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ibooklib's Introduction


├── Animation
│  ├── 3D Animation Essentials.pdf
│  ├── Acquiring Stylized Motor Skills.pdf
│  ├── Behavior-Based Robotics.pdf
│  ├── Bipedal Robotic Character.pdf
│  ├── Choregraphe.pdf
│  ├── Composite Control of Physically Simulated Characters.pdf
│  ├── Computer Animation.pdf
│  ├── Contact-aware Nonlinear Control of Dynamic Characters.pdf
│  ├── Games105_notes.pdf
│  ├── Generating Whole Body Motions.pdf
│  ├── Imitating Human Dance Motions.pdf
│  ├── Interaction Mesh Based Motion Adaptation.pdf
│  ├── Learning from Observation.pdf
│  ├── Motion Capture File Formats Explained.pdf
│  ├── Motion Interpolation Methods.pdf
│  ├── MVN_white_paper.pdf
│  ├── Optimization-based Motion Retargeting.pdf
│  ├── Principles.pdf
│  ├── Retargeting.pdf
│  ├── Retargetting Motion to New Characters.pdf
│  ├── Robust Robot Motion Retargeting.pdf
│  ├── Spatial_Relationship_Preserving_Character_Motion_Adaptation.pdf
│  ├── Teleoperation of Humanoid Robots.pdf
│  ├── Towards a Natural Motion Generator.pdf
│  ├── Valve's Handbook.pdf
│  └── Whole-Body Geometric Retargeting for Humanoid Robots.pdf
├── Biographies
│  ├── Doom Guy.epub
│  └── Masters of Doom.pdf
├── Contact
│  ├── An Introduction to Physics-based Animation.pdf
│  ├── Articulated Rigid Body.pdf
│  ├── Contact and Constraints.pdf
│  ├── Convex Quasistatic.pdf
│  ├── drake
│  │  ├── Deformable.pdf
│  │  ├── MPM.pdf
│  │  ├── Sap.pdf
│  │  ├── Similar_Lagged.pdf
│  │  └── Tamsi.pdf
│  ├── Elandt_cornellgrad.pdf
│  ├── ErinCatto_SoftConstraints_GDC2011.pdf
│  ├── ErinCatto_UnderstandingConstraints_GDC2014.pdf
│  ├── ErwinCoumans_GPU_rigid_body_simulation_GDC2013.pdf
│  ├── Fluid Engine Development.pdf
│  ├── Implicit Time-Stepping Scheme.pdf
│  ├── LCP.pdf
│  ├── Minchen Li dissertation.pdf
│  ├── Model of Contact Normal Force.pdf
│  ├── Pressure Field Contact.pdf
│  ├── SIGGRAPH22_friction_contact_notes.pdf
│  ├── simplecontacts2024.pdf
│  ├── Velocity Level Approximation of Pressure Field Contact.pdf
│  └── 仿真器对比.png
├── CUDA
│  ├── Automatic Sphere Approximation.pdf
│  ├── CUDA_programming.pdf
│  ├── CUDA Handbook.pdf
│  ├── Game Physics Pearls.pdf
│  ├── Learn CUDA Programming.pdf
│  ├── NVIDIA_CUDA_Programming_Guide_1.1_chs.pdf
│  ├── Professional CUDA C Programming.pdf
│  ├── Programming in Parallel with CUDA.pdf
│  └── Warp.pdf
├── CXX
│  ├── [B] Dive Into Design Patterns.pdf
│  ├── Advanced C and C++ Compiling.pdf
│  ├── An Introduction to Modern CMake.pdf
│  ├── API Design for C++.pdf
│  ├── C++-Templates-zh.pdf
│  ├── C++20-The-Complete-Guide-zh.pdf
│  ├── C++23-Standard-Library.pdf
│  ├── C++ Best Practices.pdf
│  ├── C++ Initialization Story.pdf
│  ├── C++ Today.pdf
│  ├── Clang Compiler Frontend.pdf
│  ├── improving_compilation_times.pdf
│  ├── Learn LLVM 17.pdf
│  ├── Many Faces of PublishSubscribe.pdf
│  ├── Modern-CMake-for-C++-2ed-zh-20240908.pdf
│  ├── modern-cmake.pdf
│  ├── Modern C++ Design-zh.pdf
│  ├── Modern C++ Design.pdf
│  ├── Professional-CMake-zh.pdf
│  ├── Software-Architecture-with-C++-zh.pdf
│  ├── STL源码剖析.pdf
│  ├── Template-Metaprogramming-with-C++-zh.pdf
│  ├── The-Art-of-Writing-Efficient-Programs-zh.pdf
│  └── 自制编译器.pdf
├── Dynamics
│  ├── 1 Inverse geometry.pdf
│  ├── 2 trajectory optimization.pdf
│  ├── 19-sii-pinocchio.pdf
│  ├── Analytically Differentiable Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics.pdf
│  ├── A Unified View of the Equations of Motion.pdf
│  ├── Foundations of physically based modeling and animation.pdf
│  ├── Geometric Fundamentals of Robotics.pdf
│  ├── holonomy-and-nonholonomy-in-the-dynamics-of-articulated-motion.pdf
│  ├── Intrinsic sense of touch.pdf
│  ├── jnrh_collision_detection.pdf
│  ├── Kalman Filtering, Smoothing & FD:ID.pdf
│  ├── Kinematic Loops.pdf
│  ├── Lagrangian Mechanics_Gauss_QP.pdf
│  ├── Modern Robotics.pdf
│  ├── nonholonomy in the dynamics.pdf
│  ├── Pinocchio's frame for spatial velocities [v=MLFtHLTprE4].mp4
│  ├── pinocchio_cheat_sheet.pdf
│  ├── presentation - Constraint Dynamics.pdf
│  ├── presentation - Pinocchio.pdf
│  ├── pressure field contact.pdf
│  ├── rbda.pdf
│  ├── RD_HS2017script.pdf
│  ├── Robot and Multibody Dynamics.pdf
│  ├── Rotational Dynamics.pdf
│  ├── Simbody.pdf
│  ├── Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics.pdf
│  ├── TalkJNRH_LegDesign.pdf
│  ├── todorov2014.pdf
│  └── 机器人动力学课程笔记.pdf
├── EE
│  ├── ndss2023_f217_paper.pdf
│  └── Open Circuits.pdf
├── Game
│  └── Fabien Sanglard - Game Engine Black Book_ Wolfenstein 3D.pdf
├── Graphics
│  ├── A Biography of the Pixel.pdf
│  ├── Director.pdf
│  ├── LearnThreejs.pdf
│  └── Sketchpad.pdf
├── Grasp
│  └── fastgraspd.pdf
├── IK
│  └── iksurvey.pdf
├── LaTeX
│  └── lnotes2.pdf
├── Learning
│  ├── 5天带你上手Isacc gym&RL学习.pdf
│  ├── 16-745 Lecture 24.pdf
│  ├── Acquiring Motor Skills.pdf
│  ├── Actuator-Constrained RL.pdf
│  ├── berkeley_humanoid.pdf
│  ├── Champion-level drone racing.pdf
│  ├── Continuous Control with Coarse-to-fine RL.pdf
│  ├── CusADi.pdf
│  ├── DeepMimic_2018.pdf
│  ├── Deep Tracking Control.pdf
│  ├── Domain Randomization.pdf
│  ├── DreamWaQ.pdf
│  ├── DTC.pdf
│  ├── how to train your robot.pdf
│  ├── Humanoid-Gym.pdf
│  ├── Humanoid Robot to Imitate Human Dances.pdf
│  ├── HumanPlus.pdf
│  ├── Isaac Gym.pdf
│  ├── lbdl.pdf
│  ├── Learning_Agile_Soccer_Skills_for_a_Bipedal_Robot.pdf
│  ├── Learning agile and dynamic motor skills for legged robots.pdf
│  ├── Learning Agile Soccer Skills.pdf
│  ├── Learning Bipedal Walking on CPU.pdf
│  ├── Learning In-Hand Translation Using Tactile.pdf
│  ├── Learning Locomotion Skills Using DeepRL.pdf
│  ├── Learning to Use Chopsticks in Diverse Gripping Styles.pdf
│  ├── Learning to Walk.pdf
│  ├── Model-Based Footstep Planning.pdf
│  ├── Motor Learning.pdf
│  ├── MPC_IFAC Lecture.pdf
│  ├── NIPS-2010-constructing-skill-trees-for-reinforcement-learning-agents-from-demonstration-trajectories-Paper.pdf
│  ├── OC_vs_RL.pdf
│  ├── On_Bringing_Robots_Home.pdf
│  ├── OPT-Mimic.pdf
│  ├── Orbit.pdf
│  ├── Past, Present, and Future of Intelligence.pdf
│  ├── Periodic Reward Composition.pdf
│  ├── Plan-Guided Reinforcement Learning.pdf
│  ├── PPO.pdf
│  ├── Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── RL Bipedal Jumping Control.pdf
│  ├── RLbook2020.pdf
│  ├── rlchina-3h-rl-tutorial.pdf
│  ├── Sim-to-Real.pdf
│  ├── Soccer Kicking.pdf
│  ├── sot-torque-control.pdf
│  ├── UnderstandingDeepLearning_24_11_23_C.pdf
│  ├── Visualizing Movement Control Optimization.pdf
│  ├── VMP.pdf
│  ├── What Is ChatGPT Doing.pdf
│  └── 深度强化学习.pdf
├── Locomotion
│  ├── Adaptive-model.pdf
│  ├── An Architecture for Online Affordance-based Perception and Whole-body Planning.pdf
│  ├── ARTEMIS.pdf
│  ├── Artemis_Hardware_Zhu.pdf
│  ├── Artemis_Software_Ahn.pdf
│  ├── atlas-control.pdf
│  ├── Atlas_Step_Up_TO.pdf
│  ├── balance control and locomotion planning.pdf
│  ├── Bipedal Humanoid Hardware Design: A Technology Review.pdf
│  ├── Bipedal Running.pdf
│  ├── Capture Steps: Robust Walking for Humanoid Robots.pdf
│  ├── CD_FK.pdf
│  ├── Collaborative Loco-Manipulation.pdf
│  ├── Differentiable Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── Dynamic Loco-manipulation on HECTOR.pdf
│  ├── Free Gait.pdf
│  ├── HardwareRPC.pdf
│  ├── HECTOR.pdf
│  ├── Interactive_Design_of_Stylized_Walking_Gaits_for_Robotic_Characters-4.pdf
│  ├── Introduction to Humanoid Robotics.pdf
│  ├── Julia for robotics.pdf
│  ├── KIM-DISSERTATION-2017.pdf
│  ├── Kuindersma14.pdf
│  ├── Mechatronic design of NAO.pdf
│  ├── MIT Biped Line-Feet.pdf
│  ├── MJPC.pdf
│  ├── Momentum-Based Control Framework.pdf
│  ├── NimbRo-OP2X.pdf
│  ├── notes-twan.pdf
│  ├── Optimal-Design-of-Robotic-Character-Kinematics-Paper.pdf
│  ├── Optimization-Based Control.pdf
│  ├── paper_flexLoco.pdf
│  ├── Passivity-based whole-body balancing.pdf
│  ├── Perceptive_Locomotion_through_NMPC.pdf
│  ├── Push Recovery Control.pdf
│  ├── Series-Parallel Hybrid.pdf
│  ├── Simulating Balance Recovery.pdf
│  ├── Software and Control Design.pdf
│  ├── Stability of Surface Contacts.pdf
│  ├── Teleoperation of Humanoid Robots.pdf
│  ├── Tello Leg.pdf
│  ├── US11465281.pdf
│  ├── vduindamPhDthesis.pdf
│  ├── WBC.pdf
│  ├── WBIC.pdf
│  ├── WBLC.pdf
│  ├── Wensing_IJHR_2016.pdf
│  ├── Whole-Body Control of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots.pdf
│  └── Whole-body MPC.pdf
├── Manipulation
│  ├── [2020] [MIT Master] Dynamic Primitives Facilitate Manipulating a Whip.pdf
│  ├── A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation.pdf
│  ├── BD_MPCv3.pdf
│  ├── Bubble_Gripper_Build_Instructions_v1.0.pdf
│  ├── Contact-Trajectory Optimization.pdf
│  ├── diffusion_policy_2023.pdf
│  ├── High-speed Multifingered Hand System.pdf
│  ├── Local Smoothing.pdf
│  └── 机器人操作的数学导论.pdf
├── Math
│  ├── [B] 矩阵力量.pdf
│  ├── Interactive Linear Algebra.pdf
│  ├── Linear Algebra Done Right 4th.pdf
│  ├── Mathematics for Robotics.pdf
│  ├── Measure, Integration & Real Analysis.pdf
│  └── The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN.pdf
├── MotionPlanning
│  ├── Dynamic Robot Manipulation_v1.pdf
│  ├── Dynamic Robot Manipulation_v2.pdf
│  ├── Motion Planning the Essentials.pdf
│  ├── RAPTOR.pdf
│  ├── Skaterbots.pdf
│  └── 几何方法.pdf
├── Motor
│  ├── High-Output Actuation System.pdf
│  ├── High Torque and High Speed Leg Module.pdf
│  └── thermal control.pdf
├── Numerics
│  ├── [B] Evaluating Derivatives.pdf
│  ├── [B] Matrix Computations.pdf
│  ├── AppliedMathematics.pdf
│  ├── Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice (2013).pdf
│  ├── Chebfun.pdf
│  ├── Chebfun_NLP.pdf
│  ├── Exploring ODEs.pdf
│  ├── Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra.pdf
│  ├── Numerical Algorithms.pdf
│  ├── Numerical Linear Algebra.pdf
│  ├── Numerical methods that work.djvu
│  ├── Numerical recipes the art of scientific computing.pdf
│  └── Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems.pdf
├── OptimalControl
│  ├── [B] Geometric Control of Mechanical Systems.pdf
│  ├── [B] Numerical Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── [CasADi] advanced_concepts.pdf
│  ├── [CasADi] A General-Purpose Software Framework for Dynamic Optimization.pdf
│  ├── [CasADi] Framework.pdf
│  ├── A_Survey_of_Numerical_Methods_for_Optimal_Control.pdf
│  ├── A Gauss Pseudospectral Transcription for Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── Applied Nonlinear Control.pdf
│  ├── Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization.pdf
│  ├── cuRobo.pdf
│  ├── cvoc.pdf
│  ├── Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Robot Motion Planning.pdf
│  ├── Geometric Algebra for Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── geometric control of mechanical systems.pdf
│  ├── GPOPS-Ⅱ.pdf
│  ├── Inverse Dynamics Trajectory Optimization.pdf
│  ├── Joris Gillis.pdf
│  ├── JuMP.pdf
│  ├── Kelly2016.pdf
│  ├── Linear System Theory and Design.pdf
│  ├── MathOptInterface.pdf
│  ├── MPC-book-2nd.pdf
│  ├── MPOPT_presentation.pdf
│  ├── MultipleShooting.pdf
│  ├── nlp_slides.pdf
│  ├── OpTaS.pdf
│  ├── Optimal control theory.pdf
│  ├── pseudospectral.pdf
│  ├── PSOPT.pdf
│  ├── Soft Landing Optimal Control.pdf
│  ├── Stagewise implementation of SQP.pdf
│  ├── trajectorySurveyAAS.pdf
│  ├── Ungar.pdf
│  └── 变分学讲义.pdf
├── Optimization
│  ├── 17-toussaint-Newton.pdf
│  ├── An Introduction to Optimization on Smooth Manifolds.pdf
│  ├── A survey of HPC for NLP.pdf
│  ├── convex_optimization.pdf
│  ├── cuPDLP.jl.pdf
│  ├── End-to-End Learning to Warm-Start.pdf
│  ├── First-Order Methods in Optimization.pdf
│  ├── Getting Started With IPOPT.pdf
│  ├── ipopt-thesis.pdf
│  ├── IPOPT.pdf
│  ├── Knitro.pdf
│  ├── Lecture Notes on Numerical Optimization.pdf
│  ├── LecturesOnConvexOptimization.pdf
│  ├── Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization.pdf
│  ├── Linear Solver Parallelism.pdf
│  ├── MA57.pdf
│  ├── Matrix Computations.pdf
│  ├── Mean Robust Optimization.pdf
│  ├── MUMPS-Talks.pdf
│  ├── MUMPS.pdf
│  ├── NLP book.pdf
│  ├── NumericalOptimization.pdf
│  ├── On the effects of scaling on the performance of Ipopt.pdf
│  ├── OSQP.pdf
│  ├── Overview of Optimization Software.pdf
│  ├── PDFO.pdf
│  ├── PIQP.pdf
│  ├── Practical Optimization.pdf
│  ├── Recent Advances in the OSQP.pdf
│  ├── SNOPT.pdf
│  ├── 无导数优化方法的研究.pdf
│  ├── 最优化-2.pdf
│  └── 瞎子爬山与最优化方法.pdf
├── OS
│  ├── abi386-4.pdf
│  ├── atc23-jiang-yanyan.pdf
│  ├── Crafting Interpreters.pdf
│  ├── High-Quality Software Engineering.pdf
│  ├── How To Write Shared Libraries.pdf
│  ├── Linker and Libraries Guide.pdf
│  ├── linkers_and_loaders.pdf
│  ├── Linux-UNIX系统编程手册(上册).pdf
│  ├── Linux-UNIX系统编程手册(下册).pdf
│  ├── Program-Library-HOWTO.pdf
│  └── ROSCon 2017 Determinism in ROS.pdf
├── Physics
│  ├── Bridging two insect flight modes.pdf
│  ├── Contact Models in Robotics.pdf
│  ├── Effective Computation in Physics.pdf
│  ├── Fly by Night Physics.pdf
│  ├── IPC.pdf
│  └── UniversityPhysics.pdf
├── Python
│  ├── composing_programs.pdf
│  ├── High Performance Python.pdf
│  ├── IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook.pdf
│  ├── managing-python-packages.pdf
│  ├── mementopython3-english.pdf
│  ├── mementopython3-zh_cn.pdf
│  ├── python3-note.pdf
│  └── PythonMastery.pdf
├── StateEstimation
│  ├── foot_imu_iros2023.pdf
│  ├── Localization Visual Odometry NASA.pdf
│  └── SLAM中的几何与学习方法.pdf
└── Umwelt
   ├── A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans.pdf
   ├── An Immense World.epub
   ├── Behavior-Based Robotics.pdf
   ├── Does a robot have an Umwelt.pdf
   └── What Is It Like to Be a Bat.pdf

ibooklib's People


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