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rancher's Introduction


Mailu is a simple yet full-featured mail server as a set of Docker images. It is free software (both as in free beer and as in free speech), open to suggestions and external contributions. The project aims at providing people with an easily setup, easily maintained and full-featured mail server while not shipping proprietary software nor unrelated features often found in popular groupware.

Most of the documentation is available on our Website, you can also try our demo server before setting up your own, and come talk to us on Matrix.


Main features include:

  • Standard email server, IMAP and IMAP+, SMTP and Submission with auto-configuration profiles for clients
  • Advanced email features, aliases, domain aliases, custom routing, full-text search of email attachments
  • Web access, multiple Webmails and administration interface
  • User features, aliases, auto-reply, auto-forward, fetched accounts, managesieve
  • Admin features, global admins, announcements, per-domain delegation, quotas
  • Security, enforced TLS, DANE, MTA-STS, Letsencrypt!, outgoing DKIM, anti-virus scanner, Snuffleupagus, block malicious attachments
  • Antispam, auto-learn, greylisting, DMARC and SPF, anti-spoofing
  • Freedom, all FOSS components, no tracker included



Mailu is free software, open to suggestions and contributions. All components are free software and compatible with the MIT license. All specific configuration files, Dockerfiles and code are placed under the MIT license.

rancher's People


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rancher's Issues

can anyone make heads or tails of this ??

im trying to deploy from the catalog with a self signed cert in /mailu/certs and listen on yet http sees to fail loading with this error

and the admin container fails with
Failed to allocate instance [container:1i98]: Bad instance [container:1i98] in state [error]: Allocation failed: No healthy hosts meet the resource constraints: [ portReservation, instanceReservation: 1].

why is it even trying ??

1/25/2018 6:36:26 PMwriting new private key to '/tmp/snakeoil.pem'
1/25/2018 6:36:26 PM-----
1/25/2018 6:36:26 PM2018/01/25 23:36:26 [emerg] 14#14: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:36:26 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PMGenerating a 2048 bit RSA private key
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PM....................................................+++
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PM.......................+++
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PMwriting new private key to '/tmp/snakeoil.pem'
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PM-----
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PM2018/01/25 23:36:39 [emerg] 13#13: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:36:39 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PMGenerating a 2048 bit RSA private key
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PM................................................................................................+++
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PM.+++
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PMwriting new private key to '/tmp/snakeoil.pem'
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PM-----
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PM2018/01/25 23:36:54 [emerg] 13#13: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:36:54 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PMGenerating a 2048 bit RSA private key
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PM....................................................+++
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PM...........................+++
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PMwriting new private key to '/tmp/snakeoil.pem'
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PM-----
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PM2018/01/25 23:37:09 [emerg] 13#13: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:37:09 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PMGenerating a 2048 bit RSA private key
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PM.............+++
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PM.......................................................+++
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PMwriting new private key to '/tmp/snakeoil.pem'
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PM-----
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PM2018/01/25 23:37:10 [emerg] 13#13: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:37:10 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:43
1/25/2018 6:37:24 PM2018/01/25 23:37:24 [emerg] 12#12: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76
1/25/2018 6:37:24 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76
1/25/2018 6:37:25 PM2018/01/25 23:37:25 [emerg] 12#12: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76
1/25/2018 6:37:25 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76
1/25/2018 6:37:39 PM2018/01/25 23:37:39 [emerg] 12#12: host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76
1/25/2018 6:37:39 PMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "admin" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76

Rancher 2

I think it would be cool to create an helm chart compatible with Rancher 2.
It's not possible to use compose with Rancher 1

But there is to simplify the process from docker-compose.yml to a helm chart. Even though we will probably have to do some modifications but that should be easier than generating everything from scratch. Moreover if we want it to be compatible with Rancher2 we need to have a few things in the chart

Unable to start stack

I am trying to test this stack on a private network. I created there certs in /mailu/certs (as described here )

then started the rancher stack with Bind address = local machines IP and local DNS name

however multiple containers fail to start due to issues with ports, all ports are available on the host. Bellow is the error from the IMAP container.

(Failed to allocate instance [container:1i439]: Bad instance [container:1i439] in state [stopping]: Allocation failed: No healthy hosts meet the resource constraints: [ports: [,,,,], ResourceType: instanceReservation, Amount: 1])

im using Rancher v1.6.0

1.3 to 1.4 fails upgrade

so i tried to upgrade my default running rancher deployment from the 0.3 to 0.4 miserable failure....
same with deploying a fresh stack on a fresh rancher from this catalog... also a fail ... sorry but does this stuff get tested? after i looked through the merge i though heck lets give it a go.... result 0 mail services now functional.... ughhhh......

using haproxy instead

I would like to use haproxy in rancher instead of nginx, so instead of mapping container to host ports directly in compose, I expose the container ports internally, and then I can use haproxy to map the ports on a per-domain basis.

I also run letsencrypt and haproxy uses the cert generated exclusively. so I would prefer to get rid of nginx altogether and not let any mailu container have access to the cert private keys.

is what I described here doable?

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