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analysis_pipeline's Introduction

TOPMed analysis pipeline


We recommend building R with Intel MKL for improved performance in PC-Relate and association tests.

Run the install_packages.R script to install required R packages.

Additional software

Basic outline

Each script in the R directory takes a config file with parameters. Look at the beginning of each script for parameter lists. Some parameters are required; others are optional with default values.

Some scripts can be run in parallel by chromosome. For these scripts, the chromosome number is given as an argument: "--chromosome 22" (or "-c 22"). If running in parallel, include a space in file names in the config file where chromosome should be inserted, e.g.,

gds_file "1KG_phase3_subset_chr .gds"

Nearly all scripts require a GDS file in SeqArray format. Phenotype files should be an AnnotatedDataFrame saved in an RData file. See ?AnnotatedDataFrame or the SeqVarTools documentation for details. Example files are provided in testdata.

Python scripts are provided to run multi-step analyses on a compute cluster or cloud environment. defines cluster environment classes, currently a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) cluster, Amazon's cfncluster Son of Grid Engine (also SGE), and AWS Batch. Additional classes may be added for other environments. Default cluster options are provided in the JSON file cluster_cfg.json. These options may be overridden at run time by specifying a JSON file with the --cluster_file option in the python scripts. Only options that should be changed from the default need to be included in the file. See custom_cluster_cfg.json for an example.

These python scripts require a config argument out_prefix in addition to the arguments for each R script called. Some input and output file name parameters are overridden by the scripts in order to link jobs together. Example config files are in testdata.

Python script arguments are shown below. Note: not all arguments are available in all scripts, and some scripts may have additional arguments. Run with -h or --help to see details for a particular script.

argument default value description
config_file configuration file
--cluster_type UW_Cluster type of compute cluster environment (UW_Cluster, AWS_Cluster, AWS_Batch)
--cluster_file None JSON file containing cluster options
-c, --chromosomes 1-23 range of chromosomes (23=X)
-n, --ncores 1-8 number of cores to use; either a number (e.g, 1) or a range of numbers (e.g., 1-4)
-e, --email None email address to receive job completion report
--print_only False print job submission commands without submitting them
--verbose False verbose messages for debugging
--version show the version number and exit
-h, --help print help message and exit

Conversion to GDS

Step 1 converts VCF files (one per chromosome) into GDS files, discarding non-genotype FORMAT fields. (BCF files may be used instead of VCF if bcftools is installed.) Step 2 ensures that each variant has a unique integer ID across the genome, so the field in per-chromosome files and combined files are consistent. Step 3 checks that genotypes are consistent between the converted and original files. Step 4 (optional) combines the per-chromosome files into a single GDS file. It is recommended to skip this merge and instead use the GDS file output by for relatedness and population strucuture analyses that require all chromosomes in a single file.

  1. vcf2gds.R
  2. unique_variant_ids.R
  3. check_gds.R
  4. merge_gds.R (optional with --merge)
  5. check_merged_gds.R (optional with --merge)
config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
vcf_file Input VCF file. Include a space to insert chromosome.
gds_file Output GDS file. Include a space to insert chromosome.
merged_gds_file NA Merged genotype-only GDS file containing all chromosomes.
format GT FORMAT fields from the VCF to convert to GDS. Default is genotypes only.

Relatedness and Population structure

The first step in evalulating relatedness and population structure is to select a subset of variants with LD pruning and create a GDS file containing only these variants. KING is used to get initial estimates of kinship for close relatives (using the "IBDSeg" methed) and a full matrix of population divergence estimates for all sample pairs (using the "robust" method). These two matrices are used by PC-AiR to identify a set of unrelated samples, run Principal Component Analysis on unrelated samples, and project relatives. Finally, PC-Relate estimates kinship accounting for population structure.

  1. LD pruning to select variants

    1. ld_pruning.R
    2. subset_gds.R
    3. merge_gds.R
    4. check_merged_gds.R
    config parameter default value description
    out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
    gds_file GDS file. Include a space to insert chromosome.
    subset_gds_file Output GDS file, to contain only LD pruned variants from all chromosomes.
    autosome_only TRUE Only include autosomes in LD pruning.
    ld_r_threshold 0.32 r threshold for LD pruning. Default is r^2 = 0.1.
    ld_win_size 10 Sliding window size in Mb for LD pruning.
    maf_threshold 0.01 Minimum MAF for variants used in LD pruning.
    missing_threshold 0.01 Maximum missing call rate for variants used in LD pruning.
    exclude_pca_corr TRUE Exclude variants in regions with high correlation with PCs (HLA, LCT, inversions).
    genome_build hg38 Genome build, used to define correlation regions.
    sample_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
  2. KING to get initial kinship estimates

    1. gds2bed.R
    2. plink --make-bed
    3. king --ibdseg
      • kinship_plots.R
      • king_to_matrix.R
    4. ibd_king.R
    config parameter default value description
    out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
    gds_file GDS file with only LD pruned variants, all chromosomes.
    bed_file Output BED file.
    sample_include_file RData file with vector of to include. Required to ensure that the two output matrices have the same dimensions.
    variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    sparse_threshold 0.01104854 Minimum kinship to use for creating the sparse matrix from king --ibdseg output (default is 2^(-13/2) or 5th degree relatives). A block diagonal matrix will be created such that any pair of samples with a kinship greater than the threshold is in the same block, and pairwise kinship between blocks is 0. Not used for the output of king --kinship, which is always saved as a dense GDS file.
    phenotype_file NA RData file with AnnotatedDataFrame of phenotypes. Used for plotting kinship estimates separately by study.
    study NA Name of column in phenotype_file containing study variable.
  3. PC-AiR to select an informative set of unrelated samples, do PCA on unrelated, project into relatives

    1. find_unrelated.R
    2. ld_pruning.R (optional with --ld_pruning)
    3. combine_variants.R (optional with --ld_pruning)
    4. pca_byrel.R
    5. pca_plots.R
    6. pca_corr_vars.R
    7. pca_corr.R
    8. pca_corr_plots.R

    The LD pruning step is run if the argument --ld_pruning is provided; otherwise, use a GDS file with a subset of pruned variants, or set variant_include_file to a pre-existing set of pruned variants.

    config parameter default value description
    out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
    gds_file GDS file with only LD pruned variants, all chromosomes.
    full_gds_file GDS file with all variants. Include a space to insert chromosome.
    king_file GDS (recommended) or RData file with kinship coefficients created by Used for ancestry divergence, and optionally for kinship if kinship_file is not specified.
    kinship_file NA File containing kinship matrix to use for defining the unrelated sample set. Multiple formats are accepted, including RData or GDS from or A sparse Matrix object stored as RData is recommended.
    kinship_threshold 0.04419417 Minimum kinship estimate to use for assigning relatives (default is 2^(-9/2) or 3rd degree relatives).
    divergence_threshold -0.04419417 Minimum kinship estimate to use for ancestry divergence (default is -2^(-9/2)).
    sample_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    ld_r_threshold 0.32 r threshold for LD pruning. Default is r^2 = 0.1.
    ld_win_size 10 Sliding window size in Mb for LD pruning.
    maf_threshold 0.01 Minimum MAF for variants used in LD pruning.
    exclude_pca_corr TRUE Exclude variants in regions with high correlation with PCs (HLA, LCT, inversions).
    genome_build hg38 Genome build, used to define correlation regions.
    variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    n_pcs 32 Number of PCs to return.
    n_pair 6 Number of PCs in include in the pairs plot.
    n_corr_vars 10e6 Number of variants to sample across the genome for PC-variant correlation plots.
    n_perpage 4 Number of PC-variant correlation plots to stack in a single page. The number of png files generated will be ceiling(n_pcs/n_perpage).
    thin TRUE Logical for whether to thin points in the PC-variant correlation plots.
    phenotype_file NA RData file with AnnotatedDataFrame of phenotypes. Used for color-coding PCA plots by group.
    group NA Name of column in phenotype_file containing group variable.
  4. PC-Relate to estimate kinship coefficients adjusted for population structure and admixture using PCs

    1. pcrelate_beta.R
    2. pcrelate.R
    3. pcrelate_correct.R
    4. kinship_plots.R
    config parameter default value description
    out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
    gds_file GDS file with only LD pruned variants, all chromosomes.
    pca_file RData file with PCA results created by
    n_pcs 3 Number of PCs to use in adjusting for ancestry.
    n_sample_blocks 1 Number of blocks to divide samples into for parallel computation. Adjust depending on computer memory and number of samples in the analysis.
    sample_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    variant_block_size 1024 Number of variants to read in a single block.
    variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
    sparse_threshold 0.01104854 Minimum kinship to use for creating the sparse matrix (default is 2^(-13/2) or 5th degree relatives). A block diagonal matrix will be created such that any pair of samples with a kinship greater than the threshold is in the same block, and pairwise kinship between blocks is 0.
    phenotype_file NA RData file with AnnotatedDataFrame of phenotypes. Used for plotting kinship estimates separately by study.
    study NA Name of column in phenotype_file containing study variable.


An as alternative to separating recent relatedness from ancestry, one can compute a Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM).

The GRM is calculated for each chromosome separately, and then averaged to create the final GRM.

  1. grm.R
  2. grm_combine.R
config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
gds_file GDS file. Include a space to insert chromosome.
method GCTA Method used to compute GRM. Options are GCTA, EIGMIX, and IndivBeta.
maf_threshold 0.001 Minimum MAF for variants used.
missing_threshold 0.01 Maximum missing call rate for variants used.
exclude_pca_corr TRUE Exclude variants in regions with high correlation with PCs (HLA, LCT, inversions).
genome_build hg38 Genome build, used to define correlation regions.
sample_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.

Association testing

Null model

Association tests are done with a mixed model if a kinship matrix or GRM (relatedness_matrix_file) is given in the config file. If relatedness_matrix_file is NA or missing, testing is done with a fixed effects model.

When combining samples from groups with different variances for a trait (e.g., study or ancestry group), it is recommended to allow the null model to fit heterogeneous variances by group using the parameter group_var. The default pipeline options will then result in the following procedure:

  1. Fit null mixed model with outcome variable
    • Allow heterogeneous variance by group_var
    • Include covariates and PCs as fixed effects
    • Include kinship as random effect
  2. Inverse normal transform marginal residuals (if inverse_normal = TRUE)
  3. Rescale variance to match original (if rescale_variance = "marginal" or "varcomp")
  4. Fit null mixed model using transformed residuals as outcome
    • Allow heterogeneous variance by group_var
    • Include covariates and PCs as fixed effects
    • Include kinship as random effect

  1. null_model.R
  2. null_model_report.R
config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
phenotype_file RData file with AnnotatedDataFrame of phenotypes.
outcome Name of column in phenotype_file containing outcome variable.
pca_file NA RData file with PCA results created by
relatedness_matrix_file NA RData or GDS file with a kinship matrix or GRM.
binary FALSE TRUE if outcome is a binary (case/control) variable; FALSE if outcome is a continuous variable.
covars NA Names of columns phenotype_file containing covariates, quoted and separated by spaces.
group_var NA Name of covariate to provide groupings for heterogeneous residual error variances in the mixed model.
inverse_normal TRUE TRUE if an inverse-normal transform should be applied to the outcome variable.
norm_bygroup FALSE If TRUE and group_var is provided, the inverse normal transform is done on each group separately.
rescale_variance marginal Applies only if inverse_normal is TRUE. Controls whether to rescale the variance after inverse-normal transform, restoring it to the original variance before the transform. Options are marginal, varcomp, or none.
n_pcs 0 Number of PCs to include as covariates.
conditional_variant_file NA RData file with data frame of of conditional variants. Columns should include chromosome (or chr) and The alternate allele dosage of these variants will be included as covariates in the analysis.
gds_file NA GDS file. Include a space to insert chromosome. Required if conditional_variant_file is specified.
sample_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.

Parameters common to all association tests

The effect estimate is for the alternate alelle, and multiple alternate alelles for a single variant are treated separately.

Association tests have an additional level of parallelization: by segment within chromosome. The R scripts take an optional "--segment" (or "-s") argument. The python script uses the environment variable SGE_TASK_ID to submit jobs by segment for each chromosome. By default each segment is 10 Mb in length, but this may be changed by using the arguments "--segment_length" or "--n_segments". Note that "--n_segments" defines the number of segments for the entire genome, so using this argument with selected chromosomes may result in fewer segments than you expect (and the minimum is one segment per chromosome).

config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
gds_file GDS file. Include a space to insert chromosome.
null_model_file RData file with null model from Note that a small null model with the suffix _reportonly.RData must exist in the same directory as the specified null model for use by the analysis report.
phenotype_file RData file with AnnotatedDataFrame of phenotypes. Use the output phenotype file from
variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include.
variant_block_size 1024 Number of variants to read in a single block.
pass_only TRUE TRUE to select only variants with FILTER=PASS.
genome_build hg38 Genome build for the genotypes in the GDS file (hg19 or hg38). Used to divide the genome into segments for parallel processing and identify pseudoautosomal regions on the X chromosome.
plot_mac_threshold NA Minimum minor allele count for variants or aggregate units to include in plots (if different from threshold used to run tests; see mac_threshold below).
thin TRUE Logical for whether to thin points in the QQ and manhattan plots.
thin_nbins 10 Number of bins to use for thinning.
thin_npoints 10000 Number of points in each bin after thinning.

Single-variant single

  1. define_segments.R
  2. assoc_single.R
  3. asoc_combine.R
  4. assoc_plots.R
  5. assoc_report.R
config parameter default value description
mac_threshold 5 Minimum minor allele count for variants to include in test. Use a higher threshold when outcome is binary.
maf_threshold 0.001 Minimum minor allele frequency for variants to include in test. Only used if mac_threshold is NA.
test_type score Type of test to perform. If samples are related (mixed model), options are score if binary is FALSE, score and if binary is TRUE.
conditional_variant_file NA RData file with data frame of of conditional variants. Columns should include chromosome (or chr) and If provided, these variants will be omitted from the association test output.
known_hits_file NA RData file with data.frame containing columns chr and pos. If provided, 1 Mb regions surrounding each variant listed will be omitted from the QQ and manhattan plots.

Parameters common to aggregate and sliding window tests

config parameter default value description
alt_freq_max 1 Maximum alternate allele frequency to consider.
test burden Test to perform. Options are burden, skat, smmat, fastskat, or skato.
rho 0 A numeric value (or quoted, space-delimited list of numeric values) in [0,1] specifying the rho parameter when test is skat. 0 is a standard SKAT test, 1 is a score burden test, and multiple values is a SKAT-O test.
variant_weight_file NA RData file with data frame defining variant weights. Columns should contain either or all of (chr, pos, ref, alt).
weight_user NA Name of column in variant_weight_file or variant_group_file (see aggregate test, below) containing the weight for each variant.
weight_beta "1 1" Parameters of the Beta distribution used to determine variant weights, quoted and space-delimited. "1 1" is flat weights, "0.5 0.5" is proportional to the Madsen-Browning weights, and "1 25" gives the Wu weights. This parameter is ignored if weight_user is provided.

Aggregate aggregate

  1. aggregate_list.R
  2. define_segments.R
  3. assoc_aggregate.R
  4. asoc_combine.R
  5. assoc_plots.R
  6. assoc_report.R
config parameter default value description
aggregate_type allele Type of aggregate grouping. Options are to select variants by allele (unique variants) or position (regions of interest).
variant_group_file RData file with data frame defining aggregate groups. If aggregate_type is allele, columns should be group_id, chr, pos, ref, alt. If aggregate_type is position, columns should be group_id, chr, start, end.
group_id group_id Alternate name for group_id column
variant_include_file NA RData file with vector of to include. Variants used will be the intersection of this set and variants defined by variant_group_file.

Sliding window window

  1. define_segments.R
  2. assoc_window.R
  3. asoc_combine.R
  4. assoc_plots.R
  5. assoc_report.R
config parameter default value description
window_size 50 Size of sliding window in kb.
window_step 20 Step size of sliding window in kb.

Parallelization details

The segment file created at the start of each association test contains the chromosome, start, and end position for each segment. R scripts for association testing each take chromosome and segment as arguments.

  • Single-variant: only variants within in the segment are selected.
  • Aggregate: aggregate units where the first variant is within the segment are selected. This ensures that each unit is tested exactly once.
  • Sliding window: the length of the segment is increased by window.size before selecting variants. This ensures that all possible windows are tested. When the segments are combined into a single file for each chromosome, duplicate windows are discarded. Since the assocTestSeqWindow function defines windows starting at position 1, the windows tested when parallelizing by segment are identical to the windows tested when running an entire chromosome in one job.

The script submits a SGE array job for each chromosome, where the SGE task id is the row number of the segment in the segments file. If a segment has no requested variants, its job will exit without error. After all segments are complete, they are combined into a single file for each chromosome and the temporary per-segment output files are deleted.


LocusZoom plots are created with the LocusZoom standalone software.

Loci to plot are specified in the locus_file, with chromosome chr and either (to specify the reference variant) or start end (to indicate a region to plot, in which case the variant with the smallest p-value will be the reference. Population (pop) is either TOPMED or one of the 1000 Genomes populations (hg19:AFR, AMR, ASN, EUR; hg38: AFR, AMR, EUR, EAS, SAS). If pop = TOPMED, LD is computed from the TOPMed data using the sample set in ld_sample_include.

Regions from sliding window or aggregate tests with p-values below a certain threshold can be displayed in a separate track.

  1. locuszoom.R
config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
assoc_file File with single-variant association test results. Include a space to insert chromosome.
locus_file Text file with columns chr, pop and either (for locus_type=variant) or start, end (for locus_type=region)
locus_type variant Type of region to plot (variant with flanking region, or region)
flanking_region 500 Flanking region in kb
gds_file NA GDS file to use for calculating LD. Include a space to insert chromosome.
genome_build hg38 Genome build (hg19 or hg38).
ld_sample_include NA RData file with vector of to include when calculating LD.
track_file NA File with aggregate or window association test results. Regions will be displayed in a track in the LocusZoom plot. Include a space to insert chromosome.
track_file_type window Type of association regions in track_file (window or aggregate).
track_label "" Label to display to the right of the track in the plot.
track_threshold 5e-8 P-value threshold for selecting regions to display.

Subset VCF by sample

  2. check_gds.R
config parameter default value description
out_prefix Prefix for files created by this script.
sample_file Text file with samples to include (one per line).
vcf_file Name of the input VCF (or BCF) file. Include a space to insert chromosome number.
out_file Name of output VCF file (should end in ".vcf.gz"). Include a space to insert chromosome number.
gds_file Name of GDS file used to check genotypes. Include a space to insert chromosome number.

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