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ability-attributes's Introduction

Ability Attributes

A runtime accessibility attributes integrity validator.


This project is pretty much in a work-in-progress proof-of-concept state. More docs and examples are to come.

It is very easy to make nonsense setting the accessibility-related attributes for the DOM elements and it takes time to learn how to set them properly. And because those attributes make sense for the screen readers only, it is very hard to tell if nothing is broken in a big application. This tool allows to specify a schema for the attributes and see all schema violations at runtime during the developlent process.


Contributions are welcome (see the CONTRIBUTING file), though please keep in mind the work-in-progress proof-of-concept state. Might make sense to just observe/discuss until the thing gets stable and well-documented.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.

ability-attributes's People


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ability-attributes's Issues

Feature request: Allow to override multiple parent tags with a single entry in child

I'd like to be able to override used params, which are defined in the parent component with multiple tags, with a single entry in the child component, instead of listing all the individual tags one by one in the child.

Current state

  "parent": {
    "parameters": [
        "ref": "$someRule",
        "optional": true,
        "overridable": "someRule"
    "tags": {
      "<button>": {"..."},
      "<input>": {"..."}
  "child": {
    "inherits": "parent",
    "parameters": [
        "overrides": "someRule",
        "ref": null
    "tags": {
      "<button>": {"<someRule-overrides>"},
      "<input>": {"<someRule-overrides>"}

Proposed state

  "parent": {
    "parameters": [
        "ref": "$someRule",
        "optional": true,
        "overridable": "someRule"
    "tags": {
      "<button>": {"..."},
      "<input>": {"..."}
  "child": {
    "inherits": "parent",
    "parameters": [
        "overrides": "someRule",
        "ref": null
    "tags": {
      "<button>, <input>": {"<someRule-overrides>"},

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