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kuinameplates-customs's Issues

customs not applying after 8.2.5 drop

basically title. do we need to change sth in the lua for it to work again?

11x Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:536: Ignoring out of date plugin: ColourBarByName
[C]: in function error' Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:536: in function NewPlugin'
Kui_Nameplates_Custom\custom-Custom.lua:7: in main chunk

(*temporary) = "Ignoring out of date plugin: ColourBarByName"

edit 2: knp dump
2.25 2.5+c
HealthBar, CombatUpdate, NameText, [LevelText], RaidIcon, [ClassPowers], CastBar, Highlight, PowerBar, AbsorbBar, Threat, Auras, Classification, [Execute], Fading, GuildText, PlayerAnchor, TankMode, BossMods, [CombatToggle], BarAnimation, ArenaID, Target

Custom target scale stopped working

At some point with some Kui nameplate update, the custom target .lua script stopped working.

I don't know how to debug it or anything, and it doesn't throw any error as far as I know.

Could you please check why it doesn't work?

[MythicPlus] Bolstering

So while it would be easy to just add the debuff to the existing module, something that would instead count how many bolstering buffs are on the unit, displaying the count as a fake "stacks" on top of the icon would be cool, instead of adding every icon.

8.2.5, Custom scale is not working anymore


The custom scale is no longer working in 8.2.5!

Here is my dump:
2.25 2.5+c
{auras_icon_minus_size=20,auras_icon_normal_size=30,auras_offset=20,auras_purge_size=40,bar_animation=2,bar_texture=Minimalist,castbar_height=15,classpowers_size=13,clickthrough_self=true,colour_absorb={1=0.302,2=0.702,3=1,4=1},colour_enemy_pet={1=1,2=0,3=0},colour_enemy_player={1=1,2=0,3=0.102},colour_player={1=0.467,2=0.871,3=0.153},colour_self_class=false,cvar_enable=true,cvar_show_friendly_npcs=true,fade_all=true,fade_avoid_execute_friend=true,fade_avoid_mouseover=true,fade_avoid_nameonly=false,fade_untracked=true,font_face=Myriad Condensed Web,font_size_normal=14,font_size_small=12,font_style=3,frame_height=25,frame_height_personal=15,frame_width=150,guild_text_players=true,health_text=true,health_text_friend_max=2,health_text_hostile_max=4,level_text=true,name_colour_npc_friendly={1=0.588,2=1,3=0.588},name_colour_npc_hostile={1=1,2=0.38,3=0.392},name_colour_npc_neutral={1=1,2=0.969,3=0.51},name_colour_player_hostile={1=1,2=0.38,3=0.392},name_colour_white_in_bar_mode=false,name_vertical_offset=2,nameonly_all_enemies=true,nameonly_combat_friends=false,nameonly_combat_hostile=false,nameonly_damaged_enemies=false,nameonly_damaged_friends=false,nameonly_health_colour=false,nameonly_neutral=true,nameonly_target=false,powerbar_height=5,tankmode_tank_colour={1=0,2=0.412,3=1},target_arrows=true,target_arrows_size=30,target_glow_colour={1=1,2=1,3=0.345,4=1},title_text_players=true}
HealthBar, CombatUpdate, NameText, LevelText, RaidIcon, [ClassPowers], CastBar, Highlight, PowerBar, AbsorbBar, Threat, Auras, Classification, Execute, Fading, GuildText, PlayerAnchor, TankMode, BossMods, [CombatToggle], BarAnimation, ArenaID, Target

Names only mode : only show names of hostile, quest and interactive NPCs

Hi Kesava,
I really like your addon and like to use it under names only mode :).
I'm using the names only mode and also have the following options selected
a. Allow Kui to modify CVars and
b. Always show friendly NPCs' nameplates on.
These options result in displaying names of every friendly NPC and ignores the settings under Game>Names> NPC Names> hostile, quest and interactive NPCs.
Is there a way to only show the names of NPCs chosen under the GAME> Names?

Not working with 8.2 anymore

Date: 2019-06-27 00:56:15
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Kui_Nameplates_Core\create.lua line 414:
Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: KuiNamePlate1:SetPoint.
[C]: ?
[C]: SetPoint()
Kui_Nameplates_Core\create.lua:414: UpdateFrameSize()
Kui_Nameplates_Core\hook.lua:54: func()
Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:128: DispatchMessage()
Kui_Nameplates\nameplate.lua:74: OnShow()
Kui_Nameplates\nameplate.lua:67: OnUnitAdded()
Kui_Nameplates\addon.lua:87: ?()

[Request] PVP flag/orb indicator

ElvUI has a feature w/ their nameplates that can show an icon on the nameplate if a player has an orb (temple) or a flag (wsg/etc). I'd love to be able to have this show up on a Kui nameplate. I went digging through their code and found that icons come from:

-- sourced from FrameXML/CompactUnitFrame.lua
local ICONS = {
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.FlagCarrierHorde or 0] = "nameplates-icon-flag-horde",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.FlagCarrierAlliance or 1] = "nameplates-icon-flag-alliance",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.FlagCarrierNeutral or 2] = "nameplates-icon-flag-neutral",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.CartRunnerHorde or 3] = "nameplates-icon-cart-horde",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.CartRunnerAlliance or 4] = "nameplates-icon-cart-alliance",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.AssassinHorde or 5] = "nameplates-icon-bounty-horde",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.AssassinAlliance or 6] = "nameplates-icon-bounty-alliance",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.OrbCarrierBlue or 7] = "nameplates-icon-orb-blue",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.OrbCarrierGreen or 8] = "nameplates-icon-orb-green",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.OrbCarrierOrange or 9] = "nameplates-icon-orb-orange",
[Enum.PvPUnitClassification.OrbCarrierPurple or 10] = "nameplates-icon-orb-purple",

I also found the lua file that controls the functionality though it does use some ElvUI hooks. But perhaps it could be a good reference for implementing this? Here's a link to pastebin with said file:

This file may also be relevant for updating the status:

Boss mod

After reinstalling the game, the energy icon disappeared(boss mod is on)

KNP custom injector not loading older lua files

This is also with the new "Temp" custom injector uploaded a week ago.

Dump file:

2.26.3e 2.5+c
{auras_centre=false,auras_icon_normal_size=40,auras_icon_squareness=0.7,auras_offset=8,auras_sort=1,bar_texture=ElvUI Blank,bot_vertical_offset=0,castbar_colour={1=0.557,2=0.875,3=0.906},castbar_height=10,castbar_icon=false,class_colour_friendly_names=false,classpowers_enable=false,colour_hated={1=0.137,2=0.294,3=0.686},cvar_clamp_top=0.01,cvar_enable=true,cvar_overlap_v=0.8,cvar_personal_show_combat=false,execute_colour={1=1,2=1,3=1},fade_all=true,font_size_normal=10,font_style=1,frame_glow_size=7,frame_height=30,frame_height_minus=13,frame_width=140,health_text=true,health_text_hostile_dmg=2,health_text_hostile_max=2,level_text=true,name_text=false,name_vertical_offset=-20,nameonly=false,nameonly_all_enemies=true,nameonly_no_font_style=true,nameonly_target=false,target_arrows=true,target_glow_colour={1=1,2=1,3=1,4=1}}
HealthBar, [ClassPowers], NameText, RaidIcon, Highlight, LevelText, CombatUpdate, CastBar, PowerBar, AbsorbBar, Threat, Auras, Classification, Execute, TankMode, PlayerAnchor, Fading, GuildText, Quest, BossMods, [CombatToggle], BarAnimation, ArenaID, HealthBarByName, HideAuraCount, SimpleAuraMods, Target

1x Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:536: Ignoring out of date plugin: MythicAuras
[string "=[C]"]: in function error' [string "@Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua"]:536: in function NewPlugin'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_Custom\custom.mythicplus.lua"]:7: in main chunk

1x Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:536: Ignoring out of date plugin: ColourBarByName
[string "=[C]"]: in function error' [string "@Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua"]:536: in function NewPlugin'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_Custom\"]:7: in main chunk

Show level after Name with color

I have not idea if this is the correct way of doing it.
But it does work :p

local folder,ns=...
local addon = KuiNameplates
local core = KuiNameplatesCore
local kui = LibStub('Kui-1.0')
local ele = addon:NewElement('NameText','LevelText')
local instanced_pvp

function addon.Nameplate.UpdateName(f)
    f = f.parent
	f.state.level = instanced_pvp and UnitLevel(f.unit) or UnitEffectiveLevel(f.unit) or 0 = UnitName(f.unit) or ''
	local l,cl,d = kui.UnitLevel(f.unit,nil,instanced_pvp)

    if f.elements.NameText then
       f.NameText:SetText( .. format('|cff%02x%02x%02x', d.r*255, d.g*255, d.b*255) .. ' ' .. .. '|r')

function ele:Show(f)

function ele:UNIT_NAME_UPDATE(event,f)

function ele:UNIT_LEVEL(event,f)

    local in_instance,instance_type = IsInInstance()
    instanced_pvp = in_instance and
                    (instance_type == 'arena' or instance_type == 'pvp')

function ele:OnEnable()


Custom LOS Fade

After the 8.1 update I get an error after loading and the custom fade doesn't function.

5x Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:540: Out of date plugin LOSFader ignored
[C]: in function error' Kui_Nameplates\messages.lua:540: in function NewPlugin'
Kui_Nameplates_Custom\custom-Custom.lua:14: in main chunk

(*temporary) = "Out of date plugin LOSFader ignored"

Aura "Pulsate Icons" not working with Cooldown Spiral enabled


I recently downloaded the main addon and found the custom part of it when I noticed that it didn't have the "cooldown spiral" that blizzards default frames have. It works wonderfully except that the pulse effect when the aura is at low duration doesn't seem to work(?). I tried to search around but couldn't find anything related to this issue. Is it possible to make it pulse with the cooldown spiral enabled?

Best regards,

'Spawn of G'huun' crashes all customs

I wanted to recolour the nameplate of 'Spawn of G'huun' to see the mobs in m+ 10 and higher. However, the ['] in '.. G'huun' gives an error. I guess the code recognizes the name as 'Spawn of G' and the rest causes an error. Any workarrounds get it working?

NVM i just wrote "Spawn of G'huun" and it worked

Seeing bug with TargetName addon

Not sure if this is new, it doesnt really break the functionality but would like to figure out how to stop it just for my sanity lol


Enhanced with player character class color and show on non friendly nameplates only

So I initially had you help me to figure out how to show target names on hostile units only (ended up on just NOT friendly units so it would also show on neutral).

As it went along using this I found it invaluable but really started wanting it to show the target, if a player, to be a class color. I had a little hiccup where I couldn't decide how to determine if it was a player character. Finally figured it out and it is working great. I have modified it to show NPC targets as grey to not confuse with class colors (hostility isn't really a concern with what the target is targeting).

I also added a text shadow so it is readable and modified the offset of the font (of course not needed but I wanted it in a certain position and offset).

-- add the unit's target's name above their name. Difficult to describe in a
-- coherent sentence.
local folder,ns=...
local addon = KuiNameplates
local kui = LibStub('Kui-1.0')
local core = KuiNameplatesCore
local mod = addon:NewPlugin('TargetName',101)

local interval = 0

local update = CreateFrame('Frame')
    -- units changing target doesn't fire an event, so we have to check constantly
    interval = interval + elap

    if interval >= UPDATE_INTERVAL then
        interval = 0

        for _,f in addon:Frames() do
            if f:IsShown() and f.unit and (not f.state.friend) then			
                    if UnitPlayerControlled(f.unit..'target') then
                        local r,g,b = kui.GetClassColour(f.unit..'target',2)
                        f.TargetName:SetTextColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)

function mod:Create(frame)
    local tn = frame:CreateFontString(nil,'OVERLAY')
    -- tn:SetPoint('CENTER',frame,'TOP')

    frame.TargetName = tn
function mod:Initialise()

.simple-aura-mods.lua (adding omniCC-like cooldown spiral) seems to be broken
in the past, i've used KNP with this script to add a cooldown spiral to auras on my nameplates. it seems to have stopped working with a recent version of KNP.
i've included a /knp dump if that's at all helpful.

2.25 2.5+c
HealthBar, CombatUpdate, NameText, [LevelText], RaidIcon, ClassPowers, CastBar, Highlight, PowerBar, AbsorbBar, Threat, Auras, Classification, Execute, Fading, GuildText, PlayerAnchor, TankMode, BossMods, [CombatToggle], BarAnimation, ArenaID, Target

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