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All Core Devs Meeting 15 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 15 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 5/5/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


  1. Blockhash rules (ethereum/EIPs#210)
  2. Bigint modexp gas calculation rules (ethereum/EIPs#198)
  3. Returndatacopy/size opcode allocation (ethereum/EIPs#211)
  4. Salt argument for the CREATE2 opcode (ethereum/EIPs#208 (comment)) (and potentially as part of the new transaction format)
  5. Returndatacopy/size out-of-buffer access (ethereum/EIPs#211)
  6. Metropolis updates.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 29 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 29 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 12/01/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing Updates
    a. Fuzzer updates.
    b. New transaction tests folder structure.
  2. Shall we require CC0 notices in EIPs?
  3. New Project: JSON RPC Proxy / eth-agent
    a. Discussion: ethereum/aleth#4563
    b. Proof of Concept:
  4. Does it remain the case that the Yellow Paper is intended to be Ethereum's formal specification?
  5. POA Testnet unification [Update]
  6. Core team updates.

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Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 45 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 45 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 24 August 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link

Constantinople Progress


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Constantinople
    a. EIP 1014 Issues
    b. EIP 1218: Simpler blockhash refactoring. Looks like we are dropping this one unless someone speaks up, like, immediately.
    c. EIP 1283: 1283 is moving forward per discussions on the previous call and the core devs chat room.
  5. Three competing EIPs to delay the difficulty bomb and reduce/maintain the block reward:
    a. EIP-858 - Delay bomb and reduce block reward to 1 ETH per block.
    b. EIP-1234 - Delay bomb and reduce block reward to 2 ETH.
    c. EIP-1295 - Delay bomb, keep rewards to 3 ETH, change other factors such as POW incentive structure.
    There is renewed interest from miners to implement ProgPoW.

Different articles/links regarding potential issuance reduction conversation:

All Core Devs Meeting 21 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 21 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 7/28/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    - EIP 96 (BLOCKHASH) has some unaddressed comments and issues about the BLOCKHASH contract: ethereum/EIPs#210 [Paweł]
    - Decide names for Metro Pt.1 and Pt. 2 (or maybe Pt. 1/2 is good enough)
    b. Updates to testing.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth - ethereum/go-ethereum#14337
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    2. Determining gas prices for new opcodes & pre-compiles [Martin HS/Everyone]
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.
  2. Make a decision on the "Hardfork meta EIPs" (and potentially merge them) [Alex B.]
  3. EIP 663 ethereum/EIPs#663: Unlimited SWAP and DUP instructions [Alex B.]
  4. EIP 215 ethereum/EIPs#215: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM to replace EIP 145 [Alex B.]

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Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 41 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 41 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 06/29/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM: pretty well-formed, but not 100% implemented or tested.
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring.
    c. EIP859: account abstraction.
    d. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode.
    e. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations.
    f. EIP 1014: Skinny CREATE2.

NOTE: Because of the conflict with ECDC we may skip Constantinople talk if there aren't enough devs to contribute to the discussion.

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Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 42 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 42 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 07/13/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Post EIP 1011 (Hybrid Casper) Spec Plans
    1. Now that EIP 1011 is deprecated, is there still the interest among client developers to have a joint testnet, a Ropsten-successor if you want to put it like that?
    2. If yes, and I assume most of us are interested in some effort like this, how could it look like if not like the hybrid Casper proposal?
    3. What smaller steps can/should we take in the meantime while waiting for casper+sharding? (can we just call it "shasper" now?)
  5. Possibly changing network Id in Constantinopole (or, alternatively, the format of the handshake message to make it backwards-incompatible).](#50 (comment))
  6. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM: pretty well-formed, but not 100% implemented or tested.
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring.
    d. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode.
    e. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations.
    f. EIP 1014: Skinny CREATE2.
    g. Delay ice age?

Proposed Constantinople Timeline
Finalize EIPs that are being implemented: July 13th
Client implementation: July 16th - August 13th
Testing: August 13th - September 10th
Testnet: September 10th - October 1st
Launch: October 8th

This is not final and there will likely be changes. I am soliciting feedback from client devs and testers who will be working on this.

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All Core Devs Meeting 17 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 17 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 6/3/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Update on the proposal: "Freeze" EIPs to allow for testing. [Yoichi/Hudson]
  2. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    - Need items [submit in comments below].
    b. Updates to testing.
    - more static call tests added
    - blockhash changes (eip96) about to be merge in cpp develop
    - documentation in progress
    c. Any "subtleties" we need to work out.
    - Need items [submit in comments below].
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.
    - Need items [submit in comments below].
  3. TRXID opcode: ethereum/EIPs#222 [Jan]

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All Core Devs Meeting 20 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 20 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 7/14/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    - Split metropolis into 2 forks? Leave out EIP 86/208 in fork #1.
    b. Updates to testing.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth - ethereum/go-ethereum#14337
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    2. Determining gas prices for new opcodes & pre-compiles [Martin HS/Everyone]
    - Martin H.S can't make it and says: "I'll try to consolidate the geth-benchmarks for opcodes later on, not much new to report since last time"
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.

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Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 27 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 27 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 10/20/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Byzantium fork review
    a. Group to write EIP for future HF guidelines.
  3. Core team updates.
  4. Website update.
  5. Cross team Quake 3 arena session? (Or just meet up somewhere at Devcon3)

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All Core Devs Meeting 10 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 10 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 2/10/17 at 14:00 UTC (Date shifted due to EdCon)

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


Normally meets the first and third Friday of every month at 14:00 UTC.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

  1. New EIP GitHub process and cleanup. [Facilitator: Hudson]
  2. Come to final agreement on EIP 196: zk-SNARK precompiles [Facilitator: Christian]
  3. Update on EIP for precompiles for elliptic curve point addition, elliptic curve scalar multiplication and pairing [Facilitator: Christian]
  4. Metropolis and associated EIPs. [Facilitator: Vitalik/Christian]
  1. STATIC_CALL: ethereum/EIPs#116 follow-up. [Facilitator: Christian]

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 24 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 24 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 9/8/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


Reminder: Metropolis is now split into 2 hard forks: "Byzantium" first and then "Constantinople".

  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    - EIP96 = PR210 contains three different hex code for the BLOCKHASH contract, but there should be at most two (runtime code and initcode). [Yoichi]
    - EIP #603: Add ECADD and ECMUL precompiles for secp256k1. See this comment for details and request to add to Constantinople. [Matthew D.]
    b. Updates to testing.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth -
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - ethereumJ - ethereum/ethereumj#923
    - ethereumJS
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    2. Determining gas prices for new opcodes & pre-compiles [Martin HS/Arkadiy]
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.

  2. EIP 706: Snappy compression for devp2p - very simple change yet reduces sync bandwidth by 60-80%. [Peter]

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 49 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 49 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 9 November 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link

Constantinople Progress


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Constantinople/Ropsten HF
    • hardfork timing 1, 2
    • difficulty bomb
  5. ProgPoW update
  6. Ethereum stratum/mining pool support
  7. Görli PoA-testnet progress (@5chdn)

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 46 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 46 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 14 Sept 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link

Constantinople Progress


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Constantinople
    a. Client progress.
    b. Ropsten block number.
    c. Can we do it before Devcon?


  1. EIP-1380: Reduced gas cost for call to self
  2. EIP-1108: Reduce alt_bn128 precompile gas costs
  3. EIP-1057 (ProgPoW) and EIP-1355 (Ethash1a)

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 33 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 33 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 02/09/18 at 14:00 UTC (

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing updates.
    a. testeth breaks out of cpp-ethereum and a new plan for RPC-based test filling
  2. EIP 867
  3. Fork release management/Constantinople.
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring
    c. EIP 168 & 169: Killing dust accounts.
    d. EIP 859: Account abstraction for the main chain [Updated]
  4. Client/research updates.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

AllCoreDevs Meeting 8 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 8 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: 10/28/2016 1:00PM UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


Please provide comments for proposed agenda topics or corrections to agenda topics.

1. Upcoming HF to clear out state + potentially other changes.

2. EIP/ERC GitHub Organization

All Core Devs Meeting 12 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 12 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 3/17/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


  1. EIP signaling and voting system update [Facilitator: Hudson]
  2. ethereum/EIPs#225: Clique PoA protocol & Rinkeby PoA testnet [Facilitator: Peter]
  3. ethereum/EIPs#214 (comment): In STATICCALL Opcode should state-changing operations should actually throw, or just be reverted after the call returns? [Facilitator: Nick and/or Martin]
  4. EIP 161 Clarification and Proposal to update the YP to say that built-in accounts (pre-compiles) are never empty and update implementations based on that. [Facilitator: Arkadiy and Yoichi]
  5. Metropolis updates and finding a central location to document which EIPs are going into Metro.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 26 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 26 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 10/6/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


Reminder: Metropolis is now split into 2 hard forks: "Byzantium" first and then "Constantinople".

  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    b. Updates to testing.
    1. Hive tests update.
    2. Testnet launch update.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth -
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - ethereumJ - ethereum/ethereumj#923
    - ethereumJS - ethereumjs/ethereumjs-monorepo#209
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    d. Make sure clients are ready for HF.

  2. Account abstraction discussion - "I think we should also slowly bring up account abstraction again. How do the toolset providers think about it? Did we find better solutions in the meantime?"

  3. "Some way to reduce the gas costs for an SSTORE if that slot (or the whole contract) is destroyed at the end of the transaction ("ephemeral storage")."

  4. EIP 730: Strict encoding order for ABI

  5. EIP merging/updates

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

All Core Devs Meeting 11 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 11 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 3/3/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


Normally meets the first and third Friday of every month at 14:00 UTC.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

  2. Ropsten Spam Attack
  3. Gas Price on Main Network
  4. Metropolis Updates

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 34 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 34 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 02/23/18 at 14:00 UTC (

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. EIP decision process/general update
  2. Constantinople.
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring
    c. EIP 168 & 169: Killing dust accounts.
    d. EIP 859: Account abstraction for the main chain [Updated]
    e. Do we want a limited version of ethereum/EIPs#232 in the next hard fork?
    f. Timing.
  3. test rpc protocol discussion: ethereum/retesteth#5
  4. Talk about when we should start considering to implement a POC/MVP of ethereum/EIPs#648 (easy parallelizability)
  5. EIP96 (BLOCKHASH): no response from authors.
  6. Client/research updates.
  7. EthCC is in 2 weeks. Do we want to skip or reschedule meeting?

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 31 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 31 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 01/12/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing updates.
  2. Yellow paper update.
  3. EWASM update + update on the following related EIPs.
    a. EVM 2.0 - ethereum/EIPs#48
    b. Extend DUP1-16 / SWAP1-16 With DUPN / SWAPN - ethereum/EIPs#174
    c. Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM - ethereum/EIPs#615
  4. Stateless client development.
  5. Add ECADD and ECMUL precompiles for secp256k1 - ethereum/EIPs#603 [See this blog post for context].
  6. Introduce miner heuristic "Child pays for parent" (like in BTC) to combat the weird cases when transactions with 1000 Gwei stuck in the mempool (because they are dependent via nonce on transaction paying much less and not getting mined).
  7. Creating a relay network of nodes to mitigate issues described here and other transaction propagation issues.
  8. Fork release management/Constantinople.
  9. Client updates.
  10. Client improvements to alleviate issues.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 40 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 40 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 06/15/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Live Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations
  5. Skinny CREATE2.
  6. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring still needs to be updated
    a. clarify that it does not change the current semantics when invoked via BLOCKHASH -- does not deliver older blocks
    b. possibly be fixed to be able to return the genesis hash
    c. have a nicer abi signature)
  7. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM: pretty well-formed, but not 100% implemented or tested.
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring.
    c. EIP859: account abstraction.
    d. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode.
    e. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations.
    f. EIP 1014: Skinny CREATE2.
    Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

All Core Devs Meeting 18 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 18 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 6/16/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    1. EIP 206 REVERT Opcode : The "Specification" section in the EIP does not specify that REVERT can return data to the caller. Neither does it specify how the caller can access the returned data. [Yoichi]
    2. EIP 208 Abstraction of transaction origin and signature: Atomicity over an ECDSA's accounts operations [Jeff Coleman]
    3. EIP 208: ethereum/EIPs#208 Concerns [Martin H.S]
    i. A transaction hash no longer uniquely identifies an execution, since a transaction at least theoretically can be included in multiple blocks, or multiple times in a block.
    ii. Do we need to modify rpc-call which assumes hash = unique execution, to return a list of transactions instead of a single element?
    iii. What side-effects does the breaking of this invariant have on the clients?
    4. EIP 211 RETURNDATACOPY and RETURNDATASIZE: This is complete right? [Hudson]
    5. EIP 213 zkSNARK verification primitives: Gas costs for additional and mult. on EC [Christian or someone]
    6. EIP 214 STATICCALL: Various potential errors [Vitalik]
    b. Updates to testing.
    - Documentation and other updates
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    - Updates from client teams.
    - geth - ethereum/go-ethereum#14337
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 36 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 36 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 04/06/18 at 14:00 UTC (


Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. EIP 712: Add eth_signTypedData as a standard for machine-verifiable and human-readable typed data signing with Ethereum keys.
  3. EIP 665: Add precompiled contract for Ed25519 signature verification.
  4. EIP 958: Modify block mining to be ASIC resistant.
  5. EIP 960: Cap total ether supply at ~120 million.
  6. EIP process updates.
  7. Research Updates.
  8. Metropolis.
  9. Client updates.

Time permitting:
10. EIP 908: Reward for clients and full nodes validating transactions.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 25 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 25 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 9/22/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


Reminder: Metropolis is now split into 2 hard forks: "Byzantium" first and then "Constantinople".

  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    - EIP #603: Add ECADD and ECMUL precompiles for secp256k1. See this comment for details and request to add to Constantinople. [Matthew D.]
    b. Updates to testing.
    1. status/statusCode in receipts (eth rpc) [Arkidiy/Martin H.S]
    2. Hive tests update.
    3. Testnet launch update.
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth -
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - ethereumJ - ethereum/ethereumj#923
    - ethereumJS - ethereumjs/ethereumjs-monorepo#209
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.

  2. EIP 706: Snappy compression for devp2p - very simple change yet reduces sync bandwidth by 60-80%. [Peter]

  3. EIP: 152 - BLAKE2b F Compression Function Precompile [Zooko]

  4. EIP 718: Concurrency and locks for storage

  5. EIP 215: Bitwise shifting

  6. Account abstraction discussion - "I think we should also slowly bring up account abstraction again. How do the toolset providers think about it? Did we find better solutions in the meantime?"

  7. "Some way to reduce the gas costs for an SSTORE if that slot (or the whole contract) is destroyed at the end of the transaction ("ephemeral storage")."

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

All Core Devs Meeting 19 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 19 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 6/30/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
    1. EIP 86/208: Abstraction of transaction origin and signature - Contract addresses cannot any more be computed (or rather guaranteed) without a live blockchain, and even then we have no guarantee that a deployed code is ours (or that it remains ours in the face of reorgs). [Peter]
    2. EIP 86/208: Abstraction of transaction origin and signature - Discuss the comment here ethereum/EIPs#208 (comment) and further refined by ethereum/EIPs#208 (comment) [Peter]
    3. EIP 86/208: Abstraction of transaction origin and signature: Atomicity over an ECDSA's accounts operations [Jeff Coleman]
    4. Metropolis Difficulty Bomb EIP [Everyone]
    b. Updates to testing.
    - Documentation and other updates
    c. Details and implementations of EIPs.
    1. Updates from client teams.
    - geth - ethereum/go-ethereum#14337
    - Parity - openethereum/parity-ethereum#4833
    - cpp-ethereum - ethereum/aleth#4050
    - yellowpaper - ethereum/yellowpaper#229
    - pyethapp
    - Other clients
    2. Determining gas prices for new opcodes & pre-compiles [Martin HS/Everyone]
    d. Review time estimate for testing/release.
  2. Block gas limit increase update [Hudson]
  3. EIP 186: Reduce ETH issuance before proof-of-stake [Vitalik/Avsa/Nick have comments]

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Eth 1.x Proposal Sync 1 Agenda

Eth 1.x Proposal Sync 1 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Fri 30 November 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1-2 hours

Call will not be livestreamed or recorded, but unattributed notes will be published (Chatham House Rule).


  1. Transparency, note taking, Chatham House rules
  2. Recap of Nov. 2 discussion
  3. Simulation working group proposal
  4. State rent working group proposal
  5. Ewasm working group proposal
  6. Chain pruning proposal
  7. January workshop update (Joseph Chow)
  8. Continuation of transparency discussion (if necessary)

AllCoreDevs Meeting 9 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 9 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday 1/25/17 at 14:00 UTC.

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

  1. Should we set up a set meeting time? The first and third Friday of every month at 14:00 UTC maybe? Given enough notice, we can push these meetings back or forward a week due to major events that multiple core devs will be attending (such as Edcon Feb. 14th).
  2. Come to final agreement on EIP5/8 [Facilitator: Christian]
  3. Precompiles for elliptic curve point addition, elliptic curve scalar multiplication and pairing [Facilitator: Christian]
  4. Metropolis and associated EIPs. [Facilitator: Vitalik]
  1. New general state tests: ethereum/EIPs#176 . [Facilitator: Martin S.]
  2. STATIC_CALL: ethereum/EIPs#116 with additional points to discuss. [Facilitator: Christian]
    Do we want three call variants:
    (1) anything is possible (current call)
    (2) state modifications are disallowed
    (3) state modifications and state reads are disallowed (except for code) furthermore, do we want a special call opcode that fails if the target does not contain code?
  3. EIP 141: EVM opcode: designated invalid instruction. [Facilitator: Christian]
  4. Difficulty bomb block 3.5 mil. is < 3 months away. Reference to previous calculations. [Facilitator: Martin S.]
  5. New EIP GitHub process and cleanup. See details here [Facilitator: Hudson]

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 23 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 23 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 8/25/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


Reminder: Metropolis is now split into 2 hard forks: "Byzantium" first and then "Constantinople".

  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 39 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 39 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 06/01/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Live Stream Link


  1. Testing & EIP 1085: Common genesis.json format scheme across all client implementations
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations
  5. Concerns that using native browser VMs for running eWasm is not DoS hardened. See this comment and this comment.
  6. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
  7. Testnet rent. See this comment.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

All Core Devs Meeting #14

All Core Devs Meeting 14 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 4/21/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


  1. EIP 186: Reduce ETH issuance before proof-of-stake.
    Carbonvote link.
    Reddit thread #1.
    Reddit thread #2.
  2. About EIP86 (a.k.a EIP-208), there is a difference between the EIP pull-request and the implementations. Which should be fixed?
  3. Metropolis updates - specifically an update on where each client is at in implementation and an update on the tests. Some accepted EIPs are not yet specific enough to form a protocol consensus. What is the next action by whom?

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting Constantinople Session #1 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting Constantinople Session 1 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 31 August 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Constantinople Progress


  1. Three competing EIPs to delay the difficulty bomb and reduce/maintain the block reward:
    a. EIP-858 - Delay bomb and reduce block reward to 1 ETH per block.
    b. EIP-1234 - Delay bomb and reduce block reward to 2 ETH.
    c. EIP-1295 - Delay bomb, keep rewards to 3 ETH, change other factors such as POW incentive structure.
  2. Constantinople EIPs
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
    b. EIP 1218: Simpler blockhash refactoring. We are delaying this one until Istanbul.
    c. EIP 1014: Skinny CREATE2
    d. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode
    e. EIP 1283: Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps
  3. Client Constantinople Updates
  4. Constantinople Testing
  5. (If we have time) Changing PoW algorithm to be ASIC resistant. There is renewed interest from miners to implement ProgPoW.

Different articles/links regarding potential issuance reduction conversation:

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 30 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 30 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 12/15/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing Updates.
  2. Digital cats caused network congestion this month. Meow.
    a. Why did this happen and what solutions are available to prevent future network congestion? See comments below for some ideas.
    b. Stateless Clients proposal.
    c. Would having minimum system requirements to set up an optimal client/full node help?
    d. Is the bottleneck is not just disk bandwidth, but specifically sequential disk bandwidth?
    e. Vitalik has some ideas around gas cost changes and scalability-relevant client optimizations.
  3. Plans on Quantum-resistant cryptography and any plans to include it in the next update?
  4. Introduction to K-EVM team (Everett H.)
  5. Does it remain the case that the Yellow Paper is intended to be Ethereum's formal specification?

Time permitting:
6. Parity stuck ether proposals.
7. POA Testnet unification [Update]
8. Core team updates.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 22 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 22 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 8/11/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


Reminder: Metropolis is now split into 2 hard forks: "Byzantium" first and then "Constantinople".

  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
    a. Any "subtleties" or questions we need to work out.
  2. EIP 215 ethereum/EIPs#215: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM to replace EIP 145 [Alex B.]

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 28 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 28 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 11/17/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Byzantium fork review
    a. Group to write EIP for future HF guidelines (Discussion from Devcon)
    b. Move EIPs activated Byzantium to Finalized
  3. POA Testnet unification
  4. Core team updates.
  5. High-level overview of what's planned for Constantinople.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 44 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 44 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 10 August 2018 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Stream Link

Constantinople Progress


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Three competing EIPs to delay the difficulty bomb and/or reduce the block reward:
    a. EIP-858 - Reduce block reward to 1 ETH per block.
    b. EIP-1227 - Delay bomb and change rewards to 5 ETH.
    c. EIP-1234 - Delay bomb and change rewards to 2 ETH.
  5. Constantinople
    a. EIP 1014 Issues
    b. EIP 1218: Simpler blockhash refactoring. We are looking for a reason to implement this or anyone who will champion this. Otherwise we will drop it.
    c. EIP 1283/EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations: 1283 is an alternative to 1087 created due to issues Parity was having implementing 1087. Read 1283's motivation seciton of the EIP.
    d. EIP-1109: Remove call costs for precompiled contracts.
  6. Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians Update (didn't get to this on the last call)

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 43 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 43 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 07/27/18 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. Four competing EIPs to delay the difficulty bomb and/or reduce the block reward:
    a. EIP-858 - Reduce block reward to 1 ETH per block.
    b. EIP-1227 - Delay bomb and change rewards to 5 ETH.
    c. EIP-1234 - Delay bomb and change rewards to 2 ETH.
    d. EIP-1240 - Remove the difficulty bomb entirely.
  5. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
    a. EIP 145: Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM: pretty well-formed, but not 100% implemented or tested.
    b. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring.
    d. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode.
    e. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations.
    f. EIP 1014: Skinny CREATE2.
  6. Potentially lowering the cost of pre-compiles (bnAdd?, bnMul?)
  7. Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians Update

Metropolis Plan Discussion

NOTE: OUTDATED. Please see: for latest accepted EIPS.

Metropolis Discussion

Use this issue for discussion around Metro. I will update chart/todo list as comments come in.

Approximate ice age start (according to Vitalik):

  • Around March 25th (3 months) - Block time is 15.2 sec.
  • Around July 25th (6 months) - Block time is 29.7 sec.

Metropolis Todo

  • Decide which EIPs will potentially be in Metro (by way of EIP acceptance)
  • Based on chart, decide which EIPs can fit into metro and which ones will not
  • Pick a block number for Ropsten/Mainnet Metropolis

EIP Implementation Chart

Note: The EIPs listed in the chart are not necessarily approved for Metro via the EIP acceptance process, but we want to get information as early as possible.

Client EIP 5/8 EIP 86 EIP 100 EIP 101 EIP 166 EIP 196 & 197 EIP 206 & 207
go-ethereum ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Parity ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
cpp-ethereum ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
pyethapp ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
ethereumjs-lib ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Ethereum(J) ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
ruby-ethereum ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

All Core Devs Meeting 16 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 16 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 5/19/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. ERC-20 Token Standard Finalization [Fabian, Nick, or Hudson]
  1. Metropolis updates/EIPs.
  1. [Time permitting] "If we have time (no high priority), I would like to get some feedback about adding functionality that allows dapps to be notified whenever a certain address was touched by a transaction (including internal calls). This information does not necessarily have to be part of the block, but could be an isolated index database." [Christian R.]

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 38 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 38 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 05/18/18 at 14:00 GMT

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link

Livepeer Live Stream Link


  1. Testing & EIP 1085: Common genesis.json format scheme across all client implementations
  2. Client Updates
  3. Research Updates
  4. EIP 908: Reward clients for a sustainable network - When each transaction is validated, give a reward to clients for developing the client - When each transaction is validated, give a reward to clients for developing the client and provide a reward to full nodes for validating the transaction (Ethereum Magicians thread).
  5. EIP 1057: ProgPOW, a programmatic Proof-of-Work - an alternate proof-of-work algorithm - “ProgPoW” - tuned for commodity hardware in order to close the efficiency gap available to specialized ASICs. Technical details.
  6. EIP 210: Blockhash refactoring - @holiman wants to finalize a few points:
    a. the original intent (no semantic changes to BLOCKHASH -- only gas changes) versus the current spec (semantic changes), and
    b. whether to make it nicer to ABI-call it, and
    c. whether to add genesis lookup in there.
    d. Fixes for EIP-210 blockhash contract: ethereum/EIPs#1094.
    See this summary document.
  7. EIP 1051: Overflow checking for the EVM
  8. EIP 1052: EXTCODEHASH Opcode
  9. EIP 1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations
  10. Concerns that using native browser VMs for running eWasm is not DoS hardened. See this comment and this comment.
  11. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call).
  12. Core dev meeting discussion & changes - scope of agenda items, role of participants, etc.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

All Core Devs Meeting 13 Agenda

All Core Devs Meeting 13 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 4/7/17 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours


  1. Resolution for STATICCALL, PURECALL, REVERT Opcode, & DynamicReturn Discussion (may need to be separate topics)
    Related EIPS: (ethereum/EIPs#214, ethereum/EIPs#195, ethereum/EIPs#207, ethereum/EIPs#211)
  2. Update on EIP 225: Rinkeby and Clique PoA.
  3. EIP 186: Reduce ETH issuance before proof-of-stake.
    Carbonvote link.
    Reddit thread #1.
    Reddit thread #2.
  4. Metropolis updates.

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 37 Agenda

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 37 Agenda

Meeting Date/Time: Friday 04/20/18 at 14:00 UTC (

Meeting Duration 1.5 hours

YouTube Live Stream Link


  1. Testing including: string test_addTransaction(string _jsonTransaction) (continuing conversation from last call)
  2. EIP 908: Reward for clients and full nodes validating transactions + @MicahZoltu proposal (time did not permit on last call)
  3. Ben Edgington's proposal that all EIPs ought to contain a PR against the yellow paper before being merged or accepted (continuing conversation from last call)
  4. EIP 960: Cap total ether supply at ~120 million (continuing conversation from last call)
  5. EIP 969: Modifications to ethash to invalidate existing dedicated hardware implementations (continuing conversation from last call)
  6. EIP 999: Restore Contract Code at 0x863DF6BFa4469f3ead0bE8f9F2AAE51c91A907b4
  7. Research Updates
  8. Constantinople hard fork timing and what to include (continuing conversation from last call) - Afri: meta-EIP for Constantinople? Hivetests already has tests enabled, Parity failing, cf. openethereum/parity-ethereum#8427.
  9. Client updates
  10. Timing of next call (EdCon)

Please provide comments to add or correct agenda topics.

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