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everyplay-ios-sdk's Issues

Can' Load

I can't update Everyplay to build 1801

Upgrade warning appears in live app in iOS

In document it said, "After expiring, there's a warning dialog on launch that recommends to upgrade the SDK. Apps downloaded from the App Store won't have this behaviour."

However the warning still appeared in my game which download from App Store.

I believe no developers want this warning to appear and confuse the players while no new game version is available yet.

Please take a look.

Everyplay causes a Metal error when the CAMetalLayer's pixelFormat is set to MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB

From the -[CAMetalLayer pixelFormat] documentation:

The pixel format for a Metal layer must be either MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm (the default) or MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB.

In our game we use MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB. However, when enabling Everyplay, the following Metal API validation error is thrown as soon as a recording is started:

/SourceCache/AcceleratorKit/AcceleratorKit-14.10/ToolsLayers/Debug/ failed assertion `[sourceTexture pixelFormat](MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB) must equal [destinationTexture pixelFormat](MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm).'

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Or 002/ 010 23 123 615 !

Address Sanitizer issues in Everyplay

When running our game using the address sanitizer to help find memory issues, the game cannot progress past the Everyplay initialisation.

Output below

==3861==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: /Library/Caches/ "((h->type == CommonInterceptorMetadata::CIMT_FILE)) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0)

    #0 0x1050a013f in __asan::AsanCheckFailed(char const*, int, char const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD

    #1 0x1050a486f in __sanitizer::CheckFailed(char const*, int, char const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD

    #2 0x10508e87b in wrap_fclose (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD

    #3 0x1018182c7 in +[EveryplayCommon isJailbroken] (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD Battles+0x10173c2c7)

    #4 0x1017f6677 in -[Everyplay init] (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD Battles+0x10171a677)

    #5 0x1017f658f in __27+[Everyplay sharedInstance]_block_invoke (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD Battles+0x10171a58f)

    #6 0x1060b1a3b in _dispatch_client_callout (/usr/lib/system/introspection/libdispatch.dylib+0x1a3b)

    #7 0x1060b28b3 in dispatch_once_f (/usr/lib/system/introspection/libdispatch.dylib+0x28b3)

    #8 0x1017f6563 in +[Everyplay sharedInstance] (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD Battles+0x10171a563)

    #9 0x1017faf57 in +[Everyplay setClientId:clientSecret:redirectURI:] (/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5BBB8B05-797E-4930-8E7E-BC5A7819B2D7/BTD Battles+0x10171ef57)

This is running on an iPhone 6S Plus running iOS 9.3.2, using Xcode 7.3.1 to build.

To be able to run the game at all with the sanitiser on, the entire framework needs removed.

"This build has expired, please upgrade"

We used build 1760 in Unity 4.3.4 and after upgrading to Unity 4.5, we deleted old everyplay files, imported new package from Asset Store and are getting the message per subject.

Any ideas what's up?


Missing method for querying if recording is enabled

I disabled single core recording with [[[Everyplay sharedInstance] capture] disableSingleCoreDevices] and [[[Everyplay sharedInstance] capture] isRecordingSupported] returns true on single core devices even though it is disabled. At first I thought it was a bug, but is only a matter of semantics, because in fact is supported but disabled. However I didn't find a way to check if recording was enabled, so I have to keep my own flag when calling disableSingleCoreDevices and use isSingleCoreDevice.

I think it the API should expose a higher level method to query for that information (is recording enabled?) and don't delegate that to the user.

Video sharing not functioning

Hello, I have added the current 1.71 build of Everyplay to a iOS project (via Unity), and it seems to have integrated fine. However, when attempting to share a recorded video to the various options given, while the Twitter and Youtube shares appear to work as intended, and the video uploads to Everyplay, nothing happens on the Facebook side of things - no post or any request for Facebook access appears - and for email, it gives the form for adding a recipient's address and message and so forth, but nothing seems to be sent. Is there a known cause or solution for this?

Everyplay's supportsOpenAL freezes when trying to display sharing modal

When supportsOpenAL returns YES, and done recording (w/ stopRecording), attempting to bring up the sharing modal freezes the game. XCode does not detect the hang up like I would expect it to in these type of situations.

When it returns NO, the modal displays with the recent recording.

iPhone 4s
Everyplay Version: 1.8.2
iOS Version: 8.0

iOS: OpenAL interference


I'm trying to integrate the SDK build 1840 and everything works fine besides OpenAL audio. Video recording and sharing works like a charm, but it seems to be impossible to hear audio on the device and record it at the same time.
When using supportsOpenAL = NO, I can hear audio from my device but it's not recorded. Using supportsOpenAL = YES, I can't hear audio on my device and there's also no audio recorded.
I've also tried older Everyplay builds down to 1.8.0 without success and use an iPad 2 with iOS 7.1.2 for testing.

Thanks in advance.

XCodeEditor problem in Everyplay 1.8.0 (build 1801)


You have a problem in Everyplay\XCodeEditor.

It will throw an IOException: Sharing violation on path on Mac OS X.

I see that you use the XCodeEditor modified by Facebook that forgots to close the StreamReader.

You should change XCProject.cs from:

        projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) );
        string contents = projectFileInfo.OpenText().ReadToEnd();


        projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) );
        StreamReader sr = projectFileInfo.OpenText();
        string contents = sr.ReadToEnd();

The modification is from the original XCodeEditor (

I guess Facebook should be announced also, but I don't know where to send the issue.



Performance issue on earlier devices (iPhone 4)

Hi, I am using everyplay in my new title. It works great in devices like iPhone 5 and iPad mini (both 1 and 2), but I encountered a big performance issue on my iPhone 4 (with iOS 7) and iPod Touch 4 (with iOS 6).

The Camera.Render Culling and Drawing consumed a lot of CPU time through the profiler, which caused the framerate dropped from 60fps to around 15~30.

Once I removed the calling of Everyplay.StartRecording();, everything goes well as usual.

Is it a known issue that the performance could become unacceptable in such devices?

Everyplay's supportsOpenAL mute OpenAL sounds on iPhone/iPad

When Everyplay supportsOpenAL returns YES, OpenAL sounds that do not update every frame become mute.

For the first recording, OpenAL sound is fine. Subsequent recordings mute the OpenAL sound.

One workaround is to update all the sounds every frame. If this does not work, I reinitialize the oalPlayback object and all the sounds that were disabled by having Everyplay integrated.

However, this workaround will not work if I experience issue #26; the game remains mute.

Implementing this workaround seems to mess up supportsAVFoundation as well, but I do not record background music anyway for the app I'm working on so I have supportsAVFoundation return NO to help isolate the sound issue to OpenAL sounds.

Mainly testing on:
iPhone 4s
Everyplay Version: 1.8.2
iOS Version: 8.0

This particular error occurs on other devices as well.

Documentation bug

The Unity documentation refers to a ShowEveryplay() method that no longer exists - the current method seems to be called Show().

Hitting Share multiple times seems to bug out

If I call PlayLastRecording(), then tap Share, then on the Scissors icon to trim the video, then Share again, the Everyplay interface rolls down out of the screen (like if I were closing it), but my game doesn't resume.

I just updated EveryPlay, this happens to me on iOS.

Audio metering doesn't work for AVAudioPlayer

When AVFoundation support is enabled for everyplay, audio metering using AVAudioPlayer stops working. i.e. if audio metering is enabled for audio player using
[audioPlayer setMeteringEnabled:YES];
audioplayer doesn't provide any metering info when - averagePowerForChannel: is called (I haven't tested the peak power meter).
If I disable AVFoundation support for everyplay, audio metering starts working fine.

Linking with Everyplay.framework interferes with AVAudioPlayer playback

In our engine, we are using AVAudioPlayer for music and OpenAL for FX.

When just linking (I removed all Everyplay integration code) the game with Everyplay.framework the AVAudioPlayer playback is slowed (lowering the pitch like using AVAudioPlayer.rate and AVAudioPlayer.enableRate).

When I remove the framework, the audio is played as expected.

Any thoughts about this?

SDK Version 1.8 (new user, never tried the previous version).

Linking with everyplay.framework will interfere with AVAudioPlayer

It appears that there are issues when trying to play AVAudioPlayer instances when everyplay.framework is linked into the application.

In our application we change background music by fading out to 0 volume over a short period of time and releasing the old AudioPlayer instance. We then load the new source into a new AVAudioPlayer and fade in back to full volume. When the new source is played there is a high chance that:

  • you will here a 'crack' sound and the track will continue normally, fading in from 0
  • or that the new track will start playing at full volume for a split second and then will either appear to stop playing or will be playing at a very low volume.

If I don't link against the framework then the new audio track will play correctly from the correct starting volume.
I've attached delegates to the audio session and player and there are no errors. The audio player also returns that it's volume is at the volume we're attempting to set it at, even if the track appears silent or at low volume.
No direct calls to the Everyplay code from the application is required (I commented out everything I had) to trigger the bug.

Tested devices:
iPod 5th Gen iOS 7.0.4
iPad Air iOS 8.3

Tested SDKs:

Music Track details:
we swap between 3 different tracks
1 x 22,050 sample rate single channel mp3 track
2 x 44,100 sample rate double channel mp3 tracks

Unity iOS PostProcess FilePath Error

in Everyplay/XCodeEditor/XCProject.cs

System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) );

caused error:
UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined: xcode_project/.

I think

System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) );
System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( filePath + "/." ));

↑this code generates other bugs :-P

Under cocos2d-x,use kResolutionShowAll cause screen size change

I set

CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(960, 640, kResolutionShowAll)

to make my game fit different devices. With Everyplay effect on, my screen size will change auto, only happened when test on real machine, but no such bug when I use kResolutionExactFit. However, I need to use kResolutionShowAll. With iphone4 it works all well,but with ipad and iphone 5(I think all devices except screen size is 960*640) have the bug above

auto resume recording when application comes back from background

I put my recording session paused before my game goes to background state.
When I come back to my game the recording session is resumed internally and I'm forced to pause again the recording session because I'm showing a counter before continue with the game. this record-pause process cause some problems with the audio sync.

issue on Unity 3.56f4 with SDK 1.0.2

Everyplay's supportsOpenAL causes slow load up on iPhone 4s

Happens occasionally.

When supportsOpenAL returns YES, Everyplay causes a slow game load up even when recording never starts. The screen goes black for about a 5-7 second delay when starting an OpenGL game. Once the black disappears and the game is viewable, OpenAL sounds are mute and cannot be restored manually.

When returns NO, Everyplay records video without sound just fine.

This may relate to iPhone 4 not being a single-core device and updating to iOS 8.0.
Before updating Everyplay SDK 1.8.1 to
1.8.2 and iOS 7 to iOS 8, I did not experience this load up lag.

Everyplay Version: 1.8.2
iOS Version: 8.0

ios9 records no audio

After updating devices to ios9, Everyplay no longer records audio.

Everyplay v2000
Cocos2D-Swift version 3.4.3-develop
xCode v7.1
using OALAudio

audio is still recorded as normal on all devices < ios9

Crash on share - Tested on iPod Touch 5th Gen, building with Unity 3.5.6f4

Building with Unity 3.5.6f4 on and running on an iPod Touch 5th Gen running iOS 6.0.1 there is a crash when you attempt to share a video.

Reproduction Steps:

  • Record some gameplay.
  • View the last video recorded.
  • Hit share.
  • Enter a title.
  • Hit the button which says ''Done! Share my replay!"
  • Results in an immediate crash of the application.

Photo 11-12-2012 02 14 18

Mutiple crashes being submitted when presentRenderbufferEveryplay: is called.

Multiple crash reports being submitted from Everyplay:

Blade Dash-[EveryplayCapture presentRenderbufferEveryplay:]


Binary Image Name Address Symbol

0 appName 0x0027832a testflight_backtrace
1 appName 0x002779c2 TFSignalHandler
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x389a3722 _sigtramp
3 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib 0x329663d8 gpusSubmitDataBuffers
4 IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver 0x2cd851c8
5 GLEngine 0x3029fcdc gliPresentViewES
6 OpenGLES 0x302aa136 -[EAGLContext presentRenderbuffer:]
7 appName 0x001eb70a -[EveryplayCapture presentRenderbufferEveryplay:]
8 appName 0x000ce40c -[CCGLView swapBuffers] in CCGLView.m on Line 275

Screen goes black during recording

So, another bug spotted...

Basically while recording, when using an iPod Touch 5 (will be shortly testing on other devices) the screen will occassionally go black mid recording for 1/3 of a second - 1 second. I initially thought this was an issue with the game however I have since watched an everyplay recording and these black spots are not recorded (it shows up as smooth on the every play video, however in-game the screen will occassionaly go black for a few frames). I then commented out the everyplay code and the black screen error did stop occuring.

Will let you know if it's device specific or across all devices shortly.

Once again using Unity 3.5.6f4 with an iPod Touch 5th Gen running OS6.0.1.

Video upload issue

Users are having an issue that they are uploading videos but not all of them are getting uploaded correctly. Does not seem to be one game or device in particular. For example some users upload 10 videos but can only view 5 of them. This has been happening for quite some time and does not seem to be going away.

"Error activating audio session during initial setup" - Makes audio to stop working.

Pressing home button while splash screen is visible causes the following output:

2014-05-20 11:31:29.715 iOS - Full[10213:707] Error activating audio session during initial setup.
2014-05-20 11:31:30.074 iOS - Full[10213:707] no other audio is playing
2014-05-20 11:31:30.082 iOS - Full[10213:707] Error activating audio session during initial setup.
2014-05-20 11:31:30.098 iOS - Full[10213:707] 11:31:30.098 <0x3f198d98> AURemoteIO::Initialize failed: -12985 (enable 2, outf< 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Int8.24, non-inter> inf< 2 ch, 0 Hz, Float32, non-inter>)
2014-05-20 11:31:30.102 iOS - Full[10213:707] 11:31:30.103 <0x3f198d98> AURemoteIO::Initialize failed: -12985 (enable 2, outf< 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Int8.24, non-inter> inf< 2 ch, 0 Hz, Float32, non-inter>)
2014-05-20 11:31:30.107 iOS - Full[10213:707] EveryplaySoundEngine.m:458: AUGraphInitialize result -12985 FFFFCD47 ˇˇÕG
2014-05-20 11:31:30.111 iOS - Full[10213:707] EveryplaySoundEngine.m:479: AUGraphStart result -10863 FFFFD591 ˇˇ’ë
2014-05-20 11:31:31.675 iOS - Full[10213:707] Everyplay SDK build: 1801
2014-05-20 11:31:31.788 iOS - Full[10213:707] [#216] +[Everyplay initWithDelegate:andParentViewController:] initializing
2014-05-20 11:31:31.868 iOS - Full[10213:707] EveryplaySoundEngine.m:479: AUGraphStart result -10863 FFFFD591 ˇˇ’ë
2014-05-20 11:31:32.382 iOS - Full[10213:707] EveryplaySoundEngine.m:479: AUGraphStart result -10863 FFFFD591 ˇˇ’ë
2014-05-20 11:31:32.432 iOS - Full[10213:707] EveryplaySoundEngine.m:479: AUGraphStart result -10863 FFFFD591 ˇˇ’ë

In this case the game audio stops working (I'm using AVAudioPlayer for music and OpenAL for FX). And of course, Everyplay doesn't work.

SDK 1.8

Error when trying to submit app on iOS9

Using Everyplay iOS custom engine version version 7.1.1.

When submitting app after updating to Xcode 7 and iOS 9 the following error message appears when trying to submit to AppStore:

ERROR ITMS-90535 "Unexpected CFBundleKey. The bundle at 'Payload/ does not contain a bundle executable. If this bundle intentionally does not contain an executable, consider removing the CFBundleExecutable key from its Info.plist and using a CFBundlePackageType of BNDL. If this bundle is part of a third-party framework, consider contacting the developer of the framework for an update to address this issue"

v2.2.0 doesn't work at all.

Trying to latest version in project with previously working recording functionality, and it doesn't start recording. No one delegate method calls.

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