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go-archaius's Introduction

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Go-Chassis is a microservice framework for rapid development of microservices in Go. it focus on helping developer to deliver cloud native application more easily. The idea of logo is, developer can recreate and customize their own "wheel"(a framework) by go chassis to accelerate the delivery of software.

Why use Go chassis

  • powerful middleware "handler chain": powerful than "filter" or "interceptor". each handler in chain is able to get the running result of backward handler and your business logic. It is very useful in varies of scenario, for example:
  1. a circuit breaker need to check command results
  2. track response status and record it, so that prometheus can collect them
  3. track critical response result, so that you can audit them
  4. distribute tracing, you can complete the end span spec after business logic executed

the commonplace above is helping you decouple common function from business logic. without handler chain. those function will couple with business logic

  • go chassis is designed as a protocol-independent framework, any protocol is able to integrate with go chassis and leverage same function like load balancing, circuit breaker,rate limiting, routing management, those function resilient your service

  • go chassis makes service observable by bringing open tracing and prometheus to it.

  • go chassis is flexible, many different modules can be replaced by other implementation, like registry, metrics, handler chain, config server etc

  • With many build-in function like route management, circuit breaker, load balancing, monitoring etc, your don't need to investigate, implement and integrate many solutions yourself.


  • Pluggable discovery service: Support Service center, kubernetes. fit both client side discovery and server side discovery pattern, and you can disable service discovery to use end to end communication.
  • Pluggable Protocol: You can customize protocol, by default support http and grpc, go chassis define standardized model to makes all request of different protocol leverage same features
  • Multiple server management: you can separate API by protocols and ports
  • Handler Chain: Able to add your own code during service calling for client and server side
  • rich middleware: based on handler chain, supply circuit breaker, rate limiting, monitoring, auth features. see
  • Traffic marker Traffic marker module is able to mark requests in both client(consumer) or server(provider) side, with marker, you can govern traffic based on it.
  • Traffic management: Able to route to different service based on weight and match rule, it can be used in many scenario, such as canary release
  • Security: build in cipher, authentication, RSA related funtions
  • Safety and resilience: support fault-tolerant(retry, rate limiting, client-side load-balancing, circuit breaker) to makes your service facing any unpredictable situation.
  • Telemetry: Able to expose Prometheus metric API automatically and customize metrics report. Use opentracing-go as standard library.
  • Backing services: use backend service as a plugin, so that your app can be easily tested, and swap to another plugin.
  • Hot re-configuration: Powered by go-archaius, configurations can be reload in runtime, like load balancing, circuit breaker, rate limiting, developer is also able to develop a service which has hot-reconfiguration feature easily. see
  • API first go chassis will automatically generate Open API 2.0 doc and register it to service center. you can manage all the API docs in one place
  • Spring Cloud integrate with servicecomb, go chassis can work together with spring cloud.
  • Service mesh: you can introduce multi-language to your microservice system. powered by servicecomb-mesher.
  • Less dependencies: checkout the go.mod file, it has less dependency on open source project by default, to import more features checkout plugins to see more features

Get started

1.Generate go mod

go mod init

2.Add go chassis

 go get[email protected]

if you are facing network issue

export GOPROXY=

3.Write your first http micro service


You can see more documentations in here,


You can check examples here

NOTICE: Now examples is migrating to here

Communication Protocols

Go-Chassis supports 2 types of communication protocol.

  1. http - an approach that leverages the HTTP protocol for communication.
  2. gRPC - native grpc protocol, go chassis bring circuit breaker, route management etc to grpc.

Debug suggestion for dlv:

Add -tags debug into go build arguments before debugging, if your go version is go1.10 onward.


go build -tags debug -o server -gcflags "all=-N -l" server.go

Chassis customized debug tag to resolve dlv debug issue:


Other project using go-chassis

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  • ichiro999
  • humingcheng

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go-archaius's Issues


This is a dynamic configuration clinet for golang just like archaius for Java




demo.yaml :

gopath: ${GO||/usr/local/go}	// return the default value "/usr/local/go/".


  1. 目前模块事件只支持模块key类似“AAA",而不支持模块key类似”AAA.BBB“
  2. 触发模块事件调度时,同时会尝试去调度普通事件的回调
  3. CustomInit方法没有对running状态的判断和修改,并没有产生完整的Init作用

Add GetConfigsWithSourceNames() api to get all configs and its sources

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

This feature is handy for debugging, when the user wants to check all config key values along with its source, the current GetConfigs api only returns a map with key and values. User does not know which source the key reads from.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add an api GetConfigsWithSourceNames, modified base on GetConfigs api in archaius.go.

GetConfigsWithSourceNames gives the information about all configurations
each config key, along with its source will be returned
// the returned map will be like:
// map[string]interface{}{
// key string: map[string]interface{"value": value, "sourceName": sourceName}
// }

Describe alternatives you've considered
build a separate map when archaius reads keys from different sources. which is not an efficient solution.

Additional context

mentioned in #131


Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Version of go archaius
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
rest.Provider.verifyPeer: false
rest.Provider.cipherPlugin: go-lib-aes
rest.Provider.cipherSuits: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
rest.Provider.protocol: TLSv1.2
rest.Provider.caFile: xxx
rest.Provider.certFile: xxx
rest.Provider.keyFile: xxx
rest.Provider.certPwdFile: xxx



		// maybe next map type,此时mapValueType 为string,而 setVal.Type() 为bool,导致函数退出,没有获取完需要的值
		if mapValueType != setVal.Type() {
			return rValue, nil



apollo 配置支持解析 yaml json 等

apollo config.yaml 命名空间配置示例

    c: 1

apollo 支持 yaml json 等格式的命名空间, 目前的做法是直接作为一个配置, 如 config.yaml 命名空间会被读取成 key 为
config.yaml.content, value 为 yaml 内容的一个配置.

希望可以实现解析, 按照 a.b.c 这样的方式直接读取到配置内容






type Listener interface {
	Event(event *Event)


type Listener interface {
	Event(event []*Event)


type Listener interface {



Lines 68 to 73 in 96fc4ad

type Event struct {
EventSource string
EventType string
Key string
Value interface{}

sourceName, ok := configMgr.ConfigurationMap[event.Key]




目前 archaius 里的配置源,文件配置源优先级是最低的。
例如,我有这样的场景:go-chassis 的配置项太多了,并且有一些并非业务愿意关心的(如service-center的地址),我想为其中多数的配置项提供默认值,其他人使用大数时候直接使用默认值,感知不到这些配置项;但同时我也保留他自己去配置的能力,当他有需要的时候,他还是可以去了解、去(在文件中)配置出这些值。
实现路径最简单的就是,允许创建自定义级别的 Memory 配置源。

how to get config value from the local file?

I define a config file about database setting. follow example code in URL:

	func main() {
	    chassis.RegisterSchema("rest", &schemas.RestFulHello{})
	    chassis.RegisterSchema("rest", &schemas.RestFulMessage{})
	    //start all server you register in server/schemas.
	    if err := chassis.Init(); err != nil {
		lager.Logger.Error("Init failed.", err)

	    //test code
	    dbCfgFile := fileutil.GetConfDir() + "\\db.yaml"
	    dbAddr:=archaius.GetString("dbconf.conn1.addr", "")


but I can't get value of dbAddr, it's empty.

Then I check code of, it's ok.
but I find code


in sample code, and this code will clean all config item about FileSource. Is there any problem with this behavior?

Later, I just use object of NewYamlConfigurationSource to get config value, like this:

	dbCfgFile := fileutil.GetConfDir() + "\\db.yaml"
	fSource := filesource.NewYamlConfigurationSource()
	fSource.AddFileSource(dbCfgFile, 0)
	dbAddr, _:=fSource.GetConfigurationByKey("dbconf.conn1.addr")

	fmt.Println("---------------- DB Addr:", dbAddr)

It's work, and get real value of dbAddr.


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Describe the solution you'd like

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

user story

Other project using go archaius

If you have a open source project which is using go-archaius, or you are bulding eco-system or go archaius source or config server client, hope you can share it with us in this format.

  • [your project name](project link): introduction for your project

custom Event not work

Hi, I Have a custom event listen for config file changes, but it not work, can you help me ?

package main

import (
type Listener struct {
	Key string
func (e *Listener) Event(event *core.Event) {
	//  I want to dynamically get the latest values here.
func main(){

I want to get real-time changed values via Event function , but it didn't do anything, what do I need to do to make it work?

实现自定义配置中心的Client interface 参数疑问




type Client interface {
	//PullConfigs pull all configs from remote
	PullConfigs(labels[string]string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
	//PullConfig pull one config from remote
	PullConfig(key, contentType string, labels map[string]string) (interface{}, error)
	// PushConfigs push config to cc
	PushConfigs(data map[string]interface{}, labels map[string]string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
	// DeleteConfigsByKeys delete config for cc by keys
	DeleteConfigsByKeys(keys []string, labels map[string]string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
	//Watch get kv change results, you can compare them with local kv cache and refresh local cache
	Watch(f func(map[string]interface{}), errHandler func(err error), labels map[string]string) error
	Options() Options



PS.目前我们的项目正在使用go-chassis来开发一个业务框架,已有的配置中心为apollo,正在做support apollo的工作,想问下目前为什么停止对apollo的开发了?


Describe the bug

Version of go archaius
To Reproduce

  1. 先使用Set方法设置配置项
  2. 调用AddRemoteSource时,出现进程无法运行



2019/04/15 14:30:50 13
2019/04/15 14:30:55 13
2019/04/15 14:31:00 13
2019/04/15 14:31:01 DEBUG: file event [E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml RENAME], operation is %!d(MISSING). reload it.
2019/04/15 14:31:01 WARN: [[E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml open E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml: The system cannot find the file specified.]] file does not exist so not able to watch further
2019/04/15 14:31:01 DEBUG: file event [E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml___jb_old___ WRITE], operation is %!d(MISSING). reload it.
2019/04/15 14:31:01 DEBUG: Event generated events [[]]
2019/04/15 14:31:01 DEBUG: file event [E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml___jb_old___ REMOVE], operation is %!d(MISSING). reload it.
2019/04/15 14:31:01 WARN: the file change mode: ["E:\microservice\go-archaius-0.14.0\examples\event\event.yaml___jb_old___": REMOVE], continue
2019/04/15 14:31:05 13
2019/04/15 14:31:10 13

configmap can not be UnmarshalConfig

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
use archaius to parse configmap

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ConfigMap
          name: roboartisan-robooperationmanagement-config
            name: roboartisan-robooperationmanagement-config
            database.port: 5432
            database.user_name: root

the struct database

type Database struct {
	UserName string `json:"user_name"`
	Password string `json:"password"`
	IP       string `json:"ip"`
	Port     int    `json:"port"`
	DBName   string `json:"db_name"`
	SslMode  string `json:"ssl_mode"`
	MaxIdle  int    `json:"max_idle"`
	MaxConn  int    `json:"max_conn"`

After archaius.UnmarshalConfig ,string type data can be parse, but int type data fail to parse
Version of go chassis
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:


Capability to read config from K8S configmap

A new folder contains the configuration file will be mounted to POD when using K8S configmap. When the configmap changing, the old folder will be removed and a new one will be created. Currently, such scenarios can not be handled coz the file-source can only watch the existing file upgrade from the first loading.
We need a new configmap source to watch the parent directory to load any new files once configmap changes.

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