS_Store' to 9001:9001
changed ownership of '/data/._.DS_Store' to 9001:9001
changed ownership of '/data/data' to 9001:9001
changed ownership of '/data' to 9001:9001
Failed to download original jar
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /data/cache
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.createDirectory(
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.createDirectory(
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.createAndCheckIsDirectory(
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.createDirectories(
at io.papermc.paperclip.Paperclip.setupClasspath(
at io.papermc.paperclip.Paperclip.main(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at io.papermc.paperclip.Main.main(

OMV syslogs:

kernel: [53825.412297] CIFS: Attempting to mount //
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.034544,  2] ../source3/param/loadparm.c:2805(lp_do_section)
smbd[25293]:   Processing section "[ffminecraft]"
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.035156,  2] ../source3/param/loadparm.c:2805(lp_do_section)
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.036556,  2] ../source3/auth/auth.c:316(auth_check_ntlm_password)
smbd[25293]:   check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [FFMinecraft] -> [FFMinecraft] -> [ffminecraft] succeeded
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.039332,  2] ../source3/smbd/service.c:849(make_connection_snum)
smbd[25293]:    (ipv4: connect to service ffminecraft initially as user ffminecraft (uid=1003, gid=100) (pid 25293)
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.039913,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:136(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inheriting from .
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.039970,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:161(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inherit mode 42777
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.041056,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:136(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inheriting from .
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.041100,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:161(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inherit mode 42777
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.042067,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:136(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inheriting from .
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.042184,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:161(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inherit mode 42777
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.043476,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:136(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inheriting from .
smbd[25293]: [2022/04/05 12:11:10.043593,  2] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:161(unix_mode)
smbd[25293]:   unix_mode(.) inherit mode 42777
containerd[500]: time="2022-04-05T12:11:10.082090488-04:00" level=info msg="starting signal loop" namespace=moby path=/run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/6bcb4b27b848a83531e304b15d8c082766969a270390480aecaaa1e770644933 pid=10224

mcserver exited with code 137

Hi, I'm facing this error when running docker-compose as the root user:

mcserver     | First start of the docker container, start initialization process.
mcserver     | Starting with 9001:9001 (UID:GID)
mcserver     | changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar' to 9001:9001
mcserver     | changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft/' to 9001:9001
mcserver     | changed ownership of '/opt/minecraft' to 9001:9001
mcserver     | mode of '/opt/minecraft' changed to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
mcserver     | mode of '/opt/minecraft/paperspigot.jar' changed to 0774 (rwxrwxr--)
mcserver     | mode of '/opt/minecraft/' changed to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
mcserver     | changed ownership of '/data' to 9001:9001
mcserver exited with code 137

Raspberry PI4 error while creating container

When execute the command

docker run -d
--restart unless-stopped
--name mcserver
-v /home/pi/mcserver:/data:rw
-p 25565:25565
-it marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest

This is the Error:

Unable to find image 'marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from marctv/minecraft-papermc-server
docker: no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries.

This is the result of my "uname -a"

Linux raspberrypi 5.15.56-v8+ #1575 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 22 20:31:26 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Allow changes to container timezone to be persistant, or document method to make timezone changes

This may be more of a request for support or a feature request than an issue.

I'm running 1.16.3 version of the docker image successfully on a Synology DS218+ (with RAM upgrade.) However, the log files are timestamped using UTC. When examining logs at a later date to determine what the cause of an error or warning was, it's inconvenient to convert these UTC timestamps into a local time zone.

I've attempted to set the local time zone myself by editing the /etc/localtime file in the container, but of course, this change will not be persistent across reboot without mounting the file properly, which I was unable to do.

I believe there are a few other methods, but I am a novice with docker containers, and even more so using the Synology Diskstation Docker package. If the docker image could be modified to allow persistent timezone changes or instructions could be given in the documentation for how to make a timezone change persistent, this would be a large usability improvement.

arm64 images

Hey. Would it be possible to also release arm64 images?

Update to 1.16.1

Was just wondering how much effort it might take to get 1.16.1 working in a docker container - still new to this docker thing here. Wondering if just modifying the Dockerfile is all that's needed, or if there might be more work involved. I see some diffs where some modifications happened and got reverted. Hints/tips gladly received!

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