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pytorch-lbfgs's Introduction

PyTorch-LBFGS: A PyTorch Implementation of L-BFGS

Authors: Hao-Jun Michael Shi (Northwestern University) and Dheevatsa Mudigere (Facebook)

What is it?

PyTorch-LBFGS is a modular implementation of L-BFGS, a popular quasi-Newton method, for PyTorch that is compatible with many recent algorithmic advancements for improving and stabilizing stochastic quasi-Newton methods and addresses many of the deficiencies with the existing PyTorch L-BFGS implementation. It is designed to provide maximal flexibility to researchers and practitioners in the design and implementation of stochastic quasi-Newton methods for training neural networks.

Main Features

  1. Compatible with multi-batch and full-overlap L-BFGS
  2. Line searches including (stochastic) Armijo backtracking line search (with or without cubic interpolation) and weak Wolfe line search for automatic steplength (or learning rate) selection
  3. Powell damping with more sophisticated curvature pair rejection or damping criterion for constructing the quasi-Newton matrix

Getting Started

To use the L-BFGS optimizer module, simply add /functions/ to your current path and use

from LBFGS import LBFGS, FullBatchLBFGS

to import the L-BFGS or full-batch L-BFGS optimizer, respectively.

Alternatively, you can add into torch.optim on your local PyTorch installation. To do this, simply add to /path/to/site-packages/torch/optim, then modify /path/to/site-packages/torch/optim/ to include the lines from import LBFGS, FullBatchLBFGS and del LBFGS, FullBatchLBFGS. After restarting your Python kernel, you will be able to use PyTorch-LBFGS's LBFGS optimizer like any other optimizer in PyTorch.

To see how full-batch, full-overlap, or multi-batch L-BFGS may be easily implemented with a fixed steplength, Armijo backtracking line search, or Wolfe line search, please see the example codes provided in the /examples/ folder.

Understanding the Main Features

We give a brief overview of (L-)BFGS and each of the main features of the optimization algorithm.

0. Quasi-Newton Methods

Quasi-Newton methods build an approximation to the Hessian to apply a Newton-like algorithm . To do this, it solves for a matrix that satisfies the secant condition . L-BFGS is one particular optimization algorithm in the family of quasi-Newton methods that approximates the BFGS algorithm using limited memory. Whereas BFGS requires storing a dense matrix, L-BFGS only requires storing 5-20 vectors to approximate the matrix implicitly and constructs the matrix-vector product on-the-fly via a two-loop recursion.

In the deterministic or full-batch setting, L-BFGS constructs an approximation to the Hessian by collecting curvature pairs defined by differences in consecutive gradients and iterates, i.e. and . In our implementation, the curvature pairs are updated after an optimization step is taken (which yields ).

Note that other popular optimization methods for deep learning, such as Adam, construct diagonal scalings, whereas L-BFGS constructs a positive definite matrix for scaling the (stochastic) gradient direction.

There are three components to using this algorithm:

  1. two_loop_recursion(vec): Applies the L-BFGS two-loop recursion to construct the vector .
  2. step(p_k, g_Ok, g_Sk=None, options={}): Takes a step and stores for constructing the next curvature pair. In addition, is provided to store for Powell damping or the curvature pair rejection criterion. (If it is not specified, then .) options pass necessary parameters or callable functions to the line search.
  3. curvature_update(flat_grad, eps=0.2, damping=True): Updates the L-BFGS matrix by computing the curvature pair using flat_grad and the stored then checks the Powell damping criterion to possibly reject or modify the curvature pair.

If one is interested in using full-batch or deterministic L-BFGS, one can call the FullBatchLBFGSoptimizer. The step(options) function for FullBatchLBFGS wraps the two-loop recursion, curvature updating, and step functions from LBFGS to simplify the implementation in this case.

Using quasi-Newton methods in the noisy regime requires more work. We will describe below some of the key features of our implementation that will help stabilize L-BFGS when used in conjunction with stochastic gradients.

1. Stable Quasi-Newton Updating

The key to applying quasi-Newton updating in the noisy setting is to require consistency in the gradient difference in order to prevent differencing noise.

We provide examples of two approaches for doing this:

  1. Full-Overlap: This approach simply requires us to evaluate the gradient on a sample twice at both the next and current iterate, hence introducing the additional cost of a forward and backward pass over the sample at each iteration, depending on the line search that is used. In particular, given a sample , we obtain by computing .


  1. Multi-Batch: This approach uses the difference between the gradients over the overlap between two consecutive samples , hence not requiring any additional cost for curvature pair updating, but incurs sampling bias. This approach also suffers from being generally more tedious to code, although it is more efficient. Note that each sample is the union of the overlap from the previous and current iteration and an additional set of samples, i.e. . Given two consecutive samples and , we obtain by computing . In, the variable g_Ok denotes and the variable g_Ok_prev represents .


The code is designed to allow for both of these approaches by delegating control of the samples and the gradients passed to the optimizer to the user. Whereas the existing PyTorch L-BFGS module runs L-BFGS on a fixed sample (possibly full-batch) for a set number of iterations or until convergence, this implementation permits sampling a new mini-batch stochastic gradient at each iteration and is hence amenable with stochastic quasi-Newton methods, and follows the design of other optimizers where one step is equivalent to a single iteration of the algorithm.

2. Line Searches

Deterministic quasi-Newton methods, particularly BFGS and L-BFGS, have traditionally been coupled with line searches that automatically determine a good steplength (or learning rate) and exploit these well-constructed search directions. Although these line searches have been crucial to the success of quasi-Newton algorithms in deterministic nonlinear optimization, the power of line searches in machine learning have generally been overlooked due to concerns regarding computational cost. To overcome these issues, stochastic or probabilistic line searches have been developed to determine steplengths in the noisy setting.

We provide four basic (stochastic) line searches that may be used in conjunction with L-BFGS in the step function:

  1. (Stochastic) Armijo Backtracking Line Search: Ensures that the Armijo or sufficient decrease condition is satisfied on the function evaluated by the closure() function by backtracking from each trial point by multiplying by a constant factor less than 1.
  2. (Stochastic) Armijo Backtracking Line Search with Cubic Interpolation: Similar to the basic backtracking line search but utilizes a quadratic or cubic interpolation to determine the next trial. This is based on Mark Schmidt's minFunc MATLAB code.
  3. (Stochastic) Weak Wolfe Line Search: Based on Michael Overton's weak Wolfe line search implementation in MATLAB, ensures that both the sufficient decrease condition and curvature condition are satisfied on the function evaluated by the closure() function by performing a bisection search.
  4. (Stochastic) Weak Wolfe Line Search with Cubic Interpolation: Similar to the weak Wolfe line search but utilizes quadratic interpolation to determine the next trial when backtracking.

Note: For quasi-Newton algorithms, the weak Wolfe line search, although immensely simple, gives similar performance to the strong Wolfe line search, a more complex line search algorithm that utilizes a bracketing and zoom phase, for smooth, nonlinear optimization. In the nonsmooth setting, the weak Wolfe line search (not the strong Wolfe line search) is essential for quasi-Newton algorithms. For these reasons, we only implement a weak Wolfe line search here.

One may also use a constant steplength provided by the user, as in the original PyTorch implementation. See for more detail on the sufficient decrease and curvature conditions.

To use these, when defining the optimizer, the user can specify the line search by setting line_search to Armijo, Wolfe, or None. The user must then define the options (typically a closure for reevaluating the model and loss) passed to the step function to perform the line search. The lr parameter defines the initial steplength in the line search algorithm.

We also provide a inplace toggle in the options to determine whether or not the variables are updated in-place in the line searches. In-place updating is faster but less numerically accurate than storing the current iterate and reloading after each trial in the line search.

3. Curvature Pair Rejection Criterion and Powell Damping

Another key for L-BFGS is to determine when the history used in constructing the L-BFGS matrix is updated. In particular, one needs to ensure that the matrix remains positive definite. Existing implementations of L-BFGS have generally checked if or , rejecting the curvature pair if the condition is not satisfied. However, both of these approaches suffer from lack of scale-invariance of the objective function and reject the curvature pairs when the algorithm is converging close to the solution.

Rather than doing this, we propose using the Powell damping condition described in Nocedal and Wright (2006) as the rejection criteria, which ensures that . Alternatively, one can modify the definition of to ensure that the condition explicitly holds by applying Powell damping to the gradient difference. This has been found to be useful for the stochastic nonconvex setting.

One can perform curvature pair rejection by setting damping=False or apply Powell damping by simply setting damping=True in the step function. Powell damping is not applied by default.

Which variant of stochastic L-BFGS should I use?

By default, the algorithm uses a (stochastic) Wolfe line search without Powell damping. We recommend implementing this in conjunction with the full-overlap approach with a sufficiently large batch size (say, 2048, 4096, or 8192) as this is easiest to implement and leads to the most stable performance. If one uses an Armijo backtracking line search or fixed steplength, we suggest incorporating Powell damping to prevent skipping curvature updates. Since stochastic quasi-Newton methods are still an active research area, this is by no means the final algorithm. We encourage users to try other variants of stochastic L-BFGS to see what works well.

Recent Changes

We've added the following minor features:

  • Full-Batch L-BFGS wrapper.
  • Option for in-place updates.
  • Quadratic interpolation in Wolfe line search backtracking.

To Do

In maintaining this module, we are working to add the following features:

  • Additional initializations of the L-BFGS matrix aside from the Barzilai-Borwein scaling.
  • Wrappers for specific optimizers developed in various papers.
  • Using Hessian-vector products for computing curvature pairs.
  • More sophisticated stochastic line searches.
  • Easy parallelization of L-BFGS methods.


Thanks to Raghu Bollapragada, Jorge Nocedal, and Yuchen Xie for feedback on the details of this implementation, and Kenjy Demeester, Jaroslav Fowkes, and Dominique Orban for help on installing CUTEst and its Python interface for testing the implementation. Many thanks to Jacob Gardner, Geoff Pleiss, and Ben Letham for feedback and help on additional testing on Gaussian processes in GPyTorch.


  1. Berahas, Albert S., Jorge Nocedal, and Martin Takác. "A Multi-Batch L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016.
  2. Bollapragada, Raghu, et al. "A Progressive Batching L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018.
  3. Lewis, Adrian S., and Michael L. Overton. "Nonsmooth Optimization via Quasi-Newton Methods." Mathematical Programming 141.1-2 (2013): 135-163.
  4. Liu, Dong C., and Jorge Nocedal. "On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization." Mathematical Programming 45.1-3 (1989): 503-528.
  5. Nocedal, Jorge. "Updating Quasi-Newton Matrices With Limited Storage." Mathematics of Computation 35.151 (1980): 773-782.
  6. Nocedal, Jorge, and Stephen J. Wright. "Numerical Optimization." Springer New York, 2006.
  7. Schmidt, Mark. "minFunc: Unconstrained Differentiable Multivariate Optimization in Matlab." Software available at (2005).
  8. Schraudolph, Nicol N., Jin Yu, and Simon Günter. "A Stochastic Quasi-Newton Method for Online Convex Optimization." Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2007.
  9. Wang, Xiao, et al. "Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization." SIAM Journal on Optimization 27.2 (2017): 927-956.

Feedback, Questions, or Suggestions?

We are looking for feedback on the code! If you'd like to share your experience with using this module, please let us know here:

For more technical issues, questions, or suggestions, please use the Issues tab on the Github repository. Any suggestions on improving the modules are always welcome!

pytorch-lbfgs's People


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pytorch-lbfgs's Issues

(yet) Another stochastic L-BFGS implementation for interest

Hi Michael,

I wanted to share a stochastic first order optimizer idea and implementation for L-BFGS, in case you might find it interesting or even practical in your research (congrats also on your PhD & new role at fb!)

The idea behind the algorithm is pretty simple in brief:

  • when optimizing a stochastic empirical loss function, use bootstrap sampling over mini-batches of data to estimate the function value, the variance, and sampling bias
  • run a first-order solver using a line search that treats the variance estimates from the bootstapped function/gradient evaluations as numerical uncertainties, such that the line search routine looks for step sizes points that satisfy the Wolfe conditions within the uncertainty level

I implemented the idea above in the following repository using tensorflow:

I admittedly haven't run particularly thorough experiments on this, but did use a small convnet as a toy problem and it looks like the convergence of the bootstrapped L-BFGS algorithm can have the same or better convergence as ADAM up to a point, measured by the decrease in training loss vs the # of function/gradient evaluations [ie data points accessed], e.g. here

There's no formal convergence criteria implemented, and empirically it looks like the optimizer can get within a radius of a minimum, but then just start oscillating a bit without making substantive progress.

The real practical downside to all this is that neither tensorflow nor pytorch are particularly efficient at evaluating per-example gradients... so unfortunately even if the trace above looks sorta neat, in reality you have to wait quite a while to get it from bootstrapping, compared to ADAM (which I've just taken as the ~best off-the-shelf algo) since the boots implementation above doesn't have an efficient way of evaluating the jacobian matrix. (It wouldn't be quite so bad in a map-reduce framework where per-example gradients have to be materialized mind you...)

Anyway, hope it's of interest, and all the best!



Thanks for making available this nice library. I am wondering what the license is, if any, for this code.

Best regards,

Trying to accelerate LBFGS

Thanks for this implementation. Recently, I've been working on a package to use machine learning for chemistry problems where I use pytorch to train some models. I have been able to perform distributed training using a library called dask that accelerated the training phase.

When I use first-order optimization algorithms such as Adam, I can get up to 3 optimization steps per second (but those algorithms converge slowly compared to second-order ones). When using LBFGS I just get 1 optimization step each 7 seconds for the same number of parameters. I am interested in using a dask client to make some parts of your LBFGS implementation to work in a distributed manner so that each optimization step is faster. I started reading the code, and have a very brief idea of the LBFGS algorithm. However, I wondered if you could give me some hints about the parts of the module that could be independently computed and therefore distributed?

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

8-bit L-BFGS

Hello @hjmshi ,

Recently I stumbled upon the Bits&Bytes wrapper. Since then I can't help but wonder whether we could adapt this idea for the second order methods, namely, 8-bit L-BFGS i.e., L-BFGS using an 8-bit state instead of an 32-bit.

I was wondering whata are your initial thoughts on it ?

Slight change in network when no step is taken in line search due to numerical error

I've been observing another interesting issue: There are many occasions were the steplength should be 0 and the network parameters should not have been changed as a result of the line search failing (i.e. reaching the maximum number of line search steps). I believe that this is because of the way I had implemented the line search - it tracks the current and previous steplength and directly modifies the network parameters to save memory. Of course, the way to reset the parameters then is to add the update with steplength -t (which is what is done). Interestingly though, I observe that there are slight changes in the loss, which is most likely due to numerical error. Is this an issue we should be concerned about or is this something we can ignore?

Error due to to .view operation on gradients

I am only running on CPU right now, but will move on to powerful GPUs once I get it to work on CPU. I am using pytorch 1.6.0.

I have a class for iteratively solving an inverse problem. This class uses your LBFGS optimizer, specifically, with the following parameters -
self.optimizer = FullBatchLBFGS(self.model.parameters(), lr=1, history_size=10, line_search='Wolfe', debug=True)

I use the following code for optimization based on your examples -
options = {'closure': closure, 'current_loss': self.loss_fn(self.model(), data), 'eta': 2,'max_ls': 100, 'interpolate': True, 'inplace': False}
obj, grad, lr, backtracks, clos_evals, grad_evals, desc_dir, fail = self.optimizer.step(options=options)

However, I get the following error -
File "/Users/mohan3/Desktop/Devs/Phase_Img/Code/phasetorch/phasetorch/", line 59, in run
obj, grad, lr, backtracks, clos_evals, grad_evals, desc_dir, fail = self.optimizer.step(
File "/Users/mohan3/Desktop/Devs/Phase_Img/Code/phasetorch/phasetorch/", line 1107, in step
return self._step(p, grad, options=options)
File "/Users/mohan3/Desktop/Devs/Phase_Img/Code/phasetorch/phasetorch/", line 872, in _step
g_new = self._gather_flat_grad()
File "/Users/mohan3/Desktop/Devs/Phase_Img/Code/phasetorch/phasetorch/", line 250, in _gather_flat_grad
view =
RuntimeError: view size is not compatible with input tensor's size and stride (at least one dimension spans across two contiguous subspaces). Use .reshape(...) instead.

It seems like there is a problem with using .view within the file The error message suggests to try using reshape. Is it possible to re-implement this method using torch.reshape? Just replacing the .view with torch.reshape seems to result in a new error message "Not a descent direction!".

How to avoid"Line search failed"?

I'm trying FullBatchLBFGS with wolfe line search on a fitting task of a small dataset.

  1. Levenbert-Marquardt is giving me fairly accuracy. Can I expect LBFGS provide similar accuracy as LM? Say, for a synthesized dataset, y=1/x
  2. I'm getting lots of "Line search failed; curvature pair update skipped". How could I avoid this?
  3. I noticed that the result is stochastic. Where does randomness come from since I'm using a full batch training (no shuffling).


Applying LBFGS to multidemensional data (w.r.t outpu variable)


I tried to apply your LBFGS Algorithm to a different test data set. This Tets data set comprises a two-dimensional input space and a two dimensional output space. The data are generated as followed:

# Generate Training Data
n = 20
train_x = torch.zeros(pow(n, 2), 2)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        # Each coordinate varies from 0 to 1 in n=100 steps
        train_x[i * n + j][0] = float(i) / (n-1)
        train_x[i * n + j][1] = float(j) / (n-1)

train_y_1 = (torch.sin(train_x[:, 0]) + torch.cos(train_x[:, 1]) * (2 * math.pi) + torch.randn_like(train_x[:, 0]).mul(0.01))/4
train_y_2 = torch.sin(train_x[:, 0]) + torch.cos(train_x[:, 1]) * (2 * math.pi) + torch.randn_like(train_x[:, 0]).mul(0.01)

train_y = torch.stack([train_y_1, train_y_2], -1)

test_x = torch.rand((n, len(train_x.shape)))
test_y_1 = (torch.sin(test_x[:, 0]) + torch.cos(test_x[:, 1]) * (2 * math.pi) + torch.randn_like(test_x[:, 0]).mul(0.01))/4
test_y_2 = torch.sin(test_x[:, 0]) + torch.cos(test_x[:, 1]) * (2 * math.pi) + torch.randn_like(test_x[:, 0]).mul(0.01)
test_y = torch.stack([test_y_1, test_y_2], -1)

train_x = train_x.unsqueeze(0).repeat(2, 1, 1)
train_y = train_y.transpose(-2, -1)

The remaining code remained almost the the same as in your GPR example:

class ExactGPModel(gpytorch.models.ExactGP):
    def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
        super(ExactGPModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
        self.mean_module = gpytorch.means.ConstantMean()
        self.covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.MaternKernel(nu=1.5)
    def forward(self, x):
        mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
        covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
        return gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)

likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood(num_tasks=2)
model = ExactGPModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
optimizer = FullBatchLBFGS(model.parameters())
mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model)

def closure():
    output = model(train_x)
    loss = -mll(output, train_y)
    return loss

loss = closure()

training_iter = 10
for i in range(training_iter):
    # perform step and update curvature
    options = {'closure': closure, 'current_loss': loss, 'max_ls': 10}
    loss, _, lr, _, F_eval, G_eval, _, _ = optimizer.step(options)
        'Iter %d/%d - Loss: %.3f - LR: %.3f - Func Evals: %0.0f - Grad Evals: %0.0f - Log-Lengthscale: %.3f - Log_Noise: %.3f' % (
            i + 1, training_iter, loss.item(), lr, F_eval, G_eval,

Unfortunately I get a problem with the two dimensional out put:

File "D:/Programmieren/convolutional_gaussian_process_regression/", line 90, in
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 102, in backward
torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 84, in backward
grad_tensors = make_grads(tensors, grad_tensors)
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\autograd_init
.py", line 28, in _make_grads
raise RuntimeError("grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs")
RuntimeError: grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs

I hope you can give me some feedback, how I can make your package applicable for multidimensional problems


Line search failing frequently

In my use-case of full batch L-BFGS, I'm often running into issues where the line search is is failing. But at the same time I don't want to make the max_ls too large or else the optimizer spends a lot of time trying to find a tiny step size that satisfies the Wolfe conditions, which ends up not affecting the loss function much at all and wasting computation time.

I've tried playing around with the Wolfe condition constants c1 and c2 but it hasn't helped.

Is there some way to force the optimizer to still take a step at the end of its line-search even if it can't find a step-size that satisfies the Wolfe conditions?

How to cite this implementation?

If we would like to refer to this implementation of FullBatchLBFGS in a publication, is there a specific paper that we should cite? If so, would it be possible for the README to include a bibtex for this purpose?

Why do parameters still change if the linesearch fails?

Using the example code for GP regression (updated to use the master branch of gpytorch) and manually setting max_ls=1 and lr=0.01 to force linesearch failure:

import math
import torch
import gpytorch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from LBFGS import FullBatchLBFGS

# Training data is 11 points in [0,1] inclusive regularly spaced
train_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, 100)
# True function is sin(2*pi*x) with Gaussian noise
train_y = torch.sin(train_x * (2 * math.pi)) + torch.randn(train_x.size()) * 0.2

# We will use the simplest form of GP model, exact inference
class ExactGPModel(gpytorch.models.ExactGP):
    def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
        super(ExactGPModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
        self.mean_module = gpytorch.means.ConstantMean()
        self.covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel())
    def forward(self, x):
        mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
        covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
        return gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)

# initialize likelihood and model
likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood()
model = ExactGPModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood)

# Find optimal model hyperparameters

# Use full-batch L-BFGS optimizer
optimizer = FullBatchLBFGS(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)

# "Loss" for GPs - the marginal log likelihood
mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model)

# define closure
def closure():
    output = model(train_x)
    loss = -mll(output, train_y)
    return loss

loss = closure()

training_iter = 10
for i in range(training_iter):

    # perform step and update curvature
    options = {'closure': closure, 'current_loss': loss, 'max_ls': 1}
    loss, _, lr, _, F_eval, G_eval, _, _ = optimizer.step(options)

    print('Iter %d/%d - Loss: %.16f - LR: %.3f - Func Evals: %0.0f - Grad Evals: %0.0f - Raw-Lengthscale: %.16f - Raw_Noise: %.16f' % (
        i + 1, training_iter, loss.item(), lr, F_eval, G_eval,

I get the following output

Iter 1/10 - Loss: 0.9470608234405518 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000004039440 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000014626897 - Fail: True
Iter 2/10 - Loss: 0.9470605254173279 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000004354150 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000029325762 - Fail: True
Iter 3/10 - Loss: 0.9470604658126831 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000005869125 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000007250947 - Fail: True
Iter 4/10 - Loss: 0.9470607042312622 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000006170258 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000007257976 - Fail: True
Iter 5/10 - Loss: 0.9470604062080383 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000004235302 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000022039979 - Fail: True
Iter 6/10 - Loss: 0.9470605254173279 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000002037677 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000036952374 - Fail: True
Iter 7/10 - Loss: 0.9470604062080383 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000005822218 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000052020050 - Fail: True
Iter 8/10 - Loss: 0.9470604062080383 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000008010645 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000066766215 - Fail: True
Iter 9/10 - Loss: 0.9470604658126831 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000005968881 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000059220691 - Fail: True
Iter 10/10 - Loss: 0.9470604658126831 - LR: 0.000 - Func Evals: 3 - Grad Evals: 2 - Raw-Lengthscale: -0.0000000002212988 - Raw_Noise: 0.0000000066797297 - Fail: True

Clearly the linesearch is failing and the lr is set to 0. But why are the parameters still changing?

Some confusion about the code.

When I use the Powell damping to hold the PSD property of the metric matrix, I find the Bs update are written as "Bs.copy_(g_Sk.mul(-t))". Is it right?

Ceres Like API?

Hi all,

I have a problem statement, where I am optimizing over parameters T, with several losses L. For speed I actually already implemented the Jacobian computation of dLdT.

In Ceres, I just needed to pass the residuals, current parameters and dLdT and ceres would just go ahead and apply Gauss Newton with Line Search or Trust Region and optimize it for me.

Do you have an example, or a mechanism where I can pass dLdT, residuals and T and you handle the optimization? I want to use this because Ceres is too slow (Takes almost 100ms per iteration) for 200 parameters and 200 Losses. (dLdT Jacobian is a matrix 200x200)

Encountering RuntimeError in CUTEst Problem: INDEF

Dheevatsa, have you seen any errors of the following sort?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 114, in <module>
    obj, grad, lr, backtracks, clos_evals, grad_evals, fail = optimizer.step(p, grad, options=options)
  File "../functions/", line 720, in step
    self._add_update(t - t_prev, d)
  File "../functions/", line 251, in _add_update, update[offset:offset + numel].view_as(
RuntimeError: Overflow when unpacking long

I observed this when testing the L-BFGS implementation on the CUTEst problems. I found this from a quick Google search: pytorch/pytorch#6339, but my version of PyTorch is you know why this might occur?

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