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accname's Introduction


A TypeScript library for calculating the accessible name of HTMLElements.


To install accname with NPM, run:

$ npm install accname

Once installed, import and use accname as follows:

import {getAccessibleName} from 'accname';

const elem = document.getElementById('target');
const name = getAccessibleName(elem);


This is not an officially supported Google product.

accname's People


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accname's Issues

Node re-visiting in AccName


  • AccName fails a small set of WPTs of the form seen in
  • If AccName were to pass these tests, its WPT performance should be 100%.
  • I think the problem here is that accname is visiting the same target <input /> Node twice here, adding it to the list of context.visitedNodes only when it traverses this <input /> for the second time.
  • The spec is in large part responsible for this issue, specifying only in step 2F that Each node in the subtree is consulted only once.. In fact it would appear that no node should ever be visited more than once during accessible name computation, in which case the spec should be re-worded to reflect this.

A Potential Solution

  • This could be implemented by keeping track of any node that is passed to computeTextAlternative() and ensuring that a node is only processed if it has never been seen before.
  • This would probably also be a good opportunity to merge context.inherited.visitedNodes and context.inherited.nodesUsed.

Explicit comboboxes not handled

See #32

Elements marked explicitly as comboboxes (role=”combobox”) are not currently included in accessible names produced by accname's algorithm.

Does not recognize text in shadow DOM

Thank you for writing this library! I may have found an issue, though, with shadow DOM support.

For an element containing a shadow root, e.g.:

      hello world

In this example, the accessible name contains "hello world". But accname does not recognize this text, instead returning an empty string. Here is a minimal repro.
Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 4 44 57 PM

Output string not formatted

See #32

  • accname should return a flat string as defined here.
  • accname should also format the output string such that it has no leading or trailing whitespace.

Title attribute ignored on elements

data:text/html,<button title="accname"></button>

Firefox and Chrome both give an accname of accname but we give "". Presumably some rule before 2I is returning "" rather than null

<label for="foo"> isn't followed on IE

17/116 unit tests currently fail on Internet Explorer.


  fit('understands label for', () => {
    <button id="foo">text</button>
    <label for="foo">bar</label>`,
    const elem = document.getElementById('foo');

This passes on chrome and firefox but IE gives elem an accessible name of text.

Non-textual CSS pseudo-element content included in name

See #32

  • accname is adding CSS pseudo-element content to the accessible name even when the content is non-textual. This has materialised on multiple occasions as url(...). Rule 2F should take some measure to ensure that such content is textual.

Inline & Block-level should affect whitespace

See #32

Elements that are inline should be handled differently to those that are block-level in step 2F. More specifically, block-level Elements should be concatenated to the accumulated text in a space-separated manner by rule 2F, inline Elements should be concatenated without spaces.

The same applies for CSS pseudo-elements that are block-level or inline.

Validation: unclear error if `ac` element missing

If no element has the ac attribute, the error shown in the UI is

Error: Protocol error (DOM.describeNode): Could not find node with given id

I think this will be the most common user error (I've made it at least twice!) so a more friendly error message would be useful

Title shouldn't be inherited

See #32

  • Step 2I states specifically 'Otherwise, if the current node has a Tooltip attribute, return its value.'
  • Elements inheriting a title value do not themselves have a title attribute.
  • Removing title inheritance from 2I will cause accname to behave more similarly to existing implementations.

Update 2F Spec Assumptions

  • Step 2F has 2 spec assumptions relating to whitespace, although these assumptions have been clarified thanks to the Web Platform Tests (see and this issue: w3c/accname#16 by Bryan Garaventa.
  • The spec assumptions for 2F should be updated in accordance with our current approach to whitespace, namely that we now consider whether an element is 'inline' or 'block', and also that we consider the 'display' value for CSS pseudo elements.

Automatic Measurement of Output Accuracy

  • It would be great to have a measure for accname's accuracy calculated every time a PR is made.
  • This could be done automatically with GitHub actions.
  • The metrics could be Web Platform Tests as well as some field-test on real world HTML documents. We could write some scripts that run experiments and output results, which we can then display in a comment on the PR automatically.
  • It may also be possible to compare performance with master to get a performance diff for each PR.

See, for example:

Need more accurate Role computation

  • A function that can accurately compute the role for an element would be very useful in rule 2F.
  • This would greatly cut down on the amount of code needed to implement 2F as well as improving readability.

Definition for Hidden

See #32

  • Narrowing the definition for hidden in step 2A would improve parity with other implementations.

Figure out how to run tests on pull requests

We should make sure that we can run all the unit tests when mergin a PR to avoid accidentally breaking things.

Ideally we can figure out how to run them on different browsers too.

Name from content without descendants

See #32

The empty string is being returned by step 2F in cases when an Element that allows name from content has no descendants. Instead, other steps (such as 2I) should be considered. For example:

<input type="checkbox" title="foo">

<input> should have an accessible name of ”foo” here, but accname is returning ””.

This issue is also referenced in #19

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