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it's Issues

Pluralization does not work?


your post on Stackoverflow has saved my day! Thank you for implementing this as a gem.

However I think I have found a bug: Pluralization (using :count) does not work. If I have something like

  one: You have %{foobar_link:one Foobar} pending.
  other: You have %{foobar_link:%{count} Foobars} pending.

and then use

<%= t( 'foobar', :count => 4, :foobar_link => foobar_path(foobar) ) %>

I get

oneYou have _one Foobar_ pending.otherYou have _4 Foobars_ pending.

in my template (where the ... is the correct link).

Do you have an idea why this happens?

Thank you! :)


Link text containing curly braces breaks the interpolation

I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, test1: 'I have %{some_link: this %{text}} in the middle')'.test1', some_link: '#', text: 'linked text') 
# "I have <a href=\"#\">this linked text</a>} in the middle"'.test1', some_link: '#', text: 'linked text{}') 
# Expected: "I have <a href=\"#\">this linked text{}</a>} in the middle"
# Now: "I have %{some_link: this linked text{}} in the middle"

Spec for dot-prefix keys

I tried to write a spec that asserted that It would obey translation keys like ".widgets_link," but I had some trouble getting the spec to work. It looks like It uses ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper#t under the hood, so this should work. There's no functionality problem; I was just trying to improve the test suite. If you have any suggestions on how to get that spec to pass, I'd love to hear them.

What I tried:

it 'should support dot-prefixed keys' do
  I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :widgets => { :show => { :all_widgets => "See %{widgets_link:all widgets}" } })'.all_widgets', :widgets_link => '/widgets').should == 'See <a href="/widgets>all widgets</a>'

The problem is that the t method relies on a @_virtual_path instance variable to be available. Other than just setting that instance variable directly on @view, I don't see how to get it in there.

Does not work inside a model


neither "", "" nor "it(...)" work from inside a model. However, I have translatable content in my models (e.g. description, validation messages which contain links and formatting, etc).

Is it possible to use It outside views?


Handling when the link label is the same as the link

In a few cases, I'd like the label and the link to "be the same." Notice that the url ( and the email address ('[email protected]') is in both the ruby and the translation file. In my case these are dynamic values coming from the code.

If you'd like me to suggest a PR for the readme, let me know.

Example 1 "example", link: ""

    'Go see %{link:}.'

Example 2 "example", email_link: "mailto:[email protected]"

     'We are here to help. Email %{email_link:[email protected]}.'

The following solution works. I'm not sure if there is something better for Example 2.

Example 1 Solution

CORRECTION: this does not work. "example", link: ""

    'Go see %{link:link}.'

This does work:

raw I18n.t "example", link: link_to("", "")

    'Go see %{link}.'

Example 2 Solution

CORRECTION: this does not work. "example", email_link: "mailto:[email protected]", email_address: '[email protected]'

    'We are here to help. Email %{email_link:email_address}.'

This does work:

I18n.t "example", email_link: mail_to("[email protected]")

    'We are here to help. Email %{email_link}.'

Alternative placeholder syntaxes


Some i18n tools (e.g. Tolk, different translation services) attempt to detect the default %{key} syntax, and warn you if the same placeholder is missing from the translation. Understandably, they often stumble at the syntax used by It, as %{link:potato} differs from %{link:pomme de terre}.


What do you think about enabling an alternative syntax, that would be "backwards-compatible" with conventional i18n interpolations? It would of course be optional, e.g. enabled in an initializer.

My first thought would be to pass the text content in separate parentheses after the normal interpolation, e.g. %{link}(potato) or %{link}[potato]. Maybe there are other viable options as well?

I'd be ready to develop this feature, but I thought I'd ask for opinions first to see if someone else considers it an idea worth pursuing.

Better error message for 'wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)'

Feel free to close this issue if we don't want to solve it. I'm including it here to help the next person who sees this error message, which might be me =)

In my haste to use this gem, I didn't carefully look at the examples.

When I read this following line, I thought that I could use %{advises} for when I really need to pass a label for the link %{link:**label**}. In my one of cases, my label for my link is the same text as the link, so I assumed it was optional.

  copy: "Read the %{guide:Rails I18n guide} for more than %{advises} advises.

My code done in haste: "example", link: ""

    Go see %{link}'

This will give the error: 'wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)'

Correct code: "example", link: ""

    'Go see %{link:}.'

Perhaps the code could detect this situation and give a better error message.

master and last gem version different code

hi. i'm making a pull request for a tiny change and noticed that lib/it/interpolation.rb is pretty different between master and 0.8.0 [the last gem version]. seems like this was 2 years ago also. is there a chance of getting a gem update? not sure where i should make this change [as it's in the very code that's in different places] and i use the last gem release not git [master] in my gemfile. thanks.

Custom usage of It::Parser and optional string escaping

I have a situation where I would like to make use of It's link / tag interpolation, without using the it helper.
More specifically the project already uses a custom 'translate'-helper with added functionality.

I thus decided to use the It::Parser directly from our helper, which works fine. Yet it is undocumented api, so my suggestion would be to officially document that scenario. I think I could do so and create a pull request.

Second I have a problem with It escaping the strings, as we're already using a different approach of sanitising our translations. Because we want to keep html characters like & or ­ we're using the, tags: []).

'It' however is using Erb::Util.h which escapes those html entities. Would you accept a pull request that optionally disables escaping? As long as 'it' still returns String instead of ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer, current rails versions would still escape them, unless developers choose to mark them as html_safe.

Passing a html_safe href to raises `Invalid href given`

Our app is passing pre-built html tags to as interpolated variables, but to get these to render on the frontend and not be escaped by It we have to call html_safe on every variable we pass to It in a method.

However, with normal hrefs (not HTML we've already built) we get invalid href given from It, due to this line:
raise TypeError, 'Invalid href given' unless [Hash, String].include?(href.class)

We can solve this problem by adding ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer to the array in the conditional, and it doesn't seem to cause any other errors in our test suite.

Is there any reason you don't consider an html safe string a valid href?

If not, can ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer be added to the array of valid types in the gem, so we don't have to use a workaround/override the method ourselves?

No support for `mail_to` style links

Currently internationalising our app and using It for inline links. Would be great to support mail_to style links.

E.g. it('.contact_us', mail: It.mail(Rails.config.support_email) and then the corresponding translation: contact_us: "Click %{mail:here} to send us an email!"

It's not that difficult to implement as mail_to is just a call to link_to that adds mailto: in front of the href.

Problem with MissingInterpolationArgument exception

it gem seems to expect that I18n just ignores missing interpolations and returns uninterpolated but translated string. Then, it interpolates everything on its own. This hovewer fails with recent i18n (0.7.0) which by default raises the MissingInterpolationArgument exception on every missing interpolation that matches traditional interpolation regex (like %{email}). It only happens in the helper version of t and as a result it only happens in helper version of it which calls t helper. Using allows to bypass this problem.

In my case, fixing the it helper was possible by adding the following into app initializer:

I18n.config.missing_interpolation_argument_handler = do |key|

But it's not always a good solution. I think it should handle this internally as it's a matter of communication between it and I18n.

Use it in Rails controllers like `t`?

Is there any way to use it in controllers like t? I know I can use it with, but then I lose automatic scoping ('.something') gives a Cannot use t(".something") shortcut because path is not available). t on the other hand works like in views getting the scope from controller name and action.

If you had an idea where to start/look in the source I could try to make a PR implementing this.

Need release to rubygems!

Version in rubygems have failed in tests with error and master branch works fine

ActionView::Template::Error: uninitialized constant ActionView::CompiledTemplates::It
    app/views/shared/_footer.html.slim:4:in `_app_views_shared__footer_html_slim___2638031837804342381_70358124235060'
    app/views/layouts/application.html.slim:10:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_slim___1387193488641502264_70358137769220'
    test/controllers/transactions_controller_test.rb:9:in `block in <class:TransactionsControllerTest>'

Mismatched pluralization lookup when localized string missing

  • App has multiple locales with a fallback to English.
  • A specific string has pluralization keys (one and other for English).
  • Attempting to render in Serbian locale, which should have one, few, many, and other pluralization keys.
  • Serbian locale is completely missing this translation.

Using the it helper results in I18n::InvalidPluralizationData. This line is calling I18n.backend#pluralize with the English key hash but with the Serbian locale. In this case, because the keys fell back to English, it should be calling it with the English locale.

Using t does not have the issue - string is rendered in English without error.

update documentation for how to use this in a controller

Terrific gem.

It can be done on a one-off basis in Rails 3+ using,...)
But the preferred method is probably this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include It::Helper

Very useful for controller flash messages like this:

if @invitation.accepted?
  flash[:notice] = it('flash.invitation_accepted_already', link: new_password_reset_path)

with en.yml like this:

    This invitation has already been accepted.
    Sign up as a new user or %{link:reset password} if an existing user.

Complement I18n methods?


About time someone actually is working on this. Indeed I18n is in need of an update in its format to allow foreign elements without always marking the subsequent string as html_safe.

Nevertheless, I see something missing: basically using it on top of I18ninstead of trying to replace it. So, instead of using the helper #it, i'd be using the old I18n.t, but I would be able to use the other It helpers inside it to handle the new markup.

Advantages: This lowers the overhead of introducing It in a new project by enhancing its features; otherwise I'll have to replace all I18n.t calls, and for some projects that's prohibitive. Also, the future merge of your idea into the actual i18n gem would be easened and the gems would be more of collaborators instead of competitors.

Doesn't work with i18n 1.3.0

Note: there's a fix for this, see comments below. Basically you need i18n version <= 1.2, or >= 1.4.

This crashes:

require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile do
  source ''

  gem 'rails', '', require: false
  gem 'it', '1.0.0', require: false
  gem 'i18n', '1.3.0', require: false

require 'action_view' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'active_support/all' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'it'
require 'i18n'

puts "using I18n #{I18n::VERSION}"


I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test1: "test1 %{interp}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test1: "test1 %{interp}, mate"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test2: "test2 %{b: %{interp}}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test2: "test2 %{b:%{interp}}, mate"})

puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")

puts"test1", interp: "using") # this crashes on i18n v 1.3.0
puts"test2", interp: "using", b: It.tag(:b))

using I18n 1.3.0
test1 using I18n.t
test1 using I18n.t, mate
test2 %{b: using I18n.t}
test2 %{b:using I18n.t}, mate
/Users/alex/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/i18n-1.3.0/lib/i18n/config.rb:99:in `block in missing_interpolation_argument_handler': missing interpolation argument :interp in "test1 %{interp}" ({"fallback_in_progress"=>true} given) (I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument)
  from /Users/alex/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/i18n-1.3.0/lib/i18n/interpolate/ruby.rb:31:in `block in interpolate_hash'
  from /Users/alex/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/i18n-1.3.0/lib/i18n/interpolate/ruby.rb:23:in `gsub'
  from /Users/alex/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/i18n-1.3.0/lib/i18n/interpolate/ruby.rb:23:in `interpolate_hash'
  from /Users/alex/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/i18n-1.3.0/lib/i18n/interpolate/ruby.rb:19:in `interpolate'

This works fine:

require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile do
  source ''

  gem 'rails', '', require: false
  gem 'it', '1.0.0', require: false
  gem 'i18n', '1.2.0', require: false

require 'action_view' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'active_support/all' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'it'
require 'i18n'

puts "using I18n #{I18n::VERSION}"


I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test1: "test1 %{interp}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test1: "test1 %{interp}, mate"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test2: "test2 %{b: %{interp}}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test2: "test2 %{b:%{interp}}, mate"})

puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")

puts"test1", interp: "using")
puts"test2", interp: "using", b: It.tag(:b))

using I18n 1.2.0
test1 using I18n.t
test1 using I18n.t, mate
test2 %{b: using I18n.t}
test2 %{b:using I18n.t}, mate
test1 using
test2 <b>using</b>

This also works fine:

require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile do
  source ''

  gem 'rails', '', require: false
  gem 'it', '1.0.0', require: false
  gem 'i18n', '1.3.0', require: false

require 'action_view' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'active_support/all' # `it` depends on this, need to require after gemfile?
require 'it'
require 'i18n'

puts "using I18n #{I18n::VERSION}"

# note that we are not using fallbacks this time

I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test1: "test1 %{interp}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test1: "test1 %{interp}, mate"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, {test2: "test2 %{b: %{interp}}"})
I18n.backend.store_translations(:"en-AU", {test2: "test2 %{b:%{interp}}, mate"})

puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test1", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t")
puts I18n.t("test2", interp: "using I18n.t", locale: "en-AU")

puts"test1", interp: "using")
puts"test2", interp: "using", b: It.tag(:b))

using I18n 1.3.0
test1 using I18n.t
test1 using I18n.t, mate
test2 %{b: using I18n.t}
test2 %{b:using I18n.t}, mate
test1 using
test2 <b>using</b>

So in summary, since upgrading to i18n 1.3, if fallbacks are enabled, is crashing when attempting to do any interpolation.

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