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An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.

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License: MIT License

Ruby 0.55% Shell 0.16% Java 2.86% JavaScript 28.07% C++ 1.67% C 0.76% HTML 0.08% Objective-C 5.11% Objective-C++ 0.97% TypeScript 38.95% Kotlin 12.52% CMake 0.03% Swift 8.28% CSS 0.01%
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Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps that run on Android, iOS, and the web. It includes a universal runtime and libraries that let you build native apps by writing React and JavaScript.

This repository includes the Expo SDK, Modules API, Go app, CLI, Router, documentation, and various other supporting tools. Expo Application Services (EAS) is a platform of hosted services that are deeply integrated with Expo open source tools. EAS helps you build, ship, and iterate on your app as an individual or a team.

Read the Expo Community Guidelines before interacting in the repository. Thank you for helping keep the Expo community open and welcoming!

Table of contents

📚 Documentation

Learn about building and deploying universal apps in our official docs!

🗺 Project Layout

  • packages All the source code for Expo modules, if you want to edit a library or just see how it works this is where you'll find it.
  • apps This is where you can find Expo projects which are linked to the development modules. You'll do most of your testing in here.
  • apps/expo-go This is where you can find the source code for Expo Go.
  • apps/expo-go/ios/Exponent.xcworkspace is the Xcode workspace. When developing iOS, always open this instead of Exponent.xcodeproj because the workspace also loads the CocoaPods dependencies.
  • docs The source code for
  • templates The template projects you get when you run npx create-expo-app
  • react-native-lab This is our fork of react-native used to build Expo Go.
  • guides In-depth tutorials for advanced topics like contributing to the client.
  • tools contain build and configuration tools.
  • template-files contains templates for files that require private keys. They are populated using the keys in template-files/keys.json.
  • template-files/ios/dependencies.json specifies the CocoaPods dependencies of the app.

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The Expo source code is made available under the MIT license. Some of the dependencies are licensed differently, with the BSD license, for example.

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expo's People


brentvatne avatar tsapeta avatar evanbacon avatar lukmccall avatar terribleben avatar kudo avatar esamelson avatar sjchmiela avatar amandeepmittal avatar simek avatar ide avatar bycedric avatar wschurman avatar cruzach avatar alanjhughes avatar jesseruder avatar bbarthec avatar nikki93 avatar gabrieldonadel avatar nicknovitski avatar douglowder avatar aleqsio avatar barthap avatar marklawlor avatar ajsmth avatar dependabot[bot] avatar ijzerenhein avatar quinlanj avatar behenate avatar dsokal avatar


 avatar vanny avatar  avatar Amir Isaev avatar Casimer A Guzdziol IV avatar Sarkershuvo1197 avatar  avatar Jaya Krishna Pavan avatar Chuck Chen avatar Stephen Mattison avatar  avatar Dave Liu avatar  avatar Jullian Boogert avatar Italia MSFT avatar Tony Blanco avatar enu λ avatar  avatar Gerald Leeb avatar  avatar Angel Trinidad avatar Ivan Bondarenko avatar Mark avatar AJ avatar Hanis avatar  avatar 霞露小伙 avatar Seckin Yasar avatar João Rocha avatar johnson mwangi avatar Darlingson Makuwila avatar Marcis Bergmanis avatar  avatar aLfAz avatar  avatar kjxai avatar 子羽 avatar ZHANG Wei avatar Gori avatar hyeonsik5692 avatar Vikram Samak avatar Aung Pyae Phyo avatar  avatar Juan Camilo Cuenca Sepulveda avatar chris avatar CrudusLiv avatar brendan avatar  avatar Ahn Jung Min avatar  avatar Oscar Landmark avatar Joan Silio avatar Raunak Shrestha avatar Dieudonné Houndagnon avatar Ethan Millstein avatar Guillermo Velasco avatar Amir Hossein Shekari avatar Alexey Elizarov avatar Érudit Aoue avatar sparetimecoder avatar Berkay Ocguder avatar Alex Oliva avatar Jayden Richardson avatar Beșnei David avatar hukuryo avatar Moussa Fofana avatar Adebayo Akinlalu avatar Vincent Racine avatar Takahashi Katsuyuki avatar Christino Mahavaly avatar ManuRodgers avatar Marco Marinangeli avatar  avatar Guilherme Eckert avatar Jude.K avatar LOGRES avatar Chhin Sras avatar Vicky Jadhav avatar Yoshiki Obinata avatar K1ngHandy avatar Daniel McCarthy avatar Dillion Verma avatar  avatar Victor Henriquez avatar Guilherme Alves avatar LM avatar Daniel avatar Yin Yee Lai avatar  avatar Naveen Sidda avatar Wescley  Pinto avatar jamal Almalki avatar dai avatar Swagat Pritam Sahoo avatar  avatar Moritz avatar Dmitry Zhuravlev-Nevsky avatar Daniel Rubak avatar DongDong Chen avatar Aleksander avatar


B.E. Henriksen avatar ippa avatar Ryo Tanaka avatar Abhik Khanra avatar Alex Chin avatar Stone Gao avatar rinunu avatar  avatar Brad Jones avatar Song avatar German Blejman avatar Steven Black avatar Neustradamus avatar Nobuyasu Fukazawa avatar  avatar Alberto Vasquez avatar send2vinnie avatar  avatar Sendy Putra avatar Richard Hess avatar K.J Ye avatar Yang Leijun avatar Anthony Cooper avatar Marc Schipperheyn avatar Dan Jesus avatar David Darrell avatar duansm avatar Satish Goda avatar Jonathan Levy avatar Thongchai Lim (样生海) avatar HoNooD avatar donaldcao avatar senthilkumar avatar Adrian Bau avatar James Cloos avatar yuan avatar  avatar Justin Parker avatar Christian Falch avatar Dima Khadorkin avatar Xavier Carpentier avatar Daniel Sundman avatar Michele Venturi avatar Patrick Luzolo avatar  avatar Manuel Aguirre avatar Ananya Sen avatar Viacheslav Shabelnyk avatar Evan Zhang avatar Wilfried Santer avatar Marc Bourguignon avatar Konstantin Kozhin avatar Damola A avatar 朱林 avatar Sofiane Abdallah avatar Richie avatar  avatar Edward Xie avatar Davis Shaver avatar  avatar  avatar Paul Fedotov avatar James Waterhouse avatar Eugene Yaremenko avatar avatar  avatar Kyle Roach avatar Kimmo Hintikka avatar 杨恒 avatar Radosław Krzemień avatar blackswan avatar Carabineiro avatar batigol avatar 0xbc avatar Shiva Ramabadran avatar Hawods avatar sangbinlee avatar Rodrigo Atsushi avatar Alex avatar Simon avatar Patrick avatar Sebastián Poliak avatar Well avatar Noel Koutlis avatar Long Cao avatar Viet Bui avatar  avatar boy1337 avatar Bob van Ratingen avatar Alexandre Hollocou avatar Guiller avatar  avatar  avatar avatar NickArthur avatar Michał Czernek avatar Caleb Bramwell avatar Chatchai Daecha avatar  avatar TrucTH avatar

expo's Issues

Link native libraries

I'm trying to use this library:

It requires to set up some native dependencies:

JDK 7+ is required
Add the following snippet to your android/settings.gradle:

include ':RNMaterialKit'
project(':RNMaterialKit').projectDir = file('../node_modules/react-native-material-kit/android')
Declare the dependency in your android/app/build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile project(':RNMaterialKit')
Import com.github.xinthink.rnmk.ReactMaterialKitPackage and register it in your MainActivity (or equivalent, RN >= 0.32

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new ReactMaterialKitPackage()

How can I do this in a exponent project?

QR code support

Needed by @patcito and @simzen85, amongst others

We might:

  • Import react-native-camera directly and put it under Exponent.Components.Experimental.Camera
  • Make QR capture a mode for ImagePicker

[Suggestion] Add QR code on Exponent project website

Not sure whether this is the correct place to raise this issue as this is related to Exponent website.

Currently, Exponent app have QR scan feature which is cool, but we are not able to fully utilise this feature by scanning QR code from Exponent project website to try out demo without typing on mobile device. It will be great to display QR code on Exponent project website.

Feature Request: onFullscreenDismissed prop for video / full-screen-only mode

It would be helpful if there were an onFullscreenDismissed prop for video, or a fullscreen-only mode. Ideally both.

In some apps, like the one I am working on, the expected functionality is that a video opens in fullscreen, and the video is terminated once fullscreen is dismissed. I think this is fairly common video functionality for many apps.

These are both features that other players like react-native-youtube have

thanks much

TexInput with custom fonts crash, sometimes...

yes it's really weird, it crash sometimes, other times works perfect.

simulator screen shot 18 dec 2016 09 46 39

this is the error when program is compiled, after press escape the app works ok, with the font loaded.

of course i'm preloading the fonts in the good way

iOS, facebook: logInWithReadPermissionsAsync fails with behavior = browser

SDK version 12
iOS 10.2.1
Standalone app

When running this code:

await Exponent.Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(fbAppId, {
  permissions: ['public_profile', 'email'],
  behavior: 'browser',

This behavior successfully launches Safari, and if I have no facebook login stored in Safari, will prompt me for my facebook credentials. If I am already logged-in to facebook, it will show me the "you have already authorized ....". In either case, I press 'ok' and am presented with this screen.

2017-01-23 11 33 30

The login process never completes, if I press "Done" it is registered as a cancelled facebook login.

This exact behavior also happens with behavior: 'system' and I assume behavior: 'native' if there is no facebook account linked to iOS or no native facebook app installed.

Authenticate with google doesn't redirect back to app

Authenticate with google(on Android) redirects to not to app itself.
Can be reproduced with google auth button.

url redirected:

    behavior: 'web',
    androidClientId: '',
    iosClientId: '',
    androidStandaloneAppClientId: '',
    iosStandaloneAppClientId: '',
    scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
  .then((result) => {
    if (result.type === 'success') {
      return path.success({ accessToken: result });
    return path.failed({ accessToken: err });
  .catch(err => path.failed({ accessToken: err }));

Usage with react-native-navigation

Hello! I started using exponent today and now i'm trying to use in my exponent's project

The problem is that react-native-navigation requires you to start the root of your app in a different way:

import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';

import { registerScreens } from './screens';
registerScreens(); // this is where you register all of your app's screens

// start the app
  tabs: [
      label: 'One',
      screen: 'example.FirstTabScreen', // this is a registered name for a screen
      icon: require('../img/one.png'),
      selectedIcon: require('../img/one_selected.png'),
      title: 'Screen One'
      label: 'Two',
      screen: 'example.SecondTabScreen',
      icon: require('../img/two.png'),
      selectedIcon: require('../img/two_selected.png'),
      title: 'Screen Two'

And I noticed that exponent requires you to start your app with this special function:

That probably does a lot more than the normal one

Is it possible to use these two technologies together?

facebook: support long-lived token flow, with token refresh

I am trying to implement a facebook login flow that uses a long-lived token for server access. The server token will expire in 60 days after the initial exchange.

The native SDKs provide a way to request a new short-lived token (which will be exchanged for a long lived on on the server) in the background with no user interaction.

From what I can tell, Exponent does not expose the necessary API calls into the facebook SDKs to accomplish this.

I believe the relevant API calls needing to be implemented would be:



I think this is a completely necessary API call for anyone who wants integrate with Facebook for anything more than simply login.

Hot reloading doesn't work with Android and iOS together.

I cannot do Hot Reloading on both iOS and Android devices at the same time. If I have hot reloading working on the Android, then in order for hot reloading to work on the iPhone, I first have to "Reload" manually on the iPhone. But then it turns off hot reloading on the Android. Then if I do a manual "Reload" on the Android to get hot reloading working again, it turns off hot reloading for the iPhone.

chromeOS support

This issue is to track adding a chromeOS app for exponent, relying on the recent addition of the android runtime component.

This would not only add another platform where extant apps can be run (iOS, Android or ChromeOS), but it would also allow developers to develop+test their applications using a chromebook instead of a physical device or a simulator (which traditionally are more resource intensive than simulators).

ChromeOS officially supports android apps on a subset of chromebooks, and quite a few android apps already support this (evernote, vine, skype, adobe lightroom, snapchat, etc).

When running in deverloper mode, all chromebooks (not restricted to a supported hardware subset) can run android apps, and can use ARC welder to convert android APK's into chromeOS apps (

I tried converting exponent APK to a chromeOS app using ARC welder, but there were issues after the splash screen. I suspect this may have to do with exponent trying to access some device not available on my laptop (for instance, GPS), but didn't dig any further.

Inconsistency with when onEnd prop is called for video

When passing in the onEnd prop:

If video playback has already reached the end of the video, exiting fullscreen mode will trigger the onEnd event a second time (it already fired once when the playback reached the end).

If video playback has NOT reached the end of the video, exiting fullscreen mode will not trigger onEnd event

Exiting fullscreen should either always invoke onEnd, or never invoke onEnd.

Android, svg: Basic svg fails to render on Android after upgrade to exp 13.0.0

Here is a minimal repro of this bug.


  "name": "cirlce",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "This is a circle",
  "author": null,
  "private": true,
  "main": "fail.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "exponent": "^13.1.0",
    "react": "~15.4.0",
    "react-native": ""
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-eslint": "^7.0.0",
    "eslint": "^3.8.1",
    "eslint-config-airbnb": "^12.0.0",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "^1.16.0",
    "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^2.2.3",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "^6.4.1"

Breaking example:

import React from 'react';

import Exponent, {
} from 'exponent';

const { Svg } = Components;

const Circle = () => {
  return (
    <Svg height={100} width={100}>


Working example:

import React from 'react';

import Exponent, {
} from 'exponent';

const { Svg } = Components;

const Circle = () => {
  return (
    <Svg height={100} width={100}>



Error loading any Exponent

When I try to load any exponent on an iPhone running iOS 9, I'm getting this error message: "There was a problem loading the experience". When I click Show Details, I displays this message.

"This experience could not be verified." (code undefined)

Unexpected end of data : blank-1.8.0.tar

λ exp i
? Project name: Exponent
? Project type. Options are: "blank", "tabs" blank
[exp] Downloading project files...
[exp] Extracting project files...
Process exited with non-zero code: 2
ERROR: Unexpected end of data : blank-1.8.0.tar

Process exited with non-zero code: 2
[exp] unexpected end of file
Error: unexpected end of file
    at Zlib._handle.onerror (zlib.js:355:17)
λ tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.29
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.
λ node -v; npm -v; exp --version

Microsoft Windows [v6.1.7601]

can't get exponent to install on genymotion, errors with Exponent-1.11.1.apk

Genymotion is using Android Studio's sdk path.
I ran exp path after running npm install -g exp and made sure it includes the Android Studio sdk path

My app runs on my android hardware device on the exponent app.

When I try to install it (on 5.1 or 6.0) on a Genymotion emulator.. it says

Uninstalling Exponent from Android device.

Downloading latest version of Exponent

Installing Exponent on device

all good right? But on the emulator nothing is happening at all. No icon.. no app

running adb logcat shows this.. which seems to be the culprit? But why is it invalid? How to clear it and force a valid download?

D/        ( 1820): Zip: EOCD not found, /data/local/tmp/Exponent-1.11.1.apk is not zip
W/zipro   ( 1820): Error opening archive /data/local/tmp/Exponent-1.11.1.apk: Invalid file
D/asset   ( 1820): failed to open Zip archive '/data/local/tmp/Exponent-1.11.1.apk'
W/DefContainer( 1820): Failed to parse package at /data/local/tmp/Exponent-1.11.1.apk:$PackageParserException: Failed to parse /data/local/tmp/Exponent-1.11.1.apk

Docs: widgets overview / tutorial for simple app


I'm new to React Native and ExponentJS. I've started a new project like a charm (really excellent work!), but now I'm struggling with what can I do with it. I'm missing list of all GUI widgets, how to use router / navigation in the app, etc., etc.

I've googled a bit but didn't find anything useful. Do you have any up-to-date link to some tutorial?

native-base doesn't work

Seems to be a problem with react-native-vector-icons.

Somehow it gets rewritten to fetch the icons form an exponent repository, which then fails to find.


add button to clear cache?

I made changes to my app. On XDE v14 I hit 'restart', then 'publish'. Then launched Exponent on my physical android phone and loaded up the URL, and it still showed me the old app code.

I had to go under the androids app settings.. scroll down to Exponent.. clear the cache there.. then close and restart the app.. and only then did I see the new changes.

Could we have an easier way of clearing the cache

Error when trying to use ExNavigation

First time using react and exponent. Let me know if there is a better place to ask this question.

I would like to have a basic routing so I believe ex-navigation is the recommended way to do it. please correct me if I am wrong. I heard about it in one of the introduction videos.

I copy pasted the example from The only modification I made is changed AppRegistry.registerComponent to Exponent.registerComponent. From some reason I get this error: "SyntaxError: /home/oren/p/exponent/login/node_modules/@exponent/ex-navigation/src/ExNavigation.js: Unexpected token (32:9)"

This is the offending line: export * as NavigationStyles from './ExNavigationStyles';

Here is my code:


Issue with Location permission checking on Android < 6

As discussed with @brentvatne , there is a bug where Permissions.getAsync for LOCATION always returns "denied" even if the permission is actually granted.

It seems to also lead to the issue where Permissions.askAsync won't fire the dialog so that user can grant/not grant the permission.

error after exp convert for StrapMobile boilerplate, not sure how to use registerRootComponent

Hi there,

I am using a boilerplate purchased from StrapMobile and want to convert it to use with Exponent.

I ran the exp convert and everything seemed to go well. Then it said I have to replace AppRegistry.registerComponent('YourApplicationName', () => YourRootComponent) by Exponent.registerRootComponent(YourRootComponent) and also add the import Exponent from 'exponent'.

I searched in the code and believe those two places where I need to do the replacements are in index.ios.js and

index.ios.js Before:

'use strict';

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
import setup from './js/setup'

AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyApp', setup);

index.ios.js After:

'use strict';

import Exponent from 'exponent'
import setup from './js/setup'



'use strict';

import React, {Component} from 'React';
import App from './App';
import configureStore from './configureStore'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import {StyleSheet, View, Text} from 'react-native';

function setup():React.Component {

    class Root extends Component {

        constructor() {
            this.state = {
                isLoading: false,
                store: configureStore(()=> this.setState({isLoading: false})),

        render() {
            return (
                <Provider store={}>
                    <App store={} />
    return Root

export default setup;

And it's giving me these errors when launching project from XDE into IOS simulator:

setup(...): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.


Any help would be much appreciated!

iOS postMessage from WebView fails

Using code from UIExplorer WebView example:

Works on Android.
[email protected]

Output in exp

exp] <START> Processing asset request  asset: ReactABI12_0_0-js-navigation://postMessage  

[exp] Error: 'ReactABI12_0_0-js-navigation://postMessage' could not be found, because 'ReactABI12_0_0-js-navigation:/' is not a subdirectory of any of the roots  ('/home/jim/exp-init')
    at Promise.all.then.stats (/home/jim/exp-init/node_modules/react-native/packager/react-packager/src/AssetServer/index.js:191:13)
    at tryCallOne (/home/jim/exp-init/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:37:12)
    at /home/jim/exp-init/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:123:15
    at flush (/home/jim/exp-init/node_modules/asap/raw.js:50:29)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)

[exp] <END>   Processing asset request  asset: ReactABI12_0_0-js-navigation://postMessage   (6ms)

The WebView displayes the text

Asset not found

If we use the html from inside the component, we get the following error

[exp] Encountered an error loading page {"domain":"WebKitErrorDomain","canGoBack":false,"target":8,"code":101,"loading":false,"title":"666","canGoForward":false,"description":"The URL can’t be shown","url":"about:blank"}

ios: TextInput with custom font doesn't pass fontSize

Version Info:

Exponent version:
iOS: iPhone 6 Simulator with iOS 9.2, also verified on real iPhone 6 iOS 10.0.2
Android: Nexus 6P, latest android


I was experimenting with loading custom fonts with exponent. Everything works great with Text Components. As soon as I try to use a TextInput, it also works, but always prefers the default font size (whatever that is).

I tried the same code on a friend's above android device, and it was able to successfully change the font size.

If I do not use the custom font, (fontFamily: undefined) or if I use a a fontFamily that is built-in to iOS (fontFamily: 'AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold') then the sizes of the fonts do change.

I am a medium-experienced iOS developer, so I am happy to help with this to the best of my abilities, but I am very new to the exponent codebase, and couldn't root cause this myself :(

Request: add support for additional contact information using the Contact API


I would like to have the ability to import additional contact information that returns data similar to this library:

  recordID: 1,
  company: "",
  emailAddresses: [{
    label: "work",
    email: "[email protected]",
  familyName: "Jung",
  givenName: "Carl",
  jobTitle: "",
  middleName: "",
  phoneNumbers: [{
    label: "mobile",
    number: "(555) 555-5555",
  thumbnailPath: "",



The IOS app needs an update to link the AirGoogleMaps library which was introduced in the latest version of react-native-maps, this way <MapView provider='google' /> can be used to view Google Maps on IOS. At the moment, when using provider='google' in Exponent the app crashes.

Instructions are available here.

Offline use

According to the documentation, when the server is not reachable (for whatever reason) the app still starts by using the cached version of the app.

But as soon as I close my Exponent XDE, I'm unable to open the app on my phone.
It tries to connect to my local server and then either timeouts or complains about the tunnel being broken.

Am I missing something?
The idea is that I would like to use my app even when my server is down and without having to publish it to Exponent.


Building standalone iOS app

Hi! I'm trying to build a standalone app, but having trouble with configure step of the process. Running:

gulp ios-shell-app --url MYURL --action configure --type archive --archivePath ../shellAppBase-archive/Exponent.xcarchive --sdkVersion 10.0.0

Getting the following error:

Modifying config files under /Users/andrey/hack/exapp/shellAppBase-archive/Exponent.xcarchive...
/Users/andrey/hack/exapp/shellAppBase-archive/Exponent.xcarchive/EXShell.plist: file does not exist or is not readable or is not a regular file (Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “EXShell.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/andrey/hack/exapp/shellAppBase-archive/Exponent.xcarchive/EXShell.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fdf57d00c70 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}})
[22:08:07] 'ios-shell-app' errored after 1.76 s
[22:08:07] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/andrey/hack/exapp/shellAppBase-archive/Exponent.xcarchive/EXShell.json'
    at Error (native)

Same command works when I run in on shellAppBase-builds/simulator/Release/, but how to make it work with archive I can submit to App Store?

Thank you!

Support audio recording

Hello! I am new here.

I always thought that there should something like Ionic in React Native, and I guess I found a charm!

Is there any plan to support audio recording?

I guess the advent of WebRTC and openness of automatic speech recognition makes the demand for audio recording (with streaming) surge thesedays.

Any road map for this?

Location always instantly returns with a timeout

Location request timed out this is the error I get whenever I'm trying to access the user's location.

Here's my code:

import Exponent from 'exponent';

export async function getPosition() {
	const {Location, Permissions} = Exponent;
	const {status} = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION);

	if (status === 'granted') {
		return Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({enableHighAccuracy: true});
	} else {
		throw new Error('Location permission not granted');

some component

componentDidMount() {
	getPosition().then((position) => {
		if (position) {
	}).catch((e) => {
                    // this one is firing the error instantly
		alert(e + ' Please make sure your location (GPS) is turned on.');

Android 6.0.1

Does/will exponent allow linking (i.e. 'react-native link')

I love the quick setup time and configuration of exponent, but I'm hesitant to jump in without the ability to link libraries. I see in the docs that you can use ExponentKit to 'detach' an app, but I'm wondering if it's possible to do basic linking without that. Many modules respond to react-native link, allowing for things like built-in fonts (I'm not a fan of async fonts) and other native functionality. Is it possible to do this somehow, or is 'detaching' the way?

Is it possible to include the assets in app bundle instead of Amazon CloudFront?

Documentation says:

Each time you publish your app, Exponent will upload your assets to Amazon CloudFront, a blazing fast CDN.

I want the assets to exist when user install app from play market with no need to wait anymore for loading assets from CDN and to avoid this step:

In order to keep the loading screen visible while we cache our assets, we render Exponent.Components.AppLoading and only that component until everything is ready.

Is it possible to include assets in app bundle and remove AppLoading component because it will be useless?

TypeScript Support

Any plan to make TypeScript support for exponent like exponent has done with ClojureScript?

Detaching project creates duplicate react library errors

After detaching the project, running the project creates a whole bunch of these errors showing conflicts between node_modules/react-native/Libraries and ios/Pods/React/Libraries:

Failed to build DependencyGraph: @providesModule naming collision:
  Duplicate module name: ActionSheetIOS
  Paths: /Users/Projects/app/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/ActionSheetIOS.js collides with /Users/Projects/app/ios/Pods/React/Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/ActionSheetIOS.js

Pinch to zoom

Now for pinch gesture show the exponent menu. I want use pinch to zoom on my app. Is this possible? Maybe you could use a 3 finger pinch instead.

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