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linux-on-litex-rocket's Introduction

Linux on LiteX with a 64-bit RocketChip CPU

This repository demonstrates the capability to run 64-bit Linux on a SoC built with LiteX and RocketChip.


  1. Miscellaneous supporting packages, most likely available from the repositories of your Linux distribution; e.g., on Fedora(32):

    sudo dnf install openocd dtc fakeroot perl-bignum json-c-devel verilator \
                     python3-devel python3-setuptools libevent-devel \
                     libmpc-devel mpfr-devel meson expat-devel

    Some Linux distributions (e.g, Fedora) also provide packaged versions of some of the additional prerequisites listed below (e.g., python3-migen, yosys, trellis, and nextpnr).

  2. The full LiteX development environment (including pre-built Verilog "intermediate" sources for Rocket, and the underlying Migen meta-HDL):

    python3 ./ init install --user
  3. A GCC cross-compiler toolchain for 64-bit RISC-V. One might simply add gcc as an additional argument on the installation command line from above, but that may or may not work when building BusyBox, and, more importantly, BBL. Therefore, for a fully functional toolchain, the following is strongly recommended:

    git clone --recursive
    pushd riscv-gnu-toolchain
    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/RISCV --enable-multilib
    make newlib linux

    Note that building the whole gcc cross-compiler toolchain from source may take several hours to complete. A pre-built binary tarball of the toolchain described above may be downloaded here.

    Be sure to add $HOME/RISCV/bin to your $PATH, e.g.:

    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/RISCV/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
  4. One or more HDL toolchains, as appropriate for your specific FPGA board:

    • Vivado (e.g., 2018.2) for Xilinx boards (e.g., digilent_*)
    • yosys, trellis, and nextpnr for Lattice ECP5 boards (e.g., lattice_versa_ecp5, trellisboard, lambdaconcept_ecpix5, etc.)
      You may be able to install these as distro-packages on e.g. Fedora (sudo dnf install yosys trellis nextpnr), or you may want to download and build their latest upstream sources, as they are being developed at a rapid pace and changes (for better or worse) will outpace whatever is currently offered as a package with Fedora.

Pre-built Binaries: bitstream, boot images, intermediate targets:

Pre-built binaries for most of the targets described below are available for download here.

Building the Gateware (FPGA Bitstream):

The boards currently tested are digilent_[nexys4ddr|arty|nexys_video|genesys2], trellisboard, lambdaconcept_ecpix5, and lattice_versa_ecp5. Once all prerequisites are in place, building bitstream for each one is a relatively straightforward process.

NOTE 1: The difference between the linux, linuxd, and linuxq variants of the Rocket cpu-type is in the bit width of the point-to-point AXI link connecting the CPU and LiteDRAM controller specific to each particular board model. On digilent_nexys4ddr, LiteDRAM has a native port width of 64 bits; on the trellisboard and digilent_genesys2, the native LiteDRAM width is 256 bits; finally, on lambdaconcept_ecpix5, lattice_versa_ecp5, digilent_arty, and digilent_nexys_video, LiteDRAM is 128 bit wide.

How to tell what the appropriate port width is on a new board? Right after starting the bitstream build process, watch for output that looks like this:

INFO:SoCBusHandler:main_ram Region added at Origin: 0x80000000,
     Size: 0xXXXXXXX, Mode: RW, Cached: True Linker: False.

followed by either:

INFO:SoC:Matching AXI MEM data width (XXX)


INFO:SoC:Converting MEM data width: XXX to YYY via Wishbone

In the second case, XXX is the LiteDRAM port width, and YYY is the CPU's AXI memory port width. It is highly recommended to use a CPU variant whose AXI memory port width matches that of LiteDRAM!

NOTE 2: The --load option on the command line examples below will have the builder invoke openocd to push the bitstream to the board, assuming the board is connected to a USB port and powered on.

  1. LiteX+Rocket on the digilent_nexys4ddr:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linux4 --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    This is currently the most well-supported option, with the only "drawback" that it relies on a proprietary non-FOSS HDL toolchain (Vivado). The design passes timing at 50MHz; SMP, Ethernet and SDCard booting (and operation under Linux) work (with the occasional LiteSDCard read data transfer timeout).

    To program the board with a pre-built bitstream file, run:

    openocd -f litex-boards/litex_boards/prog/openocd_xc7_ft2232.cfg \
            -c 'transport select jtag; init;
                pld load 0 build/digilent_nexys4ddr/gateware/digilent_nexys4ddr.bit; exit'

    Alternative configuration:

    The Artix7 FPGA provisioned on the digilent_nexys4ddr board has enough capacity to support enabling Rocket's FPU option in gateware (designated as the full variant in the list of pre-generated verilog configurations offered by the pythondata-cpu-rocket package):

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant full --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    NOTE: When building BBL as part of the software later on, be sure to use the matching DTS file, nexys4ddr_fpu.dts!

  2. LiteX+Rocket on the trellisboard:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linuxq --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    Unlike the digilent_nexys4ddr, the built-in SDCard reader on this board does not have a card-detect pin, so the SDCard must be inserted when the kernel boots, and can't be ejected while the kernel runs.
    There's an option to use an external pmod SDCard reader, which does offer a card-detect pin. Testing in that configuration is pending.

    To program the board with a pre-built bitstream file, run:

    openocd -f litex-boards/litex_boards/prog/openocd_trellisboard.cfg \
            -c 'transport select jtag; init;
                svf build/trellisboard/gateware/trellisboard.svf; exit'
  3. Litex+Rocket on the lambdaconcept_ecpix5:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linuxd --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    To program the board with a pre-built bitstream file, run:

    openocd -f litex-boards/litex_boards/prog/openocd_ecpix5.cfg \
            -c 'transport select jtag; init;
                svf build/lambdaconcept_ecpix5/gateware/lambdaconcept_ecpix5.svf; exit'
  4. LiteX+Rocket on lattice_versa_ecp5:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linuxd --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet [--yosys-nowidelut]

    Adding the --yosys-nowidelut option to the build command line might result in a slightly tighter packing, possibly at the expense of some of the timing budget.

    There is no SDCard reader available on this board. Which is OK, given that the 45k sized ECP5 FPGA doesn't have the capacity to support it anyway: utilization approaches 99% for the design built using the above command.

    To program the board with a pre-built bitstream file, run:

    openocd -f litex-boards/litex_boards/prog/openocd_versa_ecp5.cfg \
            -c 'transport select jtag; init;
                svf build/lattice_versa_ecp5/gateware/lattice_versa_ecp5.svf; exit'
  5. LiteX+Rocket on the digilent_arty:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linuxd --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --variant=a7-100

    Relies on a proprietary non-FOSS HDL toolchain (Vivado). The design passes timing at 50MHz and Ethernet (and operation under Linux) works. The a7-35 variant is probably too small to fit Rocket.

    To program the board with a pre-built bitstream file use the --load option.

  6. LiteX+Rocket on the digilent_nexys_video:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant full4d --sys-clk-freq 50e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    Relies on a proprietary non-FOSS HDL toolchain (Vivado). The design passes timing at 50MHz.

  7. LiteX+Rocket on the digilent_genesys2:

    litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build [--load] \
       --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant full4q --sys-clk-freq 100e6 \
       --with-ethernet --with-sdcard

    Relies on a proprietary non-FOSS HDL toolchain (Vivado). The design passes timing at 100MHz.

Building the Software (boot.bin: BusyBox, Linux, and BBL)

To keep things simple, we embed a BusyBox based initial RAM filesystem into the Linux kernel, as a cpio archive provided during kernel compilation. The kernel is subsequently embedded as a payload into BBL, which is then loaded into RAM by the bare-metal (BIOS) bootloader. BBL also provides FPU emulation at the machine layer, since none of our FPGAs are large enough to fit a RocketChip version with a "real" FPU (implemented in gateware).

  1. Building BusyBox:

    Using the included config file, we cross-compile BusyBox as a static binary for the rv64gc architecture:

    curl | tar xfj -
    cp conf/busybox-1.31.0-rv64gc.config busybox-1.31.0/.config
    (cd busybox-1.31.0; make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-)
  2. Creating the initramfs.cpio (kernel root RAM filesystem) archive:

    We build a rudimentary root file system layout for Linux, relying on fakeroot to create device nodes, before packaging it as a .cpio archive:

    mkdir initramfs
    pushd initramfs
    mkdir -p bin sbin lib etc dev home proc sys tmp mnt nfs root \
              usr/bin usr/sbin usr/lib
    cp ../busybox-1.31.0/busybox bin/
    ln -s bin/busybox ./init
    cat > etc/inittab <<- "EOT"
    ::sysinit:/bin/busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
    ::sysinit:/bin/busybox mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
    ::sysinit:/bin/busybox mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
    ::sysinit:/bin/busybox mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
    ::sysinit:/bin/busybox --install -s
    fakeroot <<- "EOT"
    find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../initramfs.cpio
  3. Building the Kernel:

    Using the initramfs.cpio root image from earlier, we cross-compile a 64-bit (RV64GC) kernel with device drivers for our LiteX specific gateware devices (N.B., the kernel is unmodified w.r.t. upstream, except for the added LiteX gateware drivers):

    git clone
    cp initramfs.cpio linux/
    pushd linux
    git checkout litex-rebase
    make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- \
         litex_rocket_defconfig litex_rocket_initramfs.config
    make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-
  4. Building BBL (a.k.a. boot.bin, a.k.a. the Litex boot image):

    BBL (the somewhat improperly named "Berkely Boot Loader") is in reality a machine (M) mode "hypervisor" of sorts, providing trap handlers for things like the kernel's hvc/sbi console driver, and FPU emulation. Running in supervisor (S) mode, the kernel will trap into the underlying M mode when attempting to execute an FP opcode (which is an illegal opcode given that the actual Rocket CPU lacks a FP unit, which would be too large to fit on any of the FPGAs we used up to this point). BBL is configured to emulate said FP opcodes, and to restart the kernel once the computation is complete.

    Normally, the Device Tree data structure should be embedded into the BIOS built into the bitstream. However, since litex/tools/ doesn't yet know how to dynamically generate a proper Litex+Rocket .dts file, we provide pre-generated source files that can be embedded into BBL during compilation.

    For now, we provide Device Tree source configurations matching all tested FPGA development boards. The example below uses nexys4ddr.dts, but feel free to replace that with the appropriate DTS file for your board:

    git clone
    mkdir riscv-pk/build
    pushd riscv-pk/build
    # NOTE: "--with-arch=rv64imac" is what enables BBL's FPU emulation!
    ../configure --host=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu \
                 --with-arch=rv64imac \
                 --with-payload=../../linux/vmlinux \
                 --with-dts=../../conf/nexys4ddr.dts \
    make bbl
    riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objcopy -O binary bbl ../../boot.bin

    The resulting file boot.bin will be the "binary blob" loaded into RAM by the bare-metal firmware (BIOS) included with each board's bitstream.

Starting Linux on Litex+Rocket

To connect to the system's console, use the screen utility (assuming /dev/ttyUSB1 is used, below):

screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200

Each time a board is programmed (directly from the builder if the --load option is given, or directly using openocd), and each time a programmed board is reset, the bare-metal firmware (BIOS) included in the bitstream will initialize the CPU, RAM, and peripherals, and attempt to load boot.bin, first from the SDCard (first partition, expected to be formatted as msdos/fat), then via TFTP over the network (expecting a network, with the LiteX+Rocket system using IP address, and attempting to download boot.bin via TFTP from a server at

  1. Booting from microSD card:

    Using any partitioning tool, create a dos partition table and a FAT partition on your microSD card, which should look something like this:

    # fdisk /dev/sdX
    Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.35.2).
    Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
    Be careful before using the write command.
    Command (m for help): p
    Disk /dev/sdX: 29.74 GiB, 31914983424 bytes, 62333952 sectors
    Disk model: SD/MMC
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: dos
    Disk identifier: 0x67f480f9
    Device     Boot   Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
    /dev/sdX1          2048  2099199  2097152    1G  6 FAT16

    Format the partition, mount it, and copy boot.bin to it:

    mkdosfs /dev/sdX1
    mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt
    cp boot.bin /mnt
    umount /mnt

    With the microSD card inserted, reset (or program) the board, and BBL, then Linux, and, finally, a BusyBox shell should appear on the console.

  2. Booting from the network:

    Connect the board's Ethernet port to a switch/router port that places it into the same Layer-2 broadcast domain (i.e., on the same LAN) as the machine acting as your TFTP server. Ensure that boot.bin is available in the TFTP directory, and that the TFTP server (or socket, if using systemd) is started:

    sudo cp boot.bin /var/lib/tftpboot/
    sudo systemctl start tftp.socket

    Also make sure your TFTP server responds to requests sent to the IP address, by adding that address as a secondary IP to your network interface:

    sudo ip addr add scope global dev <interface>

    (replacing <interface> with whatever your relevant network interface is actually named).

    Ensure the microSD slot is empty (as it takes precedence over Ethernet in the hardcoded BIOS boot order), and program or reset the board. The boot.bin blob will be copied in over TFTP, and BBL, Linux, and BusyBox's shell will be started on the console, in that order.

Simulation (using Verilator)

The RocketChip equipped LiteX SoC can be tested using Verilator. However, simulation will be (painfully) slow when compared to simulating a 32-bit CPU option (e.g., VexRiscV). To avoid waiting (for hours) for boot.bin to be loaded via TFTP, use --ram-init boot.bin to "side-load" the image directly into the simulated RAM memory:

litex/litex/tools/ --threads 4 --opt-level Ofast \
   --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linux \
   --with-ethernet [--ram-init boot.bin]

Once the simulation starts, it will attempt its usual boot sequence, which includes booting over the serial link, then netbooting over TFTP. The latter takes very long to time out, so you might want to preempt the entire sequence by hitting Q or Esc when prompted by the bios.

At the moment, I'm not aware of a good way to tell the firmware/BIOS to simply jump to the first RAM address and start executing the side-loaded boot.bin which is now located there. Although that should be an easy fix.

Future Work (TODO List)

  • Improve LiteSDCard performance
    • LiteSDCard data transfer glitches
    • gpio-based card-detect and/or PMOD (external) SDCard reader for trellisboard
  • Include LiteSATA support
  • update to automatically generate device tree source files for LiteX+Rocket SoCs.
  • Support additional FPGA dev. boards
  • improve Linux drivers for LiteX gateware, upstream 64- and 32-bit capable drivers into mainline Linux
  • ... and much more!

Paper & Presentation Links

G. L. Somlo, "Toward a Trustable, Self-Hosting Computer System", 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), San Francisco, CA, 2020, pp. 136-143

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