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data-migration-tool's Introduction


We're pleased you're considering moving from the world's #1 eCommerce platform—Magento 1.x—to the eCommerce platform for the future, Magento 2. We're also excited to share the details about this process, which we refer to as migration.

Magento 2 migration involves four components: data, extensions and custom code, themes, and customizations.


We've developed the Magento 2 Data Migration Tool to help you efficiently move all of your products, customers, and order data, store configurations, promotions and more to Magento 2. See the Magento Migration Guide for details.

Extensions and custom code

We've been working hard with the development community to help you use your Magento 1 extensions in Magento 2. Now we're proud to present the Magento Marketplace, where you can download or purchase the latest versions of your favourite extensions.

Also, we have developed the Code Migration Toolkit, which will help to port extensions and your custom code to Magento 2, significantly reducing your porting efforts.

More information on developing extensions for Magento 2 is available in the Magento 2 Extension Developer Guide.

Themes and Customizations

Magento 2 uses new approaches and technologies that give merchants an unmatched ability to create innovative shopping experiences and scale to new levels. To take advantage of these advances, developers will need to make changes to their themes and customizations. Documentation is available online for creating Magento 2 themes, layouts, and customizations.

Supported versions

This edition of tool supports the following versions for migration:

  • Magento Open Source version 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x

  • Magento Commerce version 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x, 1.14.x

If you migrate from Magento Open Source to Magento Commerce, the following versions are supported:

  • 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x

Supporting issues and Pull Request contributions

Reported issues in this project are supported mainly by Magento community. Please submit a support ticket here if you migrate to Magento 2 Commerce. Contributions like Pull Requests are welcome and we will process/merge it


Before you start your migration, you must do all of the following:

Set up your system using a topology and design that at least matches your existing Magento 1.x system.
  • Do not start Magento 2 cron jobs.

  • Back up or dump your Magento 2 database as soon after installation as possible.

  • Check that the data migration tool has a network connection to the Magento 1.x and Magento 2 databases.

Open ports in your firewall so the migration tool can communicate with the databases and so the databases can communicate with each other.
  • Migrate Magento 1.x extension and custom code to Magento 2.
Reach out to your extension providers to see if they have been ported yet.

Install the Data Migration Tool

This section discusses how to install the Magento Data Migration Tool. You can install it from either or from a GitHub repository.

Note: The versions of both the migration tool and the Magento 2 code must be identical (for example, 2.4.0). To find the version of either package, open composer.json and find the value of "version".

Install the tool from GitHub

To install the migration tool from GitHub, use the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 server as a user with privileges to write to the Magento 2 file system or switch to the web server user.

  2. Go to Magento 2 root directory.

  3. Enter the following commands:

     composer config git
     composer require magento/data-migration-tool:<version>
     bin/magento module:enable Magento_DataMigrationTool

    where <version> is release version (e.g. 2.4.4)

  4. Wait while dependencies are updated and the tool is enabled.

Install the tool from

To install the Data Migration Tool, you must update composer.json in the Magento root installation directory to provide the location of the migration tool package.

To install the migration tool, you must:

  1. Decide the version of magento/data-migration-tool you want as discussed in the preceding section.

  2. Run the composer config and composer require commands to update composer.json.

  3. When prompted, enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.

To update composer.json:

  1. Log in to your Magento server as the web server user or as a user with root privileges.

  2. Change to your Magento installation directory.

  3. Enter the following command to reference Magento packages in composer.json:

     composer config repositories.magento composer
  4. Enter the following command to require the current version of the package:

     composer require magento/data-migration-tool:<version>

    where <version> is either an exact version or next significant release syntax.

    Exact version example:

     composer require magento/data-migration-tool:2.4.4

    Next significant release example:

     composer require magento/data-migration-tool:~2.4
  5. Wait while dependencies are installed.

  6. Enter the following command to enable the tool

     bin/magento module:enable Magento_DataMigrationTool

More details

See the Migration Guide for the detailed help with your data migration process.

data-migration-tool's People


atwixfirster avatar balex13 avatar berwa avatar bhavi-evrig avatar dfelton avatar diazwatson avatar dmitryfurs avatar ihor-sviziev avatar iphigenie avatar jeff-matthews avatar jesse-deboer avatar kishansatasiya avatar le0n4eg avatar magento-team avatar manuelcanepa avatar motou avatar orozcodiaz avatar pascalbrouwers avatar peter279k avatar pgrimaud avatar ruslankostiv1 avatar sanganinamrata avatar scazz010 avatar slamking avatar srsathish92 avatar therool avatar tim-breitenstein-it avatar victor-v-rad avatar vishal-7037 avatar wilfriedwolf avatar


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data-migration-tool's Issues

Products do not shown after migration

When I try to run reindex, I have error:

$ php bin/magento indexer:reindex
Customer Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:03
Category Products index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Product Categories index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (dev_autom.catalog_product_index_tier_price, CONSTRAINT CAT_PRD_IDX_TIER_PRICE_ENTT_ID_CAT_PRD_ENTT_ENTT_ID FOREIGN KEY (entity_id) REFERENCES catalog_product_entity (entity_id) ON ), query was: INSERT INTO catalog_product_index_tier_price SELECT tp.entity_id, cg.customer_group_id, cw.website_id, MIN(IF(tp.website_id = 0, ROUND(tp.value * cwd.rate, 4), tp.value)) FROM catalog_product_entity_tier_price AS tp
INNER JOIN customer_group AS cg ON tp.all_groups = 1 OR (tp.all_groups = 0 AND tp.customer_group_id = cg.customer_group_id)
INNER JOIN store_website AS cw ON tp.website_id = 0 OR tp.website_id = cw.website_id
INNER JOIN catalog_product_index_website AS cwd ON cw.website_id = cwd.website_id WHERE (cw.website_id != 0) GROUP BY tp.entity_id,
cw.website_id ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE min_price = VALUES(min_price)
Product EAV index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Stock index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog Rule Product index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:01
Catalog Product Rule index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog Search index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:08

Unable to migrate from and SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name ''

I'm having an issue migrating my current store over to Magento 2.0. The store is currently at v1.7.0.2 and I've taken the following steps

  • Migrate from current version (
  • Remove all modules (and associated DB tables/columns) and Migrate (
  • Migrate after using database repair tool (
  • Update store to then migrate to 2.0
  • Update store to, remove all modules (and associated tables/columns), then migrate to 2.0
  • Update store to, use database repair tool, then migrate to 2.0

All of the above migrate without any issues reported in the migration log. If I clean out all modules and associated tables/columns I utilize the base map.xml.dist file instead of a custom map.xml file.

All of the above cause the same error on the backend/frontend of the Magento 2.0 store. I cannot access any product details as they produce the same error. The backend displays 0 customers. There are over 13K products and over 17K customers that migrate over to the 2.0 database. When running the indexer I get the following output:

$ ./bin/magento indexer:reindex
Customer Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Category Products index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:01
Product Categories index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:01
Product Price index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:03
Product EAV index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:01
Stock index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'catalog_product_entity.store_id' in 'field list', query was: SELECT `catalog_product_entity`.`entity_id`, `catalog_product_entity`.`store_id`, `catalog_product_entity`.`value` FROM `catalog_product_entity` WHERE (attribute_id = 98)
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'catalog_product_entity.store_id' in 'field list', query was: SELECT `catalog_product_entity`.`entity_id`, `catalog_product_entity`.`store_id`, `catalog_product_entity`.`value` FROM `catalog_product_entity` WHERE (attribute_id = 98)
Segmentation fault

When attempting to view products on the backend, or any page on the frontend, or REST API endpoints that deal w/ Products I get the following error:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name '', query was: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main_table.attribute_id) FROM `eav_attribute` AS `main_table`
 INNER JOIN `eav_entity_type` AS `entity_type` ON main_table.entity_type_id = entity_type.entity_type_id
 INNER JOIN `eav_entity_attribute` ON main_table.attribute_id = eav_entity_attribute.attribute_id
 INNER JOIN `` AS `additional_table` ON main_table.attribute_id = additional_table.attribute_id WHERE (`entity_type_code` = 'catalog_product') AND (`additional_table`.`is_used_in_grid` = 1)
#0 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/DB/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(95): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array)
#1 /home/vagrant/magento2/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(303): Magento\Framework\DB\Statement\Pdo\Mysql->_execute(Array)
#2 /home/vagrant/magento2/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(480): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
#3 /home/vagrant/magento2/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php(238): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SELECT COUNT(DI...', Array)
#4 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(444): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SELECT COUNT(DI...', Array)
#5 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(499): Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql->_query('SELECT COUNT(DI...', Array)
#6 /home/vagrant/magento2/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(828): Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql->query(Object(Magento\Framework\DB\Select), Array)
#7 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Data/Collection/AbstractDb.php(217): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchOne(Object(Magento\Framework\DB\Select), Array)
#8 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Eav/Model/AttributeRepository.php(130): Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\AbstractDb->getSize()
#9 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/Repository.php(96): Magento\Eav\Model\AttributeRepository->getList('catalog_product', Object(Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteria))
#10 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/Repository/Interceptor.php(37): Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Repository->getList(Object(Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteria))
#11 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Ui/Component/Listing/Attribute/AbstractRepository.php(42): Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Repository\Interceptor->getList(Object(Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteria))
#12 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Ui/Component/Listing/Columns.php(54): Magento\Catalog\Ui\Component\Listing\Attribute\AbstractRepository->getList()
#13 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Generator/UiComponent.php(148): Magento\Catalog\Ui\Component\Listing\Columns->prepare()
#14 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Generator/UiComponent.php(145): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\UiComponent->prepareComponent(Object(Magento\Catalog\Ui\Component\Listing\Columns))
#15 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Generator/UiComponent.php(126): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\UiComponent->prepareComponent(Object(Magento\Ui\Component\Listing))
#16 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Generator/UiComponent.php(93): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\UiComponent->generateComponent(Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Data\Structure), 'product_listing', Array, Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Interceptor))
#17 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/GeneratorPool.php(86): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\UiComponent->process(Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Reader\Context), Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\Context))
#18 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout.php(327): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\GeneratorPool->process(Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Reader\Context), Object(Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Generator\Context))
#19 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Interceptor.php(89): Magento\Framework\View\Layout->generateElements()
#20 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Builder.php(129): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Interceptor->generateElements()
#21 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Page/Builder.php(55): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Builder->generateLayoutBlocks()
#22 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Builder.php(65): Magento\Framework\View\Page\Builder->generateLayoutBlocks()
#23 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout.php(244): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Builder->build()
#24 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Layout.php(859): Magento\Framework\View\Layout->build()
#25 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Framework/View/Layout/Interceptor.php(414): Magento\Framework\View\Layout->getBlock('menu')
#26 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Backend/Model/View/Result/Page.php(59): Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Interceptor->getBlock('menu')
#27 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Backend/Model/View/Result/Page/Interceptor.php(24): Magento\Backend\Model\View\Result\Page->setActiveMenu('Magento_Catalog...')
#28 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Index.php(39): Magento\Backend\Model\View\Result\Page\Interceptor->setActiveMenu('Magento_Catalog...')
#29 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Index/Interceptor.php(24): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index->execute()
#30 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/Action/Action.php(102): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor->execute()
#31 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Backend/App/AbstractAction.php(226): Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#32 [internal function]: Magento\Backend\App\AbstractAction->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#33 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(74): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#34 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(70): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor->___callParent('dispatch', Array)
#35 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(63): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->invokeNext('Magento\\Catalog...', 'dispatch', Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Array, 'adminAuthentica...')
#36 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Backend/App/Action/Plugin/Authentication.php(143): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#37 [internal function]: Magento\Backend\App\Action\Plugin\Authentication->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#38 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(67): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#39 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(63): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->invokeNext('Magento\\Catalog...', 'dispatch', Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Array, 'designLoader')
#40 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/Action/Plugin/Design.php(39): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#41 [internal function]: Magento\Framework\App\Action\Plugin\Design->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#42 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(67): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#43 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(136): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->invokeNext('Magento\\Catalog...', 'dispatch', Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Array, 'adminMassaction...')
#44 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Backend/App/Action/Plugin/MassactionKey.php(33): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#45 [internal function]: Magento\Backend\App\Action\Plugin\MassactionKey->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#46 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(140): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#47 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Index/Interceptor.php(39): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor->___callPlugins('dispatch', Array, Array)
#48 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/FrontController.php(55): Magento\Catalog\Controller\Adminhtml\Product\Index\Interceptor->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#49 [internal function]: Magento\Framework\App\FrontController->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#50 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(74): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#51 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(70): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->___callParent('dispatch', Array)
#52 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(63): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->invokeNext('Magento\\Framewo...', 'dispatch', Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Array, 'install')
#53 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Module/Plugin/DbStatusValidator.php(69): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#54 [internal function]: Magento\Framework\Module\Plugin\DbStatusValidator->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#55 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Chain/Chain.php(67): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#56 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(136): Magento\Framework\Interception\Chain\Chain->invokeNext('Magento\\Framewo...', 'dispatch', Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Array, 'storeCookieVali...')
#57 /home/vagrant/magento2/app/code/Magento/Store/Model/Plugin/StoreCookie.php(78): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#58 [internal function]: Magento\Store\Model\Plugin\StoreCookie->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#59 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(140): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#60 /home/vagrant/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Framework/App/FrontController/Interceptor.php(26): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->___callPlugins('dispatch', Array, Array)
#61 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/Http.php(115): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#62 /home/vagrant/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/Bootstrap.php(258): Magento\Framework\App\Http->launch()
#63 /home/vagrant/magento2/pub/index.php(37): Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Http))
#64 {main}

Migration Log

[2016-01-01 14:58:09][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Settings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:09][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:09][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Settings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: Migration completed
[2016-01-01 14:58:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:24][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:29][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:36][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:36][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:58:36][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:03][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:03][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:03][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:03][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:08][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:08][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:08][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:08][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:09][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: adminnotification_inbox]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: captcha_log]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:11][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:11][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:12][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_product]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:14][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_compare_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:39][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:39][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_option_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:39][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_selection]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:39][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_selection_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:39][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 14:59:50][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_gallery]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:38][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:49][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:00:58][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:55][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:56][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:56][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:56][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_type]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_relation]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_attribute_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:58][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:01:58][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock_status]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_customer_group]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_group_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_product]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_product_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:02:04][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogsearch_query]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:04:35][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Settings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:35][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:35][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Settings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:37][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:37][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:37][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: Migration completed
[2016-01-01 15:04:49][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:49][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:49][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:54][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:55][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:58][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:58][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:04:58][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:21][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:26][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:26][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:26][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:26][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:26][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_address_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:27][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:05:27][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:05:27][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: adminnotification_inbox]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: captcha_log]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:28][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:29][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:29][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_category_product]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_compare_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_option_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_selection]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_bundle_selection_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:05:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:00][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:08][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:21][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_gallery]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:21][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:06:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:07:07][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:07:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:15][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:16][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:16][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:16][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_link_type]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_option_type_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_relation]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_attribute_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_super_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalog_product_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:18][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:18][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:22][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cataloginventory_stock_status]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:23][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_customer_group]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_group_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_product]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_product_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogrule_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:24][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: catalogsearch_query]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: checkout_agreement]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: checkout_agreement_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cms_block]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cms_block_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cms_page]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: cms_page_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_email_template]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_session]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_store_group]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_translate]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_variable]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: core_variable_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: coupon_aggregated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: coupon_aggregated_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: coupon_aggregated_updated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: customer_eav_attribute_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: customer_form_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: customer_group]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: design_change]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: directory_country]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: directory_country_format]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:32][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: directory_country_region]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: directory_country_region_name]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: directory_currency_rate]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_link_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_link_purchased]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_link_purchased_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_link_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_sample]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: downloadable_sample_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_attribute_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_attribute_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:33][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_attribute_option_value]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_datetime]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_decimal]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_int]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_text]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_entity_varchar]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_form_element]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_form_fieldset]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_form_fieldset_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_form_type]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: eav_form_type_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: gift_message]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: importexport_importdata]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_problem]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:34][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_queue]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_queue_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_queue_store_link]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_subscriber]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: newsletter_template]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: oauth_consumer]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: oauth_nonce]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: oauth_token]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: paypal_cert]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: paypal_payment_transaction]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: paypal_settlement_report]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: paypal_settlement_report_row]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:35][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: persistent_session]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:36][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: product_alert_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:36][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: product_alert_stock]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_option_vote]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_option_vote_aggregated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: rating_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_compared_product_index]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_event]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_event_types]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_viewed_product_aggregated_daily]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_viewed_product_aggregated_monthly]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_viewed_product_aggregated_yearly]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:42][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: report_viewed_product_index]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review_detail]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review_entity]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review_entity_summary]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review_status]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: review_store]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:46][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:47][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:48][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:48][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_billing_agreement]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:48][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_billing_agreement_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:48][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_creditmemo]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:49][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_creditmemo_comment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:49][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_creditmemo_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:08:50][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_invoice]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:09:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_invoice_comment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:09:02][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_invoice_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:09:18][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:09:49][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_order_address]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:09:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_order_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:10:37][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_order_payment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:10:50][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_order_status_history]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:11:13][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:11:55][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_address]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:15:31][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_address_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:15:31][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:16:50][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_item_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:17:06][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_payment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:17:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_quote_shipping_rate]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:17:57][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_shipment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:00][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_shipment_comment]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:01][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_shipment_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:06][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_flat_shipment_track]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:09][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_invoiced_aggregated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:09][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_invoiced_aggregated_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_aggregated_created]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_aggregated_updated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_status]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_status_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:11][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_status_state]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:11][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_tax]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:11][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_order_tax_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:12][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_payment_transaction]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_refunded_aggregated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:17][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_refunded_aggregated_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:18][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_shipping_aggregated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:18][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sales_shipping_aggregated_order]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_coupon]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_coupon_usage]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_customer]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_customer_group]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_label]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_product_attribute]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: salesrule_website]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sendfriend_log]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: shipping_tablerate]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: sitemap]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_calculation]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_calculation_rate]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_calculation_rate_title]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_calculation_rule]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_class]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_order_aggregated_created]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: tax_order_aggregated_updated]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: weee_tax]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: widget]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: widget_instance]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: widget_instance_page]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:19][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: wishlist]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: wishlist_item]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:20][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step][table: wishlist_item_option]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:18:20][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:18:22][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:18:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:18:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:18:52][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Log Step][table: log_visitor]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: ConfigurablePrices step][table: catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:13][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Tier Price Step][table: catalog_product_entity_tier_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Tier Price Step][table: catalog_product_entity_group_price]: migrating
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-01 15:19:23][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: Migration completed

catalogsearch_fulltext_scope(ID) tables are not created

After running the data migration tool the store catalogsearch_fulltext_scope(ID) tables are not created resulting in the following exception when viewing the front end:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'magento2_prod.catalogsearch_fulltext_scope3' doesn't exist, query was: INSERT INTO `search_tmp_568be23e4effb4_02259989` SELECT `main_select`.`entity_id`, MAX(score) AS `relevance` FROM (SELECT `search_index`.`entity_id`, ((0) + LEAST((MATCH (data_index) AGAINST ('sale*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)), 1000000) * POW(2, search_weight)) AS `score` FROM `catalogsearch_fulltext_scope3` AS `search_index`
 LEFT JOIN `catalog_eav_attribute` AS `cea` ON search_index.attribute_id = cea.attribute_id WHERE (MATCH (data_index) AGAINST ('sale*' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) AS `main_select` GROUP BY `entity_id` ORDER BY `relevance` DESC LIMIT 10000

Script stops at step: data migration][step: Url Rewrite Step

We are working on the migration from to 2.0.
Now we have a problem that the script just stops at the "URL Rewrite Step" - always at exact 24%!

No error logs are shown and just the notice: [ErrorException] Undefined offset: 0

[2016-01-11 16:40:15][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started

24% [======>---------------------] Remaining Time: 25 secs

How can we debug this?

We also noticed that our source database has two entries of rewrite tables:

  • core_url_rewrite
  • core_url_rewrite_backup

Could this be a problem?

If we empty the core_url_rewrite table the migration works fine but of course all urls are messed up.
Is there maybe a way to rebuild the urls internaly by magento 2.0 itself. We als realized that the core_url_rewrite table is quite huge and also has stored some very old data.

Many thanks!

'Remaining Time: 5 days' then 'MySQL server has gone away' during migration from Magento via Docker

I can successfully migrate settings from my Magento database, having gone through the process of tweaking the appropriate mappings file.

When running the data migration, all the integrity checks pass. However, when the tool reaches [stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes step], the output announces "Remaining Time: 5 days" and does not progress past 0%.

The source database is on the same DB server as the target. However, I'm using a docker setup as per which may be causing issues.

I'm running the data migration tool in a bash terminal started using docker exec.

It seems as if the docker setup might have something to do with this problem, although I haven't come across any issues during normal Magento 2 operation, or the settings step of the migration, which completes very quickly.

EDIT: During this apparently static phase of the migration tool operation, there are no MySQL processes shown by SHOW PROCESSLIST.

Data Migration Error to 2.0

I got this error during migrating to 2.0:

[2016-01-14 00:40:47][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:47][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:47][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:52][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-14 00:40:53][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
14% [====>-----------------------] Remaining Time: 1 sec

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME'

I checked the migration log and there were no specific errors related to this:

[2016-01-13 23:03:42][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:43][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:43][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:48][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2016-01-13 23:03:53][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started

Does anyone have any clue about this issue?



Migrating source_model and backend_model

Hi there,

I'm triing to use data-migration-tool just to have some data to work on before developing modules in magento 2. I mapped all customized table and column as ignored in map.xml.

Integrity Check succeeded but during volume check at EAV step, I got an error on customized backend_model and source_model that doesn't exist yet in M2. How could I ignore those fields ?

Here is an example of error I'm getting :

[2015-12-04 18:37:41][ERROR]: Incorrect value: vendors/source_vendors in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=commercial

Thanks in advance,

data migration magento error

I'm facing a problem when migrate magento to magento 2. Do you have any idea?
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-09 09:24:10][DEBUG][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step][table: customer_entity]: migrating
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec

No Customers Visible In Admin Backend After Migration

I'm migrating from -> 2.0.0, and the migrator runs with no errors reported in the log. After migration, when I log into the backend of the store I see 0 customers in the admin panel. When checking the database tables, it appears that a bunch of data was not actually migrated:

M1 database: 9989 rows
M2 database: 0 rows

M1 database: 23585 rows
M2 database: 8286 rows

M1 database: 47199 rows
M2 database: 4818 rows

These are just a few examples of differences... lots of other tables have what appear to be incorrect row counts. Shouldn't they all have the same number of rows?

Various issues with to 2.0 migration

Hi All,
I am having some difficulty migrating my pretty standard shop;


The migration completes but throws some warnings, per the logs below.

  • Getting two empty fields on the customer account (possible custom customer attributes from store, that should have been ignored
  • One of my attributes (size) on configurable products is asking to be selected prior to saving, this is only to be used for generating the simple product.
    (The value of attribute "size_config" must be set)
  • That same attribute won't hold any changes when saved - for example, to show in column or to be filtered, change the setting from yes to no press save, it reverts back to yes.
  • Price for configurable products is missing;
  • cart sub total doesn't appear
  • in Safari it won't go to the guest checkout page, asks to "create an account" but in Chrome works fine.
  • Some products are showing a "special price" which is the amount less the tax - but others are fine.

I think all relate to the below warnings during migration?


An error that I was surprised to get was customer_entity.telephone was missing from source.
I set an ignore in the map-customer.xml.dist but the downside is the telephone number on the customer account isn't migrated.

Steps taken:

Reindexed the store and cleaned the cache
I ran the database repair tool against a reference database to ensure consistency.


[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_category_product
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_datetime
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_decimal
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_int
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_text
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_entity_varchar
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_relation
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_super_attribute
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_super_attribute_label
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_super_link
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: catalog_product_website
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cataloginventory_stock_item
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: cataloginventory_stock_status
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_event
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: report_viewed_product_index
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_address
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_item_option
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: quote_payment
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_invoiced_aggregated_order
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_aggregated_created
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_order_aggregated_updated
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: sales_shipping_aggregated_order
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_order_aggregated_created
[2015-12-06 08:38:49][WARNING]: Mismatch of entities in the document: tax_order_aggregated_updated

Any help would be appreciated !

Volume Check failed


I'm attempting to perform a migration from a site that I did not set up and have to redo, we want to keep the user accounts/transaction history/etc. and so are performing a migration. We do not wish to keep any plugins or extensions installed as these will be chosen as the site is rebuilt based on current requirements.

I've set up the migration tool and when I started the migration, the settings migrated successfully and then the data resulted in the following error:

[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source documents are missing or not mapped: deleteorder,export,my_ibanner_banner,my_ibanner_banner_category,my_ibanner_banner_image,my_ibanner_banner_page,my_ibanner_banner_store,pdf,pdf_category,sales_flat_multi_order_address,uni_fileuploader,wordpress_autologin,wordpress_category_category,wordpress_category_post,wordpress_product_category,wordpress_product_post,wp_commentmeta,wp_comments,wp_contactme_enquiry,wp_dday,wp_links,wp_live_countdown_timer_timers,wp_ngg_album,wp_ngg_gallery,wp_ngg_pictures,wp_options,wp_postmeta,wp_posts,wp_term_relationships,wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms,wp_thesis_terms,wp_usermeta,wp_users
[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: sales_flat_creditmemo. Fields: fee_amount,base_fee_amount
[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: sales_flat_invoice. Fields: fee_amount,base_fee_amount
[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: sales_flat_order. Fields: affiliation_number,fee_amount,base_fee_amount,fee_amount_invoiced,base_fee_amount_invoiced,fee_amount_refunded,base_fee_amount_refunded
[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: sales_flat_order_address. Fields: dob,gender,tshirt,club,club_other,affiliation_number
[2016-01-05 15:11:03][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: sales_flat_quote_address. Fields: fee_amount,base_fee_amount

which I fixed by adding the following to map.xml:



    <field>sales_flat_quote_address.base_fee_amount </field>

This fixed the above issue, then successfully continued the migration until I encountered:

[2016-01-05 16:29:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: acustomer\club in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=club

I've been unable to fix this after trying to change the source_model field in the eav_attribute table for the relevant row. Any ideas?

Integrity checkstep: EAV Step - Error also the field is ignored

We have the following error when starting the data migration:

[2016-01-11 15:43:09][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-11 15:43:09][ERROR]: Source fields are missing or not mapped. Document: catalog_eav_attribute. Fields: layered_navigation_canonical

We double checked but ignored the field (with many others) in the map.xml file - all other fields we put in are successfully ignored but this one not.


Is there another possibility to ignore this field?

PS: When we delete it from the source database all works.
bildschirmfoto 2016-01-11 um 16 45 57

After successful Migration: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name '',

After successful migration (no errors) we have a problem accessing the products grid in the backend with the following error:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name '', query was: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main_table.attribute_id) FROM eav_attribute AS main_table
INNER JOIN eav_entity_type AS entity_type ON main_table.entity_type_id = entity_type.entity_type_id
INNER JOIN eav_entity_attribute ON main_table.attribute_id = eav_entity_attribute.attribute_id
INNER JOIN ``ASadditional_tableON main_table.attribute_id = additional_table.attribute_id WHERE (`entity_type_code`= 'catalog_product') AND (`additional_table`.`is_used_in_grid` = 1)

All other stuff should be ok and also the products are shown in the frontend.

[Migration\Exception] - Integrity Check failed -> CE 2.0.0

Hi guys,

I have following the guide to use this tool at

I have finished the "Migrate settings" step

  • Command was run:

php -f /home/qvv/www/_shared/mage2/ce-200-dev/bin/magento migrate:settings -r /home/qvv/www/_shared/mage2/ce-200-dev/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/

But the tool get errors at "Migrate data" step as the screenshots:

  • Command was run:

php -f /home/qvv/www/_shared/mage2/ce-200-dev/bin/magento migrate:data /home/qvv/www/_shared/mage2/ce-200-dev/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/

migrate data error
error more

Only websites, stores and some configs data was migrated to Magento 2 and no more.

and i can't finished the data migration on this step

Any ideas to solve that issues?


Sales Order Grid is empty after data migration

I've made data migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 using data-migration-tool according to this article Orders migrated successfully, but Sales Order grid is empty - this happened because sales_flat_order_grid (from magento 1) and sales_order_grid (from magento 2) tables are ignored in the mapping file by default, like this.

sales_order_grid These tables have different columns (magento2's table has 10 additional columns), and they can't be moved just like that. Is there any way to re-build sales_order_grid table, based on another tables data? I've cleaned cache and made all reindexes, with no luck.

data migration > EAV Step error

Anyone having this issue?
( data migration > EAV Step)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-Migration_Default' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME' to 2.0.0 - Incorrect value at volume check: EAV Step


I've got an installation which i would like to migrate to 2.0.0.
It get's stuck at volume check stage, step EAV Step.
How can I ignore those and continue with the migration ?


[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2016-01-19 08:18:02][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_source_categorylabel in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=umm_cat_label
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_source_dropdown_type in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=umm_dd_type
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_backend_grid_columns in: eav_attribute.backend_model for attribute_code=umm_dd_proportions
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_source_dropdown_columns in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=umm_dd_columns
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_backend_dropdown_blocks in: eav_attribute.backend_model for attribute_code=umm_dd_blocks
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: megamenu/category_attribute_source_type_style in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_cat_block_type
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: megamenu/category_attribute_source_block_subcolumns in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_cat_block_columns
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: megamenu/category_attribute_source_block_columns in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_cat_left_block_width
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: megamenu/category_attribute_source_block_columns in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_cat_right_block_width
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: megamenu/category_attribute_source_label_categorylabel in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_cat_label
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_1
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_2
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_3
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_4
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_5
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_attribute_tab_1
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_attribute_tab_2
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_attribute_tab_3
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_attribute_tab_4
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_attribute_tab_5
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_6
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_7
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_8
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: porto/category_attribute_source_tab_mode in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_code=sw_product_staticblock_tab_9
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_helper_grid_columns in: catalog_eav_attribute.frontend_input_renderer for attribute_id=160
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][ERROR]: Incorrect value: ultramegamenu/category_attribute_helper_dropdown_blocks in: catalog_eav_attribute.frontend_input_renderer for attribute_id=162
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: failed
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: Error occurred. Rollback.
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: EAV Step: rollback
[2016-01-19 08:18:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: Please fix errors and run Migration Tool again

  Volume Check failed    

[Migration\Exception] Integrity Check failed

bin/magento migrate:data -r vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/
Reset the current position of migration to start from the beginning

[2015-12-07 06:11:57][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:11:58][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:11:58][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-07 06:12:05][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec

Integrity Check failed

Duplicate URL rewrites - false positive?

This is throwing errors but I check my DB and I don't have duplicates, it seems to be ignoring after the slash:

There are duplicates in URL rewrites: Request path: vcc-08-competition Store ID: 1 Target path: competitions/index/index/id/vcc-08-competition Request path: vcc-08-competition Store ID: 1 Target path: cms/page/view/page_id/124

However if I check my database for request path I only have:


So it think vcc-08-competition is duplicate, because it's not

Setting auto_resolve_urlrewrite_duplicates to 1 in config.xml seems to resolve the integrity check, Will know more when I can actually complete migration to the next stage.

Custom module transferring data

How do I get the tool to simply copy the data from custom modules (such as tables) to the new M2 database?

If I recreate the module that is fine, but then I get an error such as:

[2015-12-14 14:07:25][ERROR]: Destination documents are missing or not mapped: mst_core_urlrewrite,mst_misspell_index,mst_misspell_suggest,mst_search_index,mst_search_stopword,mst_search_synonym

How do I go about transferring this? I have installed the M2 version of the module

Got error in data migration from magento to magento 2

i got error like below.

[2016-01-06 07:32:07][ERROR]: Mismatch of entities in the document: url_rewrite
[2016-01-06 07:32:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: failed
[2016-01-06 07:32:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: Error occurred. Rollback.
[2016-01-06 07:32:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: Url Rewrite Step: rollback
[2016-01-06 07:32:07][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: Please fix errors and run Migration Tool again

please help to resolve it.

Step2 runs without errors, but it cant complete

Exception trace:
() at /var/www/
Migration\Mode\Data->runIntegrity() at /var/www/
Migration\Mode\Data->run() at /var/www/
Migration\Mode\Data\Proxy->run() at /var/www/
Migration\Console\MigrateDataCommand->execute() at /var/www/
Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /var/www/
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /var/www/
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /var/www/
Magento\Framework\Console\Cli->doRun() at /var/www/
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /var/www/

No data appread even after successful data migration

I am migrating magento from to Magento 2.0.1, using Magento Data migration tool,

Data migration tool executed with no error, but I cannot see any data in magento admin backend,

I have cleared cache, reindexed. I can see data in database, but no data appeared on Magento admin panel,

Please help

1.9.2 Migration

Is there any technical reason this won't work for CE 1.9.2 ? Or is it best to wait until compatibility is confirmed?

PHP Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $logger in src/Migration/Step/ConfigurablePrices/Volume.php on line 45

Nice jobs guys, duplicate param in constructor, logger is there twice (PS that is sarcasm!)

PHP Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $logger in /Users/ccarnell/Sites/xxx/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool-ee/src/Migration/Step/ConfigurablePrices/Volume.php on line 45

public function __construct(
        Logger $logger,
        ResourceModel\Source $source,
        ResourceModel\Destination $destination,
        ProgressBar\LogLevelProcessor $progressBar,
        Helper $helper,
        Logger $logger

I would post this in the EE repo, but since no one ever replies.. Same issue on CE anyway

Migration process breaks double byte characters

Please see attached 2 images. One is M1, and the other is M2.
I created one product on M1 with double byte characters, and executed migration process.
After it completed, I checked product data on M2. Its attributes data with double byte characters are broken.

Can't this tool use for double byte characters?
Of course I can use double byte characters for products or any other data on M2 via cli or admin panel.

m1 product
m2 product

Clean database with 1.9.1

Hi everyone,

created a clean install via composer and never even logged in. I dumped the database and am trying to get my data-migration tool to sync my settings and information.

unfortunatly I get this error:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'association-2' for key 'SEARCH_QUERY_QUERY_TEXT_STORE_ID'

Any clues how to solve this?

auto ignore errors?

Certain errors would be good to ignore, such as missing tables/fields. Just for testing purposes, so you can get on with other things -> 2.0.1 Admin Login fails after migrate:settings

I've done the following steps twice:

  • Clean/working store with no extensions, ~100 products, ~3,000 customers, ~10,000 orders
  • Install Magento 2.0.1
  • Confirm 2.0.1 is working front/back
  • Install latest data-migration-tool with composer
  • Run bin/magento migrate:settings (config)
  • Process completes, logs look good
  • Go to admin login, enter correct username/password for the new store. The login appears successful but the browser is returned to the login page.


  • Logging is enabled, nothing in the logs suggesting an issue.
  • Nothing in Apache error logs.
  • Nothing in the browser console.
  • Firebug Network Activity suggests a successful login with a cookie set as expected.
  • The relevant user row in table admin_user increments 'lognum' after each login, and there are 0 'failures_num'.
  • I can register new accounts and login via the front end.
  • After migrate:settings I can successfully migrate:data and everything appears normally on the front end.

I've tried reindexing, clearing the cache, deleting browser cookies, trying different browsers that have never visited the store, etc. Having now done the entire process twice my only guess is a settings on the install screws up the admin login. I've tried adjusting the cookie settings (the only thing I could think of that could screw this up) via SQL to no avail.

Has anyone run into this before? Is this an issue specific to 2.0.1 perhaps (not sure if it is supported)?

customer grid

i have migrated my db from magento 1.8.0 to 2.0.
My orders,product and customers was migrated correctly but in customer grid i receive empty results with message: We couldn't find any records.
If i try to edit a customers from an order i can do it.

EDIT: my table customer_entity is populated but customer_grid_flat is empty. If i add manually in db a record on customer_grid_flat i can display the record on magento backend.

Another issues, when i try to add new customer i receive a blank page and the log is:

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 79 bytes) in /var/www/magetest/vendor/magento/module-eav/Model/Entity/Collection/AbstractCollection.php on line 486

i have set in .htaccess and php.ini the php_value to 2048M but not solved it.

Someone can help me?


inet_ntop(): Invalid in_addr value

bin/magento migrate:data vendor/magento/data-migration-tool-ee/etc/ee-to-ee/

[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Custom Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Map Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Url Rewrite Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Log Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Ratings Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesOrder Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: ConfigurablePrices step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: OrderGrids Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: Tier Price Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: SalesIncrement Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: integrity check][step: VisualMerchandiser Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: setup triggers][step: Stage]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Custom Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Custom Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: Customer Attributes Step]: started
[2015-12-23 17:09:32][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step]: started
29% [========>-------------------] Remaining Time: 2 secs

  inet_ntop(): Invalid in_addr value  

migrate:data [-r|--reset] config

No products in categories after run

catalog_category_flat_store_3, catalog_category_entity all contain products, catalog_category_product contains products in categories, catalog_product_flat_3 contains products but none are visible

I did a full re-index?

Most of my url_rewrites are empty.. probably the cause?

How do I re-run the url_rewrite indexer?

Migrating customers from to 2.0

I'm trying to migrate my data from Magento to 2.0.

When I run the migration tool it 'hangs' on the Customer Attributes Step.
In the console I don't see the progress bar running nor the percentage output. It looks like this:
schermafbeelding 2016-01-09 om 13 00 32

We have two Magento installations. One with 32K customers and one with just 80 customers. The issue happens on both databases.

I tried on two different enviroments. Both show this issue.

What could be wrong?

[Migration\Exception] - Integrity Check failed -> CE 2.0.0

Hello All,

I am trying to port existing magento to Magento 2.0. I was able to run ./magento migrate:settings (mode) , but when I executed data mode, there were errors

[ERROR]: Source documents are missing or not mapped: amazon_log_api,amazon_log_exception

I have added ignore fields to the file map.xml present in vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/

Below is the example I have added,


Even though after making all above mentioned modification, I can see error which says it could not map database
I have followed suggestions from this post, but It did not help

Please let me know how to proceed further by adding, particualy, where to add ignore fields,
I have added all fields in each table, it would be nice if there is a option to just mention table and all its column would be automatically ignored.

Also, if there are any issues, please let me know, As I am a beginner, please explain me in detail as it would really help me to understand, Appreciate your help, I have tried for a week and was frustrated as I could not find more information,

Looking forward for your response,

Error when using PHP 7

we just tried to use php7.0.2 and get the following error when starting the data migration. Just a test with php7 but strange:

php bin/magento migrate:data -r /var/www/html/magento2/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/
PHP Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $logger in /var/www/html/magento2/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/src/Migration/Step/ConfigurablePrices/Volume.php on line 45

Is it possible to use data migration tool version 2.0.0 on Magento 2.0.1 ?

The data migration guide says:

"Note: The versions of both the migration tool and the Magento 2 code must be identical (for example, 2.0.0). To find the version of either package, open composer.json and find the value of "version"."

However, there is no data migration tool version 2.0.1.
Can I use the version 2.0.0 on magento 2.0.1?

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